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Indri Wahyuni
"Ada 4 (empat) program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja di Setjen MPR yaitu 1. Memperkuat akuntabilitas kinerja instansi; 2. Membantu pegawai untuk melaksanakan tugas, rencana dan tujuan dalam rangka mendukung pencapaian tujuan dan sasaran instansi; 3. Melakukan penilaian unit kerja dengan menggunakan instrumen yang berbasis kinerja; dan 4. Melakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas LAKIP dan menyampaikannya secara tepat waktu.
Hasilnya menunjukkan, bahwa masih perlu peningkatan dalam kualitas program melalui keterlibatan pimpinan dan semua unit kerja dalam penyusunan Road Map Reformasi Birokrasi Setjen MPR Tahun 2015-2019 dan sistem pengelolaan kinerja organisasi berbasis teknologi informasi yang terpadu dan dapat diakses secara berkala oleh semua unit kerja. Selain menganalisis program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja, tesis ini menggunakan 11 (sebelas) dimensi dari konsep Will Artley (2001) untuk melihat lingkungan akuntabilitas di Setjen MPR.
Hasilnya, dari sebelas dimensi, Setjen MPR telah memasukkan 7 (tujuh) dimensi dalam program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja yaitu Kepemimpinan, Kepercayaan, Transparansi, Kejelasan, Kepemilikan, Konsistensi dan Tindak Lanjut. Masih ada 4 (empat) dimensi yaitu Hubungan Timbal Balik, Persamaan, Keseimbangan dan Konsekuensi yang belum ada.
Ke depannya, harus dilakukan penyusunan kebijakan dan program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja yang memasukkan 11 (sebelas) dimensi dari Will Artley (2001) tersebut, sehingga terbentuk lingkungan akuntabilitas yang lebih baik di Setjen MPR.

There are four programs for strengthening performance accountability in The Secretariat General of MPR: 1. Strengthening the organization?s performance accountability; 2. Helping employees plan and work in reaching the organization?s goals; 3. Performance appraisal; and 4. Raising the performance report quality and delivering on time.
The results show that the programs need more involvement of the leader and all departments for making the Road Map of Bureaucratic Reform in The Secretariat General of MPR Year 2015-2019 and in the management of performance accountability based on the integrated and accessible information technology system. Besides an analysis of the programs for strengthening performance accountability, this thesis also uses eleven dimensions from Will Artley (2001) to see the accountability environment in The Secretariat General of MPR.
The result is seven out of eleven dimensions already included in the programs for strengthening performance accountability, which are leadership, trust, transparency, clarity, ownership, consistency and follow-up. There are still four dimensions that are not in the programs, which are, reciprocation, equity, balance and consequences.
In the future, the policy and programs for strengthening performance accountability must include the eleven dimensions from Will Artley (2001) to make a better accountability environment in The Secretariat General of MPR.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prita Raska
"Skripsi ini membahas penerapan reformasi birokrasi yang memiliki peranan penting terhadap program Grand Design Reformasi Birokrasi 2010-2025 pada setiap Instansi Pemerintah di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Fokus dalam skripsi ini adalah pada pencapaian program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja yang di laksanakan di Sekretariat Presiden Kementerian Sekretariat Negara RI. Peneliti tertarik untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja di Sekretariat Presiden dengan tujuan penelitian melihat efektivitas dalam pelaksanaan program-program akuntabilitas terkait dengan adanya salah satu capaian kinerja yang memiliki nilai buruk.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah positivis dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data dan informasi berupa wawancara mendalam dengan lima informan yang memiliki pengetahuan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dalam penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa masih adanya ketidakefektifan dalam pelaksanaan program penguatan akuntabilitas kinerja di Sekretariat Presiden namun dalam pencapaian kinerja sudah akuntabel karena memiliki peningkatan nilai capaian kinerja.

