"Latar belakang Pelayaran singkat, pertukaran proses bersandar dan berlayar yang cepat, serta kepadatan lalu-lintas di jalur pelayaran Bakauheni menjadi tantangan bagi awak kapal feri roro dalam mempertahankan pola kerja dan menyebabkan tekanan psiko-emosional, yang dapat mengganggu kualitas tidur. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai hubungan pola rotasi kerja terhadap kualitas tidur pada awak kapal feri roro, serta faktor lain yang berhubungan.
Metode Dengan desain potong lintang, awak kapal feri roro di Pelabuhan Bakauheni yang dipilih dilakukan penilaian kualitas tidur dengan menggunakan Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Karakteristik pekerjaan yang dinilai: jabatan, durasi berlayar, masa kerja, jumlah shift kerja, jam kerja/shift, jam kerja/minggu. Getaran dan kebisingan diukur pada setiap kamar tidur awak kapal yang dipilih.
Hasil Sebanyak 107 responden dari 4 kapal berbeda dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini dengan karakteristik sebagian besar berusia >35 tahun (54,2%), masa kerja >10 tahun (59,8%), bekerja dalam pola shift (81,4%) dengan jam kerja ≤10 jam/shift (82,2%), serta waktu kerja total ≤72 jam/minggu (51,4%). Kualitas tidur buruk didapatkan pada 72,9% responden. Pola kerja 2- shift (OR: 34.67, 95% CI: 3.21–375.07) dan 3-shift (OR: 14.19, 95% CI: 1.26–159.35) merupakan faktor determinan kualitas tidur buruk pada awak kapal feri roro. Faktor lain yang berhubungan adalah jabatan (OR: 8,20, 95% CI: 1,90–35,39) dan getaran (OR: 3,83, 95% CI: 1,09–13,49).
Kesimpulan Dengan prevalensi kualitas tidur buruk yang cukup tinggi, pengawasan dan pengaturan pola rotasi kerja awak kapal feri roro perlu ditingkatkan. Perusahaan pelayaran harus melakukan pemeliharaan, modifikasi, atau pembaharuan akomodasi kapal untuk meningkatkan kualitas tidur awak kapal.
IntroductionCrew members on roll-on roll-off (roro) ferries at the crossing port face many work challenges, including more port calls due to shorter voyages and challenging sailing conditions. These factors can lead to an irregular work schedule and psychological and emotional stress, that can induce sleep disruption. This study aims to analyse the association of work schedule and sleep quality, as well as other related factors.MethodThis cross-sectional study was conducted at Bakauheni port Lampung, Indonesia, which is renowned as one of the busiest ports in Indonesia, The Indonesian version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to assess the quality of sleep. An interview was conducted to gather information regarding the job rank, duration on board, seafaring experience, shifts schedule, and working hours. Vibrations and noise levels were measured in the bedrooms of selected crews. The determining factor was analyzed using logistic regression.ResultWe conducted an analysis on a sample of 107 participants from four randomly selected ships that shared comparable characteristics. The majority of participants were over the age of 35 (54,2%), had more than 10 years of sailing experience (59,8%), worked in shifts (81,4%), and had total working hours of 72 hours or less per week (51,4%). Approximately 72.9% of the participants experience poor sleep quality. The 2-shift (OR: 34.67, 95% CI: 3.21–375.07) and 3-shift (OR: 14.19, 95% CI: 1.26–159.35) schedule are determining factors that associated with poor sleep quality. Additionally, job rank (OR: 8.20, 95% CI: 1.90–35.39) and exposure to vibration (OR: 3.83, 95% CI: 1.09–13.49) are other contributing factors.ConclusionThere is a high of prevalence of poor sleep quality among roro ferry crews in Indonesia. The regulation of the work rotation schedule needs to be improved and supervised. Shipping companies are required to provide appropriate accommodation for the crews."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024