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Ditemukan 13675 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Di Era Reformasi kini, ketika pers menikmati kebebasan hampir tanpa batas, media massa telah merusak integrasi NKRI. Betulkah? Media massa adalah komponen strategis bangsa, karena itu pemilik/pemimpin media massa dan wartawan perlu di "litsus". Perlukah? ...."
IKI 2:11 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamburaka, Apriadi
Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada, 2012
302.23 APR a (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kawuryan, Megandaru W.
Setelah pemerintahan Orde Baru tumbang pemberitaan mengenai otonomi daerah mekar
bermunculan, media massa yang pada zaman Orde Baru jarang memberitakan mengenai isu
otonomi daerah berubah haluan menjadi gadrung memberitakan isu otonomi daerah, berbagai
berita bermunculan ada yang positif dan ada yang negatif, bermacam pertarungan wacana
mewarnai isu otonomi daerah di media massa.
Penelitian ini bermula dari rasa ingin tahu yang mendalam mengenai berbagai berita
tentang isu otonomi daerah yang muncul di media massa dan bagaimana media massa
melakukan konstruksi realitas terhadap isu otonomi daerah , selama ini penelitian mengenai isu
otonomi daerah banyak dilakukan oleh para ilmuwan yang berlatar belakang ilmu politik, ilmu
pemerintahan, ilmu administrasi negara, dan ilmu hukum, penelitian yang dilakukan oleh para
ilmuwan di atas lebih banyak bicara mengenai penerapan kebijakan otonomi daerah. Penelitian
mengenai isu otonomi daerah menggunakan perspektif ilmu komunikasi masih jarang bahkan
bisa dibilang langka, padahal peran media massa menurut Severin-Tankard (2007:15), adalah
membentuk opini publik. Para penganut mazhab konstruksionisme seperti Tuchman (1978),
Fisman (1980), dan Shoemaker (1996), melihat bahwa berita yang disiarkan oleh media massa
dapat membuat masyarakat mempunyai suatu sudut pandang dan mengkonstruksikan suatu
realitas suatu isu dalam masyarakat tak terkecuali isu otonomi daerah.
Penelitian dalam disertasi ini menggunakan perspektif interpretif. Perspektif ini dipilih
karena menurut Neuman (2006) teori konstruksi sosial merupakan ranah dalam perspektif
interpretif, untuk membedah teks dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisa teks framing,
model yang digunakan adalah framing Robert N Entman. Framing model Entman dipilih karena
dalam konsep Entman framing dapat dipakai untuk menggambarkan proses seleksi suatu isu,
serta menonjolkan beberapa aspek tertentu dari suatu realitas oleh media. Empat elemen
framing model Entman adalah pertama Define Problem merupakan bingkai utama atau master
frame, kedua Diagnose Causes dalam elemen kedua ini yang menjadi titik berat adalah siapa
aktor utama dalam suatu kejadian atau peristiwa, ketiga Make Moral Judgement adalah elemen
yang digunakan untuk melakukan pembenaran dengan memberikan berbagai argumentasi pada
pedefinisian masalah yang sudah dibuat, empat Treatment Recommendation adalah elemen yang digunakan untuk melihat apa yang sebenarnya dikehendaki oleh wartawan, bagaimana cara yang
akan dipilih untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah.
Dalam disertasi ini ada 3 media yang diteliti yaitu harian Kompas, harian Jurnal Nasional,
harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. Dipilihlah tiga surat kabar dengan orientasi yang berbeda, yaitu
pertama surat kabar Kompas sebagai surat kabar harian terkemuka nasional dengan tiras yang
besar, kedua surat kabar Jurnal Nasional sebagai surat kabar yang mempunyai kedekatan sejarah
dengan Partai Demokrat, ketiga surat kabar Kedaulatan Rakyat sebagai surat kabar daerah yang
masih survive dan masih leading sampai saat ini.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan dalam level mikro yaitu ada perbedaan frame
pemberitaan harian Kompas, harian Jurnal Nasional dan harian Kedaulatan Rakyat mengenai
Isu Otonomi Daerah. Pada analisis pada level meso media terlihat faktor kepemilikan dan modal
masih cukup kuat dalam mempengaruhi frame media yang diteliti.
