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"Bandung SMKN (vocational high school) resources are relatively diverse. These resources must be identified if they are to be utilized by the vocational high school in their effort to plan and make the implement of their education program better than other vocational high schools. Therefore it is necessary to analyze further the current condition of school resources as the resources theoretically can be developed to produce a competitive edge for the education unit. This research is focused on efforts to analyze the SMKN resources in Bandung with intention to develop them to strengthen planning and implementation of vocational education. The result of the research produced a model for implementation of vocational high school resources. This model focuses on education management practice, development and implementation of curriculum, development and implementation of learning resources, development, and implementation of teachers as human resources in the vocational high school."
IJE 7:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Resa Rahmawatie
"Tesis ini membahas implementasi performance management atau manajemen kinerja untuk melihat keberlangsungan dan kesinambungan antar proses manajemen kinerja untuk guru di XYZ International School sesuai dengan konteks dan kondisi yang terjadi di sekolah tersebut. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sekolah ini masih belum menyelaraskan tujuan dari semua pihak yang terkait dengan sistem manajemen kinerja, termasuk merapihkan regulasi atau prosedur mengenai sistem manajemen kinerja, untuk menjaga setiap tahapan proses berjalan dengan baik. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa guru belum dilibatkan dalam pembuatan target dan ekspektasi yang harus diraih. Selanjutnya pengawasan belum berjalan secara kontinu, untuk mendapatkan hasil penilaian yang konsisten, yang berdampak kepada kesulitan untuk mendapatkan hasil evaluasi yang baik. Semua ini membutuhkan dukungan dari semua pihak yang terkait sistem manajemen kinerja untuk guru.

This thesis studies about the implementation of performance management for teacher at XYZ International School, by concerning and context that applies in this school. This research is qualitative with descriptive design. The results from this research shows that the school needs to align the purposes of performance management of all stakeholders that related to performance management. The school also needs to complete the regulations or procedures on performance management system, to ensure each process goes well. Involving teachers in developing targets and expectations is also important to create two-way performance agreement. Furthermore continous monitoring and supervision continuously are need to obtain the consistent assessment result, that can be well evaluated. All of this require support from all stakeholders that related to performance management system."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Martiasih Nursanti
"Tesis ini mengevaluasi penyaluran dan penggunaan Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) pasca perbaikan dalam metode penyaluran BOS pada tahun 2012, dengan mengambil sample 18 SMP Negeri di Jakarta Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan data dan informasi yang diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dan menyebar kuesioner pada para pemangku kepentingan (tim manajemen BOS, Kepala atau Bendahara Sekolah dan orang tua murid) dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penyaluran BOS pada SMP Negeri Jakarta Barat telah berjalan lebih cepat dari tahun sebelumnya dan juga dari ketentuan yang ada tiap triwulannya. Berdasarkan realisasi penggunaannya, porsi terbesar pemanfaatan dana BOS tahun 2012 adalah untuk pembayaran honorarium guru dan tenaga kependidikan honorer (mencapai 27%). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada satu sekolah pun yang menggunakan BOS di luar ketentuan. Dampak BOS tidak hanya dirasakan oleh sekolah tetapi juga masyarakat. Bagi sekolah BOS dapat membantu membiayai peningkatan intensitas dan kualitas belajar mengajar di sekolah. Sekolah maupun orang tua siswa yang menjadi responden juga menyatakan bahwa dengan adanya BOS orang tua menjadi lebih ringan dalam membiayai sekolah--apalagi saat ini memang benar-benar tidak ada pungutan apa pun di sekolah negeri. Terkait dengan perbaikan dalam kecepatan waktu penyaluran BOS, responden menyatakan bahwa faktor utama pendukung hal tersebut adalah adanya perbaikan mekanisme penyaluran BOS dari ke Kas Umum Negara ke Kas Umum Provinsi yang selanjutnya disalurkan langsung ke sekolahsekolah, dan juga diperlakukannya BOS sebagai dana hibah yang syarat pencaiannya tidak memerlukan proposal maupun penyerahan Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Sekolah (RKAS).

