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Walid Guntur Cahyadi
"[Proyek Pengembangan Infrastruktur Sosial Ekonomi Wilayah (PISEW) merupakan salah satu Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM). Keterlibatan dan interfensi pemangku kepentingan pada setiap tahapan proyek menyebabkan keterlambatan waktu penyelesaian proyek yang mengakibatkan buruknya kinerja waktu proyek. Hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh penyampaian informasi pada setiap tahapan pada setiap pemangku kepentingan yang membutuhkan koordinasi dan metoda yang berbeda sehingga menyita waktu yang cukup banyak. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan identifikasi stakeholder internal dan eksternal, kekuatan dan wewenang masing-masing stakeholder yang paling berpengaruh pada kinerja waktu proyek, yang kemudian dianalisa dengan metoda Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).Hasil yang didapatkan berupa penerapan manajemen stakeholderpada rencana kerja dalam keterlibatan, peran, dan perlakuan kepada para stakeholder untuk mereduksi kemungkinan terjadinya keterlambatan waktu penyelesaian proyek dan meningkatkan kinerja waktu proyek.;The Rural Infrastructure for Social Economic Development (PISEW) is one of National program of community empowerment (PNPM).Stakeholder engagement and intervention in each project step are the reason of the project completion delay causing low project
performance. This caused by information transfer in each step for each stakeholder needed coordination dan different method. In this thesis, stakeholder identification has been done to conclude who are internal and external stakeholder, what are they roles, interest, and the potential impact to the project with Structural Equation Modelling
(SEM) method. Result of the research is the implementation of Stakeholder management in the project’s work plan include: stakeholder engagement, power & interest, and strategies to reduce project completion delay, and the project time performance will
increase., The Rural Infrastructure for Social Economic Development (PISEW) is one of National
program of community empowerment (PNPM).Stakeholder engagement and intervention
in each project step are the reason of the project completion delay causing low project
performance. This caused by information transfer in each step for each stakeholder
needed coordination dan different method. In this thesis, stakeholderidentification has
been done to conclude who are internal and external stakeholder, what are they roles,
interest, and the potential impact to the project with Structural Equation Modelling
(SEM) method. Result of the research is the implementation ofStakeholder management
in the project’s work plan include: stakeholder engagement, power & interest, and
strategies to reduce project completion delay, and the project time performance will
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Guntur Purboyo
"[Tesis ini membahas mengenai program kemitraan sawit PTPN VII bersama dengan petani mitra sebagai bentuk dari Community Development. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif disesuaikan dengan kompleksitas permasalahannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa proses pengorganisasian yang dilakukan merupakan satu kesatuan sistem yang saling keterkaitan. Tahapan
pelaksanaan program ini dipetakan menjadi tiga yakni, empowerment sebagai pondasi dari program kemitraan, partnership sebagai tahapan dimana needs assesment dilakukan oleh masing-masing stakeholders serta, pengorganisasian sebagai bentuk pembagian tugas dan fungsi masing-masing stakeholders berdasarkan hasil dari needs assesment yang dilakukan sebelumnya. Tahapan ini yang menjadikan dasar bahwa program kemitraan sawit yang dilakukan oleh PTPN VII berlandaskan konsep community development. Stagnasi dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini didasarkan pada hilangnya fungsi pemerintah dalam pelaksanaan program. Kondisi ini dilatarbelakangi dengan pindahnya pusat administrasi Kabupaten Lampung Tengah dari Metro (kini menjadi Kotamadya Metro) ke Gunungsugih. Berangkat dari kondisi ini, dalam
pelaksanaan program lanjutan nantinya dibutuhkan peran pemerintah daerah sebagai regulator dalam hal memberikan jaminan keterlibatan sebagai bentuk payung hukum dari pelaksanaan program-program sejenis. Kondisi ini yang kemudian menunjukan pentingnya peran dan keterlibatan secara utuh dari masingmasing stakeholder. Pada akhir studi ini, tedapat disain program kemitraan yang berbasiskan pada community development sebagai bentuk konstribusi yang merupakan hasil dari pemahaman terhadap konteks yang diteliti sebelumnya;The focus of this study is about to discuss that partnership program wich is
