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Bell Arminus Tyas Mardiko
"This study is determine the story engraved on Candi Kesiman Tengah?s relief and explain the style of depiction and position of the reliefs. The repeated Relief depictions in each side associated with the concept of Vastupurusamandala that often used in the construction of a temple. The purpose of this research is find out religiousity and religious concepts which is existing within the Majapahit. Results of this study is to know the myths or stories in relief that is connected with its
positioning, and some other relief function which shows the position the gods at the temple which is used by the religionist as a medium in carrying out their religious activities.

Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui cerita yang dipahatkan pada relief Candi Kesiman Tengah serta menjelaskan gaya penggambaran dan keletakan relief. Penggambaran relief yang berulang di setiap sisinya dikaitkan dengan konsep vastupurusamandala yang sering digunakan dalam pembangunan sebuah candi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengungkapkan nafas keagamaan serta konsep keagamaan yang
berkembang di lingkungan Majapahit. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dengan mengetahui mitos atau cerita pada relief dan dihubungkan dengan keletakannya maka terdapat fungsi relief lainnya yaitu menunjukkan keletakan para dewa pada sebuah candi yang digunakan sebagai media kaum agamawan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan keagamaan."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernadetha Patricia
Candi adalah salah satu peninggalan budaya bangsa Indonesia yang amat berharga. Bukti dari keberadaan nenek moyang yang sudah maju peradabannya. Bangunan candi sebenarnya adalah bangunan keagamaan bagi pemeluk agama Hindu maupun Buddha. Sisa-sisa bangunan candi dapat ditemukan di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatra.
Skripsi ini membahas salah satu unsur yang penting dalam bangunan candi yaitu, peripih. Peripih adalah benda-benda tertentu yang dapat menjadi wadah zat inti kedewaan dari Sang Dewa. Peripih ditemukan pada candi Hindu maupun candi Buddha. Dalam skripsi ini Kompleks Candi Plaosan Lor yang adalah candi agama Buddha menjadi obyek penelitian. Di bawah pondasi bilik tengah Candi Induk Utara Plaosan Lor ditemukan peripih yang terletak di keempat sudut pondasi.
Untuk mengetahui apakah peripih Candi Induk Utara Plaosan Lor berkaitan dengan pola bangunan suci agama Buddha, maka diambil sebagai pembanding candi Buddha lainnya yaitu Candi Gumpung di Jambi dan Candi Pegulingan di Bali. Skripsi ini juga memperbandingkan peripih Candi Induk Utara Plaosan Lor dengan temuan peripih di Kompleks Candi Loro Jonggrang, yang merupakan candi Hindu. Adapun unsur pembanding yang diteliti adalah keletakan peripih, wadah peripih dan peripih itu sendiri.
Pada candi-candi beragama Buddha yang diteliti ditemukan persamaan keletakan peripih dan wadah peripih. Peripih pada candi-candi tersebut menggunakan bahan yang sama yaitu, emas, perak dan perunggu. Kompleks Candi Loro Jonggrang ditemukan perbedaan keletakan peripih, namun wadah peripih menggunakan bahan yang sama.