Analisis level makro dapat dibagi menjadi dua. Pada harian Jurnal Nasional analisa yang
lebih tepat adalah menggunakan pendekatan analisis instrumentalis atau strukturalis daripada
strukturasi karena pada harian Jurnal Nasional struktur organisasi media terlihat mengikat erat
human agent. Tidak terlalu cukup ruang bagi agen melakukan interplay terhadap struktur. Lain
halnya dengan harian Kompas dan harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, yang dapat dibedah dengan
analisis strukturasi.
Dalam proses strukturasi dari tiga media yang diteliti, terlihat dua media yaitu harian
Kompas dan harian Kedaulatan Rakyat mampu merubah struktur dari sentralistik ke
desentralistik untuk isu Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Langsung dan Keistimewaan Yogyakarta,
meskipun harus diakui bahwa media bukan satu-satunya faktor yang diterminan dalam
perubahan struktur tersebut. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa isi dari teks media dalam dua
isu tersebut memberikan kontribusi kepada eskalasi tekanan atau adanya akumulasi-akumulasi
tekanan terhadap penguasa;

After the New Order government fell, news on regional autonomy appeared everywhere.
Mass media which rarely reported regional autonomy issues during the New Order now reported
the issues all the time. Various news emerged, some positive and others negative. A battle of
discourse of regional autonomy issues appeared in the mass media .
This research was started by curiosity on various news on regional autonomy in mass
media and how mass media constructs the reality of regional autonomy issues. Until now,
researches on regional autonomy issues are mostly performed by researchers from political
science, government science, public administration, and legal science. Studies by researchers
from the fields above mostly discuss the implementation of regional autonomy policy. Studies on
regional autonomy issue using communication science perspective are still rare, while the role of
mass media according to Severin-Tankard (2007:15) is actually to form public opinions.
Observers of constructionism such as Tuchman (1978), Fisman (1980), and Shoemaker (1996)
think that news broadcasted by mass media can make people have a certain point of view and
construct a reality of an issue in the society, including regional autonomy issues.
The research in this dissertation used interpretive perspective. This perspective was
selected because according to Neuman (2006) social construction theory is a field in interpretive
perspective. To dissect texts, this study used framing text analysis. The model used was Robert N
Entman's framing. Entman's model of framing was selected because in Entman's concept framing
can be used to describe the selection process of an issue and emphasize certain aspects of a
reality by the media. Four elements of Entman's model of framing are first, Define Problem
which is the master frame, second, Diagnose Causes in the second element the emphasize is who
is the main actors in an event, third, Make Moral Judgment is an element used to make
justification by giving various argumentation in the definitions of the problems which have been
made, fourth, Treatment Recommendation is an element used to see what reporters want, what
method will be chosen to solve a problem.
In this dissertation, there are 3 media which were studied, i.e. Kompas newspaper, Jurnal
Nasional newspaper, Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper. The three newspapers selected have
different orientations, i.e. first, Kompas as a famous national newspaper with huge readership second Jurnal Nasional as a newspaper with a history with the Democratic Party, third
Kedaulatan Rakyat as a local news paper which still survive and leads to this day.
The result of this study showed that at micro level there was frame difference in the
reporting of Kompas, Jurnal Nasional and Kedaulatan Rakyat on Regional Autonomy Issues.
Analysis at meso level showed that ownership and capital factors were still rather strong in
influencing the frames of the studied media.
Analysis at macro level could be divided into two. In Jurnal Nasional, more accurate
analysis used instrumentalist or structuralist analysis approach rather that structuration because
in Jurnal Nasional the structure of media organization seemed to tightly bind human agents.
Theer wasn't enough space for agents to perform interplay on the structure. Meanwhile, Kompas
and Kedaulatan Rakyat could be dissected by structuration analysis.