This thesis discusses the implementation of bureaucracy reform program leads to both Grand Design 2010-2025 Reforms on any Government Agencies in the Republic of Indonesia. The focus of this thesis is the strengthening of accountability in the achievement of program performance that is implementing in the Secretariat of the President Ministry of State Secretariat RI. Researcher interested in knowing how to strengthen implementation of performance accountability in the Secretariat of the President with the aim of research looking at the effectiveness of the implementation of accountability programs relating to the achievement of performance that one has a bad grade.
The research method used in this thesis is to use a positivist method by collecting data and information in the form of in-depth interviews with five informants who are have much knowledges in this study. The results of this study can be concluded that there still make an ineffectiveness in strengthening program implementation of performance accountability in the Secretariat of the President however in the achievement of performance have been accountable for the achievement of performance improvement.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Kurniawan
"Reformasi Birokrasi Pemasyarakatan secara yuridis dideklarasikan pada tanggal 27 April 2010 dan secara faktual terus bergerak maju terutama di lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal yang berperan dominan dalam menggulirkan program reformasi birokrasi baik di Unit Eselon I Kementerian Hukum dan HAM maupun di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pemasyarakatan. Kebijakan dan arah baru Reformasi Birokrasi Nasional sebagaimana diatur dalam Perpres Nomor 81 Tahun 2010 dan Permenpan Nomor 20 Tahun 2010 termasuk seluruh aturan turunannya diakomodir oleh pemasyarakatan sebagai pedoman implementasi reformasi birokrasi pemasyarakatan. Salah satu wujud impelentasi Reformasi Birokrasi di Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan adalah penguatan Akuntabilitas Kinerja dalam bentuk tersusunya Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP).
Dalam penelitian ini ada tiga pertanyaan penelitian yang hendak dijawab yaitu bagaimanakah peran Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP) dalam Reformasi Birokrasi di Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan, kendala-kendala apa yang dihadapi dalam penyusunan Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP) di Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan dan upaya-upaya apa yang dilakukan pihak Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan dalam mengatasi kendala penyusunan Laporan Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan wawancara menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Informan kunci 1 orang, informan tambahan 1 orang dan infonnan tambahan sebanyak 3 orang. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Direktorat Jenderal Pemasyarakatan Kementerian Hukum dan HAMRI.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa LAKIP Ditjenpas belum optimal berperan sebagai Sarana pengambilan kebijakan strategis. Peran tersebut dilihat dari aspek sumber daya yang ada yaitu sumber daya manusia (petugas), informasi , kewenangan , serta sarana prasarana. Kemudian terdapat dua kendala yang mengakibattkan tidak idealnya LAKIP Ditjenpas, yaitu kendala sumber daya manusia petugas penyusun LAKIP dan kendala struktur organisasi dan kewenangan antara UPT Pemasyarakatan, Kantor Wilayah dan Ditjenpas. Upaya­ upaya untuk mengat?-si kendala penyusunan LAKIP Ditjenpas yang bisa dilakukan berkenaan dengan kendala sumber daya manusia adalah rotasi internal Ditjenpas , mutasi petugas dari UPT Pemasyarakatan ke Ditjenpas dan penyelenggaraan pelatihan atau bimtek penyusunan LAKIP. Sementara upaya berkenaan dengan struktur organisasi dan kewenangan adalah meningkatkan koordinasi antara Ditjenpas , Kanwil dan UPT Pemasyarakatan, membuat SOP penyusunan LAKIP hingga tingkat UPT Pemasyarakatan dan terus mendorong perubahan struktur organisasi.

Correctional Reforms judicially declared on April 27, 2010 and in fact continues to move forward, especially in the Directorate General of the dominant role in rolling bureaucratic reform program well in units Ministries of Justice and Human Rights as well as in the Technical Unit of Corrections. Policies and new directions of National Bureaucracy Reform stipulated in Presidential Decree No. 81 of 2010 and No. 20 of 2010 Permenpan including all accommodated by the penal ordinances to guide the implementation of penal reform bureaucracy. One manifestation impelentasi Reforms in the Directorate General of Corrections is strengthening accountability in the form of performance completion Government Performance Accountability Report (performance reports).
