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Bernardin Bela Naradina
Persaingan yang tinggi dengan perusahaan dalam industri yang sama
menyebabkan perusahaan harus mampu mencari peluang yang memungkinkan
untuk meminimalkan biaya dari penerapan strategi bisnis yang dijalankan.
Restrukturisasi tidak lepas dari adanya perubahan strategi yang pada hakekatnya
ingin memperbaiki performa organisasi, disamping adanya pengaruh struktur
keuangan yang membebankan perusahaan. Dalam kaitan ini, melalui kebijakan
perpajakan, pemerintah telah memberikan kemudahan (fasilitas) perpajakan bagi
Wajib Pajak dalam melakukan kegiatan restrukturisasi.
Pihak manajemen MMI mempunyai strategi berupa penggabungan usaha
atau likuidasi usaha. Manajemen perusahaan berusaha untuk memilih strategi
yang memberikan beban pajak yang paling efisien sebagai salah satu biaya yang
dikeluarkan, dengan memanfaatkan fasilitas perpajakan tersebut.
Metode penelitian yang dilakukan didasarkan pada metode deskriptif
analisis, dengan melalui studi pustaka dan analisis atas kebijakan perpajakan,
disandingkan dengan data keuangan dari MMI.
Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa
perusahaan bisa menggunakan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor
43/PMK.03/2008 untuk penggabungan usaha menggunakan nilai buku sehingga
perusahaan dapat terhindar dari adanya pajak penghasilan capital gain atas harta
perusahaan yang dialihkan dalam kegiatan restrukturisasi. Selain itu terdapat juga
Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 91/PMK.03/2006 untuk mengurangi Bea
Perolehan Hak Atas Tanah dan/atau Bangunan hingga mencapai 75%.

High competition with companies in the same industry led to the company
to be able to look for opportunities that allow minimizing the cost of
implementation of a business strategy. Restructuring cannot be separated from a
change in strategy that is intrinsically targeted to improve the performance of the
organization, in addition to the burden effect caused by the company's financial
structure. In this regard, through a tax policy, the government has provided a tax
facility for taxpayers in restructuring activities.
MMI?s management has strategic options to apply merger or liquidation
strategy. The management is trying to choose the propriate strategy that gives the
most efficient tax burden by utilizing the tax facility.
The research method performed based on the descriptive method of
analysis, the literature study and analysis of tax policy and coupled with financial
data from the MMI, GII, IR and SSK.
Based on the analysis it can be concluded that the Minister of Finance
Regulation Number 43/PMK.03/2008 for business combinations is applicable by
using the book value so the company can be prevented from the income tax due
on capital gain on assets transferred. In addition, there is also the Minister of
Finance Regulation Number 91/PMK.03/2006 to reduce Levy on Acquisition of
Land and/or Buildings up to 75 %."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinambela, Ricardo
"Monetary sector especially banking constitutes a sector which at most getting some facilities from the government referring to the economic crisis impact. These facilities include aid of liquidity from the central bank (BLBI), transfer of credit stuck, fund of recapitalization, revaluation of assets and permit for quasi reorganization. Bank X uses additional paid in capital coming from recapitalization fund for deficit elimination through quasi reorganization. Actually this method is aimed by bank at distributing earnings. The Bank wants to release from the failure of managing bank at the past which is it can be seen from the deficit by vanishing it. From the taxation prospective, the bank always makes any effort to carry over her fiscal lost despite the lost commercial has been eliminated. They can set and adjust the tax regulation to accommodate its interest for example the tax regulation about The Use of Book Value for Corporate Restructuring Transaction. Revaluation of assets and quasi reorganization are used to compensate her profit against loss and then the remaining profit may be distributed without taxable before. From the accounting aspect, the Bank X only eliminates the deficit to additional paid in capital account because it doesn?t follow the accounting procedure for quasi reorganization. The Bank X doesn?t revalue its assets to the fair value at the date of quasi reorganization by the way the value of retained earnings account do not become zero. The Bank X doesn?t have significant impairment of its assets so that it doesn?t have any reason for quasi reorganization. Another principle for quasi reorganization that the firm after quasi reorganization start from newly are not fulfilled by Bank X because there are still profit balance expressing management interest. From the business aspect, quasi reorganization doesn?t have significant effect to Bank X performance. Performance and healthy of Bank X measured with financial and CAR rasio does not effected by deficit amount. The study was taken by analyzing and comparing the implementation of quasi reorganization at the Bank X with the rules and theory thereof. This study was also taken by interviewing a couple of people who have competence. The important finding of this analysis is that the Bank X may release from mistakes of past management by engineering her deficit elimination and also the Bank X can enjoy as maximum its earnings through fiscal loss compensation. Pursuant to that finding, there is required to be conducted the observation of applying of quasi reorganization according to accounting standard and there is required the clearer taxation and accounting regulation to be made so that quasi reorganization can not be used solely to divide profit."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fatha Permana
Tesis ini membahas analisa perlakuan pajak penghasilan atas rencana merger dan akuisisi dalam kaitannya dengan langkah-langkah dalam merger dan akuisisi. Dikaji mengenai bentuk dan langkah dalam merger dan akuisisi yang dapat diterapkan oleh perusahaan yang berdomisili di kawasan perdagangan bebas Batam dan Bintan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa alternatif merger dengan menggunakan nilai buku yang disetujui oleh Direktur Jenderal Pajak akan memberikan efisiensi atas pajak penghasilan dibandingkan dengan alternatif akuisisi karena perusahaan dapat terhindar dari adanya pajak penghasilan capital gain atas harta perusahaan yang dialihkan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis dengan memaparkan informasi mengenai suatu permasalahan, wawancara narasumber ahli, dan analisa kualitatif dengan acuan literatur dan ketentuan yang berlaku.