In the structuration process of the three media, two media, Kompas and Kedaulatan
Rakyat, were able to change the structure from centralistic to decentralistic for Direct Regional
Head Election and the Special Region Status of Yogyakarta, although the author admits that the
media isn't the only determinant factor in changing the structure. However, it's undeniable that
the content of media texts in those two issues contributed to the escalation of pressure or
accumulation of pressure on the authority;After the New Order government fell, news on regional autonomy appeared everywhere.
Mass media which rarely reported regional autonomy issues during the New Order now reported
the issues all the time. Various news emerged, some positive and others negative. A battle of
discourse of regional autonomy issues appeared in the mass media .
This research was started by curiosity on various news on regional autonomy in mass
media and how mass media constructs the reality of regional autonomy issues. Until now,
researches on regional autonomy issues are mostly performed by researchers from political
science, government science, public administration, and legal science. Studies by researchers
from the fields above mostly discuss the implementation of regional autonomy policy. Studies on
regional autonomy issue using communication science perspective are still rare, while the role of
mass media according to Severin-Tankard (2007:15) is actually to form public opinions.
Observers of constructionism such as Tuchman (1978), Fisman (1980), and Shoemaker (1996)
think that news broadcasted by mass media can make people have a certain point of view and
construct a reality of an issue in the society, including regional autonomy issues.
The research in this dissertation used interpretive perspective. This perspective was
selected because according to Neuman (2006) social construction theory is a field in interpretive
perspective. To dissect texts, this study used framing text analysis. The model used was Robert N
Entman's framing. Entman's model of framing was selected because in Entman's concept framing
can be used to describe the selection process of an issue and emphasize certain aspects of a
reality by the media. Four elements of Entman's model of framing are first, Define Problem
which is the master frame, second, Diagnose Causes in the second element the emphasize is who
is the main actors in an event, third, Make Moral Judgment is an element used to make
justification by giving various argumentation in the definitions of the problems which have been
made, fourth, Treatment Recommendation is an element used to see what reporters want, what
method will be chosen to solve a problem.
In this dissertation, there are 3 media which were studied, i.e. Kompas newspaper, Jurnal
Nasional newspaper, Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper. The three newspapers selected have
different orientations, i.e. first, Kompas as a famous national newspaper with huge readership second Jurnal Nasional as a newspaper with a history with the Democratic Party, third
Kedaulatan Rakyat as a local news paper which still survive and leads to this day.
The result of this study showed that at micro level there was frame difference in the
reporting of Kompas, Jurnal Nasional and Kedaulatan Rakyat on Regional Autonomy Issues.
Analysis at meso level showed that ownership and capital factors were still rather strong in
influencing the frames of the studied media.
Analysis at macro level could be divided into two. In Jurnal Nasional, more accurate
analysis used instrumentalist or structuralist analysis approach rather that structuration because
in Jurnal Nasional the structure of media organization seemed to tightly bind human agents.
Theer wasn't enough space for agents to perform interplay on the structure. Meanwhile, Kompas
and Kedaulatan Rakyat could be dissected by structuration analysis.
In the structuration process of the three media, two media, Kompas and Kedaulatan
Rakyat, were able to change the structure from centralistic to decentralistic for Direct Regional
Head Election and the Special Region Status of Yogyakarta, although the author admits that the
media isn't the only determinant factor in changing the structure. However, it's undeniable that
the content of media texts in those two issues contributed to the escalation of pressure or
accumulation of pressure on the authority, After the New Order government fell, news on regional autonomy appeared everywhere.
Mass media which rarely reported regional autonomy issues during the New Order now reported
the issues all the time. Various news emerged, some positive and others negative. A battle of
discourse of regional autonomy issues appeared in the mass media .
This research was started by curiosity on various news on regional autonomy in mass
media and how mass media constructs the reality of regional autonomy issues. Until now,
researches on regional autonomy issues are mostly performed by researchers from political
science, government science, public administration, and legal science. Studies by researchers
from the fields above mostly discuss the implementation of regional autonomy policy. Studies on
regional autonomy issue using communication science perspective are still rare, while the role of
mass media according to Severin-Tankard (2007:15) is actually to form public opinions.
