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Ditemukan 200647 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Antonius Satria Adinugraha
"The regulations regarding the Restoration of Cultural Heritage were established from the restriction of its removal. The main treaty providing the norm to restore the removed Cultural Heritage from the State of origin is 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting Illicit Import, Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. Through this convention, State, as a subject in international law, was given a set of Rights and Obligations to claim for its Restoration. Indonesia as a developing State has its own interest in the Restortion of Cultural Heritage after its independence, including from Netherlands. Through this thesis, the author analyses the practice in the case of the Restoration from Netherlands to Indonesia, Indonesian Law No. 11 of 2010 on Cultural Heritage, and the urgency of Indonesia to become a State party to 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting Illicit Import, Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property.

Ketentuan mengenai Pengembalian Benda Cagar Budaya muncul dari ketentuan pelarangan pemindahan atasnya. Perjanjian Internasional yang terutama dalam mengatur Pengembalian Benda Cagar Budaya kepada Negara asal adalah 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting Illicit Import, Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. Dalam konvensi tersebut Negara sebagai subyek hukum internasional yang diberikan seperangkat Hak dan Kewajiban untuk mengajukan klaim Pengembalian. Indonesia sebagai Negara berkembang memiliki kepentingan Pengembalian Benda Cagar Budaya dari Negara-Negara maju pasca kemerdekaan, salah satunya dari Belanda. Penulisan ini melakukan analisis terhadap praktik Pengembalian yang selama ini telah dilakukan oleh Belanda ke Indonesia, UU Cagar Budaya No. 11 Tahun 2010, dan kepentingan Indonesia menjadi Negara peserta Konvensi 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting Illicit Import, Export, and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryszcha Mirdania
"Benda cagar budaya merupakan salah satu warisan kebudayaan bangsa yang menyimpan identitas dari bangsa yang memilikinya, informasi mengenai masa lampau, estetika yang otentik, hingga nilai-nilai kultural yang menyusun identitas suatu bangsa, karenanya ia harus dilindungi baik kelestarian fisiknya, sekaligus nilai dan informasi yang dikandungnya. Bangsa yang menciptakan dan mewarisi benda cagar budaya merupakan pihak dengan kepentingan paling besar dan paling tepat untuk melaksanakan peran dalam melindungi kelestarian benda cagar budaya, namun benda cagar budaya suatu bangsa seringkali diambil secara tanpa hak hingga berakhir di bawah penguasaan pihak-pihak lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana instrumen hukum nasional dan internasional mengatur pelindungan dan pemilikan atas benda cagar budaya sekaligus bagaimana prinsip hukum perdata internasional diterapkan dalam upaya pengembalian benda cagar budaya kepada kebudayaan asalnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh hasil bahwa instrumen hukum yang berlaku bagi benda cagar budaya menghendaki dikembalikannya benda cagar budaya kepada bangsa yang menghasilkannya untuk dipelihara demi sebesar-besarnya kepentingan umat manusia atas warisan kebudayaannya sekaligus kepentingan bangsa atas identitas kebudayaan. Dikehendaki pula diterapkannya lex originis sebagai prinsip hukum perdata internasional yang berlaku terhadap sengketa terkait benda cagar budaya.

Cultural properties are one of the nation's cultural heritages that store the identity of a nation, information about the past, priceless aesthetics, and cultural values that make up the identity of a nation, therefore the physical preservation along with the values and informations it contains must be protected. The nation that creates and inherits the cultural properties has the greatest interest in protecting their cultural properties. However, cultural properties are often removed and exported illicitly from the country of origin. This study aims to analyze how national and international legal instruments regulate the protection and ownership of cultural properties as well as how the principles of private international law are applied in efforts of nations to return their cultural properties. This study obtained that international conventions for the protection of cultural properties require the return of cultural properties to the country of origin, as well as the application of lex originis as the most proper private international law principles for disputes relating to cultural properties."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meike Rachmana
"Perkembangan teknologi telah mendorong pesatnya penemuan terhadap benda-benda budaya bawah air. Salah satunya yakni kapal karam bersejarah yang didalamnya terkandung nilai yang sangat tinggi baik secara historis, arkeologis ataupun ekonomis. Keberadaan kapal karam bersejarah yang sangat signifikan inilah yang menjadikan isu kepemilikan atasnya merupakan suatu hal yang penting. Benturan kepentingan terjadi antara Negara bendera kapal, penemunya, Negara dimana kapal karam bersejarah tersebut karam ataupun negara dari mana muatan didalamnya berasal. Oleh karena itu, dalam skripsi ini akan dibahas konsepsi pengaturan mengenai kepemilikan atas kapal karam bersejarah di tingkat internasional melalui konvensi dan hukum kebiasaan internasional terkait, di tingkat nasional melalui peraturan dan praktik di beberapa negara dunia serta pengaturan dan praktik penerapannya di Indonesia.

