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Jaenal Arif
"Fokus penelitian ini adalah kontibusi pemetaan lingkungan untuk kinerja organisasi dengan mengambil studi kasus Pengurus Besar Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (PB HMI) Periode 2013-2015. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakngi terhadap eksistensi sebuah organisasi kepemudaan yang kurang bisa menjawab tuntutan masyarakat sebagai jembatan antara rakyat dan pemerintah. Factor-faktor eksternal dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini untuk bisa melihat apakah organisasi mampu menjawab permasalah eksternal yang serba tidak menentu. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Hough dan White (2004) untuk melihat pemetaan lingkungan dengan tahap identifikasi, pengumpulan, mengolah dan menerjemahkan, sedangkan untuk melihat peluang dan ancaman peneliti menggunakan teori SWOT yang ditulis oleh Albert Humphrey (1960-1970) dengan melihat kecenderungan-kecenderungan penting sebagai salah satu sumber peluang atau ancaman untuk keberlangsungan organisasi dan pada akhirnya peneliti ingin melihat kapabilitas organisai dengan menggunakan teori Baker dan Sinkula (2005) untuk melihat keterampilan khusus, prosedur, dan proses yang dapat mempengaruhi anggota kedalam keunggulan kompetitif dalam pemetaan lingkungan di kepengurusan PB HMI Perode 2013-2015.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan mengambil informan pengurus aktif PB HMI Periode 2013-2015 yaitu ketua umum, ketua bidang sosial dan politik, ketua bidang hukum dan hak asasi manusia (HAM), ketua bidang informasi dan teknologi, ketua bidang ekonomi dan kesejahteraan rakyat dan ketua korps HMI wati (KOHATI). Data didapatkan dengan metode wawancara mendalam. Pemetaan lingkungan menjadi hal yang sangat penting dalam sebuah organisasi khususnya HMI untuk bisa mendeteksi sebuah sinyal agar dapat menjadi masukan para pemangku kepentingan dalam merumuskan kinerja apa yang akan dicapai untuk kedepan. Pemetaan yang efektif dengan melakukan metode yang benar akan bisa mengatasi kondisi lingkungan eksternal yang sangat cepat berubah. Studi empiris penelitian sebelumnya menjadi hal untuk bisa dikaji dan di implemetasikan dalam penelitian ini.

The Focus of this study is the contribution of environmental scanning to organizational performance by taking a case study of PB HMI period 2013-2015. The background of study of the existence of a youth organization are less able to answer the demands of society as a bridge between people and government. External factors were included in this study to see whether the organization is able to answer the external problems of uncertainty. This study uses the theory Hough and White (2004) to see the environmental scanning with identification, collection, processing and translating, while to look at the opportunities and threats SWOT researchers used the theory written by Albert Humphrey (1960-1970) with a view to important trends as a source of opportunities or threats to the sustainability of the organization and in the end the researchers wanted to see capabilities of organizations by using the theory of Baker and Sinkula (2005) to see more spesific skills, procedures, and processes can leverage resources into competitive advantage in an environmental scanning HMI management during the period 2013-2015.
This research using qualitative method by taking the informant active of PB HMI in period 2013-2015 who are head of HMI, the head division of the social and political fields , the head division of law and human rights ( HAM ), the head division of information and technology, head division of the economics and welfare and head division of women's associations in HMI. the Data is obtained by the method of indepth interviews. Environmental scanning becomes very important in an organization, especially HMI to be able to detect a signal in order to become the input of stakeholders in formulating performance of what will be achieved to the fore . Effective mapping by making the correct method to be able to cope with the external environment that is rapidly changing . Empirical Study of previous research into it to be assessed and in deployments in this study.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Dwi Pradana
"Fokus penelitian tesis ini adalah berupaya menjelaskan bagaimana pemahaman kesadaran bela negara di lingkungan organisasi kemasyarakatan pemuda (OKP) Pengurus Besar (PB) Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) periode 2013-2015 serta bagaimana strategi pembinaan kesadaran bela negara di lingkungan OKP PB HMI tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman kesadaran bela negara di lingkungan OKP PB HMI periode 2013-2015 serta bagaimana strategi pembinaan kesadaran bela negara di lingkungan OKP PB HMI.