Observers of constructionism such as Tuchman (1978), Fisman (1980), and Shoemaker (1996)
think that news broadcasted by mass media can make people have a certain point of view and
construct a reality of an issue in the society, including regional autonomy issues.
The research in this dissertation used interpretive perspective. This perspective was
selected because according to Neuman (2006) social construction theory is a field in interpretive
perspective. To dissect texts, this study used framing text analysis. The model used was Robert N
Entman's framing. Entman's model of framing was selected because in Entman's concept framing
can be used to describe the selection process of an issue and emphasize certain aspects of a
reality by the media. Four elements of Entman's model of framing are first, Define Problem
which is the master frame, second, Diagnose Causes in the second element the emphasize is who
is the main actors in an event, third, Make Moral Judgment is an element used to make
justification by giving various argumentation in the definitions of the problems which have been
made, fourth, Treatment Recommendation is an element used to see what reporters want, what
method will be chosen to solve a problem.
In this dissertation, there are 3 media which were studied, i.e. Kompas newspaper, Jurnal
Nasional newspaper, Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper. The three newspapers selected have
different orientations, i.e. first, Kompas as a famous national newspaper with huge readership second Jurnal Nasional as a newspaper with a history with the Democratic Party, third
Kedaulatan Rakyat as a local news paper which still survive and leads to this day.
The result of this study showed that at micro level there was frame difference in the
reporting of Kompas, Jurnal Nasional and Kedaulatan Rakyat on Regional Autonomy Issues.
Analysis at meso level showed that ownership and capital factors were still rather strong in
influencing the frames of the studied media.
Analysis at macro level could be divided into two. In Jurnal Nasional, more accurate
analysis used instrumentalist or structuralist analysis approach rather that structuration because
in Jurnal Nasional the structure of media organization seemed to tightly bind human agents.
Theer wasn't enough space for agents to perform interplay on the structure. Meanwhile, Kompas
and Kedaulatan Rakyat could be dissected by structuration analysis.
In the structuration process of the three media, two media, Kompas and Kedaulatan
Rakyat, were able to change the structure from centralistic to decentralistic for Direct Regional
Head Election and the Special Region Status of Yogyakarta, although the author admits that the
media isn't the only determinant factor in changing the structure. However, it's undeniable that
the content of media texts in those two issues contributed to the escalation of pressure or
accumulation of pressure on the authority]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1995
302.23 BAG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aceng Abdullah
Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2000
302.23 ACE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Salah satu fungsi media massa adalah sebagai media pendidikan. Media massa memiliki potensi besar dalam membangun bangsa kearah yang lebih baik. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengkaji upaya membangun media massa dalam memdidik masyarakat....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kalau saja tokoh pers nasional yang jasa-jasanya dikenang kembali pada hari Pers Nasional 9 Februari menyaksikan suguhan media massa kita, hampir pasti mereka akan terperangah dan berujar Astafirullah mengapa nian acara TV kita semakin berani dan seronok. Karena ia tampil miskin busana, sang pusar kemana-mana. TV berlomba menaikkan rating dengan mengumbar nafsu menuai birahi mengendus sensasi. ...."
IKI 2:10 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Construction by the Mass Media of the Prison Reality. (Critical Discourse Analysis) About the Reporting of Punishment Reduction of Tommy Soeharto, Bob Hasan and Zarima, Family Meeting of Tommy Soeharto and the Permission to Consult a Doctor of Bob Hasan in The Year 2003The print and electronic media are events flourishing right now. They seem to compete with each other in finding sensational to write about. All the more so, when the objects of the news have value in selling. They are so keen to write the news and didn't want to know whether the news will disturb the subject's rights or not. The subjects of the print media who are the topic of this research are Tommy Soeharto, Bob Hasan, Zanma They became an commodity. Because of the reporting of them , they were violated , so the society have the same negative opinion as the media. The society considered that they were guilty and they were criminals. Who did not deserve to be given rights while living in prison?. It can be seen from the news which was published the media. The media placed them as criminal and they are controversial objects. It's negative attitudes are directed not only to the inmates but also to the prison_ Arrogantly media accused the prison of spoil the inmates. Media also did not want to acknowledge that prisons have the responsibility of giving prisoners their rights inmates' rights either; even their rights are the prison obligation.
