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Regina Angelica Kezia
Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian mengenai penerjemahan nomina dalam bahasa Jerman berkasus datif, khususnya freier dativ berjenis dativus ethicus, ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Sebagai korpus data adalah beberapa kalimat yang mengandung dativus ethicus dalam novel berbahasa Jerman, Herr der Diebe dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia, Pangeran Pencuri.Novel Herr der Diebe dipilih karena merupakan novel yang terkenal dan telah diterjemahkan lebih dari 20 bahasa, salah satunya bahasa Indonesia. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori dativus ethicus, ilokusi dan penerjemahan makna dalam analisis 11 kalimat dativus ethicus. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah penerjemahan dativus ethicus kedalam bahasa Indonesia dapat diterjemahkan menjadi kata ganti kepemilikan dan pronomina persona, sedangkan dativus ethicus yang dapat merusak makna maupun hanya sebagai partikel penegas, tidak diterjemahkan.

This thesis is a research about noun translation in dative-cased German, specifically freier dativ with dativus ethicus genre, into Indonesian. The data are some sentences which contain dativus ethicus in German novel, Herr der Diebe and its translation in Indonesian, Pangeran Pencuri. This novel, Herr der Diebe, is chosen because it is a very famous novel which has been translated into more than 20 languages, one of them is Indonesian. This research uses dativus ethicus theory, illocution, and meaning translation in analysing 11 dativus ethicus sentences. The result of this research is that dativus ethicus can be translated as possesive pronoun and personal pronoun in Indonesian, while dativus ethicus, which may cause misunderstanding in meaning and distinctive particle, is not translated."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Funke, Cornelia
Jakarta: Gramedia, 2006
853 FUN ht
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Talitha Kana
Dalam skripsi ini dibahas mengenai interjeksi bahasa Jerman yang mengandungunsur kata Gott dalam novel ldquo;Herr der Diebe ldquo; beserta padanannya dalam bahasaIndonesia dalam novel ldquo;Pangeran Pencuri rdquo;. Fokus penelitian ini terletak padapembahasan makna serta fungsi interjeksi terkait konteks cerita dan pergeseranunit yang terjadi pada saat proses penerjemahan. Metode yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif, yakni menganalisis dengan kajian pustaka.Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa konteks cerita sangat mempengaruhi maknaserta fungsi interjeksi sehingga padanan interjeksi-interjeksi ini dalam bahasaIndonesia muncul dalam berbagai bentuk.

This research explains about german interjections with the word Gott in germanchildren novel ldquo Herr der Diebe rdquo by Cornelia Funke and its equivalent translationin indonesian in the novel ldquo Pangeran Pencuri rdquo . The focus of this research is theexplanation of the meanings and functions of the interjections based on thecontext of the story and also the unit shifts that happens due to translation process.The method that is used in this research is qualitative method in which theanalysis is done by doing library search. The result of this research shows that thecontext of the story determines the various meanings and functions of theinterjections thus its equivalent translations in indonesian are also variative."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Retno Cahyaningrum
"[Skripsi ini menganalisis kalimat pasif bahasa Jerman dalam novel Tintenblut karya Cornelia Funke yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dalam novel Tintenblut versi terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dan melihat apakah terjadi pergeseran struktur bentuk dan perubahan perspektif makna dalam penerjemahannya. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori kalimat pasif bahasa Jerman menurut Pittner dan Berman, kalimat pasif bahasa Indonesia menurut Alwi dkk., dan pergeseran dalam penerjemahan menurut Simatupang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lebih banyak kalimat Vorgangspassiv yang tetap menjadi pasif dalam bahasa Indonesia dan lebih banyak kalimat Zustandpassiv yang diterjemahkan menjadi aktif.
;This thesis analyzes Germanic passive voice in the novel entitled Tintenblut by Cornelia Funke, which is translated in Indonesian in Tintenblut Indonesian translation version. This thesis also attempts to identify shift in the structure of the form and change in the perspective of meaning in the translation. The theories used are theory about Germanic passive voice by Pittner and Berman, Indonesian passive voice by Alwi et al, and shift in translation by Simatupang. The result of the research shows that there are more sentences of Vorgangspassiv retained as passive in Indonesian and more sentences of Zustandpassiv translated into active.
;This thesis analyzes Germanic passive voice in the novel entitled Tintenblut by Cornelia Funke, which is translated in Indonesian in Tintenblut Indonesian translation version. This thesis also attempts to identify shift in the structure of the form and change in the perspective of meaning in the translation. The theories used are theory about Germanic passive voice by Pittner and Berman, Indonesian passive voice by Alwi et al, and shift in translation by Simatupang. The result of the research shows that there are more sentences of Vorgangspassiv retained as passive in Indonesian and more sentences of Zustandpassiv translated into active.
, This thesis analyzes Germanic passive voice in the novel entitled Tintenblut by Cornelia Funke, which is translated in Indonesian in Tintenblut Indonesian translation version. This thesis also attempts to identify shift in the structure of the form and change in the perspective of meaning in the translation. The theories used are theory about Germanic passive voice by Pittner and Berman, Indonesian passive voice by Alwi et al, and shift in translation by Simatupang. The result of the research shows that there are more sentences of Vorgangspassiv retained as passive in Indonesian and more sentences of Zustandpassiv translated into active.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Fatmala
"Skripsi ini meneliti bagaimana konjungtor subordinatif bahasa Jerman dalam anak kalimat diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dan pengaruhnya terhadap informasi yang disampaikan dalam kalimat. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada hasil penerjemahan bukan pada proses penerjemahan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Sebagai landasan teori, digunakan teori kalimat majemuk, anak kalimat dan konjungtor. Selain itu, teori penerjemahan dan teori pergeseran bentuk juga digunakan untuk menganalisis terjemahan anak kalimat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua konjungtor subordinatif bahasa Jerman diterjemahkan menjadi konjungtor subordinatif bahasa Indonesia. Pemadanan konjungtor subordinatif yang tidak tepat dapat mempengaruhi informasi yang disampaikan pada hasil terjemahan anak kalimat.