In this study there are three research questions to be answered is how the role of the Government Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP) in Bureaucratic Reform in the Directorate General of Corrections, what obstacles encountered in the preparation of the Government Performance Accountability Report (LAKIP) in the Directorate General of Corrections and what efforts carried out by the Directorate General of Corrections in overcoming obstacles preparation of Government Perforriiance Accountability Report (performance reports). The method used was a qualitative method with interviews using an interview guide. 1 person key informant, the informant and the informant added 1 additional as many as 3 people. Location of the research conducted in the Directorate General of Correctional Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
Based on the results of the study found that the Performance Accountability Reports Government Directorate General of Corrections is not optimal role as a means of strategic policy making. The role seen from the aspect of existing resources is human resources (personnel), information, authority, and infrastructure. Then there are two constraints that are not ideally mengakibattkan Performance Accountability Reports Government Directorate General of Corrections, namely human resource constraints constituent officers Performance Accountability Report and the Government of the organizational structure and authority constraints between Correctional Unit, Regional Office and the Directorate General of Corrections. Efforts to overcome the obstacles preparation Performance Accountability Reports Government Directorate General of Corrections can be done with regard to human resource constraints are internal rotation Directorate General of Corrections, mutation of UPT Correctional officer to the Directorate General of Corrections and the implementation of training or preparation Bimtek Performance Accountability Reports government. While efforts with respect to organizational structure and authority are improving coordination between the Directorate General of Corrections, and the Office of Correctional Unit, making the preparation of SOP Performance Accountability Report to the Government of Correctional Unit level and continue to drive changes in the organizational structure.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alycia Octavianti Chartika
"Kesiapan pegawai untuk berubah berperan penting terhadap pelaksanaan perubahan dalam suatu organisasi. Sekretariat Jenderal DPD RI merupakan salah satu Lembaga Kesekretariatan Negara Pemegang Cabang Kekuasaan Negara yang turut serta melaksanakan kebijakan penyederhanaan birokrasi sebagai salah satu upaya pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kesiapan pegawai dalam mendukung pelaksanaan penyederhanaan birokrasi di lingkungan Sekretariat Jenderal DPD RI. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan termasuk ke dalam penelitian deskriptif. Data primer pada penelitian ini diperoleh melalui survei pegawai (n=81) dan wawancara mendalam bersama enam narasumber yang mewakili berbagai unit kerja di lingkungan Setjen DPD RI. Penelitian terhadap analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kesiapan pegawai dalam mendukung pelaksanaan penyederhanaan birokrasi di lingkungan Sekretariat Jenderal DPD RI berdasarkan teori kesiapan pegawai menurut Holt, dkk (2007) menunjukkan bahwa dimensi management support adalah faktor yang paling mempengaruhi tingkat kesiapan pegawai. Keyakinan pegawai Setjen DPD RI terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kesiapan pegawai dalam mendukung pelaksanaan penyederhanaan birokrasi tergolong kedalam kategori “sedang”.

The employee readiness for change in the internal organization office system plays an important part. The Secretariat General at the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia is one of the State Secretariat Institutions holding the Branch of State Power carries out bureaucratic simplification policy as one of the efforts to implement bureaucratic reform. This study aims to identify and analyze the factors that influence the level of employees readiness in supporting the implementation of bureaucratic simplification at the Secretariat General of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia. This research employs quantitative approach and categorized as a descriptive research. Primary data in this study were obtained through an employee survey (n = 81) and in-depth interviews with six resource persons representing various working units within the Secretariat General of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia. Research on analysis of the factors that influence the level of employee readiness in supporting the implementation of bureaucratic simplification within the Secretariat General of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia based on the Theory of Employee Readiness for Change developed by Holt, et al (2007) shows that the management support dimension is the factor that most influences the level of employee readiness. The confidence of the employees of the Secretariat General of the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia in the factors that influence the level of employees readiness in supporting the implementation of bureaucratic simplification is classified into the "medium" category."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wafistrietman Corris
"Sekretariat Jenderal MPR Setjen MPR adalah lembaga pemerintah non kementerian yang merupakan kesekretariatan lembaga negara dan bertanggungjawab langsung kepada Pimpinan MPR. Setjen MPR terus berusaha meningkatkan layanan kepada MPR dan alat kelengkapannya serta masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi SI/TI yang selaras dengan visi, misi dan sasaran strategis Setjen MPR. Namun pada kenyataannya, visi, misi dan sasaran strategis tadi belum tercapai karena kurangnya pemanfaatan SI/TI. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan perencanaan strategis sistem informasi untuk mewujudkan visi, misi dan sasaran strategis Setjen MPR. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun perencanaan strategis sistem informasi Setjen MPR dengan metodologi Ward dan Peppard yang terdiri dari tahapan masukan dan keluaran. Penelitian ini melakukan wawancara dan diskusi kelompok terarah untuk pengumpulan data pada tahapan masukan, yang terdiri dari analisis kondisi internal dan eksternal bisnis dan SI/TI, di Setjen MPR. Data yang telah dikumpulkan diolah menggunakan analisis tematik. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rumusan strategi SI, strategi TI, strategi manajemen SI/TI, portofolio aplikasi mendatang dan peta jalan sehingga dapat mewujudkan visi, misi dan sasaran strategis Setjen MPR.