Penelitian tesis ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif analitis dengan tujuan membuat gambaran secara sistematis mengenai fakta-fakta faktual yang selama ini terjadi terhadap kesadaran bela negara pada generasi muda dengan didukung teori civil defense dan civil society serta wawancara mendalam sebanyak 12 informan yang terdiri dari informan ahli yaitu pihak kementerian pertahanan dan akademisi serta 10 informan selaku aktivis OKP HMI dari beberapa wilayah di Indonesia.
Temuan penting hasil penelitian tesis ini adalah diketahui bahwa adanya kesamaan pemahaman dari para aktivis OKP HMI tentang pemahaman kesadaran bela negara yang melingkupi seluruh aspek kehidupan serta kesamaan tentang strategi pembinaan yang dilakukan di lingkungan OKP PB HMI dengan menerapkan jenjang formal kaderisasi LK1, LK2, LK3 dengan training-training maupun diskusi rutin non formal.

The focus of this thesis is an attempt to explain how the understanding of environmental awareness to defend the state in the social organization of youth (OKP) Executive Board (PB) Islamic Students Association (HMI) in the period from 2013 to 2015 and how the coaching strategy to defend the state in environmental awareness OKP the HMI. The purpose of this study was to determine how the understanding of environmental awareness to defend the country in the period 2013-2015 OKP HMI development strategies as well as how to defend the state in environmental awareness OKP HMI.
The thesis research this uses the method descriptive qualitative analytical with the purpose of making a picture in systematic factual concerning the facts which have so far happens to of the sense of state-defense for the young generation by the support the theory of civil defense and civil society and in-depth interviews as many as 12 informants consisting of informants expert namely the ministry of defense and academics as well as 10 informants as activists OKP HMI from several areas in Indonesia.
An important finding of this research thesis is known that the common understanding of the activists OKP HMI awareness to defend state of understanding covering all aspects of life as well as the similarity of development strategies undertaken in OKP HMI environment by implementing a formal level regeneration LK1, LK2, LK3 with trainings and non routine formal discussion."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadhlul Hanif
HMI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam) merupakan salah satu organisasi
mahasiswa terbesar di Indonesia. Perjalan HMI hingga saat ini seringkali dipenuhi
dengan dinamika baik di Internal maupun eksternal organisasi. Penelitian ini
meneliti peranan kepemimpinan dan strategi organisasi dalam menghadapi
dinamika lingkungan eksternal berupa munculnya PB HMI yang diketuai Adi
Baiquni dan periode kepengurusan yang berada pada momentum pemilihan umum
tahun 2014. Tiga rumusan pertanyaan penelitian yaitu ; 1) Apa strategi organisasi
PB HMI periode 2013 ? 2015 yang dipimpin oleh Arif Rosyid dalam menghadapi
dinamika lingkungan eksternal organisasi ? 2) Kenapa memilih strategi tersebut
sebagai upaya dalam menghadapi dinamika lingkungan eksternal organisasi ? 3)
Bagaimana peranan kepemimpinan dalam implememtasi strategi organisasi dalam
menghdapi dinamika lingkungan eksternal organisasi ?
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik
pemilihan informan ditentukan secara purposive sampling yaitu dengan
melakukan wawancara mendalam kepada informan yang dipilih dengan
pertimbangan tertentu serta melakukan studi dokumentasi.
Secara ringkas dari temuan hasil, tesis menghasilkan bahwa dua kondisi
lingkungan eksternal ini menuntut PB HMI periode 2013-2015 melakukan strategi
untuk menghadapinya, diantaranya adalah dengan menjalin kerja sama dengan
organisasi lain dan memanfaatkan budaya organisasi yang ada. Pilhan strategi
dilakukan dengan berbagai pertimbangan dan juga Arif Rosyid berperan langsung
pengimplementasian strategi yang telah ditetapkan tersebut. Namun disisi lain
kepemimpinan Arif Rosyid juga digugat oleh beberapa orang pengurusnya yang
menilai ada bebarapa hal yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan organisasi.

