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Lhuri Dwianti Rahmartani
Peningkatan tren praktik hubungan seksual pranikah pada remaja laki-laki di Indonesia tidak
disertai tindakan preventif yang adekuat. Tidak sampai 28% dari mereka yang menggunakan
kondom secara konsisten. Pada populasi remaja umum di Indonesia, sebanyak 30%-nya tidak
tahu bahwa kondom dapat mencegah kehamilan dan 40%-nya tidak tahu kondom dapat
mencegah infeksi menular seksual (IMS). Studi potong lintang dari analisis SDKI 2012 ini
berupaya melihat asosiasi pengetahuan tentang fungsi kondom terhadap penggunaan kondom
pada remaja laki-laki pelaku hubungan seksual pranikah. Hasilnya, setelah memperhitungkan
faktor demografis, pengetahuan kespro, dan perilaku lainnya, penggunaan kondom lebih
tinggi pada responden yang memiliki pengetahuan tentang kedua fungsi kondom (PR 2,38;
95% CI 1,47 ? 3,85) dibandingkan responden yang hanya tahu salah satu fungsi atau tidak
tahu sama sekali.

The increasing trend of premarital sex among Indonesian male adolescents is not
accompanied with protective behavior. Less than 28% of sexually-active unmarried male
adolescents use condoms consistently. Approximately, 30% of Indonesian adolescents do not
know that condoms can help prevent pregnancy and 40% of them do not know that condoms
can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This cross-sectional study using
IDHS 2012 aims to see whether there is an association between knowledge on condom
functions and condom use, particularly among unmarried male adolescents in Indonesia.
After controlling with other covariates such as demographic, knowledge on reproductive
health, and other behavior indicators, the prevalence of condom use is significantly higher in
respondents who know both functions of condoms, than in respondents who only know either
function or not at all (adjusted PR 2,38; 95% CI 1,47 ? 3,85).;The increasing trend of premarital sex among Indonesian male adolescents is not
accompanied with protective behavior. Less than 28% of sexually-active unmarried male
adolescents use condoms consistently. Approximately, 30% of Indonesian adolescents do not
know that condoms can help prevent pregnancy and 40% of them do not know that condoms
can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This cross-sectional study using
IDHS 2012 aims to see whether there is an association between knowledge on condom
functions and condom use, particularly among unmarried male adolescents in Indonesia.
After controlling with other covariates such as demographic, knowledge on reproductive
health, and other behavior indicators, the prevalence of condom use is significantly higher in
respondents who know both functions of condoms, than in respondents who only know either
function or not at all (adjusted PR 2,38; 95% CI 1,47 ? 3,85)., The increasing trend of premarital sex among Indonesian male adolescents is not
accompanied with protective behavior. Less than 28% of sexually-active unmarried male
adolescents use condoms consistently. Approximately, 30% of Indonesian adolescents do not
know that condoms can help prevent pregnancy and 40% of them do not know that condoms
can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This cross-sectional study using
IDHS 2012 aims to see whether there is an association between knowledge on condom
functions and condom use, particularly among unmarried male adolescents in Indonesia.
After controlling with other covariates such as demographic, knowledge on reproductive
health, and other behavior indicators, the prevalence of condom use is significantly higher in
respondents who know both functions of condoms, than in respondents who only know either
function or not at all (adjusted PR 2,38; 95% CI 1,47 – 3,85).]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afra Afifah
"Perilaku seks pranikah pada remaja dilaporkan mengalami peningkatan berdasarkan survei BKKBN tahun 2017. Depok sebagai salah satu kota yang mencanangkan Kota Layak Anak, pada realitasnya masih menghadapi sejumlah masalah perilaku beresiko remaja, termasuk perilaku seks pranikah. Menurut sejumlah penelitian, pengetahuan yang benar tentang kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual merupakan salah satu faktor protektif yang menghindarkan remaja dari perilaku seks pranikah. Di antara berbagai sumber informasi, orang tua direkomendasikan sebagai sumber informasi terbaik bagi anak. Orang tua dapat menjadi sumber informasi dengan melakukan komunikasi seksual atau pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intervensi pelatihan dengan model experiential learning terhadap pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual, perilaku komunikasi efektif, dan perilaku komunikasi seksual orang tua kepada anak usia remaja awal (10 – 15 tahun). Desain intervensi yang digunakan adalah field experiment dengan one group pretest-posttest. Setelah melalui tiga sesi pelatihan tatap muka dan penugasan praktek di rumah, diketahui bahwa pelatihan dengan model experiential learning berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan perilaku komunikasi seksual orang tua kepada anak usia remaja awal secara signifikan (p<0.05), namun tidak pada pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual dan perilaku komunikasi efektif. Hasil lebih lanjut dibahas pada diskusi.