woven by PTPN VII with “petani mitra” as a form of a partnership based on Community Development. This research take a qualitative approach based on the complexity of the problems that existing. The results of this research is showed that the process of organizing is an unity of interrelated system. The program is mapped into three stages, empowerment as the foundation of the partnership program. Empowerment with is PTPN VII and Disbun done is one of the form of
community development. Partnership as a stage where the needs assessment will be defined by stakeholders. At the first stage of the partnership is based on three basic fundamental that is, equality, Transparency and Mutual-benefit. Organizing as a form of distribution on tasks and functions from stakeholders is based on the need’s assessment earlier. This program will have a stagnation moment becouse of district goverment lost their function. Based on this condition, the partnership program as a form of CD is just a systemic activity. Becouse of the necessary of role and involvement from each stakeholder, so it’s need to run the fit and propper test in this kind of
program. At the end of this research, as a constribution there is a sistematic design of the partnership program based on community development, as the result of an understanding abut this studied context., The focus of this study is about to discuss that partnership program wich is
woven by PTPN VII with “petani mitra” as a form of a partnership based on
Community Development. This research take a qualitative approach based on the
complexity of the problems that existing. The results of this research is showed
that the process of organizing is an unity of interrelated system. The program is
mapped into three stages, empowerment as the foundation of the partnership
program. Empowerment with is PTPN VII and Disbun done is one of the form of
community development. Partnership as a stage where the needs assessment will
be defined by stakeholders. At the first stage of the partnership is based on three
basic fundamental that is, equality, Transparency and Mutual-benefit. Organizing
as a form of distribution on tasks and functions from stakeholders is based on the
need’s assessment earlier.
This program will have a stagnation moment becouse of district goverment
lost their function. Based on this condition, the partnership program as a form of
CD is just a systemic activity. Becouse of the necessary of role and involvement
from each stakeholder, so it’s need to run the fit and propper test in this kind of
program. At the end of this research, as a constribution there is a sistematic design
of the partnership program based on community development, as the result of an
understanding abut this studied context.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mokhamad Fakhrur Rifqie
"Nasional Slum Upgrading Project (NSUP) atau Proyek Kota Tanpa Kumuh (KOTAKU) memiliki fokus pengentasan daerah kumuh melalui pembangunan infrastruktur. menggunakan platform kolaborasi antar stakeholder dalam keberhasilan proyek dari sudut pandang stakeholder terkait, yang diukur dari indikator ketepatan biaya, waktu dan kualitas sesuai kesepakatan stakeholder. Stakeholder sering tidak maksimal dalam mendukung keberhasilan proyek atau menghambat tujuan proyek, Pelibatan stakeholder (stakeholder engagement) menjadi sangat penting karena dapat memfasilitasi pemahaman tentang kebutuhan, dan harapan stakeholder. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: Identifikasi stakeholder Proyek KOTAKU sesuai peran dan tugasnya di setiap tahap pelaksanaan, menentukan stakeholder dominan yang mempunyai peran dan kontribusi pada keberhasilan Proyek KOTAKU. Motode penelitian dengan Struktural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square menghasilkan Pola hubungan peran stakehodelder dalam Tahap Pra Kontruksi, Konstruksi dan Pasca Konstruksi. Tahap Konstruksi 6 stakeholder, Tahap Pasca Konstruksi 9 stakeholder. Model pola hubungan stakeholder di setiap tahap kegiatan berbeda-beda karena kontribusi stakeholder di tiap tahapan: (i) Tahap pra-konstruksi: PMU, KMP, BKM, Pemda (-). Tahap konstruksi: BPPW, PIU, KMP; dan Tahap pasca konstruksi: BKM, PIU, KMP, KMW, Korkot, BPPW(-).