HMI (Islamic Student Association) is one of the largest student
organization in Indonesia. HMI journey to this day is often filled with dynamics in
both Internal and external organizations. This research examines the role of
organizational leadership and strategy in the face of dynamic external
environment such as the emergence of PB HMI chaired by Adi Baiquni and
period of stewardship that are on the momentum of 2014 elections. Formulation
three research questions namely; 1) What organizational strategy PB HMI period
from 2013 to 2015, led by Arif Rosyid in the face of dynamic external
environment? 2) Why did you choose such a strategy as an effort in the face of
dynamic external environment? 3) How is the role of leadership in face
organizational strategy dynamics in the external environment of the organization?
This study used qualitative research methods to the informant selection
techniques are determined by purposive sampling is to perform interviews with
informants selected for certain considerations as well as to study the
In summary of the findings, the thesis that the two conditions result in the
external environment is demanding PB HMI 2013-2015 period pursuing a strategy
to deal with, such as by cooperating with other organizations and take advantage
of the existing organizational culture. Choice of strategy is done by a variety of
considerations and also contribute directly Arif Rosyid implementation of the
strategy has been set. On the other hand Arif leadership Rosyid also sued by
several people there bebarapa managers who assess the things that are not in
accordance with the rules of the organization.;HMI (Islamic Student Association) is one of the largest student
organization in Indonesia. HMI journey to this day is often filled with dynamics in
both Internal and external organizations. This research examines the role of
organizational leadership and strategy in the face of dynamic external
environment such as the emergence of PB HMI chaired by Adi Baiquni and
period of stewardship that are on the momentum of 2014 elections. Formulation
three research questions namely; 1) What organizational strategy PB HMI period
from 2013 to 2015, led by Arif Rosyid in the face of dynamic external
environment? 2) Why did you choose such a strategy as an effort in the face of
dynamic external environment? 3) How is the role of leadership in face
organizational strategy dynamics in the external environment of the organization?
This study used qualitative research methods to the informant selection
techniques are determined by purposive sampling is to perform interviews with
informants selected for certain considerations as well as to study the
In summary of the findings, the thesis that the two conditions result in the
external environment is demanding PB HMI 2013-2015 period pursuing a strategy
to deal with, such as by cooperating with other organizations and take advantage
of the existing organizational culture. Choice of strategy is done by a variety of
considerations and also contribute directly Arif Rosyid implementation of the
strategy has been set. On the other hand Arif leadership Rosyid also sued by
several people there bebarapa managers who assess the things that are not in
accordance with the rules of the organization., HMI (Islamic Student Association) is one of the largest student
organization in Indonesia. HMI journey to this day is often filled with dynamics in
both Internal and external organizations. This research examines the role of
organizational leadership and strategy in the face of dynamic external
environment such as the emergence of PB HMI chaired by Adi Baiquni and
period of stewardship that are on the momentum of 2014 elections. Formulation
three research questions namely; 1) What organizational strategy PB HMI period
from 2013 to 2015, led by Arif Rosyid in the face of dynamic external
environment? 2) Why did you choose such a strategy as an effort in the face of
dynamic external environment? 3) How is the role of leadership in face
organizational strategy dynamics in the external environment of the organization?