Through critical discourse analysis we can discover why and how the media presented the news and the hidden motif behind the texts. Then the criminologist will knew what the media did and ignore the truth of the reality. The media has done the wrong things. The research found that the print media was wrong and the reality which posed was virtual reality and it was because of economic motif. The media spread it stigmatization and hating to get the sympathy of the society, so that the society will behave like the media did. The society both the inmates and the prison. In this case there was an unbalanced battle between the prison and the media If it's still going on, so the media deviates From it's role as a socialization agent The media passes on the deviance to public because of the wrong news.
(5 introduction pages + 6 tables + 198 content pages + 46 references + 18 appendices + 5 internet).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Agus Suprihanto Soerono
"Masalah Penelitian:
Kasus-kasus pencemaran lingkungan hidup belakangan ini kian banyak terungkap di lapangan baik berupa polusi udara, air maupun alam pada umumnya.
Polusi udara yang terjadi pada waktu musim kemarau biasanya berupa kabut asap yang terjadi di Sumatera atau Kalimantan Barat.
Selain peladang berpindah, yang biasanya dituding melakukan pembakaran hutan adalah pengusaha yang sudah mengantungi izin perkebunan kelapa sawit yang ingin melakukan land clearing secara mudah, murah dan cepat, sehingga bisa menanam benih kelapa sawit tepat waktu ketika musim hujan tiba.
Belakangan ini fungsi media massa sebagai sarana hiburan semakin meningkat, terutama dengan munculnya berbagai stasiun televisi yang menambah khazanah media elektronik di tanah air.
Di bidang lingkungan hidup dalam fungsinya sebagai sumber informasi media massa berperan untuk melakukan kontrol sosial (watch dog) terhadap perusahaan yang melakukan pencemaran atau perusakan terhadap lingkungan hidup.
Metode Penelitian: Dengan Content Analysis/Analisis Isi dan metode survey/kuesioner di Kelurahan Menteng dan Kelurahan Jelambar.
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah:
Untuk mengetahui peranserta media massa, khususnya media cetak terhadap masalah-masalah lingkungan hidup dan manfaat tulisan-tulisan di media massa tersebut terhadap masyarakat serta mengenai kesadaran masyarakat terhadap masalah lingkungan.
Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan data yang diperoleh dan penelitian ini, maka kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah:
1. Peran serta media massa, khususnya media cetak dalam penyebaran berita-berita/tulisan-tulisan mengenai masalah-masalah lingkungan ternyata sangatlah kecil. Ini terlihat dari kecilnya persentase pemuatan tulisan mengenai masalah-masalah tersebut (tidak sampai 1%).
2. Pemberitaan media massa belum memberi manfaat yang besar terhadap pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Hal itu terlihat dari persentase responden yang membaca masalah lingkungan hidup hanya 13%. Sikap masyarakat belum banyak terpengaruh oleh pemberitaan media massa mengenai lingkungan hidup. Hal itu terlihat dari responden yang menjawab dengan berbagai alasan untuk tidak menerapkan pengetahuan mengenai lingkungan hidup yang diperolehnya dari media massa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
1. Insan Pers perlu mendorong media massa cetak untuk meningkatkan intensitas pemberitaan mengenai lingkungan hidup. Dorongan pemerintah dalam era reformasi sulit diterapkan dalam era reformasi, karena pemerintah tidak mempunyai wewenang lagi sekuat seperti pada zaman Orba yang bisa mencabut SIUPP suatu Koran.
2. Para Redaktur-sebagai pelaku utama pengambil keputusan-di ketiga media cetak tersebut perlu meningkatkan intensitas pemberitaan mengenai masalah lingkungan di media masing-masing. Sehingga semboyan: think globally, act-locally benar-benar bisa diwujudkan.
The Role of Mass Media in Socializing Environmental Aspect (Case Study in Three Newspaper published in Jakarta)Recently cases of environments pollution are increasingly uncovered in the field such as air pollution, water pollution as well as the nature in general.
