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Chaula Rininta Anindya
"Skripsi ini bertujuan menganalisa faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kemenangan Jabhat Al-Nusra dalam Anfal Campaign di Kassab, Suriah, 21-23 Maret 2014. Pemahaman militer konvensional melihat bahwa aktor dengan power yang lebih unggul akan memenangkan perang. Namun, Jabhat Al-Nusra yang kapabilitas power nya relatif lebih lemah dibandingkan dengan pihak rezim Bashar Al-Assad dapat memenangkan pertempuran di Kassab. Penelitian ini menganalisis menggunakan teori asymmetric warfare oleh Patricia L. Sullivan dan merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode process tracing. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemenangan di Kassab diakibatkan oleh besarnya toleransi biaya dari JN karena bantuan dari Tier JN dan Turki.

This undergraduate thesis seeks to analyze the cause of Jabhat Al-Nusra`s winning on Anfal Campaign in Kassab, Syria, March 21st-23rd, 2014. According to the conventional military understanding, those who have military superiorities will inevitably win the war. However, Jabhat Al-Nusra as a military oppoisition as a weak actor against Bashar Al-Assad`s regime as a strong actor, could win the battle on Anfal Campaign in Kassab. On making the analysis, this research is using the asymmetric wafare theory by Patricia L. Sullivan and done in a process tracing method. This research shows that JN has a greater cost tolerance because there were several supports from JN`s Tier and Turkey which helped JN in winning the battle against regime.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Nuruljah
"[Empat tahun sejak dimulainya pemberontakan, Suriah masih terjebak
dalam perang sipil yang telah menghancurkan setiap segi wilayahnya. Jumlah korban tewas melampaui 200.000 jiwa, akan tetapi solusi politik masih jauh dari harapan. Penelitian ini menyoroti bagaimana persepsi ancaman, internal dan eksternal, mempengaruhi perilaku rezim Bashar al-Asad dalam upayanya mempertahankan legitimasi politiknya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami proses pembuatan kebijakan oleh pemerintah pada situasi krisis dan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana perang sipil yang berkepanjangan disebabkan oleh kesediaan rezim yang berkuasa untuk mengadopsi kebijakan berisiko
sekalipun untuk melanggengkan kekuasaannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa untuk memahami kompleksitas perang sipil, diperlukan kajian dari berbagai sudut pandang, termasuk perspektif rezim yang berkuasa, untuk menemukan solusi politik yang terbaik bagi tercapainya resolusi konflik.;Four years since the start of its uprising, Syria is still caught in a civil war that has torn every facet of the country. The death toll has exceeded 200.000 lives with no political solution in sights. This research highlights on how threats perceptions, both internal and external, affect behavior of Bashar al-Asad’s regime in order to protect its political legitimacy. The purpose of this research is to understand policy-making process by a government during crisis and to explore on how a long-lasted civil war is caused by the will of the government to have a risky policy for its survival. This research is done by qualitative method with a case study approach. The researcher suggest that to understand the complexity of civil war, the other analysts shall look from many angles, including government’s perspective, to find any political solution that may best resolve the conflict., Four years since the start of its uprising, Syria is still caught in a civil war
that has torn every facet of the country. The death toll has exceeded 200.000 lives
with no political solution in sights. This research highlights on how threats
perceptions, both internal and external, affect behavior of Bashar al-Asad’s
regime in order to protect its political legitimacy. The purpose of this research is
to understand policy-making process by a government during crisis and to explore
on how a long-lasted civil war is caused by the will of the government to have a
risky policy for its survival. This research is done by qualitative method with a
case study approach. The researcher suggest that to understand the complexity of
civil war, the other analysts shall look from many angles, including government’s
perspective, to find any political solution that may best resolve the conflict.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rizky Nur Kamrullah
Peran aktor non-negara di dalam politik dunia kontemporer semakin penting bagi dinamika politik global. Pasca peristiwa 9/11, perhatian para akademisi maupun praktisi dalam bidang studi-studi keamanan internasional tertuju pada aktor non-negara yang sering diklasifikasikan sebagai kelompok atau organisasi teroris. Karakter penggunaan kekerasan yang erat kaitannya dengan aktor ini membuat mereka dapat di klasifikasikan sebagai violent non-state actor VNSA . Tak dapat dipungkiri, bahwa aktor ini juga mampu berperan membentuk kebijakan keamanan aktor negara dan memprovokasi negara untuk berperang. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini akan menjadikan kasus keterlibatan Jabhat al Nusra; salah satu aktor non-negara yang berafiliasi dengan Al Qaeda; pada konflik sipil bersenjata di Suriah, sebagai salah satu fenomena yang menggambarkan peran dan pengaruh aktor non-negara yang berkekerasan dalam mempengaruhi sikap atau perilaku negara. Tulisan ini berusaha untuk menunjukkan faktor-faktor apa saja yang memungkinkan Jabhat al Nusra mampu menjadi aktor penting dalam pusaran konflik bersenjata di Suriah sehingga mempengaruhi dinamika kebijakan luar negeri aktor negara; khusunya intervensi Amerika Serikat dalam konflik tersebut. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa kondisi lingkungan kenegaraan di Suriah yang rentan fragile statehood dan karakter dari aktor non-negara itu sendiri yang memiliki potensi politik global global actorness , merupakkan faktor-faktor yang menjadikan Jabhat al Nusra mampu berkembang menjadi aktor yang utama di dalam jajaran pemberontak, sehingga dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap strategi Amerika Serikat mendukung gerakan oposisi terhadap pemerintahan Bashar al Assad di Suriah.