The Secretariat General of the People 39 s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia hereinafter referred to as ldquo Setjen MPR rdquo is a non ministerial government institution as the secretariat of a state institution. It is directly responsible to The Heads of People 39 s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia hereinafter referred to as ldquo MPR RI rdquo . Setjen MPR continues to strive improvement of its service to MPR RI, its supporting agencies, and the communities in term of the performance of information systems and information technology hereinafter referred to as ldquo IS IT rdquo in accordance with its vision, mission, and strategic objectives. However, in reality, it had not been achieved due to the lack of utilization of IS IT. Therefore, strategic planning for information systems is necessary to realize its vision, mission, and strategic objectives. This study aimed to develop strategic planning for Setjen MPR 39 s information systems using the methodology of ldquo Ward and Peppard rdquo which consists of input and output stages. The research is conducting interviews and focus groups discussion to collect data on the stage of entry, which consists of the analysis of internal and external conditions of business and IS IT in Setjen MPR. The data collected is processed by employing thematic analysis. The result of this research is the formulation of IS IT including its management strategy, the application portfolio, and roadmap in order to realize the vision, mission and strategic objectives of Setjen MPR."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kiki Mikkail Massardi
"Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Republik Indonesia (DPD RI) sebagai Lembaga Legislatif yang tergolong baru tetapi memegang peranan penting dalam pembuatan undang-undang yang akan menentukan kehidupan masyarakat di masa mendatang perlu terus berupaya untuk memperkenalkan diri dan meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat melalui track record yang dikelola melalui manajemen ketahanan lembaga dan kualitas produk legistlasi yang dihasilkannya. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh Sekretariat Jenderal DPD RI sebagai Unit Supporting System DPD RI untuk mewujudkan ketahanan lembaga DPD RI dari dalam adalah dengan turut berpartisipasi dalam program Reformasi Birokrasi yang sedang gencar dicanangkan oleh pemerintah melalui Kementerian Pemberdayaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi. Salah satu hal mendasar dalam pengelolaan organisasi suatu lembaga adalah pengelolaan sumberdaya manusianya. Penelitian ini menggambarkan teknis pengelolaan sumberdaya manusia di lingkungan pegawai negeri sipil sebagai organisasi pemerintah dan dampaknya terhadap ketahanan lembaga yang didukungnya. Perbaikan manajemen pegawai negeri sipil ini memerlukan waktu yang tidak sedikit dan hanya dapat diwujudkan melalui konsistensi dari seluruh jajaran aparatur pemerintah yang terkait.