Premarital sex behavior in adolescents is reported to have increased based on the 2017 BKKBN survey. Depok as one of the cities that launched a Child Friendly City, in reality still faces a number of youth risk behavioral problems, including premarital sexual behavior. According to a number of studies, correct knowledge about sexual and reproductive health is one of the protective factors that prevents adolescents from premarital sexual behavior. Among various sources of information, parents are recommended as the best source of information for children. Parents can be a source of information by carrying out sexual communication or sexual and reproductive health education. This study aims to determine the effect of training intervention with experiential learning model on knowledge of reproductive and sexual health, effective communication behavior, and sexual communication behavior of parents to early adolescents (10 – 15 years old). The intervention design used was field experiment with one group pretest-posttest. After going through three face-to-face training sessions and practice assignments at home, it was found that training with experiential learning model significantly influenced parent's sexual communication behavior to early adolescents (p<0.05), but not to sexual and reproductive health knowledge and effective communication behavior. Further results are discussed in the discussion.

Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Khafia
"Sebanyak 8,3% remaja laki-laki dan 1% remaja perempuan berusia 15-24 tahun telah berhubungan seks pranikah (SDKI, 2012). Perilaku seks pranikah pada remaja merupakan masalah yang serius yang berkaitan dengan penularan infeksi menular seksual, aborsi, kecacatan, dan kematian bayi di negara-negara miskin (Glasier, et al 2006). Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia - Modul Remaja Tahun 2012 untuk melihat hubungan antara faktor personal, lingkungan, dan perilaku dengan seks pranikah pada remaja di Indonesia tahun 2012. Sampel adalah remaja laki-laki dan perempuan belum menikah umur 15-24 tahun berjumlah 8.123 orang. Analisis regresi logistik ganda digunakan untuk menilai variabel yang dominan berhubungan dengan seks pranikah pada remaja.
Hasil analisis ditemukan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan seks pranikah pada remaja adalah jenis kelamin laki-laki (OR=1,6; 95% CI= 1,196-2,321), usia 20-24 tahun (OR=2,4; 95% CI= 2,07-2,999), sikap permisif tinggi terhadap seksualitas (OR=10,05; 95% CI= 7,859-12,871), pengaruh teman tinggi (OR=4,2; 95% CI= 2,712-6,575), perilaku merokok (OR=1,81; 95% CI= 1,408-2,340), konsumsi alkohol (OR=3,5; 95% CI= 2,770-4,537), dan penyalahgunaan NAPZA (OR=2,7; 95% CI= 2,003-3,818). Sikap terhadap seksualitas menjadi variabel yang dominan berhubungan dengan seks pranikah pada remaja. Pentingnya pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi yang komprehensif diperlukan bagi remaja agar tidak terjadi salah persepsi pada sikap terhadap seksualitas sehingga membuat remaja merasa bebas untuk melakukan seks pranikah.

Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2012 analyzed data gathered from a sample of 19.882 Indonesian youth, followed from age 15 to age 24. Their findings 8,3% of teenage boys and 1% of girls had sex before marriage. Premarital sexual behavior in adolescents is a serious problem with regard to the transmission of sexually transmitted infections, abortion, disability and infant mortality in poor countries (glaciers, et al 2006). This study conducted to assess association between personal, environmental, and behavioral factors with premarital sex among adolescents in Indonesia 2012 using data from Indonesia Demographic Health Survey-Adolescent Questionnaire 2012. A cross sectional study was conducted among 8.123 unmarried men and women aged 15-24. Multivariate logistic regression models was carried to identify the dominant variable related to premarital sex in adolescents.
Results of the analysis found factors associated with premarital sex among adolescents is the male gender (OR= 1.6; 95% CI = 1.196-2.321), age 20-24 years (OR= 2.4; 95% CI= 2.07-2.999), high permissive attitude toward sexuality (OR= 10.05; 95% CI= 7.859-12.871), the high effect of friends (OR= 4.2; 95% CI = 2.712-6.575), smoking behavior (OR= 1.81; 95% CI= 1.408-2.340), alcohol consumption (OR= 3.5; 95% CI= 2.770-4.537), and drug use (OR= 2.7; 95% CI= 2,003-3.818). Attitudes of sexuality become the dominant variable related to premarital sex in adolescents. Therefore, a comprehensive reproductive health education for adolescents needed to avoid misperception on attitudes toward sexuality that makes adolescents feel free to engage in premarital sex.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astari Nola Margaretha
"Kehamilan remaja merupakan masalah kesehatan yang perlu diperhatikan sebab setengah kehamilan pada remaja usia 15-19 tahun diperkirakan tidak diinginkan dan lebih dari separuh kehamilan pada remaja usia 15-19 tahun pada negara berkembang berakhir dengan aborsi. Penelitian ini merupakan analisis data sekunder Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia 2017 dengan rancangan penelitian cross-sectional yang bertujuan mengetahui hubungan riwayat penggunaan kontrasepsi dengan kehamilan tidak diinginkan pada remaja di Indonesia dikontrol dengan variabel kovariat (pendidikan, status ekonomi, status pernikahan, tempat tinggal, pengetahuan kontrasepsi, dan akses ke pelayanan kesehatan) dengan analisis multivariat regresi logistik model faktor risiko. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remaja yang tidak pernah menggunakan kontrasepsi berisiko 2,05 kali mengalami kehamilan tidak diinginkan setelah dikontrol status pernikahan dan tempat tinggal (95%CI: 0,998-4,227).