This thesis evaluates the distribution and the utilization of School Operational Assistance (Bantuan Operasional Sekolah--BOS) at State Junior High School in West Jakarta subsequent to the modification of the BOS distributional method in 2012. This study is descriptive in nature. The data and information is collected through questioners, in dept interview and literature study. This study finds out that the modified method has speed up the distribution of BOS compared to that of the previous year and to the time that the regulation asserts. There are two factors contribute to these achievements: (i) the way BOS is distributed as block grant from central government to provincial government and than to school; and (ii) schools will automatically receive BOS with no obligation for submitting proposal as conditional clauses. In terms of its utilization, the largest portion of BOS (27%) is used for compensating the nonpermanent school`s employees (pegawai honorer`s honoraria). There is no school under the study that utilizes BOS for financing items which is not parallel with the regulation. BOS has also been considered to increase both quality and quantity of school activities. Finally, the program has also been found to be effectively waived students from the school fee."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizal Alfian
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja sekolah pada SMA yang menerima Bantuan Dana Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI). Adapun faktor-faktor tersebut adalah Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah, Mutu Sarana dan Prasarana Sekolah, Otonomi Daerah, Pengawasan Ketersediaan Alat Pembelajaran, Partisipasi Masyarakat di Sekolah, Bantuan Sesuai Kebutuhan Sekolah, Kesejahteraan Pegawai dan Pengadaan Alat-alat Pelajaran, Pembinaan Profesi, Ketepatan Jadual Bantuan Sesuai Perencanaan, Ketepatan Sasaran, Kesesuaian Dana, Ekstrakurikuler yang dijadikan sebagai variabel bebas, dan kinerja sekolah sebagai variabel terikat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap 79 responden, dan setelah dilakukan uji hipotesa dengan model regresi berganda, maka diperoleh temuan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan secara simultan dari 12 faktor tersebut terhadap Kinerja Sekolah pada SMA yang menerima Bantuan Dana Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI). Hal ini berimplikasi bahwa sekolah dengan status RSBI harus memperhatikan keduabelas faktor itu tanpa kecuali jika menginginkan kinerja sekolah meningkat. Meskipun kedua belas faktor berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan, namun jika dianalisis secara parsial hanya satu faktor pengaruh, yaitu Ketepatan Jadwal Bantuan Sesuai Perencanaan yang berpengaruh signifikan, dengan temuan nilai R sebesar 0.301. Dari nilai korelasi tersebut diperoleh nilai R square sebesar 0,090 yang bermakna kontribusi Ketepatan Jadwal Bantuan Sesuai Perencanaan hanya sebesar 0,90 % terhadap kinerja sekolah yang menerima bantuan dana RSBI. Hal ini berimplikasi bahwa pemerintah perlu memperhatikan ketepatan jadwal bantuan sesuai perencanaan bagi sekolah, agar kinerja sekolah meningkat. Hal ini disebabkan rata-rata sekolah Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional di Indonesia belum mampu mandiri mencapai Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP) plus yang diwajibkan bagi sekolah RSBI.

This research explains about some of the factors which affect school performance n high school that received Aid for International School Pioneering (RSBI). As these factors are the School-Based Management, Quality Infrastructures School, Autonomy, Control Equipments Learning, Citizen Participation in School, Schools Need Aid In accordance, Welfare Employees and Procurement Tools Lesson, Teacher Profession Development, Aid Schedule Accuracy as per Planning, Target accuracy, Suitability and Extracurricular Funds which be used as independent variables, and school performance as the dependent variable. Based on the results of research on 79 respondents, and after testing the hypothesis with multiple regression model, the obtained findings of 12 factors that affect school performance simultaneously, these factors are the School-Based Management, Quality Infrastructures School, Autonomy, Control Equipments Learning, Citizen Participation in School, aid accordance with School Supplies, Welfare Employees, Teacher Profession Development based RSBI, Schedules aid accuracy, accuracy Target, Compliance Fund, Extracurricular. This implies that the school (RSBI) must consider the twelve factors are, without exception, if the school's performance improved. Although the twelve factors simultaneously have a significant effect, but if it is partially analyzed influence only one factor, namely accuracy Schedules Aid significant effect, with the findings of the R value for 0301. From these correlation values obtained for R square value 0.090 meaningful contribution accuracy Schedules aid only as much as 0.90% on the performance of schools that receive funds RSBI. This implies that the government needs to pay attention to the accuracy of the schedule according to plan for school aid, so that school performance improved. This is due to the average high school pioneering international standard school in Indonesia have not been able to independently achieve the National Education Standards (SNP) Plus required for school RSBI."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moehlman, Arthur B.
Boston: Houghton Miffiln, 1951
371.2 MOE s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Permatasari
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan iklim sekolah terhadap kinerja Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional di Kabupaten Cirebon. Subyek penelitian adalah guru pengajar. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 68 orang dengan teknik sampel jenuh. Metode analisis yang digunakan kuantitatif dengan tehnik analisis korelasi. Instrumen disusun dalam bentuk angket dengan menggunakan skala Likers.
Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa: Pertama, terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional sebesar 0.731. Kedua, terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara iklim sekolah dengan kinerja Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional sebesar 0.731.

The objective of this research were to examine the contribution of the influence leadership and climate school to the performance of Pioneering International Standard Senior High School (RSBI) in Cirebon Distric. The subject consist of class teachers. The total sampel was taken 68 by using saturation sampling technique. Research method which is used is quantitative by using correlation analisys. The instrument was arranged in the form of Likert Scale.
The research implied the influence that: first, there was a positive and significant correlation between leadersheep and performance Pioneering International Standard Senior High School of 0.583. Second, there was a positive and significant correlation between school climate and performance Pioneering International Standard Senior High School of 0.534.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"School culture is behind-the-scene context that is reflects of the values, beliefs, norms, tradition, and ritual that build up overtime a people in schoolwork together-administrator, teachers, students, parents, and community members. It influenced all the components of school in the process of education directly. It is assumed that school culture could make the educational achievement different. It is also assumed that school culture influenced teacher culture.
This research's prime vision is to know whether there is difference of school culture between a higher-success and a lower-success Senior High School in Klaten, Central Java, and to what extent they differ according to their school performance. It also aims to know the relationship between school culture and teacher culture and to what extent the school culture influenced the teacher culture.
Like the other social organization, school is an organization that has a culture. To measure the school culture, there are three indicators such as: norms of school culture behavior, beliefs, and core slues. While to measure teacher culture whether the school has positive or negative teacher cultures there are also three indicators collegiality, collaboration, and efficacy.
This study employed a quantitative approach. Technique for collecting data is using questionnaire, unstructured interview and documents. The measure employed Likert Side, with five options: strongly agree, agree, uncertain, disagree, and strongly disagree. The techniques Analysis used in this study are descriptive statistic, T-test, Correlation, and Regression.
Statistically, the study concluded that there is a difference of school culture between a higher-success school and a lower-success school. The score obtained by the two schools shows the difference. The difference of the mean is 3.56. The differences are on the norms of behavior, beliefs, and values. In testing the difference using t-test, the result shows that score oft value is larger than score oft table. Or the score of probability is less than 0.05. It showed that null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected or the two schools have different school culture. It also showed that the higher-success school has score of school culture that is higher than the lower-success school. The results implicated that the higher-success school has a better school culture than the lower-success school.
Nevertheless, the difference of school culture found in this study is not too striking. So the difference could not viewed as white and black, because culture of the schools didn't work and process all alone. There is other side going along to shape the school culture and to determine the success or failure of the school. In this case, culture of Klaten community greatly influenced the schools.
In the second testing of hypothesis, statistically, this study also concluded that there is a positive relationship between school culture and teacher culture. The value oft (2.486) is larger than value oft table (1.67), or the probability is more than alpha (0.05). It shows that null hypothesis is rejected. The strength of the relationship is shown by the coefficient correlation (the level of significance is 0.05) obtained in this analysis that is 0.793. This result shows that the relationship is very significant. It can be interpreted that norm of behavior, belief and school values influenced teacher's culture (collegiality, collaboration and teacher's sense of efficacy).
Local community culture also influenced the teacher culture. "Klateneses", like other Javanese, has a permissive culture. They are so kind, friendly and easy to work together. This condition could support collegiality and collaboration activities."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arwan Syarief
"Penyelenggaraan program Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional di SMP Negeri 5 dan SMA Negeri 3 Bandung sudah berjalan dalam waktu 4 tahun. Setelah 4 tahun berjalan implementasi kebijakan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional pada kedua sekolah tersebut, perlu dilakukan analisis atau evaluasi untuk mengetahui keberhasilan program tersebut.
Analisis penelitian ini berdasarkan teori yang disampaikan oleh George C. Edward III (1980). Menurut George C. Edward III ada empat faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan publik yaitu, faktor komunikasi, faktor sumberdaya,faktor sikap/disposisi dan faktor struktur birokrasi.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, studi eksplorasi terhadap kepustakaan yang relevan. Hasil penelitian ini di SMP Negeri 5 Bandung menunjukkan bahwa, faktor komunikasi masih mengalami hambatan atau kendala di dalam implementasi kebijakan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional, terkait masih belum samanya persepsi antara Kepala SMP Negeri 5 Bandung dengan Wakil Kepala SMP Negeri 3 Bandung. Faktor lain yang menjadi hambatan atau kendala adalah faktor sarana dan prasarana terutama, terkait pemenuhan ruang kelas belum seluruhnya berbasis TIK/ICT.