This study used qualitative research methods to the informant selection
techniques are determined by purposive sampling is to perform interviews with
informants selected for certain considerations as well as to study the
In summary of the findings, the thesis that the two conditions result in the
external environment is demanding PB HMI 2013-2015 period pursuing a strategy
to deal with, such as by cooperating with other organizations and take advantage
of the existing organizational culture. Choice of strategy is done by a variety of
considerations and also contribute directly Arif Rosyid implementation of the
strategy has been set. On the other hand Arif leadership Rosyid also sued by
several people there bebarapa managers who assess the things that are not in
accordance with the rules of the organization.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lian Ifandri
HMI adalah organisasi yang melakukan investasi sumber daya manusia human investment melalui perkaderan yang bertujuan melahirkan kader umat dan kader bangsa sebagai insan cita HMI. Tantangan yang dihadapi oleh HMI saat ini dan masa-masa mendatang adalah pengelolaan SDM yang diperluas dengan menyesuaikan dinamika lingkungan eksternal. Kehadiran dan eksistensi HMI harus diperkuat dengan human capital untuk mempersiapkan diri memasuki era globalisasi dengan segala dampaknya. Agenda strategis bangsa Indonesia dalam era globalisasi menuntut HMI dapat merumuskan strategi manajemen SDM untuk mewujudkan kader umat dan kader bangsa yang memiliki keunggulan kompetitif demi mempertahankan eksistensi HMI, baik secara organisatoris, aktivitas, pemikiran dan pengaruhnya sesuai mission dan tujuan HMI.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis strategi manajemen SDM HMI dalam proses kaderisasi kepemimpinan melalui peran strategis perkaderan HMI dalam menjalankan model peran ganda Multiple Role Model . Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Informan dipilih dengan cara tekhnik purposive sampling untuk menentukan informan awal dan selanjutnya menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Informan tersebut berasal dari unsur Pengurus Besar PB HMI dan Korps Alumni HMI KAHMI .Hasil penelitian mendapatkan data dan fakta bahwa peran strategis perkaderan HMI menggunakan konsep Multiple Role Model sehingga unit perkaderan menjadi bussiness partner organisasi melalui peran strategic partner, administrative expert, employee champion, dan change agent. Strategi manajemen SDM HMI mengkombinasikan seluruh peran dalam Multiple Role Model sehingga perkaderan dapat menjadi ldquo;mitra rdquo; HMI dalam mewujudkan tujuan HMI. Perwujudan Multiple Role Model tersebut didukung dengan doktrin ideologi HMI yaitu Nilai-Nilai Dasar Perjuangan NDP dan Independensi HMI sehingga dapat membentuk watak kader yang memiliki karakter sebagai kader umat dan kader bangsa yang memiliki keunggulan kompetitif demi mempertahankan eksistensi HMI, baik secara organisatoris, aktivitas, pemikiran dan pengaruhnya sesuai mission dan tujuan HMI

HMI is an organization that invests human resources through a madamad that aims to give birth to cadres of the nation and cadres of the nation as human beings of HMI. The challenge faced by current and future HMIs is the expanded human resource management by adjusting the dynamics of the external environment. The presence and existence of HMI must be strengthened with human capital to prepare to enter the era of globalization with all its impact. Indonesia 39 s strategic agenda in globalization era requires HMI to formulate human resource management strategy to realize cadre of nation and cadre of nation that have competitive advantage in order to maintain HMI existence, organizational, activity, thought and influence according to mission and purpose of HMI.This purpose of this research to analyze HR management strategy of HMI in the process of leadership cadreization through strategic role of HMI irrigation in running multiple role model. This research uses descriptive research type through qualitative approach. The data obtained in this study comes from in depth interviews and documentation studies. The informant was chosen by means of purposive sampling technique to determine the initial informant and then using the snowball sampling technique. The informant is from the elements of the Executive Board PB HMI and HMI Alumni Corps KAHMI .The results of this research show data and the fact that the strategic role of HMI utilizes the concept of Multiple Role Model so that the unit becomes bussiness partner of the organization through the role of strategic partner, administrative expert, employee champion, and change agent. Human Resource Management Strategy HMI combines all roles in Multiple Role Model so that Perkaderan can become partner HMI in realizing the purpose of HMI. Multiple Role Embodiment The model is supported by the doctrine of HMI ideology namely Basic Values of Struggle NDP and HMI Independence so as to form the character of cadres who have the character as cadres of the nation and cadres of the nation that have a competitive advantage in order to maintain the existence of HMI, both organisatically, thought and influence according to mission and purpose of HMI"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Almaas Saliani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesadaran kinerja lingkungan di PT Y Cabang X. Analisis dilakukan melalui kinerja lingkungan perusahaan dan kesadaran karyawan yang tercermin dalam perilaku karyawan di lingkungan perusahaan. PT Y Cabang X bergerak di bidang logistik, secara spesifik pada pengelolaan dan pengembangan pelabuhan yang aktivitas operasionalnya sebagian besar berhubungan langsung dengan lingkungan, khususnya laut sehingga peran perusahaan di lingkungan sekitarnya sangat besar. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data-data yang digunakan diperoleh melalui Laporan Keberlanjutan, wawancara dengan pihak terkait aktivitas lingkungan perusahaan, dan survei menggunakan kuesioner kepada 58 karyawan perusahaan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa manajemen dan karyawan PT Y Cabang X memiliki kesadaran kinerja lingkungan yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil analisis Laporan Keberlanjutan, hasil wawancara dan hasil survei kuesioner (4,2 dari skala 5). Adanya kesadaran lingkungan ini juga terlihat dari target kinerja lingkungan PT Y Cabang X di tahun 2022 yaitu meningkatkan PROPER dan mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 14001:2015.