Indonesian Regional Representatives Council (DPD RI) as a Legislative Board are new but has important role in the making of laws that will determine the life of the community in the future. In order to keep survive DPD RI need to introduce theirselves and increase the community trust through a track record run through Institutional Resilience Management and produces quality legistlation products. One of the efforts made by the Secretariat General of DPD RI as a Supporting Unit System DPD RI to create the strong internal institutional resilience of DPD RI is also by participating in the Bureaucratic Reform program that is being intensively doing by the government through the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucracy Reform. One of the fundamental aspect of the organization management is the human resources. This study describes the technical management of human resources in the civil service within a government organization and its impact to the Institutional Resilience. Management improvement of the civil service consumes a lot of time and can only be created through the consistency of the whole range of government related apparatus."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai strategi implementasi reformasi birokrasi di Sekretariat Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia (Setwapres RI). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisa strategi reformasi birokrasi yang dipilih dan dilaksanakan oleh Setwapres RI serta faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan menghambat implementasinya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan post positivis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis atas formulasi strategi reformasi birokrasi dengan menggunakan Matriks of Optimum Reform Strategy (Hahn Been Lee) diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa strategi reformasi birokrasi yang dilakukan oleh Setwapres RI adalah strategi inkremental.
Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan Sekretariat Wakil Presiden untuk membentuk sebuah unit kerja yang memiliki tugas dan fungsi khusus melaksanakan programprogram reformasi birokrasi di lingkungan internal Setwapres RI; menjalankan program change management secara periodik untuk mentransformasikan nilainilai reformasi birokrasi bagi pembentukan pola pikir dan budaya kerja; membangun Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah (SPIP) secara utuh sebagai early warning system atas pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi seluruh unit kerja; dan meningkatkan komitmen serta efektivitas peran Pemimpin disemua level manajemen untuk mendorong keberhasilan reformasi birokrasi.

This thesis discusses the strategy of bureaucratic reform implementation in the Secretariat of The Vice President of the Republic Indonesia (VP Office). The research goal was to analyze the strategy of bureaucratic reform that was chosen and executed by the VP Office, along with the factors that support and prohibit its implementation. The research is qualitative in nature that uses a post positive approach. Using the Matriks of Optimum Reform Strategy (Hahn Been Lee) as tool of analysis towards the formulation of the bureaucratic reform strategy, this research concludes that the bureaucratic reform strategy conducted by the VP Office is an incremental type of strategy.
Based from the results, this research recommends the following steps for the VP Office: that the VP Office establishes a working unit that specializes only in executing bureaucratic reform programs in the VP Office's internal environment; also implement a change management program periodically in order to transform bureaucratic reform values into a certain mind set and work culture; establish a comprehensive Governmental Internal Control System (Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah) to function as an early warning system towards the execution of all of the working units tasks and functions; increase the commitment and effectiveness of the leader's role in order to push for the successfulness of bureaucratic reform.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kurniawan Jabar Malik
"Tindak lanjut penyederhanaan birokrasi Kementerian Keuangan dilakukan dengan memperhatikan arahan pimpinan untuk melakukan secara bertahap dan hati-hati. Hingga tahun 2022, penyederhanaan birokrasi masih menjadi catatan dalam Laporan Hasil Evaluasi Reformasi Birokrasi dan Sekretariat Jenderal masih terus memproses penyederhanaan tersebut. Penelitian post positivis ini dirancang untuk mendalami dan mendeskripsikan kesiapan organisasi Sekretariat Jenderal untuk berubah dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dalam mengimplementasikan penyederhanaan birokrasi sesuai teori Weiner (2009). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesiapan organisasi Sekretariat Jenderal belum sepenuhnya optimal, meskipun komitmen dan kepercayaan telah dipahami. Sekretariat Jenderal lebih mengutamakan strategi pada unit yang benar-benar memiliki tugas dan fungsi serta karakteristik organisasi yang tepat dan sesuai dengan jenis Jabatan Fungsional yang akan digunakan. Sementara, kondisi kesiapan organisasi secara mayoritas dipengaruhi oleh faktor kontekstual mengenai kondisi budaya yang terdapat pada organisasi. Pimpinan berperan dalam mendorong, memfasilitasi, dan memberikan arahan serta menjalin komunikasi dengan jajarannya untuk menentukan arah organisasi. Proses bisnis dan pola kerja merupakan hal prioritas yang menjadi kewajiban ketika terdapat penggunaan struktur baru. Kompetensi organisasi diperlukan untuk menerapkan perubahan secara teknis maupun untuk mengelolanya. Manfaat perubahan merupakan faktor terakhir yang dirasakan ketika seluruh aspek organisasi memahami perubahan secara luas dan diimbangi dengan penyesuaian proses bisnis, penerapan change management yang konsisten, serta pemanfaatan IT.