The role of non state actor in contemporary world politics is increasingly important. After 9 11, scholars of security study and security practitioners begin to concern about the non state actors which usually called as terrorist group or terrorist organization. The use of violence by those actors makes them can be classified as Violent Non state Actor VNSA . It cannot be denied that VNSAs activity can affect the state security policy and provoke state to war against them. Therefore, this paper will examine Jabhat al Nusra mdash as an actor with tied to Al Qaeda mdash involvement in the Syrian armed conflict, as a phenomenon that illustrates the role and influence of VNSA in affecting state behavior. This paper will try to show any factors that allow Jabhat al Nusra capabilities to be an important actor on the conflict dynamics. This paper argue that statehood condition in Syria mdash which is encourage the development of VNSA mdash and VNSA global politics potential character, were the factors that made Jabhat al Nusra can grow to be a main actor in the rebel ranks and affecting the United States policy to support the opposition in the Syrian armed conflict. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amrullah Umar
Dominasi politik yang dilakukan Bashar al Assad melanjutkan kepemempinan Hafiz al Assad selama dua periode kepemimpinan menimbulkan gejolak politik dalam negeri Suriah Bashar Al Assad yang didukung oleh Partai Ba rsquo ats dan militer dengan berbagai kebijakan dalam negeri dan luar negerinya tidak mampu membendung konflik politik yang terjadi Konflik politik yang meletus pada tahun 2011 sampai sekarang telah menimbulkan korban dan meruntuhkan sendi kehidupan di Suriah Konflik politik yang terjadi di Suriah juga dianggap bagian dari rencana Arab Spring Dominasi politik yang dilakukan oleh bashar al Assad dianalisis dengan pendekatan teori Max Weber.
Dominasi politik yang dijelaskan dengan teori dominasi tradisional kharismatik dan legal rasional Konflik politik yang terjadi melibatkan banyak pihak baik pihak dalam negeri Suriah sendiri maupun pihak luar negeri dimana bisa dilihat beberapa negara Amerika Serikat Rusia Cina Iran Turki dll Hampir semua Negara yang terlibat dalam konflik Suriah memiliki kepentingan dan diantara kepentingan yang bermain dalam konflik tersebut dapat di klasifikasi dalam kepentingan ekonomi stabilitas kawasan dan politik luar negeri Kata kunci Dominasi Politik Bashar al Assad arab spring konflik politik dan kepentingan,

Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ;Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ;Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ;Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ;Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad , Political domination undertaken Bashar al Assad continued leadership of Hafiz al Assad during two periods of the leadership of the political turmoil in the country of Syria Bashar Al Assad that is supported by the Ba 39 ath Party and the military with a wide range of domestic and foreign policy of the country was not able to stem the political conflict The political conflict that erupted in 2011 until now has caused the victims and undermine the joint life in Syria Political conflict in Syria is also considered part of the plan of the Arab Spring Political domination undertaken by Bashar al Assad analyzed with Max Weber 39 s theory approach Political domination described by the theory of traditional domination charismatic and rational legal Political conflict involving many parties both parties in Syria it self and the country abroad where can be seen a few countries United States Russia China Iran Turkey etc Almost all the countries involved in the Syrian conflict has an interest and between the interests at play in these conflicts can be in the classification in economic interests political stability in the region and abroad ]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dalili Pranowo
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fathir Al Anfal
Motif dan penyidikan adalah dua hal yang selalu ada dalam suatu tindak kejahatan, terutama tindak pembunuhan. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis bertujuan untuk melihat motif dan penyidikan tindak pembunuhan melalui sebuah novel yang berjudul Misteri Mayat yang Berpindah. Penulis melihat konflik-konflik yang melatarbelakangi pembunuhan yang terjadi sebagai suatu motif-motif pendorong dari tokoh pembunuh. Selain itu, relasi antartokoh yang terlibat dalam proses penyidikan, memicu penulis untuk melihat hambatan-hambatan yang terjadi selama penyidikan yang dilakukan tokoh detektif. Hasilnya, terdapat empat motif pendorong tindak pembunuhan, yaitu motif cinta, motif harga diri, motif ekonomi, dan motif psikologi. Sementara itu, terdapat lima faktor penghambat penyidikan, yaitu kesalahan identifikasi, kesaksian palsu, pemindahan mayat, ketidaktahuan, dan kelicikan tokoh pembunuh.

