ABSTRAKAplikasi asuhan perkembangan oleh perawat penting untuk meminimalkan nyeri dan stres, namun belum semua perawat memahami tentang asuhan perkembangan. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pengaruh pemberian edukasi asuhan perkembangan melalui video dan buku saku. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan kuasi eksperimen pre-test post-test equivalent group melibatkan 34 perawat NICU
yang terbagi dalam 2 kelompok (kontrol dan intervensi) yang dipilih menggunakan metode total sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan software SPSS dengan uji dependent t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang bermakna antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok intervensi (p=0,000), serta tidak terdapat hubungan antara karakteristik perawat (usia, pendidikan, lama bekerja, riwayat pelatihan) dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan (p>0,05). Edukasi tentang asuhan perkembangan penting bagi perawat agar aplikasi asuhan perkembangan dapat dioptimalkan.
ABSTRACTApplication of developmental care by nurse was important for minimization pain and stress, but not yet all nurse comprehend about developmental care. This sudy to examine the impact of education method using video and booklet. This study used quasi experiment with pre-test post-test equivalent group design. Thirty four nurses NICU in two groups (controled and intervention) were selected used total sampling methode. Analysis used SPSS software with dependent t-test. The result shown there were different mean of knowledge and skill between controled group and intervention group (p=0,000), and also there were no relationship between nurse characteristics (age, education, work and training history) with the knowledge and skill (p>0,05). Education about developmental care was important for nurse so that application of developmental care can be best., Application of developmental care by nurse was important for minimization pain and stress, but not yet all nurse comprehend about developmental care. This sudy to examine the impact of education method using video and booklet. This study used quasi experiment with pre-test post-test equivalent group design. Thirty four nurses NICU in two groups (controled and intervention) were selected used total sampling methode. Analysis used SPSS software with dependent t-test. The result shown there were different mean of knowledge and skill between controled group and intervention group (p=0,000), and also there were no relationship between nurse characteristics (age, education, work and training history) with the knowledge and skill (p>0,05). Education about developmental care was important for nurse so that application of developmental care can be best.]"