The National Slum Upgrading Project (NSUP) or City Without Slums Project (KOTAKU) has a focus on alleviating slums through infrastructure development. using a collaboration platform between stakeholders in the success of the project from the point of view of the relevant stakeholders, as measured by indicators of cost, time and quality according to stakeholder agreement. Stakeholders are often not maximal in supporting project success or hindering project goals. Stakeholder engagement is very important because it can facilitate an understanding of stakeholder needs and expectations. The objectives of this research are: Identification of the KOTAKU Project stakeholders according to their roles and duties at each stage of implementation, determining the dominant stakeholders who have roles and contributions to the success of the KOTAKU Project. The research method with Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square produces a pattern of stakeholder role relationships in the Pre-Construction, Construction and Post-Construction Stages. Construction Phase 6 stakeholders, Post-Construction Phase 9 stakeholders. The model of the pattern of stakeholder relations at each stage of activity is different due to the contribution of stakeholders at each stage: (i) Pre-construction stage: PMU, KMP, BKM, Pemda (-). Construction phase: BPPW, PIU, KMP; and Post-construction stage: BKM, PIU, KMP, KMW, Korkot, BPPW(-)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moh. Ardan Makarim Corny
Telah dikembangkan berbagai pendekatan manajemen stakeholder dalam proyek konstruksi seperti matriks kekuatan/kepentingan, metode lingkaran stakeholder, dan teori jaringan sosial. Terakhir, dikembangkan pendekatan berbasis Actor-Network Theory (ANT) untuk mengatasi berbagai kekurangan dari pendekatan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan actor-network theory pada manajemen stakeholder proyek gedung bertingkat tinggi oleh manajer proyek. 30 kuesioner telah disebarkan ke manajer proyek untuk mengidentifikasi praktik umum manajemen stakeholder dan penerapan ANT. Hasil kuesioner dianalisis secara statistik. Didapatkan hasil penelitian berupa praktik umum manajemen stakeholder yang mencakup stakeholder proyek, identikasi stakeholder, dan prosedur manajemen stakeholder dan penerapan ANT yang baik pada seluruh (enam) variabel ANT.

Stakeholder management approach has been developed in construction project as in stakeholder circle methodology, social network theory, and the power/interest matrix. Recently, the development use the approach based on Actor-Network Theory(ANT) to solve every disadvantage from previous development. The aim of this research is to analyze the practice of ANT on stakeholder management in high-rise building by manager of the project. Hence, 30 questionairre were sent to the manager of the projects to identify and analyze the general practice of stakeholder management and ANT. The result of this questionnaire is processed statistically. From this, we can get the result which formed as general practice of stakeholder management that covers stakeholder project, stakeholder identification, and management procedure and also good ANT practice in six ANT variables.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bich Hanes Bich
"Berbagai masalah yang berasal dari permukiman kumuh tidak hanya menghasilkan lingkungan yang tidak sehat, tetapi juga memberikan dampak pada wilayah sekitarnya dan jaringan infrastruktur perkotaan secara keseluruhan. Dalam rangka mewujudkan Visi Indonesia 2045, yaitu "Pembangunan Infrastruktur yang Merata dan Terintegrasi", program Zero Slum merupakan komponen penting dari visi Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat. Adanya kesenjangan dalam penanganan permukiman kumuh di Kalimantan Barat menghambat pencapaian tujuan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pemangku kepentingan dan faktor-faktor prioritas dalam penentuan prioritas penanganan kawasan kumuh di Kalimantan Barat. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara semi-terstruktur untuk mengidentifikasi dan memetakan pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam penentuan prioritas, dan Geometric Mean untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh yang kemudian akan dianalisis dengan Interpretative Structural Modeling. Hasilnya adalah terdapat 24 stakeholder yang terlibat. Stakeholder Kuadran D (Manage Closely) dan stakeholder utama adalah anggota Tim Pembina, yaitu Kepala Dinas Perumahan dan Kawasan Permukiman (DPRKP), dan Kepala Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (BAPPEDA). Namun, tingkat pengaruh tertinggi dipegang oleh tim pengarah dan tingkat kepentingan tertinggi dipegang oleh DPRKP. Terdapat sepuluh kategori dengan 22 faktor yang teridentifikasi dengan sembilan tingkat peringkat. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah adanya perbedaan pengetahuan dan pengalaman dari anggota tim yang baru dengan anggota tim yang lama.