This research aims to evaluate the environmental performance awareness at PT Y Branch X. The analysis is carried out through the company's environmental performance and employee awareness which is reflected in employee behavior in the company environment. PT Y Branch X is engaged in logistics, specifically in the management and development of ports whose operational activities are mostly directly related to the environment, especially the sea, so the company plays a significant role in the surrounding environment. The method in this research uses descriptive qualitative with a single case study approach. The data used were obtained through the Sustainability Report, interviews with parties related to the company's environmental activities, and a survey using a questionnaire to 58 employees. This research found that the management and employees of PT Y Branch X have an awareness of environmental performance as indicated by the results of the analysis of the Sustainability Report, the results of interviews and the results of the questionnaire survey (4.2 out of a scale of 5). The existence of environmental awareness at PT Y Branch X can also be seen from its target in 2022, namely increasing PROPER and obtaining certification of ISO 14001: 2015."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Josi Khama Dewi
"Keterbukaan akses informasi merupakan salah satu mekanisme untuk mengkontrol kinerja alat lingkungan. Alat lingkungan berkontribusi bagi pembangunan berkelanjutan. Salah satu alat lingkungan yang dicanangkan dan telah kontinu dilaksanakan pemerintah adalah PROPER. PROPER dibuat oleh pemerintah untuk mengawasi kinerja pengelolaan lingkungan perusahaan. Keterbukaan akses informasi mendukung kinerja PROPER. Salah satu bentuk keterbukaan informasi adalah melalui pengumuman hasil PROPER menggunakan pencitraan simbol warna. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini ingin mengetahui proses implementasi akses informasi PROPER. Dari hasil identifikasi didapatkan mekanisme pelaksanaan dalam mengakses informasi yaitu secara langsung (datang ke KLH) dan tidak langsung (menggunakan media perantara). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses implementasi PROPER adalah adanya penguatan kapasitas, peningkatan transparansi, peningkatan koordinasi dan perbaikan sistem sosialisasi. Dari hasil analisis SWOT (Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats) di kuadran I yang memiliki kekuatan serta peluang, dirumuskan strategi yang pertama yaitu meningkatkan transparansi penilaian, kedua dengan mempertahankan penilaian dengan pencitraan simbol warna dan berskala nasional karena merupakan cara yang mudah untuk menginformasikannya kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat dan strategi yang ketiga dengan memanfaatkan tokoh masyarakat untuk berperan dalam mengedukasi warga agar memahami PROPER.