Air pollution in the dry seasons usually known as cloud fog that occurs in Sumatera Island or West Kalimantan. The smoke fog usually occurs because of fired forests that cause air pollution in the neighboring countries such Malaysia and Singapore. Because of the air pollution by the smoke fog make the neighboring countries deliver a protest to Indonesian Government.
If we make an exploration, apparently the fired forest is caused by shifting cultivation that wants to make land clearing for their swidden agriculture areas.
Besides that, the next person that accused doing the forest fired are the entrepreneurs that hold approval to build palm field who want to do land clearing easily, chip and rapid, so they can engage in planting the palm seed on time when the rain season come.
While the pollution in the big city that occurs because of the smoke form the muffler of the vehicle that mixed with lead. Pollution of the vehicle is aggravated by the sum of the vehicle those own by the people.
As well as the pollution that occurs in the environment near industries that throws the wastewater to the rivers, to the ground or release to the nature without chemically treatment process. The more over is pollution from the waste of the household to the water bodies such as lake, dam, river, pond or water channel. Those because of the People?s manner that used the water bodies as place to defecation or used the water bodies as `huge septic tank' for their closet in the household.
Whereas in the other edges the people also used the water bodies as water resources for daily need. Recently the need of the environment conservation is felt increasing. Those because increasing of the sum of population of the people made bigger compression to the environment.
Problem Formulation
In the Article 3 of The Law No. 40/1999 about Press, enclosed that national press (mass media) have functions as:
1. As information resources
2. Education
3. Entertainment and
4. Social control.
Recently, entertainment function of mass media is increasing, mainly because of the establishment of new private television stations in the country.
Trend of uniting the education and information function lead to shape of new communication such as Infotainment and Edutainment. (Dahlan 1990:3-20). In the field of environment, int its function as information resources, mass media has important role to provide social control (watch dog) to the private sector those doing pollution or destroying the environment.
But in the context as watch dog, not all of the mass media play its role excellently. Maybe in the side of the management of the mass media less understand the meaning of the air pollutions problems, pollution of the physical or social environment, to be covered intensively.
The less understanding of environmental problems in the management of the mass media, make them not give suitable place for environment news.
Survey Methods:
- Content Analysis for environmental news those were enclosed in the Kompas, Republika and Sinar Harapan Daily Newspaper.
- Purpossive Sampling for wives in the slump area of Jelambar and exclusively area of Menteng.
Purpose of the survey:
- To identify the participation of mass media, especially printed newspaper on environmental problems and the benefit of the articles in mass media on society and about social awareness on environmental sustainability.
From the survey can be made conclusion that:
1. Participation of mass media especially printed mass media in spreading news/articles on environmental news very tiny. This can be seen from very little the percentage of contained in the publication on those issues.
2. Mass media coverage not yet gives bigger benefit on environmental sustainability. Those can be seen from the percentage of respondent only 13% reading environmental news. Society's attitude not yet influenced by newspaper coverage on environment. Those can be seen from the respondent that using various reason not to applicate their knowledge on environment they got from mass media on daily life.
1. Mass media man need to push the mass media to increasing intensity of coverage on environmental news. Push from the government in reform era rather difficult to applicate, because the government has no power anymore as strong as Orba rezim that can banned license of a media.
2. Editors-as prime actor in decision making-in the three mass media need to increase the intensity of coverage on environmental issues in each media. So the motto: think globally, act locally can be realized.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 11844
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Butarbutar, Benny Siga
"Peneliti tertarik membahas dominasi media massa dan pemilihan kepala daerah sebagai upaya untuk mengetahui kinerja pers dalam meliput pemilihan kepala daerah yang merupakan pertama kali terjadi dalam sejarah demokrasi Indonesia, menyusul bergulirnya pilkada sejak Juni 2005..