The array of problems originating from slum settlements not only results in unwholesome environment, unlawful land utilization, and various internal challenges within the vicinity but also impacts the surrounding regions and the overall urban infrastructure network. In pursuit of Indonesia's 2045 Vision, which emphasizes on "equitable and integrated infrastructure development”, the zero slums constitute a pivotal component of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing's overarching vision. Nonetheless, a disparity has been identified in addressing slum settlements in West Kalimantan, hindering the achievement of this objective. This research aims to identify the stakeholders and the priority factors in determining the priority setting for slum area management in West Kalimantan. The method used in this research is semi-structured interview to identify and map stakeholders involved in priority setting, and geometric mean to identify influential factors which will then be analyzed using Interpretative Structural Modeling. The results found are that there are 24 stakeholders who are considered to be involved. Quadrant D (Manage Closely) stakeholders and primary stakeholders are members of the supervisory team, namely the Head of the Housing and Settlement Area Office, and the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency. However, the highest level of influence is held by the steering committee while the highest level of interest is held by Housing and Settlement Area Office. In addition, ten categories with 22 factors are identified with nine ranking levels found to influence the decision to prioritize slum upgrading. The most influential factor is the difference in knowledge and experience between the new and the former team members."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jessika Adelia Diponegoro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis praktik keberlanjutan dan melakukan perancangan stakeholder engagement pada PT. ABC sebagai salah satu tahapan dalam penyusunan laporan keberlanjutan. PT. ABC adalah sebuah perusahaan pertambangan emas yang status kepemilikannya adalah oleh perusahaan pertambangan besar Australia sebesar 75% dan BUMN Indonesia sebesar 25%, beroperasi di daerah timur Indonesia. PT. ABC belum membuat laporan keberlanjutannya sendiri, padahal kedua perusahaan induknya telah membuat laporan keberlanjutan yang sangat baik. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dan wawancara dengan pimpinan dan personil PT. ABC. Perancangan stakeholder engagement dilakukan berdasarkan project stakeholder engagement dari A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge 6th edition (PMBOK 6th edition), mencakup tahapan pengidentifikasian, perencanaan, pengelolaan, dan pemantauan keterlibatan pemangku kepentingan. Dengan melakukan proses stakeholder engagement, perusahaan dapat memetakan para pemangku kepentingannya dan melakukan perubahan atau penyesuaian strategi perusahaan yang dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan harapan dari para pemangku kepentingan, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan keberlanjutan perusahaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rancangan stakeholder engagement yang dapat digunakan untuk menyusun laporan keberlanjutan untuk meningkatkan transparansi perusahaan terhadap para pemangku kepentingannya.

This research aims to analyze sustainability practice and to conduct stakeholder engagement at PT. ABC as one of the stages in the preparation of sustainability report. PT. ABC is a gold mining company whose ownership status is by Australia's largest mining company of 75% and Indonesia's state-owned enterprise of 25%, operating in eastern Indonesia. PT. ABC itself has not made its own sustainability report, but both of its parent companies have made excellent sustainability reports. The research method was conducted through library research and interview with PT. ABC. The stakeholder engagement design is done based on the project stakeholder engagement of the A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge 6th edition (PMBOK 6th edition), including the stage of identification, plan, manage, and monitor stakeholder involvement. By doing stakeholder engagement process, company can mapping their stakeholders and make changes or adjustments needed to meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders, particularly those related to corporate sustainability. The result of this study is the stakeholder engagement that can be used to preparing sustainability report to enhance corporate transparency towards its stakeholders."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanjung, Rachel Carolyn
Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menganalisis praktek Stakeholder Mapping (pemetaan pemangku kepentingan) oleh perusahaan untuk menentukan siapakah ultimate stakeholder di dalam perusahaan. Objek penulisan ini adalah PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. Perusahaan jasa di bidang penerbangan milik negara Indonesia. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan pihak yang bersangkutan di perusahaan, kuesioner, data sekunder, dan tinjauan literatur. Studi ini merupakan studi mengenai persepsi yang berarti bahwa penggolongan stakeholder oleh satu perusahaan bisa saja berbeda dengan perusahaan yang lain.