This thesis examines how german subordinating conjunction in dependent clauses are translated into Bahasa and its effect in the information provided in the sentence. This research focused on the results of translation rather than on the process of translating. The research used qualitative method. The theory of compound sentences, dependent clauses and conjunction were used as fundamental theory. In addition, the theory of translation and the translation shift theory also used to analyze the translation of the dependent clauses. The results showed that not all subordinating conjunction in german translated into subordinating conjunction in Bahasa. The improper translation of subordinating conjunction highly influence the information provided in the outcome of dependent clauses? translation."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aprianisah Fitri
"This thesis discusses the difference in writing the vocal letters in Hugo’s telling Hugo in child story entitled Gespensterjäger auf eisiger Spur, written by Cornelia Funke. This thesis explains about the vocals that undergo changes in sound writing, namely: vocal , and diphthong , and vocals that undergo changes in writing irregularly.
The result of this study shows that differences in the writing of the vocals are done by Funke with three objectives to be achieved, there are describe the expression of a ghostly figure (Hugo), build on the spooky atmosphere of the story, and differentiate between human languages with the language of ghosts. In addition, there are two benefits to children when they read this book, namely the idea that ghosts are not always bad/scary, and give examples of virtue that can be emulated.

Diese Abschlussarbeit beschreibt die unterschiedlichen schriftlichen Vokale bei der Aussprache von Hugo im Kinderbuch mit dem Titel „Gespensterjäger auf Eisiger Spur“ von Cornelia Funke. In dieser Arbeit sind Vokale erklärt, wie die Laute schriftliche Veränderungen durchgemacht haben. Es geht um die Vokale , , den Diphthong und die Vokale mit unregelmäßigen schriftlichen Veränderungen.
Das Ergebnis dieser Studie zeigte, dass die Funktion der unterschiedlichen schriftlichen Vokale, welche von Cornelia Funke gemacht wurden, drei Ziele zu erreichen haben, nämlich die Expression von einem Gespenster (Hugo) zu beschreiben, die gespenstische Atmosphäre auf der Geschichte zu bauen, und zwischen menschlicher Sprache mit der Sprache der Geister zu unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus gibt es zwei Vorteile für Kinder, wenn sie dieses Buch lesen, nämlich die Vorstellung, dass Geister nicht immer schlecht/erschreckend sind und es gibt Beispiele von guten Qualitäten, die repliziert werden können.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Hamada Riduan
"Tesis ini membahas tipe verba dan tipe situasi dalam teks naratif berbahasa Jerman, yaitu ?Herr der Diebe? dan Russendisko. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua teori. Kedua teori itu adalah teori Brinton (1988) dan teori Comrie (1976). Tipe situasi dalam penelitian ini ditentukan berdasarkan hasil pengelompokan tipe verba dan juga peranan fungsi sintaktis lain, seperti subjek, objek, dan keterangan. Hasil dari penelitian adalah yang pertama terdapat empat jenis tipe verba yang muncul, yaitu keadaan, pencapaian, aktivitas, dan penyelesaian; yang kedua terdapat enam jenis tipe situasi yang muncul, yaitu statis, dinamis, pungtual, duratif, telis dan atelis yang ketiga subjek, objek dan keterangan memiliki peranan dalam penentuan tipe situasi.