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shintya Chairunnisa
"[Skripsi ini untuk melakukan upaya rekonstruksi bentuk Candi Gunungsari berdasarkan komponen bangunan yang masih tersisa, serta menelisik lebih jauh tentang batu silinder sebagai keistimewaan Candi Gunungsari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan bentuk awal Candi Gunungsari, serta mengungkapkan kehadiran batu silinder berdasarkan konsep keagamaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan menggunakan metode yang ditawarkan oleh Sharer & Ashmore, meliputi tujuh tahap penelitian, yaitu formulasi, implementasi, pengumpulan data, pemrosesan data, analisis, interpretasi dan publikasi. Pada tahap analisis menggunakan analisis khusus dan analisis kontekstual. Sedangkan pada tahap interpretasi, dilakukan analogi dengan candi atau tinggalan arkeologis lain yang berasal dari periode sejaman. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Candi Gunungsari memiliki bentuk seperti candi-candi periode klasik tua, yang berdasarkan paleografi pada inskripsi berasal dari sekitar paruh pertama abad ke-8. Lebih lanjut terungkapkan bahwa kehadiran batu silinder memiliki peranan penting karena berdasarkan penataannya memiliki dua model, yaitu model terpusat yang terinspirasi dari penataan vastupurusamandala, dan model menyebar yang terinspirasi dari penataan Candi Prambanan halaman kesatu. Penataan seperti Candi Prambanan ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa Candi Gunungsari diduga merupakan konsep awal pembangunan Candi Prambanan atau disebut dengan ?Proto Penataan Candi Prambanan?.;This study is to reconstructing effort for the form of Candi Gunungsari based building components remaining, and probe further about as distinctive cylindrical stone of Candi Gunungsari. The purpose of this study was to reveal the initial form of Candi Gunungsari, as well as revealing the presence of cylindrical stone based on religious concepts. This study uses Sharer & Ashmore's research method that consists of seven stages, which are formulation, implementation, data gathering, data processing, analysis, interpretation and publication. On the analysis stage, specialized analysis, contextual analysis, and paleography analysis are used to the inscription. While on the interpretation stage, comparison with other candi or archaeological remains, which are from the same period of time as Candi Gunungsari, is used. Results from this study is that Candi Gunungsari has a shape like the temples of old classic period, which is based on inscriptions paleography from around the first half of the 8th century. Furthermore is revealed that the presence of the stone cylinder has an important role since it is based on the arrangement has two models that are centralized model of structuring vastupurusamandala inspired and spread model that inspired the arrangement first yard of Prambanan. This arrangement like Candi Prambanan lead to the conclusion that possibility Candi Gunungsari is the initial concept development of Candi Prambanan or is called 'Proto Prambanan Arrangement'., This study is to reconstructing effort for the form of Candi Gunungsari based building components remaining, and probe further about as distinctive cylindrical stone of Candi Gunungsari. The purpose of this study was to reveal the initial form of Candi Gunungsari, as well as revealing the presence of cylindrical stone based on religious concepts. This study uses Sharer & Ashmore's research method that consists of seven stages, which are formulation, implementation, data gathering, data processing, analysis, interpretation and publication. On the analysis stage, specialized analysis, contextual analysis, and paleography analysis are used to the inscription. While on the interpretation stage, comparison with other candi or archaeological remains, which are from the same period of time as Candi Gunungsari, is used. Results from this study is that Candi Gunungsari has a shape like the temples of old classic period, which is based on inscriptions paleography from around the first half of the 8th century. Furthermore is revealed that the presence of the stone cylinder has an important role since it is based on the arrangement has two models that are centralized model of structuring vastupurusamandala inspired and spread model that inspired the arrangement first yard of Prambanan. This arrangement like Candi Prambanan lead to the conclusion that possibility Candi Gunungsari is the initial concept development of Candi Prambanan or is called 'Proto Prambanan Arrangement'.]"
[, ], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heri Purwanto
A lot of studies about temple Sukuh has been conducted before, but not to the extent in which it existed as the place for kaum Rsi. Sukuh Temple is a holy place located at the slope of Lawu Mountain, away from the cities. This definitely is an absolute requirement for a holy place for kaum Rsi. Many old heritages at Candi Sukuh complex support the argument that this temple was built by the Rsis or hermits. Based on that explanation, the research questions of this study are about what factors that indicate Sukuh Temple as the place for the Rsis, and in what kind of Karsyan. The methodology used in this study was conducted in two steps; that is data collection and analysis. The data collection was including observation and literature review. The data analysis was using qualitative analysis with symbol theory. The result of this study showed that based from the old heritages it was indicated that the Karsyan of Mandala Kedewaguruan. The life of the Rsi at Sukuh Temple was related to foods and drinks. They utilized the surrounding area for farming. The harvests are eggplants, coconuts, paddies, and vegetables. In addition, in religious context, the Rsi also did some teaching and learning activities. "
Yogyakarta: Balai Arkeologi D.I Yogyakarta, 2017
930 ARKEO 37:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anto Sudharyanto
"Masjid merupakan salah satu bukti peninggalan arkeologi Islam yang menandakan suatu tempat memeluk agama Islam. Masjid Kaliwulu terletak di Desa Kaliwulu, Kecamatan Weru, Kabupaten Cirebon. Masjid Kaliwulu memiliki keunikan yaitu terdapat bangunan pawestren sendiri dan memiliki tiang yang bercabang tiga pada ruang utama. Bedasarkan nilai arkeologi bangunan Masjid Kaliwulu merupakan masjid kuno sesuai dengan ciri-ciri masjid kuno yang telah disampaikan oleh Pijper. Kekunoan ini terlihat pada denah masjid, pondasi, mihrab, atap, dan tembok keliling pada Masjid Kaliwulu. Berdasarkan hasil perbandingan dengan Masjid Agung Sang Cipta Rasa dan Masjid Panjunan, Masjid Kaliwulu memiliki gaya bangunan yang hampir sama dengan Masjid Panjunan dan bisa jadi Masjid Kaliwulu dibangun pada periode yang sama dengan Masjid Panjunan.