Berdasarkan penilaian atas stakeholder salience (ciri khas pemangku kepentingan), ketergantungan stakeholder dengan perusahaan, power dan interest stakeholder, serta posisi stratejik stakeholder dapat disimpulkan bahwa stakeholder utama dari PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. adalah Pemerintah Indonesia, Association of Asia Pasific Airlines (AAPA), International Air Transport Association (IATA), dan travel agent. Namun, hanya Pemerintah Indonesia dan travel agent yang dapat dikatakan sebagai ultimate stakeholders Garuda Indonesia. Pengelolaan hubungan dengan stakeholder memberikan manfaat berupa peningkatan kinerja finansial maupun non finansial, seperti pertumbuhan profit, goodwill, positive customer perception, dan terhindar dari masalah hukum, serta reputasi yang penting bagi PT Garuda Indonesia di tengah persaingan industri penerbangan global yang sangat ketat.

The objective of this research is to analyze the Stakeholder Mapping practice in order to be able to determine the ultimate stakeholder of the company. The object of this research is PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. A state-owned service company operates in airline industry in Indonesia. Data were obtained through interviews with the parties concerned in the company, questionnaire, secondary data, and literature review. This study is a study of perception which means that the classification of stakeholders in one company might be different from other companies.
Based on the assessment of stakeholder salience, stakeholder interdependence, stakeholder power and interest, and the strategic position of the stakeholders, it can be concluded that the main stakeholders of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. is the Government of Indonesia, Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA), International Air Transport Association (IATA), and travel agents. But, only Government of Indonesia and travel agents who can be called as the ultimate stakeholders of Garuda Indonesia. Managing relationships with stakeholders has provide benefits for the company by improving financial and non financial performance, such as the profit growth, increase goodwill, positive customer perception, be spared from the legal problems, and increase competitiveness of PT Garuda Indonesia in the global aviation industry.
Universitas Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi Bisnis, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astaf Aji Pranaya
"Tesis ini membahas diskrepansi ekspektasi yang terjadi di antara ketiga stakeholder yaitu manajemen, redaksi, dan pegawai/pembaca dalam publikasi tercetak bernama Buletin Cipta Karya sebagai media komunikasi internal organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus, sedangkan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekspektasi dari masing-masing stakeholder Buletin Cipta Karya memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan latar belakang maupun wewenang yang dimiliki. Pengelolaan manajemen pengetahuan juga menjadi hal penting menimbang banyaknya sektor bidang Cipta Karya beserta penentuan isu strategis melalui agenda building. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan terjadinya diskrepansi ekspektasi sehingga menjadi permasalahan selama penyelenggaraan kegiatan Buletin Cipta Karya. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka disarankan rekomendasi akademis untuk penelitian selanjutnya seperti survei keterbacaan buletin, serta rekomendasi praktis seperti mengadakan kembali komunikasi dua arah dalam bentuk diskusi maupun rapat koordinasi.