Tesis ini mencoba melihat pilkada sebagai representasi dari alam demokrasi yang coba ditegakkan di tanah air, khususnya di Depok. Mengangkat seputar pemberitaan Pilkada Depok dengan dua tokoh sentral yang menjadi aktor pentingnya. Badrul Kamal dan Nur Mahmudi. Unit analisis yang diteliti adalah teks berita dalam level mikro yakni berita-berita di Media Indonesia dan Monitor Depok pada periode konflik pilkada Depok yang akhirnya dimenangkan oleh Nur Mahmudi. Sedangkan untuk level Massa peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan sejumlah calon kepala daerah Depok yaitu Badrul Kamal dan Nur Mahmudi, begitu juga dengan manajer kampanye keduanya, yaitu Despen Ompusunggu dan Hasan. Wawancara juga dilakukan dengan sejumlah pemimpin redaksi (Pemred) dan pemimpin umum (PU), yaitu Pemred SCTV, Pemred Monitor Depok dan PU Media Indonesia serta pihak lain yang terlibat.
Teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi politik media. Teori-teori ekonomi politik mengarahkan penelitian tentang media pada analisis empiris struktur kepemilikan, kontrol media dan kekuatan pasar.
Penelitian ini membatasi pada pilkada Depok, dengan pertimbangan sejak munculnya
konflik antara dua kandidat, menyusul keputusan Pengadian Tinggi (PT) Jawa Barat
yang memenangkan salah satu pihak pada Agustus 2005, yang akhirnya membawa persoalan tersebut ke pentas politik nasional. Pertimbangan lainnya yang juga tidak kalah menarik untuk dicermati adalah posisi Kota Depok yang menjadi peripheral Jakarta, ibukota negara, dan kemudian melihat bagaimana pengaruh ekonomi-politik dalam kinerja media massa.
Bisa dilihat bagaimana pihak-pihak berkepentingan dalam pilkada mengkonstruksi realitas bagi kepentingannya masing-masing. Serta memperlihatkan adanya saling mempengaruhi (interplay) dari para kandidat dalam memperoleh akses ke media massa dan kepentingan pers dari kacamata ekonomi-politik.
Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pradigma kritis, dengan tipe penelitian yang bersifat kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data menggunakan beberapa metode (tringulasi metode),yaitu pada tahapan teks, wawancara mendalam (disourse practice), dan tahapan pengamatan terhadap situasi (sosiocultural practice).
Di tahap teks, peneliti menelaah teks-teks berita seputar pilkada Depok di Monitor Depok, sebagai representasi pers lokal, Media Indonesia dan SCTV sebagai representasi dari pers nasional menggunakan analisis wacana Theo van Leuween; kemudian tahapan discourse practice dengan mewawancara para key informan, yakni kandidat yang bertarung di pengadilan dan pemimpin redaksi dari Monitor Depok, Media Indonesia dan SCTV; pada tahapan sosioculutral practice dengan mengamati perkembangan seputar pelaksanaan pilkada Depok. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan perspektif ekonomi-politik,dan untuk membantu mempertajam analisa digunakan Teori Representasi yang dikembangkan Theo Van Leuween, guna mempelihatkan bagaimana media menampilkan para kandidat.
Hasil temuan di lapangan menunjukkan ada dua hal pokok yang bisa terlihat, yaitu bagaimana dominasi media massa dalam liputan pilkada Kota Depok dan kenyataan kuatnya pengaruh bisnis dalam mempengaruhi kinerja pers, sehingga media massa terlihat lebih sebagai institusi ekonomi. Namun lebih mengejutkan lagi adalah kenyataan rii1, bagaimana kandidat yang tidak memiliki "mesin uang" yang kuat ternyata memenangkan pertarungan walau sempat tidak mendominasi pemberitaan di media massa.
Kondisi tersebut dapatlah dipahami mengingat tindakan media dalam memproduksi berita tidak terlepas dari proses-proses sosial baik pada jenjang organisasi, industri dan masyarakat. Proses memproduksi dan mengkonsumsi teks isi media perlu juga melihat suasana politik dan tekanan ekonomi kapitalis yang tercipta selama ini. Terlebih jika mengamati lebih dalam bahwa semuanya itu tidak lepas dari keberadaan masyarakat dan kapitalisme global."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
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