Technology development pushed forward an access to underwater cultural heritage. One of them is historic shipwrecks which contain historical, archaeological or economic value. The significance of this historic shipwrecks leads to an issue about ownership. The dispute over historic shipwrecks happen because there is a clash about jurisdiction over the historic shipwrecks among Flag-state country, Finder, Coastal state, or state origin of the cargo. Therefore, it is an important thing to see the conception on regulation of historic shipwrecks at international level through international convention, at national level through its regulation and practice in several countries and also the regulation and practice in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Can states adopt protectionist cultural policies? What are the limits, if any, to state intervention in cultural matters? A wide variety of cultural policies may interfere with foreign investments, and a tension therefore exists between the cultural policies of the host state and investment treaty provisions. In some cases, foreign investors have claimed that cultural policies have negatively affected their investments, thereby amounting to a breach of the relevant investment treaty. This study maps the relevant investor-state arbitrations concerning cultural elements and shows that arbitrators have increasingly taken cultural concerns into consideration in deciding cases brought before them, eventually contributing to the coalescence of general principles of law demanding the protection of cultural heritage"
New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014
346.092 VAD c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Greenfield, Jeanette
New York: Cambridge University Press , 1995
363.69 GRE r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cheltenham: UK Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2014
344.094 HAN
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adia Misqa Imtiyaz Rohman
"Terdapat konsekuensi hukum terkait pengalihan dan pengubahan bentuk bangunan cagar budaya yang dikuasai secara pribadi, yang tidak bisa dilakukan tanpa izin pemerintah yang berwenang. Sengketa TUN berkaitan dengan penetapan status bangunan cagar budaya tanpa izin ditemukan di Putusan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN) Bandung Nomor 121/G/2019/PTUN.Bdg dengan pihak penggugat para ahli waris Alrmarhum ES melawan Bupati Sumedang. Tesis ini berbasis metode penelitian doktrinal, dengan mengangkat dua pembahasan masalah yakni permasalahan mengenai kesesuaian penerbitan penetapan status bangunan cagar budaya pada putusan tersebut berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta perlindungan hukum yang dapat dilakukan pemilik bangunan yang ditetapkan sebagai bangunan cagar budaya tanpa persetujuan. Sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan yaitu UU Administrasi Pemerintahan dan UU PTUN serta UU Cagar Budaya, penetapan status cagar budaya pada putusan PTUN Bandung Nomor 121/G/2019/PTUN.Bdg cacat prosedur dan substansi. Tersedia penyelesaian sengketa TUN melalui upaya administratif (antara lain berupa keberatan dan banding administrasi) dan gugatan ke PTUN. Masih dapat ditemukan kekosongan hukum dalam penetapan bangunan cagar budaya sehingga seharusnya pemilik dilibatkan dalam proses penetapannya dan selain diberitahukan penetapannya pada pemilik tanah status cagar budaya juga harus dicatatkan dalam buku tanah. Hal ini menjadi sorotan guna terselenggaranya kepastian hukum sebagai perlindungan hak kepada penguasa bangunan. Peraturan perundang-undangan hanya mengatur tentang pendaftaran cagar budaya, sehingga pengaturan mengenai pendataan dan publikasi cagar budaya perlu diatur lebih lanjut dan membutuhkan kerjasama antara BPN dan Dinas Budaya. Penting juga untuk memperhatikan keterlibatan profesi Notaris dan Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah dalam peralihan hak atas bangunannya.

Legal consequences exist related to the transfer and change of form of privately controlled cultural heritage buildings. The dispute relating to determining the status of cultural heritage buildings was found in the Bandung State Administrative Court (PTUN) Decision Number 121/G/2019/PTUN.Bdg between the bulding owner against the Regent of Sumedang. Based on doctrinal research methods, this thesis spotlights specifically about the conformity of publication of the determination of the status of cultural heritage buildings based on applicable laws and regulations and the legal protection that can be done by cultural heritage building owner without owner’s approval. Based on the Government Administration Law and PTUN Law as well as the Cultural Heritage Law, the determination of cultural heritage status in the Bandung PTUN decision Number 121/G/2019/PTUN.Bdg is procedurally and substantively flawed. TUN settlements are available through administrative measures (including approval and administrative appeals) and lawsuits to the PTUN. Legal vacuum exists in determining cultural heritage buildings, so apart from involvement of the owner in the determining process and notifying the owner with the result, the status of cultural heritage land must also be recorded in the land book. This is highlighted in order to emphasize legal certainty as a protection for the rights of building owners. Legislative regulations only regulate the registration of cultural heritage, so regulations regarding data collection and publication of cultural heritage need to be regulated and require cooperation between BPN. It is also important to pay attention to the involvement of the Notary profession and Land Deed Officials."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Figra Ardham
Prinsip-prinsip perlindungan benda budaya pada masa konflik bersenjata merupakan
prinsip-prinsip lama yang telah dikodifikasikan dalam berbagai ketentuan hukum
perang dan hukum humaniter internasional yang saat ini berlaku seperti Convention
(IV) respecting to the Laws and Customs of War on Land 1907 dan The Hague
Convention for the Protection of the Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
1954. Prinsip-prinsip yang tercantum dalam ketentuan-ketentuan hukum tersebut
diaplkasikan dalam berbagai lembaga-lembaga peradilan internasional seperti The
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.(ICTY) Salah satu kasus
yang ditangani ICTY adalah kasus Jadranko Prlic et al yang berkaitan dengan
penghancuran benda budaya Stari Most di Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The principles of the protection of cultural property during armed conflict is an
old principles that have been codified in various provisions of the laws of war and
international humanitarian law currently in force such as the Convention (IV)
respecting to the Laws and Customs of War on Land in 1907 and The Hague
Convention for the Protection of the Cultural Property in the Event of Armed
Conflict, 1954. The principles set forth in the provisions of the law in various
international judicial institutions such as the International Criminal Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). One of the cases handled by the ICTY is Jadranko
Prlic et al case relating to the destruction of cultural property Stari Most in
Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Drishti Kanya
As a country that has a long history, Indonesia has a very rich national cultural heritage. Strategically located in the trading route, automatically shapes the culture of this country. The cultural heritages, which are ranging variously from traditional dance, traditional foods, traditional music and songs, languages, clothes, and many more, spread evenly throughout the regions in Indonesia. There are two kinds of cultural heritage, namely tangible cultural heritage and intangible cultural heritage, which Indonesia has both types. The great number of these cultural inheritances should be preserved and protected by the go vernment."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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