A. Nuraisyah
ABSTRAKReformasi dalam tata kelola penyelenggaraan pemerintah kita kenal dengan
istilah reformasi birokrasi. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah
perbedaan pemahaman terhadap peraturan dan manajemen sumber daya manusia
aparatur belum dilaksanakan secara optimal untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme,
kinerja pegawai dan organisasi. Tunjangan kinerja merupakan cara yang
digunakan untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme kinerja pegawai sebagai bentuk
penghargaan terhadap prestasi kerja Aparatur Sipil Negara dalam rangka
pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi. Tesis ini berupaya untuk mengetahui kesesuaian
PERMEN KP Nomor 30/PERMEN-KP/2013 dalam hal penilaian dan pemberian
tunjangan kinerja sebagaimana Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang
Aparatur Sipil Negara mengaturnya dalam Manajeman Aparatur Sipil Negara
(ASN) serta menganalisis dampak pemberian tunjangan kinerja dapat
mempengaruhi peningkatan kinerja pegawai Inspektorat Jenderal (Itjen KKP)
apabila dikaitkan dengan asas akuntabilitas dalam hukum administrasi
kepegawaian. Penulisan tesis ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif
dengan melihat, menelaah dan menginterpretasikan hal-hal yang bersifat teoritis
yang menyangkut asas-asas hukum berupa konsepsi, peraturan perundangundangan,
pandangan, doktrin hukum dan sistem hukum yang berkaitan.
Berdasarkan analisis, perbedaan pemahaman mengenai peraturan pada tingkat
pusat terhadap pengisian penilaian kinerja yang dilakukan berdampak tidak
berjalannya penilaian kinerja secara teratur dan tertib. Pemberian tunjangan
kinerja pada lingkup Itjen KKP belum menunujukkan peningkatan kinerja yang
signifikan. Hal ini berakibat terhadap terhambatnya pelaksanaan reformasi
birokrasi sebagai perubahan besar dalam tata kelola pemerintahan (good
governance) di lingkup Itjen KKP.
ABSTRACTReform of governmental performance management so called Bureaucracy
Reform. Some faced problems are the difference between comprehension to
regulation and human resource (apparatus) management had not been
implemented to increase professionalism, employees performance and
organization optimally. Performance support/allowance is any method to increase
professionalism of employees performance as any appreciation/award to
achievement of State Civil Servant within framework of bureaucracy reformation
implementation. This thesis had endeavored to know suitability of Governmental
Regulation of Marine and Fishery No. 30/PERMEN-KP/2013 regarding
evaluation and performance awarding/supporting as Law No.5 of 2014 on State
Civil Apparatus regulating in State Civil Apparatus (ASN) management and
impact analysis of such performance awarding/supporting may influence
employees performance increasing of General Inspectorate of Maritime and
Fishery Ministry if it is related with accountability principles in employee
administrative law. This thesis writing uses normative and juridical research
method by observing, studying and interpreting theories relating to legal principle
such as conception, rules and regulation, legal doctrine and related law system.
Based on analysis, comprehension on regulation at central/state level against
performance evaluation completing having impact that performance evaluation
may not be implemented regularly and orderly. Performance awarding/supporting
at scope of General Inspectorate of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries had
not indicated significant performance increasing. It result in the hindrance of
bureaucracy reform implementation of good governance at scope of General
Inspectorate of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.;Reform of governmental performance management so called Bureaucracy
Reform. Some faced problems are the difference between comprehension to
regulation and human resource (apparatus) management had not been
implemented to increase professionalism, employees performance and
organization optimally. Performance support/allowance is any method to increase
professionalism of employees performance as any appreciation/award to
achievement of State Civil Servant within framework of bureaucracy reformation
implementation. This thesis had endeavored to know suitability of Governmental
Regulation of Marine and Fishery No. 30/PERMEN-KP/2013 regarding
evaluation and performance awarding/supporting as Law No.5 of 2014 on State
Civil Apparatus regulating in State Civil Apparatus (ASN) management and
impact analysis of such performance awarding/supporting may influence
employees performance increasing of General Inspectorate of Maritime and
Fishery Ministry if it is related with accountability principles in employee
administrative law. This thesis writing uses normative and juridical research
method by observing, studying and interpreting theories relating to legal principle
such as conception, rules and regulation, legal doctrine and related law system.
Based on analysis, comprehension on regulation at central/state level against
performance evaluation completing having impact that performance evaluation
may not be implemented regularly and orderly. Performance awarding/supporting
at scope of General Inspectorate of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries had
not indicated significant performance increasing. It result in the hindrance of
bureaucracy reform implementation of good governance at scope of General
Inspectorate of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.;Reform of governmental performance management so called Bureaucracy
Reform. Some faced problems are the difference between comprehension to
regulation and human resource (apparatus) management had not been
implemented to increase professionalism, employees performance and
organization optimally. Performance support/allowance is any method to increase
professionalism of employees performance as any appreciation/award to
achievement of State Civil Servant within framework of bureaucracy reformation
implementation. This thesis had endeavored to know suitability of Governmental
Regulation of Marine and Fishery No. 30/PERMEN-KP/2013 regarding
evaluation and performance awarding/supporting as Law No.5 of 2014 on State
Civil Apparatus regulating in State Civil Apparatus (ASN) management and
impact analysis of such performance awarding/supporting may influence
employees performance increasing of General Inspectorate of Maritime and
Fishery Ministry if it is related with accountability principles in employee
administrative law. This thesis writing uses normative and juridical research
method by observing, studying and interpreting theories relating to legal principle
such as conception, rules and regulation, legal doctrine and related law system.
Based on analysis, comprehension on regulation at central/state level against
performance evaluation completing having impact that performance evaluation
may not be implemented regularly and orderly. Performance awarding/supporting
at scope of General Inspectorate of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries had
not indicated significant performance increasing. It result in the hindrance of
bureaucracy reform implementation of good governance at scope of General
Inspectorate of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries., Reform of governmental performance management so called Bureaucracy
Reform. Some faced problems are the difference between comprehension to
regulation and human resource (apparatus) management had not been
implemented to increase professionalism, employees performance and
organization optimally. Performance support/allowance is any method to increase
professionalism of employees performance as any appreciation/award to
achievement of State Civil Servant within framework of bureaucracy reformation
implementation. This thesis had endeavored to know suitability of Governmental
Regulation of Marine and Fishery No. 30/PERMEN-KP/2013 regarding
evaluation and performance awarding/supporting as Law No.5 of 2014 on State
Civil Apparatus regulating in State Civil Apparatus (ASN) management and
impact analysis of such performance awarding/supporting may influence
employees performance increasing of General Inspectorate of Maritime and
Fishery Ministry if it is related with accountability principles in employee
administrative law. This thesis writing uses normative and juridical research
method by observing, studying and interpreting theories relating to legal principle
such as conception, rules and regulation, legal doctrine and related law system.
Based on analysis, comprehension on regulation at central/state level against
performance evaluation completing having impact that performance evaluation
may not be implemented regularly and orderly. Performance awarding/supporting
at scope of General Inspectorate of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries had
not indicated significant performance increasing. It result in the hindrance of
bureaucracy reform implementation of good governance at scope of General
Inspectorate of Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.]"