Public Access to Information or information disclosure is one of mechanisms to control the performance of environmental equipment, which contributes to sustainable development. One of the environment tools that has been proclaimed and has been continuously implemented by the government is PROPER. PROPER is developed by the Ministry of Environment to oversee the company's environmental management performance. Public Access to Information supports PROPER performance. In the case of PROPER, one of the information disclosure forms is through the announcement of the PROPER by using color imaging symbol. The purpose of this study is to better understand the implementation process of information disclosure in PROPER. From the research, it is understood that public access to information mechanisms in PROPER can be divided into direct access to information (by coming in person to Ministry of Environment Office) and indirectly (by using an intermediary medium). The study also reveals factors that could improve effectiveness of PROPER that include capacity building, increased transparency, as well as improved coordination and socialization systems. From SWOT (Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats) analysis in quadrant I that has strengthen and oppurtunity for the available strategies, the strongest strategy to improved PROPER performance would be increasing transparency on the PROPER valuation process, second is keeping the use of color imaging symbol, and the third is giving role to community leaders in educating the public to understand PROPER."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dzikri Maulana
Globalisasi selain membawa banyak kemajuan, ternyata juga memiliki paradok, salah satu bentuknya adalah munculnya kelompok etnonasionalisme sebagai salah satu bentuk perlwanan dan ketidaksetujuan terhadap nilai yang dibawa globalisasi. Salah satu bentuk gerakan etnonasionalisme adalah gerakan radikalisme, yang menitikberatkan pada persamaan agama. sampai saat ini radikalisme merupakan suatu persoalan bangsa yang belum dapat terselesaikan dengan tuntas. Berbagai peristiwa radikalisme seperti pengeboman, intoleransi di Indonesia kerap terjadi. Berdasarkan hasil survey yang dilakukan oleh Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Terorisme dikemukakan bahwa telah terjadi radikalisme di masyarkat pada tataran pemahaman 60,67 sedangkan sikap radikal tercatat di angka 55,70 secara umum potensi radikalisme di Indonesia masuk pada tataran sedang. Sedangkan sebaran potensi terjadinya gerakan radikal di wilayah Indonesia adalah Pertama provinsi Bengkulu dengan potensi 58,58 , Gorontalo dengan potensi 58, 48 ,, Sulawesi Selatan dengan potensi 58,42 ,, Lampung dengan potensi radikalisme 58,38 , dan Kalimantan Utara dengan potensi radikalisme 58,30 . Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik obsevrasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa meskipun PB HMI Periode 2013-2015 tidak memiliki program yang khusus tentang bela negara, akan tetapi peranannya dalam bela negara guna menangkal paham radikalisme tercermin dalam kegiatan-kegiatan PB HMI. Adapun proses bela negara dilakukan untuk internal kader HMI dan eksternal untuk masyarakat. Internal : melalui perkaderan dengan lebih memahami pemikiran Keislaman dan Keindonesiaan HMI dan Nilai-nilai Dasar Perjuangan NDP ; ekternal diaktualisasikan dengan mengadakan seminar kebangsaan, pembinaan desa, koordinasi dengan pihak pemerintah terkait dengan ketahanan nasional, Mengadakan Panggung HMI untuk Rakyat: Kewargaan Aktif untuk Masa Depan Indonesia rdquo; di Johar Baru Jakarta Pusat.

Other than bringing the future, Globalization also creates a paradox. One form is the emergence of ethnonationalism as a form of resistance and disapproval of the value brought by globalization. One form of the movement of ethnonationalism is the radical movement, which focuses on religion equality. Up until now radicalism is a nation problem that has not be solved completely. Various events of radicalism such as Intolerance bombing often occurs in Indonesia. The results of a survey conducted by the National Agency for Combating Terrorism stated that there has been a radicalism in the community at the level of understanding 60.67 while radical attitudes recorded in the figure of 55.70 . In general, the potential of radicalism in Indonesia entered moderate level. The potential distribution of radical movement in Indonesian territory is Bengkulu with 58.58 potential, Gorontalo with 58, 48 , South Sulawesi potential 58.42 , Lampung with 58.38 radicalism potential and North Kalimantan with potential radicalism 58.30 . This research was conducted using qualitative research with observation techniques and in depth interviews. The results show that although PB HMI Period 2013 2015 does not have a special program on state defense, but its role in defending the state to counter radicalism is reflected in the activities of PB HMI. The state defense process is conducted for internal HMI and external cadres for the community. Internal was done through the ldquo pengkaderan rdquo with a better understanding of Islam, Indonesian HMI, and also Nilai dasar Perjuangan NDP . External activity actualized by holding national seminars, village coaching, coordination with the government related to national resilience, and conducting HMI Stage for the People Active Citizenship for the Future of Indonesia in Johar Baru Central Jakarta.P"
Depok: 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Murwani Handayani
"Bekerja di lembaga NGO dianggap bukan sekedar masalah seberapa besar gaji yang didapat, akan tetapi lebih pada motivasi untuk melakukan lebih pada masyarakat.  Karyawan di NGO bergabung dengan berbagai alasan namun penghargaan dan kepuasan psikologis merupakan motif penting untuk menjadi sukarelawan. Penelitian ini akan menguji hubungan antara volunteer motivation, perceived  organizational support, employee well-being dan organizational commitment pada pada Non-Government Organization (NGO) bidang kesehatan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai metode pengumpulan data yang akan dibantu oleh Departemen SDM di beberapa NGO di Indonesia dalam pendistribusiannya. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Total responden penelitian ini berjumlah 206 orang responden dari berbagai NGO di bidang kesehatan di Indonesia. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa v olunteer motivation tidak terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap organizational commitment. Volunteer motivation juga tidak terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap employee well-being. perceiverd organizational support berpengaruh positif terhadap organizational commitment dan employee well-being. Employee well-being berpengaruh positif terhadap organizational commitment.