Adolescent pregnancy is a health problem that needs to be considered because half of pregnancy in adolescents aged 15-19 years is estimated to be unwanted and more than half of pregnancies in adolescents aged 15-19 years in developing countries end in abortion. This study is a secondary data analysis of the 2017 Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey with a cross-sectional study design that aims to determine the associations of history of contraceptive use and unwanted pregnancy among adolescents in Indonesia controlled by covariate variables (education, economic status, marital status, residence, knowledge contraception, and access to health services) with a multivariate logistic regression of risk factor model analysis. The results showed that adolescents who had never used contraception at risk 2.05 times had unwanted pregnancy after being controlled by marital status and residence (95%CI: 0,998-4,227). Keywords: unwanted pregnancy, adolescent pregnancy, contraceptive use."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafida Kusuma Wardani
"Perilaku seksual pranikah pada remaja merupakan salah satu masalah yang perlu diperhatikan, khususnya terkait faktor yang mendukung untuk terjadinya perilaku seksual pranikah pada remaja dan melihat terdapat peningkatan persentase pada data SDKI 2017 dibandingkan SDKI 2012. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif analitik secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder yaitu Data Survey Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) Tahun 2017 yang dapat diperoleh dari mengakses website Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) dengan mengajukan perizinan pengambilan data sesuai prosedur yang berlaku. Data diolah dengan program SPSS dengan uji odds ratio dan uji regresi logistik ganda. Sebanyak 5,0% responden pernah melakukan perilaku seksual pranikah. Hasil uji multivariat pada responden yang pernah konsumsi alkohol mempunyai kecenderungan untuk berperilaku seksual 12,8 kali lebih tinggi, sedangkan responden yang pernah merokok mempunyai kecenderungan untuk berperilaku seksual 1,7 kali lebih tinggi setelah di kontrol faktor perilaku merokok, usia, tingkat pendidikan, dan tempat tinggal. Saran yang peneliti berikan adalah agar instansi terkait dapat mengembangkan program kesehatan reproduksi pada remaja khususnya terkait dampak negative alkohol dan rokok, dan bagi pemerintah juga dapat mengatur regulasi penjualan rokok dan alkohol agar tidak dengan mudah dapat diperoleh oleh remaja.

Premarital sexual behavior in adolescents is a problem that needs attention, especially related to the factors that support the occurrence of premarital sexual behavior in adolescents and see an increase in the percentage in the 2017 IDHS data compared to the 2012 IDHS. This research uses descriptive analytic quantitative using a cross research design sectional by using secondary data, namely the 2017 Indonesian Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) data which can be obtained from accessing the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) website by applying for permission to collect data according to applicable procedures. Data were processed using the SPSS program with the odds ratio test and multiple logistic regression tests. As much as 5.0% of the respondents had premarital sexual behavior. Multivariate test results on respondents who have consumed alcohol have a tendency to behave sexually 12.8 times higher, while respondents who have ever smoked have a tendency to behave sexually 1.7 times higher after controlling for smoking behavior factors, age, level of education, and residence. The suggestion that the researchers give is that relevant agencies can develop reproductive health programs for adolescents, especially related to the negative effects of alcohol and cigarettes, and for the government to also regulate regulations on the sale of cigarettes and alcohol so that they are not easily obtained by adolescents.


Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Iswanto
"Perilaku seks pranikah pada remaja merupakan salah satu permasalahan kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Pasalnya, perilaku seks pranikah pada remaja kian mengalami peningkatan. Hasil SDKI 2017 menunjukkan sebanyak 8% remaja pria usia 15-24 tahun pernah melakukan hubungan seksual. Perilaku seks pranikah apabila tidak dibarengi dengan pemberian informasi mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dapat berdampak pada resiko tertular penyakit menular seksual (PMS) dan Kehamilan Tak Dikehendaki (KTD) yang dapat berujung pada aborsi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peran keluarga dan sekolah sebagai sumber informasi kesehatan reproduksi terhadap perilaku seks pranikah remaja usia 15–24 tahun di Indonesia berdasarkan dara SDKI 2017. Jenis Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari SDKI 2017. Analisa data menggunakan analisa univariat yaitu uji proporsi dan bivariat yaitu uji Chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara peran keluarga dan sekolah dengan perilaku seks pranikah. Hubungan karakteristik individu dengan perilaku seks pranikah menunjukkan variabel umur, tingkat pendidikan, status ekonomi, pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi, dan pengetahuan kb berpengaruh signifikan dengan perilaku seks pranikah, sedangkan variabel wilayah tempat tinggal dengan perilaku seks pranikah tidak berhubungan.

Premarital sex behavior in adolescents is one of the problems of adolescent reproductive health. Premarital sex behavior in adolescents has been increasing. The results of the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2017, premarital sex behavior in young men aged 15-24 years old are 8%. Premarital sex behavior, which not accompanied by information about reproductive health having a risk contracted by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and unwanted pregnancy which can lead abortion. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of family and school as source of reproductive health information for young men’s premarital sex behavior aged 15-24 years old in Indonesia based on IDHS 2017. This research used a cross sectional design from the IDHS 2017. The analysis is carried out by univariate and bivariate analysis using chi-square. Bivariate analysis done by chi-square showed that there was a significant relationship between the role of family and school with premarital sex behavior. The relationship between individual characteristics and premarital sex behavior showed that the variables such as age, education level, economic status, knowledge of reproductive health, and knowledge of contraception are related with premarital sex behavior. Meanwhile, the variable of residence is not related with premarital sex behavior."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahma Miladia Sari
"Angka hubungan seksual pranikah pada remaja di Indonesia tidak mengalami penurunan yang signifikan sepanjang tahun 2007 hingga 2017. Berbagai penelitian menemukan bahwa remaja usia pertengahan (pelajar SMA) lebih banyak yang melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah dibandingkan remaja usia awal (pelajar SMP). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor determinan perilaku hubungan seksual pranikah pada pelajar SMP dan pelajar SMA di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional dan menggunakan data sekunder Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) tahun 2015. Sampel penelitian ini adalah pelajar SMP dan SMA yang berusia 11 – 18 tahun yang terdapat pada data GSHS 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 5,8% pelajar SMP dan 3,7% pelajar SMA di Indonesia pernah melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitan, ditemukan bahwa faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku hubungan seksual pranikah pada pelajar SMP terdiri dari keterikatan dengan orang tua, peran teman sebaya, pendidikan seksualitas dan HIV/AIDS di sekolah, keinginan bunuh diri, dan konsumsi alkohol. Sementara faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku hubungan seksual pranikah pada pelajar SMA, yaitu usia, keterikatan dengan orang tua, peran teman sebaya, keinginan bunuh diri, merokok, dan konsumsi alkohol. Konsumsi alkohol menjadi faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan perilaku hubungan seksual pranikah, baik pada pelajar SMP maupun pelajar SMA.

