Ditemukan 2880 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Martins, Jo. M.
"The book offers conceptual and analytical tools that can be used in the assessment of population characteristics as determinants of market size, composition and potential for a variety of products. It offers organising frameworks as well as empirical evidence of consumer behaviour in clusters of markets, with different rates of population growth and age distribution that affect consumers’ priorities and demand for basic and progressive commodities. The book shows commonalities as well as differences in consumer behaviour arising from different cultures and social customs. It uses analytical tools that are explained and accessible to readers with a range of competences. "
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Fina Anggun Puspita
"Seabank merupakan salah satu digital bank yang merupakan perusahaan raksasa teknologi asal Singapura yaitu Sea Group, berhasil melakukan masuk ke dalam pasar perbankan di Indonesia. Semakin meningkatnya pertumbuhan Bank Digital di Indonesia akan mengancam loyalitas nasabah Seabank sendiri karena maraknya permasalahan customer switching dan multiple account dibidang perbankan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh Pengaruh Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction, dan Word of Mouth terhadap Customer Loyalty dengan Consumer Demographics sebagai Variabel Moderasi pada Nasabah Seabank di DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner menggunakan Google Form kepada 100 nasabah Seabank di DKI Jakarta dengan usia minimal 18 tahun dan telah melakukan transaksi melalui aplikasi Seabank minimal 2 kali dalam 6 bulan terakhir. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis regresi liniear dengan uji t dan f serta moderated regression analysis melalui software SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa customer experience, customer satisfaction, dan word of mouth secara parsial memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap customer loyalty pada nasabah Seabank di DKI Jakarta. Akan tetapi, variabel moderasi yaitu consumer demographics yang terdiri dari jenis kelamin, usia, dan pendapatan, tidak memiliki memiliki pengaruh sehingga tidak memoderasi pengaruh antara variabel customer experience, customer satisfaction, dan word of mouth terhadap customer loyalty. Sedangkan pendidikan memoderasi pengaruh customer satisfaction terhadap customer loyalty.
Seabank is a digital bank from Singapura which has succeeded in entering the banking market in Indonesia. The increasing growth of Digital Banks in Indonesia will threaten the loyalty of Seabank's own customers due to the increasing problems of customer switching and multiple accounts in the banking sector. The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of Customer Experience, Customer Satisfaction, and Word of Mouth on Customer Loyalty with Consumer Demographics as a Moderating Variable on Seabank Customers in DKI Jakarta. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires using Google Form to 100 Seabank customers in DKI Jakarta who were at least 18 years old and had made transactions via the Seabank application at least twice in the last 6 months. This research uses descriptive analysis, linear regression analysis with t and f tests and moderated regression analysis using SPSS software. The results of this research show that customer experience, customer satisfaction, and word of mouth partially have a significant influence on customer loyalty of Seabank customers in DKI Jakarta. However, the moderating variable, namely consumer demographics which consists of gender, age and income, has no influence so it does not moderate the influence of the customer experience, customer satisfaction and word of mouth variables on customer loyalty. Meanwhile, education moderates the influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Stone, Leroy O.
"This book argues that the weakening of public and employer-sponsored social safety nets in several countries will permanently increase pre-retirees? risk-anxiety and create pressure towards readjustment of their expectations about the quality of their lives in retirement. The result will be to raise the priority of achieving effective comprehensive retirement related risk management. This achievement requires an emphasis upon the cascading of linked risks, and careful attention to the optimization of scarce resources used to manage those linked risks. Professional financial and retirement planning advisors comprise a key source of help. This book develops new knowledge concerning the factors that help to explain three important aspects of access to these professional advisors. The results of this analysis are used to illustrate the process of identifying distinctive population segments, key demographics, on the basis of multiple population attributes treated simultaneously. The illustration is further extended with an identification of distinctive population segments relative to performance on a composite indicator of the conduct of multiple retirement risk management activities. The book also discusses implications of the pattern of gender differences in preparedness to address retirement?s challenges, highlighting subgroups of women in which inadequate preparedness is pronounced. "
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Anggraito Amirullah
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan faktor sosio-demografi dan pengetahuan dengan sikap mahasiswa FKM UI terhadap penderita HIV-AIDS tahun 2013. Penelitian dengan desain cross sectional pada 147 mahasiswa program sarjana FKM UI angkatan 2010 dan 2011 sebagai sumber data yang dikumpulkan dengan cara angket menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 61,2% mahasiswa memiliki sikap yang negatif terhadap penderita HIV-AIDS, 54,6% mahasiswa mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan yang buruk tentang HIV-AIDS. Sebagian besar responden (70,7%) berusia < 20 tahun, berjenis kelamin perempuan (77,6%) dan umumnya berpendidikan SMA (96,6%), beragama Islam (47,5%) dan berasal dari luar Jakarta (62,6%) serta tinggal di rumah kost/asrama (58,5%). Hasil analisis mendapatkan tidak ada variabel yang berhubungan dengan sikap responden terhadap penderita HIV-AIDS.