The follow-up to simplify the Ministry of Finance's bureaucracy was carried out by paying attention to the leadership's direction to do it gradually and carefully. Until 2022, bureaucratic simplification progress is still be noted in the Bureaucratic Reform Evaluation Results Report, and the Secretariat General is still processing this simplification. This post-positivist research was designed to explore and describe the readiness of the Secretariat General's organization to change and the factors that influence it according to Weiner's (2009) theory. The research results show that the organizational readiness of the Secretariat General still needs to be optimal, even though commitment and trust have been understood. The Secretariat General prioritizes strategy on units with the right tasks and functions as well as organizational characteristics and are by the type of Functional Position that will be used, meanwhile, contextual factors regarding the most organizational readiness conditions. Leaders have a crucial role in encouraging, facilitating, and providing direction and establishing communication with their staff to determine the organization's direction. Business processes and work patterns are priorities that become mandatory when a new structure is used. Competence in the organization is needed to implement changes technically and to manage them. The change valence is the final factor that is felt when all aspects of the organization broadly understand the changes and are balanced with adjustments to business processes, consistent implementation of change management, and use of IT."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramadhani Haryo Seno
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan reformasi administrasi, menguraikan strategi implementasi dan faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan reformasi, dan mengusulkan rekomendasi untuk menjawab tantangan strategi implementasi dan faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan refomasi administrasi di Sekretariat Jenderal (Setjen) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (KESDM). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivis dengan metode pengumpulan data secara kualitatif. Hasilnya menunjukan implementasi reformasi administrasi di Setjen KESDM sudah berjalan sesuai dengan Perpres 81 Tahun 2010, faktor isi kebijakan merupakan faktor causa prima atau cenderung berpengaruh dibandingkan dengan faktor konteks kebijakan, serta strategi implementasi yang belum dapat terlaksana yaitu strategi content, process, dan outcome serta hanya strategi context yang sudah terlaksana. Ada dua rekomendasi yang diusulkan yaitu intensifkan dan masifkan pelaksanaan dari forum bersama melalui internalisasi dan edukasi dalam memberikan pemahaman program reformasi birokrasi ke arah yang lebih substansial dan kultural. Kedua, ciptakan urgensitas yang tepat bahwa reformasi birokrasi harus yang menjadi agenda dan prioritas utama oleh seluruh entitas organisasi, masifkan secara berkala monitioring dan evaluasi (monev) sebagai upaya pemberian feed back positif dan alternatif solusi yang konstruktif, fasilitasi wadah ruang diskusi publik dalam pembentukan visi yang dapat dijadikan guidance melalui peran sentral Biro Ortala. Selain itu terdapat rekomendasi yang berkaitan dengan implikasi teoritis berupa pengembangan konsep strategi implementasi dari Okumus disertai perubahan alur kerangka kerja dan penambahan indikator penilaian dari Grindle.

The focus of this research is to analyze the implementation of administrative reform policy, to explain its strategy of implementation and influence factors, as well as to propose recommendations in dealing with the influencing factors faced by The Secretariat General of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Post-positivism with qualitative design method is used for this research. The results show that the implementation of administrative reform in the above mentioned institution has been undergone as stated in the government regulation No 81 Year 2010. The contents of the policy become the influence factor or "causa prima" factor and tend to be more influential compared to the contexts of the policy, which have not actually been well-implemented in terms of strategy of implementation it`s the content, process and outcome strategies, but the context strategies that has been implemented. Therefore, two proposed recommendations emerge. First, intensively and massively implementing the joint forum via internalization and education for the sake of giving better understanding towards the more substantial and cultural bureaucracy reform program. Second, creating the right urgency for every organization entity so that bureaucracy reform become their main agenda and priority. It is also undeniably urgent to periodically and intensively monitor and evaluate to give positive feedbacks and alternate constructive solutions by optimizing the main role of Organization Governance Bureau in facilitating public discussion forum in creating its visions. In addition, there is a recommendation related to the theoretical implications of developing the concept of Okumus strategy along with some changes to the work flow and the addition of assessment indicators adapted from Grindle.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulyati Kristina
"The implementation of good governance principles particularly in the accountability principles in administrating a state constitutes a solution / an answer over the demand of a clean and good government. This effort has a very important meaning upon the life of nation state, as with the implementation of the accountability principles, it means that public organization must not only be responsible for its obligation to its superior position according to its hierarchy line but must also be able to be responsible for the mandate given by the people.
