"[Demam merupakan suatu reaksi fisiologis yang menandakan gejala penyakit yang sering dikeluhkan orangtua atas kondisi anaknya. Peningkatan suhu anak seringkali menyebabkan rasa gelisah tidak tenang pada orang tua sehingga memicu orang tua untuk memberikan antipiretik yang tidak sesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor sosiodemografi dengan tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku ibu tentang pemberian antipiretik pada anak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional yang menggunakan data primer berupa pengisian kuesioner dan data sekunder dari penelitian utama berjudul ?Longitudinal study on the effect of multiple micro-nutrient supplementation on haemoglobin level of 8 to 22 month old Indonesian children?.
Hasil penelitian adalah 76,8% tergolong ke tingkat pengetahuan cukup, 70,5% tergolong ke dalam sikap yang buruk/tidak sesuai, dan 96,8% tergolong ke dalam perilaku yang baik/sesuai. Dari uji hipotesis Chi-Square, diketahui bahwa terdapat hubungan bermakna (p<0.05) antara tingkat pendidikan (p= 0,043) dan status ekonomi (p=0,016) dengan tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang pemberian antipiretik. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara usia, pekerjaan ibu, bentuk keluarga dengan tingkat pengetahuan ibu. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna pula antara usia, pekerjaan ibu, tingkat pendidikan, status ekonomi, bentuk keluarga dengan sikap dan perilaku ibu tentang pemberian antipiretik (p>0.05).;Fever is a physiological sign of disease that is often complained by parents when it happens to their children. This elevation of body temperature causes parents to worry, leading them to give their children unsuitable antipyretics. This research aims to seek for the relation between sociodemographic factors with mothers‟ knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding administration of antipyretics in children. Thisis a cross-sectional research that uses primary data taken from questionnaire filling and secondary data from the main research titled ?Longitudinal study on the effect of multiple micro-nutrient supplementation on haemoglobin level of 8 to 22 month old Indonesian children.? The result shows that 76,8% of subjects is categorized average in terms of knowledge, 70.5% of subjects is categorized poor in terms of attitude, and 96,8% of subjects is categorized as good in terms of behavior. Chi-square test results in p<0,05 for the relation between mothers‟ knowledge with education (p = 0,043) and economic status (p = 0,016), which means there is a statistically relevant relation between mothers‟ knowledge and the two variables. The test also results in p>0,05 for the analysis of the relation between age, occupation and family structure with mothers‟ knowledge; as well as the relation between age, occupation, education, economic status and family structure with mothers‟ attitude and behavior regarding antipyretic administration. This result means that there is no statistically relevant relation between the respective variables with mothers‟ knowledge, attitude, and behavior., Fever is a physiological sign of disease that is often complained by parents when it happens to their children. This elevation of body temperature causes parents to worry, leading them to give their children unsuitable antipyretics. This research aims to seek for the relation between sociodemographic factors with mothers‟ knowledge, attitude and behavior regarding administration of antipyretics in children. Thisis a cross-sectional research that uses primary data taken from questionnaire filling and secondary data from the main research titled “Longitudinal study on the effect of multiple micro-nutrient supplementation on haemoglobin level of 8 to 22 month old Indonesian children.” The result shows that 76,8% of subjects is categorized average in terms of knowledge, 70.5% of subjects is categorized poor in terms of attitude, and 96,8% of subjects is categorized as good in terms of behavior. Chi-square test results in p<0,05 for the relation between mothers‟ knowledge with education (p = 0,043) and economic status (p = 0,016), which means there is a statistically relevant relation between mothers‟ knowledge and the two variables. The test also results in p>0,05 for the analysis of the relation between age, occupation and family structure with mothers‟ knowledge; as well as the relation between age, occupation, education, economic status and family structure with mothers‟ attitude and behavior regarding antipyretic administration. This result means that there is no statistically relevant relation between the respective variables with mothers‟ knowledge, attitude, and behavior.]"