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship of sociodemographic factors and knowledge associated with the attitudes of 'Faculty of Public Health', University of Indonesia student towards people who live with HIV-AIDS in 2013. This study used cross-sectional design with a total sample of 147 students of FKM class 2010 and 2011 which taken as the total sample and also using questionnaire as a measure of this research. The results of this study showed that 61.2% of students still have a negative attitude towards people with HIV-AIDS and 54.6% of students have a poor level of knowledge about HIVAIDS. A total of 70.7% of respondents aged less than 20 years, by sex is dominated 77.6% of women with a recent educational background equivalent of high school graduates (96.6%), Moslem (87.1%) came from outside Jakarta (62 , 6%), and lived in a boarding house/dormitory (58.5%). Based on chi square test age is no one variable that had a significant relationship with attitudes toward people living with HIV-AIDS in the FKM student class of 2010 and 2011."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Hoppensteadt, Frank
"Mathematical theories of populations have appeared both implicitly and explicitly in many important studies of populations, human populations as well as populations of animals, cells and viruses. They provide a systematic way for studying a population's underlying structure.
A basic model in population age structure is studied and then applied, extended and modified, to several population phenomena such as stable age distributions, self-limiting effects, and two-sex populations. Population genetics are studied with special attention to derivation and analysis of a model for a one-locus, two-allele trait in a large randomly mating population. The dynamics of contagious phenomena in a population are studied in the context of epidemic diseases."
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1975
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Medical information can improve health, and there is an enormous amount of health information available on the Internet. A randomized clinical trial tested the effectiveness of an intervention based on social?cognitive theory to improve information use among people living with HIV/AIDS. Men and women (N 448) were placed in either (a) an 8-session intervention that focused on Internet information consumer skills or (b) a time-matched support group and were followed to 9 months postintervention. The Internet skills group demonstrated greater Internet use for health, information coping, and social support compared with the control group. The authors conclude that people with HIV infection may benefit from increased access to health information on the Internet and that vulnerability to misinfor- mation and fraud can be reduced through behavioral interventions."
JCCP 74 (1-3) 2006
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Triani Mulianita Putri
ABSTRAKPerlindungan terhadap konsumen semakin dipandang penting secara materil maupun formal. Dengan demikian, upaya untuk memberikan perlindungan yang memadai terhadap kepentingan konsumen merupakan suatu hal yang penting dan mendesak, mengingat sedemikian kompleksnya permasalahan yang menyangkut perlindungan konsumen di Indonesia lebih-lebih menyongsong era perdagangan bebas. Bagi konsumen, informasi tentang barang dan/ atau jasa memilki arti yang sangat penting. Pada era globalisasi saat ini, perusahaan perlu melakukan inovasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja, dengan memakai teknologi internet sebagai sarana dalam mendukung proses bisnis. Dengan semakin banyaknya pelaku bisnis yang menyadari betapa pentingnya penggunaan internet sebagai kesempatan untuk mengubah pola bisnis yang konvensional ke dalam bisnis berbasis elektronik (e-Business). E-procurement merupakan salah satu pendekatan terbaik dalam mencegah terjadinya korupsi dalam pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah. Tujuan diadakannya E-procurement salah satunya Memperbaiki kualitas pelayanan pemerintah kepada para stakeholder-nya (masyarakat, kalangan bisnis, dan industri). Dalam E-procurement masyarakat digolongkan sebagai konsumen yang kepuasaannya dijadikan tujuan utama dari diadakannya E-procurement. Hal tersebut juga tercantum pada Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen dimana dirumuskan bahwa filosofi pembangunan nasioanal Pancasila dan Dasar Negara Undang-undang Dasar 1945, dimana pembangunan nasional, termasuk pembangunan hukum, melekat upaya yang bertujuan untuk memberikan perlindungan bagi rakyat Indonesia.
ABSTRACTConsumer protection is deemed very important both materially and formally. Thus, efforts to provide adequate protection against the interests of consumers is an important and urgent, given the way the complex problems related to the protection of consumers in Indonesia especially welcome the era of free trade. For consumers, the information about the goods and/ or services have the meaning that is very important. In the current era of globalization, companies need to innovate in improving performance, using Internet technology as a means to support business processes. With more and more businesses are realizing the importance of the use of the Internet as an opportunity to change the business pattern in the conventional electronic-based business (e-Business). E-procurement is one of the best approaches in preventing corruption in the procurement of government goods and services. The objective of the E-procurement one Improving the quality of government services to its stakeholders (community, business, and industrial). In the E-procurement is classed as a consumer society that his satisfaction used as the main purpose of holding the E-procurement. It is also listed in the Consumer Protection Act which was formulated that national development philosophy of Pancasila and the Undang-Undang Dasar 194 , where national development, including the development of the law, attached to efforts aimed at providing protection for the people of Indonesia."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Engel, James F.
Forth Worth: The Dryden Press , 1995
339.4 ENG c
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Wells, William D.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996
658.834 2 WEL c
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library