Hasil Penelitian di SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, menunjukkan bahwa, faktor SDM terutama Guru masih menjadi kendala atau hambatan, terutama Guru-guru yang sudah berusia 40 tahun keatasmasih belum maksimal dalam memberikan materi dalam bahasa Inggris. Faktor lainnya adalah faktor saran dan prasarana terkait pemenuhan lahan tanah sebagai pengembangan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional.

Factors that influence the implementation of international school policy in SMP Negeri 5 Bandung and SMA Negeri 3 Implementation of international school program at Junior High School 5 and SMA Negeri 3 Bandung has been running in 4 years. After 4 years of running international school policy implementation at both schools, the need to do analysis or evaluation to determine the success of the program. The analysis of this study is based on the theory presented by the George C. Edward III (1980). According to George C. Edward III, there are four factors that influence the successful implementation of public policy, namely, communication factors, resource factors, factor the attitude / disposition and bureaucratic structure factor.
This study uses a quantitative approach, in which the framework of theoretical concepts to the development of strategies to be assessed and analyzed through exploratory study of the relevant literature.
The results of this study in SMP Negeri 5 Bandung indicates that, the communication factor is still experiencing delays or obstacles in the implementation of international school policy, is still associated with him in perception between the Head of Junior High School 5 deals with the Deputy Head of SMP Negeri 3 Bandung. Another factor is a barrier or obstacle is a factor, especially infrastructure, related to the fulfillment of the classrooms have not been entirely based ICT / ICT. Outcomes Research in SMA Negeri 3 Bandung, showed that, human factors, especially Guru is still an obstacle or hindrance, especially teachers who are aged 40 years and over still have not been up to provide material in English. Another factor is the factor of suggestions and related infrastructure land as the fulfillment of international school development."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Budi Santoso
"Fenomena dugaan adanya kecurangan dalam pelakasaan Ujian Nasional merupakan hal yang memerlukan perhatian serius dari semua pihak, namun demikian pemerintah masih tetap menyelenggarakan Ujian Nasional untuk mengukur kualitas output peserta didik secara nasional. Peranan pengawas sekolah dalam fungsi supervisi pendidikan dan tugas pokok melakukan penilaian dan pembinaan diperlukan sebagai agent of change pada proses pembelajaran yang di sampaikan kepada guru. Tujuan supervisi tersebut adalah agar guru dapat memberikan pelayanan yang baik pada peserta didik sehingga siswa dapat berhasil dalam Ujian Nasional. Untuk itu diperlukan pengawasan optimal agar pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional dapat berdaya guna dan berahasil guna bagi pendidikan Indonesia.
Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis peranan pengawas sekolah dalam Ujian Nasional di Kabupaten Indramayu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data : wawancara, observasi insidental, dokumenter, dan diskusi kelompok.
Hasil Penelitian Pengawas Sekolah dalam Ujian Nasional di Kabupaten Indramayu ini adalah: (1) pengawas sekolah hanya sebagai pemantau kesiapan sekolah penyelenggara UN, kelengakapan administrasi, ketercapaian target kurikulum, dan jumlah peserta Ujian Nasional pada satuan pendidikan, (2) kendala dalam program pengawasan pendidikan adalah kurangnya jumlah pengawas sekolah (3) kompetensi pengawas sekolah belum optimal karena latar belakang pendidikan yang tidak sesuai pada pengawas akademik, (4) nilai dan prinsip kepengawasan belum dapat berjalan dengan baik, serta (5) rekrutmen pengawas sekolah dipengaruhi oleh kepentingan politik Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Indramayu.

The assumption of fraud phenomenon in National Examination needs serious attention from the stakeholders, but the government still implement National Examination to measure the national output of students. The role of school supervisor as their function in educational supervision and the core duties in doing assesment and controlling are needed as the agent of change in teaching and learning process conveyed to the teachers. The aim of supervision is that the teachers can give better service to students so they can pass the National Examination. For that pupose, optimum supervision is needed for efficient and effective result of the National Examination.
The aim of this research is to analyze the role of school supervisors in the national examination in Indramayu regency. This research used qualitative method with descriptive analisys through interview, incidental observation, literature study and group discussion for data gathering.
The result of this research about the school supervisors in National Examination in Indramayu regency are : (1) the school supervisors are only as the observers of school readiness for national examination, curriculum fulfillment target, and the amount of national examination participants, (2) educational supervision problem is lack of school supervisor quantity, (3) school supervisors competence is not in optimum level due to their inappropriate educational background, (4) the value and principles of supervision doesn?t run well, (5) school supervisor recruitment was affected by political interest of Indramayu regency government.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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