The focus of this study is to analyze the income tax treatment for merger and acquisition in relation with the steps for merger and acquisition. Will be analyzed the model and steps in merger and acquisition that can be applied by companies domiciled in the Batam and Bintan free trade zone. The research concludes that the alternative merger using book value as approved by the Director General of Taxation will provide income tax efficiency compared to the acquisition alternative because the company can be prevented from the income tax due on capital gain on assets transferred. The study is conducted in analytical descriptive in order to explain related information by interviewing the expert and perform qualitative analysis from related literature and regulations."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggi Citranur
"Konsekuensi atas sistem pemungutan pajak di Indonesia yang menganut Self Assessment System menuntut Dirjen Pajak untuk meningkatkan pengawasan atas kewajiban perpajakan melalui pemeriksaan pajak. Oleh karena itu, wajib pajak perlu melakukan persiapan untuk menghadapi pemeriksaan, salah satunya melalui ekualisasi SPT. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai ekualisasi peredaran usaha dalam SPT PPh badan dan PPN sebagai bagian dari perencanaan pajak dalam rangka pemeriksaan berdasarkan studi kasus PT XYZ. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan ekualisasi dipengaruhi oleh proses bisnis wajib pajak dan permasalahan teknis. Ekualisasi memiliki peran sebagai perencanaan pajak untuk meminimalisir adanya kejutan pajak dalam pemeriksaan.

As a consequence of tax collecting system in Indonesia applied Self Assessment System requires Directorate General of Taxation to increase monitoring system of tax obligation by tax audit. Thus, taxpayer have to prepare facing tax audit, through equalization of tax return. This research discusses sales equalization of Corporate Income Tax Return and VAT Tax Return as a part of tax planning in audit based on the case study at PT XYZ. This study is a descriptive qualitative research design. The result of this study shows that equalization is influenced by business nature of taxpayer and the technical problems. Equalization has a role as tax planning to minimize tax surprise in audit."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Lulanti
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan dasar koreksi pemeriksaan PPh Badan PT ABCD Tahun 2011 yang dilakukan oleh pemeriksa pajak. Secara lebih rinci, laporan magang ini membahas mengenai analisis koreksi pajak, pengajuan keberatan, pengajuan banding, serta peraturan pajak terkait. Metode yang digunakan ialah dengan menggunakan peraturan perpajakan sebagai acuan dilakukannya koreksi. Berdasarkan proses yang telah dilalui PT ABCD koreksi pajak atas PPh Badan merupakan permasalahan pembuktian dokumen, lemahnya dasar peraturan yang digunakan, serta permasalahan klasifikasi biaya. Untuk memenangkan banding, PT ABCD harus mempersiapkan dokumen pendukung.