Prevalence of premarital sexual intercourse among adolescents in Indonesia did not decrease during 2007 to 2017. Various studies found that middle-aged adolescents (high school students) had more premarital sexual intercourse experience than early adolescents (junior high school students). This study was conducted to determine the determinants of premarital sexual intercourse behavior in junior high and high school students in Indonesia. This study is a quantitative study with cross sectional design and uses secondary data from the Global School-based Student Health Survey 2015. The sample of this study was junior and high school students aged 11-18 years in the GSHS 2015. The results showed 5,8% of junior high school students and 3,7% high school students in Indonesia ever had premarital sex. It found that factors related to premarital sexual behavior in junior high school students consisted of parental connectedness, role of peers, education on sexuality and HIV/AIDS at school, suicidal ideation, and alcohol consumption. Meanwhile, factors related to premarital sexual behavior in high school students, namely age, parental connectedness, role of peers, suicidal ideation, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption is the most related factor to premarital sexual behavior, both in junior high school students and high school students."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ismi Adzani
Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif dengan menggunakan data sekunder
SDKI KRR 2012 yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor individu dan
lingkungan yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan kondom pada remaja pria yang
aktif secara seksual di Indonesia. Besar sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini sebanyak 590 orang. Diantara remaja pria belum menikah yang pernah
melakukan hubungan seksual hampir setengah (45%) dari mereka aktif secara
seksual dan lebih dari tiga perempat (76,3%) dari mereka tidak menggunakan
kondom saat melakukan hubungan seksual. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan
dengan penggunaan kondom meliputi: pengetahuan komprehensif tentang
HIV/AIDS; persepsi bahwa kondom dapat mencegah kehamilan; persepsi risiko
kehamilan pasangan seks; paparan informasi/ iklan kondom dari media massa;
edukasi mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dan wilayah tempat tinggal. Adapun
?persepsi bahwa kondom dapat mencegah kehamilan? merupakan prediktor
terkuat pada penelitian ini (OR=2,5) dan faktor ?persepsi bahwa kondom dapat
mencegah penularan IMS termasuk HIV/AIDS? merupakan variabel pengontrol
(confounding). Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan untuk membentuk wadah peduli
remaja di sekolah atau universitas dan mengembangkan program kesehatan
reproduksi remaja yang sudah ada.

The study was designed to determine factors that associated with condom use
among sexually active unmarried male adolescent in Indonesia by using
secondary data of IDHS 2012. The sample size in this study was 590
unmarried male aged 15-24 years, who are sexually active. Among unmarried
young men who had sexual intercourse almost half (45%) of them are
sexually active and more than three-quarters (76.3%) of them do not use
condoms during sexual intercourse. Factors associated with condom use
include: comprehensive knowledge about HIV / AIDS; the perception that
condoms can prevent pregnancy; perceptions of pregnancy risk sexual
partner; exposure information/ advertising condoms from the mass media;
education about reproductive health and residential areas. While 'perception
that condoms can prevent pregnancy' is the strongest predictor in this study
(OR = 2.5) and factor 'perception that condoms can prevent transmission of
STIs, including HIV/ AIDS' is a confounding. Results of this study suggest to
form the forum concerned adolescents at school or university and developing
adolescent reproductive health programs that already exist.;The study was designed to determine factors that associated with condom use
among sexually active unmarried male adolescent in Indonesia by using
secondary data of IDHS 2012. The sample size in this study was 590
unmarried male aged 15-24 years, who are sexually active. Among unmarried
young men who had sexual intercourse almost half (45%) of them are
sexually active and more than three-quarters (76.3%) of them do not use
condoms during sexual intercourse. Factors associated with condom use
include: comprehensive knowledge about HIV / AIDS; the perception that
condoms can prevent pregnancy; perceptions of pregnancy risk sexual
partner; exposure information/ advertising condoms from the mass media;
education about reproductive health and residential areas. While 'perception
that condoms can prevent pregnancy' is the strongest predictor in this study
(OR = 2.5) and factor 'perception that condoms can prevent transmission of
STIs, including HIV/ AIDS' is a confounding. Results of this study suggest to
form the forum concerned adolescents at school or university and developing
adolescent reproductive health programs that already exist.;The study was designed to determine factors that associated with condom use
among sexually active unmarried male adolescent in Indonesia by using
secondary data of IDHS 2012. The sample size in this study was 590
unmarried male aged 15-24 years, who are sexually active. Among unmarried
young men who had sexual intercourse almost half (45%) of them are
sexually active and more than three-quarters (76.3%) of them do not use
condoms during sexual intercourse. Factors associated with condom use
include: comprehensive knowledge about HIV / AIDS; the perception that
condoms can prevent pregnancy; perceptions of pregnancy risk sexual
partner; exposure information/ advertising condoms from the mass media;
education about reproductive health and residential areas. While 'perception
that condoms can prevent pregnancy' is the strongest predictor in this study
(OR = 2.5) and factor 'perception that condoms can prevent transmission of
STIs, including HIV/ AIDS' is a confounding. Results of this study suggest to
form the forum concerned adolescents at school or university and developing
adolescent reproductive health programs that already exist., The study was designed to determine factors that associated with condom use
among sexually active unmarried male adolescent in Indonesia by using
secondary data of IDHS 2012. The sample size in this study was 590
unmarried male aged 15-24 years, who are sexually active. Among unmarried
young men who had sexual intercourse almost half (45%) of them are
sexually active and more than three-quarters (76.3%) of them do not use
condoms during sexual intercourse. Factors associated with condom use
include: comprehensive knowledge about HIV / AIDS; the perception that
condoms can prevent pregnancy; perceptions of pregnancy risk sexual
partner; exposure information/ advertising condoms from the mass media;
education about reproductive health and residential areas. While 'perception
that condoms can prevent pregnancy' is the strongest predictor in this study
(OR = 2.5) and factor 'perception that condoms can prevent transmission of
STIs, including HIV/ AIDS' is a confounding. Results of this study suggest to
form the forum concerned adolescents at school or university and developing
adolescent reproductive health programs that already exist.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yunita Rina Sari S.
"Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional dari data Survei Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah 2017. Sampel adalah remaja umur 15-24 tahun di Indonesia dengan total sampel 23.821 responden. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku hubungan seksual pranikah pada remaja 15-24 tahun di Indonesia dan faktor-faktor mempengaruhinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 3,7% responden mengaku telah melakukan hubungan seksual pranikah.
Analisis Bivariat diperoleh semua faktor predisposisi berhubungan dengan perilaku hubungan seksual pranikah (yaitu umur, jenis kelamin, tempat tinggal, pengetahuan kontrasepsi, pengetahuan KRR dan sikap penerimaan terhadap perilaku hubungan seksual pranikah), semua faktor pemungkin tidak ada yang menunjukkan hubungan dengan perilaku seksual pranikah, faktor penguat yang berhubungan dengan perilaku hubungan seksual yaitu pengalaman berpacaran. Hasil analisis multivariat didapatkan bahwa variabel yang paling dominan yang berhubungan dengan perilaku seksual pranikah adalah pengalaman berpacaran dengan OR sebesar 42,67 (95% CI = 34,91-52,15).