Motive and investigation are two things that always exist in a crime, particulary murder. In this study, the author examined the motives and the investigation of murders in a novel titled Misteri Mayat yang Berpindah. The author examined on the conflicts which exist in the backdrop for the killings that took place as motives that influence the killer. The author also examined relationship among the characters involved in investigation process to uncover hindrance in the investigation process. The author conclude, that there exists four motives which motivate the act of murders, namely love motives, self- esteem motives, financial motives and psychological motives. The author also conclude, that there are five factors which hindered the investigation, namely miss identification, perjury, corpse displacement, ignorance, and guile of killer.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andri Ramawan Adipura
"Foreign-Imposed Regime Change (FIRC) atau intervensi perubahan rezim merupakan salah satu instrumen kebijakan keamanan Amerika Serikat (AS) dalam mengejar kepentingannya. Dalam Perang Sipil Suriah, AS menjadi salah satu negara pengintervensi dan dengan tujuan untuk mengganti pemerintahan Suriah. AS menggunakan intervensi perubahan rezim tertutup di Suriah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan “mengapa AS menggunakan intervensi perubahan rezim tertutup alih-alih terbuka di Suriah?” Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data studi dokumen. Kerangka analisis yang digunakan adalah Logika Strategi Perubahan Rezim oleh Lindsey O’Rourke (2018) yang terdiri dari pertimbangan taktis dan keuntungan strategis intervensi. Peneliti berargumen bahwa AS menggunakan intervensi perubahan rezim tertutup karena pertimbangan taktis AS di Suriah dan rekam jejak di negara-negara target sebelumnya dan pertimbangan keuntungan strategis akan hasil yang didapat di Suriah serta posisi negara-negara rival membuat AS enggan menggunakan operasi terbuka dan memilih operasi tertutup.

Foreign-Imposed Regime Change is one of the United States’ (US) security policy instruments to pursue their national security interests. During the Syrian Civil War, the US intervenes with a purpose of overthrowing the incumbent Syrian government. The US uses a covert regime change for that purpose. This research is aiming at answering the question of “why does the US use a covert regime change instead of an overt regime change in Syria?” This research relies on qualitative approach to answer the research question and uses primary and secondary data collected from official documents and open-source information. This research employs the concept of the strategic logic of regime change developed by Lindsey O’Rourke (2018; 2019) to analyze the case. This research focuses on the tactical considerations and strategic benefits of an intervention and argues that US uses covert regime change operation because of the heavy cost of their previous overt regime change polices in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya as well as the fear of rival states’ intervention, especially from Russia, in Syria that might endanger their current geopolical standing."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kejadian konflik Suriah yang berkepanjangan. Media hadir di tengah masyarakat diharapkan mampu memberikan informasi yang tepat dan akurat. Sebagai sumber informasi, media dapat memberikan pengaruh kepada pembacanya, baik pengaruh positif maupun negatif. Pengaruh yang didapat oleh pembaca sejatinya bersumber dari penulis yang secara sadar atau tidak membentuk penilaian tertentu. Seperti halnya berbagai macam berita konflik Suriah dengan pengaruh-pengaruh dari pihak luar. Melalui analisis transitivitas dan appraisal, diharapkan mampu memberikan gambaran bagaimana media memandang peristiwa tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil analisis transitivitas dan realisasi sikap media yang ternyata mampu menggambarkan sudut pandang media atas sebuah berita. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah aljazeera.net dan ahram.org pada tahun 2017-2021. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah tiga unsur transitivitas dari Halliday & Matthiessen (2014), yaitu proses, partisipan, dan sirkumstan. Selain itu juga meninjau dari tiga unsur sikap dalam teori appraisal dari Halliday & White (2005). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan ada perbedaan dominansi penggunaan proses antara kedua media. Al-Jazeera lebih dominan menggunakan proses mental dan Al-Ahram dominan pada proses verbal. Kedua media menggambarkan partisipan dengan sudut yang sama, yaitu menjadikan Iran, Rusia dan Amerika sebagai partisipan aktif atau aktor. Sikap yang dominan digunakan oleh kedua media adalah justifikasi negatif terhadap partisipan.

This research is motivated by the occurrence of the prolonged Syrian conflict. Media present in the community is expected to be able to provide percise and accurate information. As a source of information, the media can have an influence on its readers, both positive and negative influence. The influence obtained by the reader actually comes from the author who consciously or not forms certain judgments. As well as various kinds of news on the Syrian conflict with influences from outside parties. Through transitivity and appraisal analysis, it is hoped that it will be able to provide an overview of how the media views the event. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of transitivity analysis and the relization of media attitudes which were able to describe the media’s point of view on a news story. The data sorces used in this study were aljazeera.net and ahram.org in 2017-2021. The theory used to analyze the data is three elements of transitivity from Halliday & Matthiessen (2014), namely process, participant, and circumstantial. In addition, it also reviews the three elements of attitude in the appraisal theory of Halliday & White (2005). The results of this study indicate that there is a difference in the dominance of the use the process between the two media. Al-Jazeera is more dominant in using mental processes and Al-Ahram is dominant in verbal processes. Both media dpict participants from the same angle, namely making Iran, Rusia and America as active participants or actors. The dominant attitude used by both media is negative justification for participants."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Proyek Penerbitan Buku Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah, 1991
992.1 IND s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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