This report is aimed to explain the basis of tax audit of Corporate Income Tax of PT ABCD for the fiscal year 2011 by tax auditor. Furthermore, this report discusses analysis of tax adjustment, tax dispute, tax appeal, and related tax regulations. The method used is by using tax regulation as reference for adjustment. According to the processes that have been passed by PT ABCD, tax adjustment of the Corporate Income Tax are problems of evidentiary documents, lack of legal basis used, and cost classification problem. To win in the tax court, PT ABCD has to prepare supporting documents.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gulo, Yaatulo
"The role of taxpayers permitted to maintain their book keeping in US $ currency to government's revenue are increasing therefore such discriminatory policy needs a serious study to ensure the fairness and certainty in implementation. Minister of Finance Decree Number 533 Year 2000 specifying five types of business which are allowed to maintain the book keeping in US $ without a criterion as standardized in financial accounting standard (FAS), as a result arising issue in the effort of taxing foreign exchange difference. Accounting standard sees the non functional currency as a foreign currency. All monetary items and all transactions are denominated in foreign currency generate the foreign exchange difference. Prevailing implementation rules designed to rule the Rupiah book keeping which will become inequitable judicially if applied to the US $ books taxpayer. This thesis is addressed to analyze the foreign exchange difference treatment to the company permitted to maintain their bookkeeping in US $, base on license's granting criteria, exchange rate and foreign exchange rate difference, foreign exchange treatment in prevailing regulations, exchange rates and financial report items translation, and the improvement proposal to make the foreign exchange taxing will be in line with the basic law principles.
US $ bookkeeping is designed to respond the globalization demand and to provide the conducive climate of investments. Accountancy is an element of tax administration in providing information about tax object. Accounting information is expressed in monetary unit is so-called as an accounting currency. Accounting currency is functional currency, currency considered as non-functional be foreign currency. Exchange rates fluctuation is generating foreign exchange difference. Restatement of foreign currencies balance and transactions denominated in foreign currency within two different points of time will generate foreign exchange losses/gains which ultimately affecting the tax liability. S-H-S income concept assumes the foreign exchange rate difference as a part of capital gains or capital losses, which should be taxed or deducted at the realization date.
Type of research for this thesis has the character of analytical-descriptive. Data collecting conducted with research of documents and research of field. Research of documents conducted with research of bibliography and research of field. Research of bibliography cover research of literatures, expert's opinions, relevant taxation rules and financial data of PT X. Field research conducted by holding an interview with interested parties to the foreign exchange difference taxation case which studied-in is PT X case as according to Code of Foreign Capital.
The principle of book keeping rule in the law of General Provision and Taxation Procedure (referred as "KUP Law") mention that unless otherwise stipulated by tax laws, the book keeping must be executed by means or systems normally uses in Indonesia, like on the basis of Financial Accountancy Standards (FAS). The KUP Law gives authority to Minister of Finance to define the taxpayer which may allow to maintain book keeping in US $ without accompanied by criterion, therefore MOF has his own discretion to issue further book keeping rules which might possibly oppose the basic principles of basic rules. Every transaction carries out in the non US S currency will yield the foreign exchange difference. A foreign exchange gain is subject to tax and a foreign exchange loss will be deductible from the gross income. Prevailing implementation rules related to the foreign exchange difference do not itemize particular financial report post able to be translated by historical exchange rate and balance, which translated with current exchange rate. The tax authority's treatment and tax court's decision on the PT X case was derived from Gunadi's opinion in his book that there is no foreign exchange loss from the tax payables or receivables accounts since the taxes receivables/ payables account should be translated by historical exchange rate. From accounting point of view, the Gunadi's method of translation is a temporal method with dual transactions perspective which nor FAS neither prevailing tax laws does not adopted. FAS adopts the monetary and non monetary translation method as an accepted standard to report all foreign currency transactions.
It is recommended that the licensed taxpayer to apply the US $ book keeping has to rely on certain criteria in line with the other article within the same provision. The implementation provisions of forcij exchange difference need to update by inserting the detail of foreign exchange loss derived from which items allow as deduction and the detail of foreign exchange gain derived from which items treats as the income tax object.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R.H. Wahyu Wijayanto
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang revaluasi aktiva tetap perusahaan untuk tujuan perpajakan. Penelitian ini mencoba melihat bagaimana perencanaan pajak atas aktiva tetap di PT X. Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 79 tahun 2008 mempersilahkan perusahaan untuk melakukan revaluasi atas aktiva tetapnya dan atas selisih lebih dari hasil revaluasi tersebut dikenakan PPh Final dengan tarif 10%, Hal ini sebenarnya cukup menguntungkan bagi perusahaan yang ingin melakukan revaluasi untuk keperluan penghematan beban pajak yang akan ditanggung oleh perusahaan. Penulis menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang berdasarkan tujuannya termasuk penelitian deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka dan studi lapangan yang dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana perusahaan memanfaatkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan tersebut dan hambatan yang ditemukan bagi perusahaan untuk melakukan revaluasi aktiva sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan serta keuntungan bagi perusahaan dalam rangka melakukan revaluasi.