This study is an analytical descriptive research using a quantitative approach with Cross Sectional design that analyzes secondary data of RPJMN Survey in 15-24 years old adolescents in Indonesia with a total sample of 23,821 respondents. The aims of this study were to determine premarital sexual behavior in adolescents 15-24 years in Indonesia and influencing factors based on the data of RPJMN Survey 2017. Findings that 3.7% of respondents claimed to have premarital sexual intercourse.
Bivariate analysis results in all predisposing factors related to premarital sexual behavior (ie age, sex, shelter, contraceptive knowledge, adolescent reproductive health knowledge and attitudes of premarital sexual behavior), all enabling factors unrelated to premarital sexual behavior, reinforcing factors related to the behavior of sexual relations is the experience of dating. Multivariate analysis showed that the most dominant variable associated with premarital sexual behavior was the experience of dating with OR of 42.67 (95% CI = 34.91-52.15).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ade Handayani
"Transmisi seksual adalah faktor utama pertumbuhan epidemi HIV/AIDS di dunia. Kasus HIV/AIDS paling banyak adalah pada pria dan kelompok umur 20-39 tahun. Upaya untuk menekan pertumbuhan epidemi tercepat adalah menurunkan insiden HIV dengan mengubah perilaku berisiko menjadi aman dan mengurangi stigma/diskriminasi terhadap ODHA. Penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pengetahuan HIV/AIDS dengan sikap dan perilaku berisiko HIV. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat pengetahuan HIV/AIDS terhadap sikap positif dan perilaku aman HIV/AIDS. Desain studi cross-sectional menggunakan data SDKI 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pria kawin dan pria belum kawin dengan tingkat pengetahuan tinggi berpeluang lebih besar untuk memiliki sikap positif dan perilaku aman HIV/AIDS dibanding pria dengan tingkat pengetahuan rendah.

The major factor of HIV spreading is sexual transmission. Most cases happened on men and people in 20-39 years old range. One of HIV-growth suppressing effort is to reduce HIV incidence. It can be done by switching the risk behaviour into safe behaviour and decreasing the stigma towards PLWHA. The earlier studies showed that there are association between knowledge of HIV/AIDS attitudes and risk behavior related to HIV/AIDS. The objective of study is to investigate the effects of HIV/AIDS knowledge toward attitudes and HIV/AIDS risk behavior on men. This cross-sectional study using DHS Indonesian Year 2012 and inform us that either married men and unmarriedmen who have highly knowledge have more chance to gain possitive attitude and HIV/AIDS safe behavior rather than low HIV/AIDS knowledge men.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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