In order to be well recognized upon the implementation pattern of Inpres No 711999 on the Accountability of Government Institution Performance (AKIP) in the Area of Cabinet Secretariat Office, in this study, it is used an approach as what stated by Peters and Waterman, i.e. by analyzing 7-dimension basis of managerial activities. The seven dimensions abovementioned are: strategy, structure, system, style, (style of leadership), staff, skill, and shared value. Meanwhile the methodology of study which is applied in this academic work /research is descriptive quantitative. In this academic work it applies study case with a sample of population, where the populations here are the staff who work in the core area of Cabinet Secretariat. In this case the sample or respondents having been collected are as many as 61 persons. The primary data collection through observation and close and open questionnaires. The collection of secondary data through literature study. The supporting equipment used in analyzing data questionnaire is the Percentage of Categorical Data Frequency Tables.
From the result of study it can be identified that, the implementation of Inpres on AKIP is relatively not optimal or not improved. The main obstacle of this implementations is the weakness of organizational culture or climate. Even though the result of study/analysis shows that the scope of strategy of Cabinet Secretariat Office which is specified in the mission and vision is relative comprehensive. The formulation system of its strategy has just been applied into a level of conceptual (not yet operational). Assessment result data and performance-based evaluation is not used as a peed-back of improvement, and there still find the any difficulties, even there is no agreement yet in deciding and establishing performance indicator. However, the arrangement of the Report of Accountability of Government Institution Performance (LAKIP) is running well. The obstacles factor in the arrangement of LAKIP is the content of LAKIP which is relatively not perfect yet, and not comprehensive, and its performance information system is still below standard. The lack of effectiveness of supporting organization and the lack of authority delegation in the decision making activities indicates that the organization structure of Cabinet Secretariat Office is not effective yet. But study result suggests that, the coordination and delegation of work and obligation system is significantly running well. Leadership is the main factor of the obstacle in the implementation of Inpres on AKIP. Human Resources constitute a supporting factor in the success of the implementation of Inpres AKIP. However the result of study draws that, the participation rate or the involvement of Human Resources and Level of awareness/understanding upon the mission and vision of Cabinet Secretariat Office is very low standard. The result of study also indicates that the accountability policy of the performance itself is still poor, so that it will make many weaknesses and will become an obstacle factor for the success of its implementation.
Based on the result of study, there have been some advices/inputs that must strictly be notified and performed, namely: To perform the socialization of the realization of the System of Accountability of Government Institution Performance (SAKIP); to create the culture of conducive organizational climate; to create the deliberation for establishing performance indicator and it is needed to improve the Performance Information System. Organizational structure needs to get any improvement. In the dimension of this organizational structure, it is necessary to change the point of decision making policy. The leader is needed to enlarge his role by becoming the leader in formulating organizational vision, to have strong commitment in implementing organization vision, be able to become a model through its attitudes as well as to give the opportunity to any staff to be more active and initiative; To improve the trust of mutual benefit between the leader and the subordinate, to improve discretion of staff in making decision, as well to create a performance-and- achievement based reward system. In the national scope, it is needed to improve the performance accountability Implementation.
In order to identify the success or the fail of policy implementation, the organization can use Mc. Kinsey'7-S' framework. With this management equipment, the draw of problems in its policy implementation can be viewed as an interconnected unification system, where its problem solving must be viewed comprehensively.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
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