ABSTRAKKanker merupakan faktor penting dalam beban penyakit global saat ini.
Kasus baru setiap tahun terus meningkat. Angka kasus kanker payudara di Rumah
Sakit Kanker Dharmais masih menempati urutan pertama dari jenis kanker lain.
Informasi mengenai kualitas hidup perempuan dengan kanker payudara menjadi
sangat penting mengingat masih tingginya angka kasus kanker payudara serta
untuk memberikan dukungan kepada pasien kanker payudara dalam
keberlangsungan hidup jangka panjang. Kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara
tak luput dari faktor karakteristik individu, faktor karakteristik klinis dan faktor
lingkungan sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain case series dengan 90
sampel diambil secara consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan
bahwa usia, terapi yang sedang dijalani, paparan informasi serta dukungan
keluarga berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup pasien kanker payudara. Saran untuk
Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais agar lebih meningkatkan penyebaran informasi
tentang kanker payudara, bagi masyarakat meningkatkan dukungan keluarga
terhadap pasien kanker payudara.
ABSTRACTCancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer
patients.;Cancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer
patients.;Cancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer
patients.;Cancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer
patients., Cancer is an important factor in the current global disease burden. New cases each
year continues to increase. The numbers of breast cancer cases in the Dharmais
Hospital Cancer still ranks first than other types of cancer. Information on the
quality of life of women with breast cancer becomes very important considering
the high number of cases of breast cancer and to provide support to breast cancer
patients in the long-term survival. The quality of life of breast cancer patients
litely dependent the individual characteristic, clinical characteristics and social
environmental factors. This study used a case series design with 90 samples
employed consecutive sampling. The results showed that age, the therapy being
undertaken, breast cancer exposure information as well as family support related
to the quality of life of the breast cancer patients. Suggestions one made to the
Dharmais Cancer Hospital to further improve the dissemination of information
about breast cancer, in the family to increase family support for breast cancer