Working in a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is considered not only about a how much earned salary, but rather about the motivation to do more with the community. Employees in non-profit organizations join for various reason but psychological appreciation and satisfaction are important motives for volunteering. This study will examine the relationship between volunteer motivation, perceived organizational support, employee well-being and organizational commitment in NGO for health sector in Indonesia. This study used a questionnaire as a data collection methdo which would be assisted by HR Department in several NGO in Indonesia to be distrubuted. The data analysis method in this study is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The total respondents of this study were 206 respondents from various NGO in the health sector in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that Volunteer motivation did not prove to have a significant effect on Organizational Commitment. Volunteer motivation also did not prove to have a significant effect on Employee Well-Being. Organizational Support has a positive effect on Organizational Commitment. Organizational Support also has a positive effect on Employee Well-Being. Finally, Employee Well-Being has a positive effect on Organizational Commitment."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Dewi Novita
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tidak langsung dari kinerja lingkungan terhadap kinerja ekonomi perusahaan industry adjusted return melalui tingkat pengungkapan lingkungan sebagai variabel intervening. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga meneliti pengaruh langsung dari kinerja lingkungan terhadap pengungkapan lingkungan, kinerja lingkungan terhadap kinerja ekonomi, dan pengungkapan lingkungan terhadap kinerja ekonomi perusahaan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 110 perusahaan yang mengikuti PROPER KLH. Metodologi penelitian adalah regresi linear dan indirect least square dengan menggunakan analisis unbalanced panel data.
Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, ditemukan bahwa PROPER sebagai proksi kinerja lingkungan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap tingkat pengungkapan lingkungan perusahaan, tetapi PROPER tidak terbukti berpengaruh secara langsung pada kinerja ekonomi perusahaan. Selain itu, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan lingkungan perusahaan berpengaruh negatif pada industry adjusted return perusahaan. Namun, hasil penelitian membuktikan pengaruh negatif tidak langsung kinerja lingkungan terhadap kinerja ekonomi melalui pengungkapan lingkungan perusahaan.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the direct and indirect effect of environmental performance on economic performance industry adjusted return with the level of environmental performance as the intervening variables. In addition, this research also investigates the effect of environmental performance on environmental disclosure, environmental performance on economic performance, environmental disclosure on economic performance. The study population consists of 110 firms year. The methodology used in this research is the linear regression for direct effect models in hypothesis 1, 2, 3 and indirect least square for the indirect effect models in hypothesis 4 using unbalanced panel data analysis.
The result of this research shows that PROPER as the proxy for environmental performance has a positive effect on the level of firms environmental disclosure but environmental doesn't indicate any direct effect on the economic performance. In addition, Environmental disclosure indicates a negative effect on the industry adjusted return of the company. However, this research shows that environmental performance has indirect negative effect on the economic performance with the level of disclosure as the intervening variables.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Poole, I.D.
London: Bernard Babani, 1992
621.384 POO i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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