This study discusses the Company's Fixed Asset Revaluation for Taxation Purpose. This study try to see how is the Company's Fixed Asset Revaluation for Taxation Purpose according to Minstry of Finance regulation. The regulation allows company to perform Fixed Asset revaluation and impose 10% Tax on the gain of fixed asset revaluation. This regulation could be benefiting for company which like to perform fixed asset revaluation in order to do the tax saving. This research uses qualitative research methods based on data collecting techniques study the literature and field studies conducted with interviews. The outcome of this research is to know how far companies in Indonesia took advantage of regulation and to know barrier for companies to perform fixed asset revaluation according to Ministry of Finance regulation. And also to know what are the benefits for company if they perform the Fixed Asset revaluation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ines Nastasya
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai penerapan perencanaan pajak pada PT RBA dan mengetahui alternatif-alternatif yang ada dari perencanaan pajak dalam berbagai transaksi bisnis perusahaan. Dan selanjutnya dapat diterapkan alternatif yang terbaik yang memberikan penghematan pajak dan laba bersih setelah pajak yang paling maksimal. Ruang lingkup dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada PT RBA, teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan dengan wawancara dengan pihak perusahaan maupun melalui observasi secara langsung.

The objectives of this study is to provide an overview of the implementation of tax planning on a PT RBA and knowing that there are alternatives of tax planning in a variety of business transactions. Then can be applied to the best alternative that provides tax saving and net profit after tax at the maximum. Scope in this study is limited within PT RBA data collection technique with library research and field research by interviewing with the manajemen as well as direct observations."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan e-faktur sebelum dan sesudah pemusatan PPN dan faktor yang menyebabkan e-faktur tidak dapat mengakomodir aturan pemusatan PPN hingga mendorong terjadinya ketidakpatuhan pajak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisis lebih dalam fenomena penerapan e-faktur terkait pemusatan PPN.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan e-faktur telah memberikan kemudahan kepada PKP dalam menjalankan kewajiban perpajakannya. Namun, e-faktur memiliki kelemahan yaitu tidak dapat menyediakan sarana pelaporan untuk membetulkan data PPN cabang setelah pemusatan sehingga mempengaruhi perilaku PKP dari patuh menjadi tidak patuh.

This study aims to analyze the application of e-faktur before and after VAT centralization and the factors that cause e-faktur to not accommodate the VAT centralization rules to encourage tax non-compliance. This study uses qualitative methods to deep analyze into the phenomenon of the application of e-faktur related to VAT centralization.
The result of the study indicates that overall e-faktur has provided convenience to PKP in carrying out their tax obligations. However, e-faktur has the disadvantage of not being able to provide a report to correct branch’s VAT data after centralization, thus alters PKP behavior from being obedient to non-compliance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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