This thesis discusses about expectation discrepancies that occurs between the three stakeholders, management, editors, and employees/readers in a printed publication called Buletin Cipta Karya as the organizational internal communication media. This research uses qualitative method with a case study strategy, while data collection is through in-depth interviews. This research results show that the expectations of each Buletin Cipta Karya stakeholder have different characteristics according to their background and authority. Managing knowledge management is also important considering the variety of sectors in Cipta Karya and determining strategic issues through agenda building. Those differences that causes discrepancies in expectations and becomes a problem during the process of Buletin Cipta Karya activities. Based on these results, academic recommendations for further research are suggested, such as bulletin readability surveys, as well as practical recommendations such as re-establishing two-way communication in the form of discussions or meetings."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gisella Ayu Pradipta
"Studi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti dan menganalisis implementasi stakeholder mapping pada PT Bank Tabungan Negara Persero Tbk Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan manajemen perusahaan tinjauan literatur dan pengamatan Peneliti selama magang di perusahaan Studi ini merupakan studi mengenai persepsi yang berarti bahwa penggolongan stakeholder pada satu perusahaan bisa saja berbeda dengan perusahaan yang lain Berdasarkan penilaian atas stakeholder salience ketergantungan stakeholder dengan perusahaan power dan interest stakeholder serta posisi stratejik stakeholder maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa stakeholder utama dari perusahaan adalah regulator asosiasi pengembang Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat customer dan Pemerintah Indonesia Pengelolaan hubungan dengan stakeholder memberikan manfaat berupa peningkatan brand image reputasi yang baik dukungan moral dari stakeholder persepsi baik dari customer dan bebas dari tuntutan.

This study aims to review and analyze the implementation of stakeholder mapping in PT Bank Tabungan Negara Persero Tbk Data for this research was obtained through interview with management literature review and researcher's observation during internship. This study is a study of perception which means classification of stakeholder in one company might be different from other company. According to the assessment of stakeholder salience stakeholder interdependence stakeholder power and interest and strategic position of a stakeholder company's key stakeholders are regulator association of developer Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat and Indonesian Government. Stakeholder management has given benefit for the company such as building brand image good reputation moral support good customer perception and free of charges.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Putu Galih Pratiwi
"Artikel ini membahas tentang masalah yang berkaitan dengan peran stakeholder dalam manajemen pelestarian pada Cagar budaya di Provensi Lampung. Masalah tersebut hadir dikarenakana sering terjadinya tumpang tindih kebijakan dalam proses pelaksanaan pengelolaan dan pelestarian Cagar Budaya di Provinsi Lampung. Untuk itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran stakeholder dalam melaksanakan pelestarian pada kedua objek yang memiliki perbedaan status Cagar Budaya dan setelahnya dapat membantu manajemen pengelolaan yang tepat untuk kedua objek di Provinsi Lampung. Metode yang digunakan yaitu teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam kepada para stakeholder. Hasil dari penelitian pada kedua objek Cagar Budaya dan yang diduga Cagar Budaya di Provinsi Lampung yaitu stakeholder sekunder menjadi pengelola dikedua situs. Stakeholder kunci dan stakeholder primer seharusnya turut dalam melakukan pelestarian, namun pada Situs Cagar Budaya hal ini tidak diterapkan. Sedangkan pada objek yang diduga Cagar Budaya, stakeholder kunci dan stakeholder primer telah melakukan perannya.

This article discusses issues related to the role of stakeholders in conservation management in Cultural Heritage in Lampung Province. This problem is present because of the frequent overlapping of policies in the process of implementing the management and proservation of Cultural Conservation in Lampung Province. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to determine the role of stakeholders in carrying out the preservation of the two objects that have different Cultural Conservation statues and after that can assist the proper management of the two objects in Lampung Province. The method used is qualitative data collection techniques by conducting in-depth interviews with stakeholders. The results of the research on the two objects of Cultural Conservation and the suspected Cultural Conservation in Lampung Province are secondary stakeholders who become managers of both sites. Key stakeholders and primary stakeholders should participate in carrying out conservation, but in Cultural Heritage Sites this is not applied. Meanwhile, in the object that is suspected of being a Cultural Conservation, key stakeholders and primary stakeholders have played their roles.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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