ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas mengenai tumpang tindih sertipikat di atas suatu lahan akibat
kesalahan administratif. Sertipikat yang cacat hukum administratif adalah
sertipikat yang mengandung kesalahan prosedur, kesalahan penerapan peraturan
perundang-undangan, kesalahan subyek hak, kesalahan obyek hak, kesalahan
jenis hak, kesalahan perhitungan luas, data yuridis atau data fisik tidak benar, atau
kesalahan lain yang bersifat administratif. Sertipikat yang cacat hukum
administrative dapat memberikan ketidakpastian hukum sebagaimana yang
diharapkan oleh pendaftararan tanah di Indonesia Penelitian ini merupakan suatu
penelitian yang berbentuk penelitian normatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Kecamatan Bojonegara pernah terjadi
Penerbitan Sertipikat yang cacat hukum administratif yaitu penerbitan Sertipikat
HPL atas Nama PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II yang terletak di Kecamatan
Bojonegara, Kabupaten Serang.
ABSTRACTThe focus of this Thesis is Overlapping Certificate of Right on Land as a result of
an Administrative Law Deformed.Administrative Law Deformed Certificate is the
certificate with the inaccuracy of procedure, the regulation application, the right
subject, the right type, the width calculation, the incorrect judicial or physical data
or other administrative inaccuracy. The administrative Law deformed certificate
may cause the uncertainty of law as it is expected by the Land Registry in
Indonesia. Research methods in this thesis is a normative legal research methods
refers to the legal norms which is contained in the legislation that is descriptive
research. The research result shows that in Bojonegara, has ever issued the
Administrative Law Deformed Certificate, which was the issuing of Certificate
HPL upon the name of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II, located in Bojonegara District,
Serang City.;The focus of this Thesis is Overlapping Certificate of Right on Land as a result of
an Administrative Law Deformed.Administrative Law Deformed Certificate is the
certificate with the inaccuracy of procedure, the regulation application, the right
subject, the right type, the width calculation, the incorrect judicial or physical data
or other administrative inaccuracy. The administrative Law deformed certificate
may cause the uncertainty of law as it is expected by the Land Registry in
Indonesia. Research methods in this thesis is a normative legal research methods
refers to the legal norms which is contained in the legislation that is descriptive
research. The research result shows that in Bojonegara, has ever issued the
Administrative Law Deformed Certificate, which was the issuing of Certificate
HPL upon the name of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II, located in Bojonegara District,
Serang City., The focus of this Thesis is Overlapping Certificate of Right on Land as a result of
an Administrative Law Deformed.Administrative Law Deformed Certificate is the
certificate with the inaccuracy of procedure, the regulation application, the right
subject, the right type, the width calculation, the incorrect judicial or physical data
or other administrative inaccuracy. The administrative Law deformed certificate
may cause the uncertainty of law as it is expected by the Land Registry in
Indonesia. Research methods in this thesis is a normative legal research methods
refers to the legal norms which is contained in the legislation that is descriptive
research. The research result shows that in Bojonegara, has ever issued the
Administrative Law Deformed Certificate, which was the issuing of Certificate
HPL upon the name of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II, located in Bojonegara District,
Serang City.]"