A mosque is one of the evidence of the Islamic archaeology artifact that indicates some people in an area are Moslems. Kaliwulu Mosque is located in Kaliwulu village, Weru subdistrict, Cirebon district. This mosque has a uniquness, it is the pawestren room and three-branched pillars in the main room. Kaliwulu Mosque is an ancient mosque based on Pijper?s characteristics. The antiquites are proved in groun paln, foundation, mihrab, roof, and wall that surround the Kaliwulu mosque. Based on the comparation with The Great Mosque of Sang Cipta Rasa and Panjunan mosque, Kaliwulu mosque has similar architectural style with Panjunan mosque and it can be a verdict that Kaliwulu mosque was built in the same era with Panjunan mosque."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sofwan Noerwadi
The issue of globalization is booming recently, but it is not really a new thing in the history of human civilization. However, the issue of globalization in the past, -particularly in Archaeological perspective- is not too much discussed among social sciences in Indonesia. This paper aims to open the isolation by understanding the processes of globalization and its correlation to the maritime trade through archaeological data based on human remains from Leran burial site, Rembang, Central Java. Research method used in this paper is Bioarchaeological approach based on dental metric and non-metric characters analysis which performed to determine the biological affinity of Leran people in comparison with some samples from surrounding area. The result could be seen that the Leran population has a fairly diverse biological affinity which correlated to the strategic position of this site in the ancient global network of maritime trade. "
Yogyakarta: Balai Arkeologi D.I Yogyakarta, 2017
930 ARKEO 37:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Nugroho
Patirthān merupakan peninggalan arsitektur bangunan atau kolam penampungan
air yang memiliki fungsi profan yakni sebagai pemenuh kebutuhan air dan sakral
yakni sebagai sarana pendukung kegiatan keagamaan. Patirthān muncul dan
berkembang dari masa klasik tua hingga masa klasik muda. Berbeda dengan
bangunan candi, bangunan patirthān tidak memiliki pedoman pembangunan yang
baku, sehingga tidak diketahui ciri, gaya serta penataan dari bangunan tersebut.
Penelitian ini membahas 11 patirthān yang ada di wilayah Jawa Tengah dan
Yogyakarta guna mengetahui ciri, gaya serta penataan dari bangunan patirthān
dan membandingkannya dengan patirthān masa klasik muda di Jawa Timur.

Patirthān is one of architectural remains or a sacred pool which believed having
profane function as a daily needs and sacred function as part or ritual. In ancient
Javanese period, Patirthān can be found both in early classic and late classic
period. Patirthān can be distinguished from Candi, especially in guiding aspect
and manual books, Most of Patirthān do not have some sort of manual book. This
concept, then implicate the form and style of Partithān’s architecture. This
undergraduate thesis will deliberate 11 Patirthān located in Central Java and
Yogyakarta for the purpose acquiring characteristic, style, and placing from
Patirthān and comparing from Patirthān in Ancient Javanese Late Period."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1966
913.031 HAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Once Britain had become separated from the European mainland in the seventh millennium BC, Mesolithic stone tool traditions on opposite sides of the newly formed Channel embarked upon different directions of development. Patterns of cross-Channel contact have been difficult to decipher in this material, prior to the expansion of farming (and possibly farmers) from northern France at the beginning of the fourth millennium BC. Hence the discovery of Late Mesolithic microliths of apparently Belgian affinity at the western extremity of southern Britain—in the Isles of Scilly—comes as something of a surprise. The find is described here in detail, along with alternative scenarios that might explain it. The article is followed by a series of comments, with a closing reply from the authors."
300 ANT 89 (346) 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bandung: Ikatan Ahli Arkeologi Indonesia, 2007
930.1 PER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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