This thesis talks about type of verbs and type of situations in naration texts in German which are Herr der Diebe and Russendisko. In this research I analyze type of situations based on the classification of type of verbs and the roles of other categories, such as subject, object, and complementary. Also I use the theories by Brinton (1988) and Comrie (1976) to help classifying and analyzing the data. The result are four types of verbs which are state, achievement, activity, and accomplishment six types of situations which are state, dynamic, punctual, durative, telic, and atelic; and also the roles from subject, object, and complimentary."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismaya Sakti Amanda
"Terjemahan beranotasi adalah terjemahan yang disertai anotasi berisi pertanggungjawaban penerjemah atas padanan yang dipilihnya Novel Modelland merupakan teks ekspresif yang berjenis petualangan fantastik Metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah metode semantis dan komunikatif Berbagai unsur bermasalah yang ditemui selama proses penerjemahan digolongkan menjadi enam kategori yaitu nama diri istilah fesyen idiom kata budaya istilah penulis dan onomatope Penerapan pelbagai prosedur merupakan cara saya menyelesaikan permasalahan itu Selanjutnya dalam melakukan anotasi saya merujuk pada pelbagai kamus mengunjungi laman Internet dan melakukan diskusi dengan narasumber Anotasi terutama dilakukan pada tataran kata frasa dan kalimat Dapat disimpulkan bahwa menerjemahkan membutuhkan penguasaan bahasa budaya dan topik yang melatari suatu teks oleh penerjemah agar menghasilkan terjemahan yang baik Selain itu kepekaan penerjemah dalam menangkap ide ide implisit dan nuansa serta gaya bahasa yang melatari teks sumber harus dipertajam dalam menerjemahkan novel fantastis

An annotated translation is a translation supported by annotations or translator rsquo s commentary on the equivalents chosen Modelland is an expressive text and the text rsquo s genre is fantasy adventure Translation methods applied are semantics and communicative Problems found during the translation process are categorized into six groups self identification fashion terms idioms cultural words writer rsquo s terms and onomatope The deployment of a range of translating procedures attempt to adress those problems In performing annotation referrence to various dictionaries and websites along with discussion with sources were conducted The annotation conducted for this final assignment is limited to words phrases and sentences In conclusion translator rsquo s mastery of language cultural as well as field of the text are needed in order to produce a good translation Moreover the translator has to capture the implicits ideas the nuances and the styles of the source text
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Utami Novitarukmi
Tesis ini menyuguhkan terjemahan beranotasi novel The Kaisho. Anotasi dilakukan untuk menjelaskan masalah penerjemahan istilah budaya dan penyelesaiannya. Keunikan novel dari segi budaya dan keinginan untuk memperkenalkan budaya latar TSu menjadi dasar penerjemahan yang menganut ideologi pengasingan, tanpa mengabaikan ideologi pelokalan. Ideologi pelokalan hanya digunakan pada bagian-bagian tertentu untuk mencapai pemahaman pembaca TSa. Metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah metode semantis-komunikatif dengan penggunaan berbagai teknik yang mendukung kesepadanan makna dan kewajaran bentuk. Penerjemahan yang melibatkan teks sumber (TSu) yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat memerlukan upaya dari penerjemah agar tidak terjadi ?penjajahan budaya?. Keterlibatan teks sumber yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat di dalam penerjemahan ini memerlukan upaya penerjemah untuk menghindari ?penjajahan budaya?. Dalam situasi ini, penerjemah perlu mencondongkan pada lima aspek, (1) pemahaman karakteristik TSu; (2) pemahaman tentang calon pembaca TSa; (3) pemahaman budaya-budaya di dalam TSu dan budaya sasaran; (4) pemahaman makna dalam penyampaian pesan; dan (5) pemahaman bahwa ada perbedaan cara pengungkapan suatu ide pada dua budaya yang berlainan.

This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the ?culturally imperialistic?.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.;This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures., This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.]
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margareth Theresia
"Penelitian ini mengkaji tema utama dan tema tambahan yang terkandung di dalam novel Malhaneun Dol karya Moon Soon Tae melalui gagasan-gagasan yang ada di dalam novel ini. Malhaneun Dol penting untuk diteliti karena mampu menggambarkan suasana masyarakat desa pada saat Perang Korea dan akibat yang terjadi setelahnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah close reading atau membaca dekat yaitu dengan membaca tekun suatu karya untuk menelitinya lebih lanjut. Dengan latar belakang yang juga penulis pertimbangkan, dapat ditemukan bahwa tema utama dalam novel ini adalah balas dendam yang sia-sia. Tema tambahan dalam novel ini adalah suasana sosial perang, keadaan psikologis perang dan penghormatan kepada orang tua.

The research is focused on a study of main theme and supporting theme in the Malhaneun Dol novel written by Moon Soon Tae through its supporting ideas. Malhaneun Dol is important to be researched because this novel can describe the villagers’ atmosphere at Korean War and the time after that. The research method that applied in this thesis is close reading that we have to read a work to understand it more deeply. Historical background is considered and we can find that the main theme of the novel is a shameful revenge. The supporting themes are social atmosphere and psychological state at war, and filial piety."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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