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Judhiastuti Februhartanty
"Although iron is the most abundant element ¡n the universe , anemia is still the most prevalent nutritional disorders worldwide including in Indonesia. Among other approaches of combating iron deficiency anemia, iron supplementation is known to be the simplest and most effective way in improving iron status. This study is aimed to investigate the effect of iron supplementation given during menstruation as compared with weekly administration using the same dosage and number of iron tablets.
The findings of this study are reported in three parts. Part I contains introduction which consists of background, problem statement and rationale, literature review, causal model, hypotheses, objectives, variables and indicators. This part supports the idea of the study. Manuscript for publication that covers main methods and findings of this study ¡s presented in part Il. The last part is appendices which comprise questionnaires, detailed methodology, detailed results, informed consent and ethical approval, references, Asia Pacific Journal of Chnical Nutrition?s guidelines for contributors, and curriculum vitae."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ramiro, Georgina E.
"Female adolescents are vulnerable to iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and if it persists into their reproductive years has serious implications not only for the health of their offsprings but for their own as well. An iron supplementation is warranted in order to provide sufficient iron stores prior to pregnancy and to effect desirable birth outcomes. A communication component of the supplementation is regarded as essential for improving compliance.
Therefore, an experimental community trial involving adolescent female students in two public high schools in Metro Manila was conducted between October-December 1997. The objective of the study was to asses the effect of communication on compliance to weekly iron supplementation. The students were assigned to three groups: iron plus communication (FeC group, n = 82), iron (Fe group, n = 89), and control group (n=78). The FeC and Fe groups received iron tablets containing 60 mg. Elemental iron and 250 mcg. Folic acid while the control group received placebo tablets from Physical Education Health and Music (PEHM) teachers once a week of eight subsequent weeks. Teachers assigned to the FeC group were trained communication. Comparison were made between the three groups on compliance as communication. Comparisons were made between the three groups on compliace as measured by attendance to tablet distribution and actual ingestion through stool test, record on index card and interview. Additionally, levels and prevalence of anemia were measured before and after intervention and a pre and post test about knowledge on IDA and possible causes and treatments were included. Data about side-effects, reaction from students, parents and teachers about the supplementation-communication activities and suggestions for futher improvements in conductiong such future undertaking were obtained from focus group discussions (FGDs).
Comparisons of actual tablet ingestion between the three groups showed significantly higher compliance in the FeC group (P<0.001) than in the other two group as measured by record on index card and interview desoite more side effects felt. Changes from pre to post-test knowledge scores o iron were significantly greater for the FeC group (p<0.001) than in the Fe and control groups. However, hemoglobin levels improved significantly in the Fe group (p<0.05) but not in the FeC group and remained the same in the control group. Reactions obtained through focus group discussions from parent (as reported by students), teachers and the participants found the program beneficial and feasible for implementation on a larger scale. Compliance enhancing strategies and motivational approaches for adolescent female students must consider the potential influence of family, fiends and teachers as revealed by the Venn diagram in planning iron supplementation programs with communication for this target group."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Palupi, Laksmi
"The effect of weekly iron supplementation and deworming on the hemoglobin level was studied among 289 children aged 2 to 5 years in a randomized double-masked placebo controlled community trial. Subjects were allocated into 3 groups which respectively received iron supplements and deworming, iron supplements only and placebos.
Iron supplementation for 8 weeks using 30 mg elemental iron as ferrous sulphate syrup once per week, led to a significant reduction in the prevalence of anemia from 37.2%. to 16.2%. Using unsupervised distribution by mothers, hemoglobin concentration increased significantly in both groups which received iron (p<0.001) and also in the placebo group (p<0.05), but the changes in both treatment groups were significantly higher than the placebo group (p<0.001).
No significant difference in hemoglobin changes was found between those who received additional deworming and those who received iron supplement only. Positive iron in stool were confirmed in 68.2% of the children who were reported received iron supplements (n=66). It is concluded that weekly iron supplementation is effective to reduce the prevalence of anemia among preschoolers."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asih Setiarini
"A study to investigate the effect of iron supplementation program among underfive children in North Central 'Timor, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia was conducted. The study was comprised into two parts: a cross-sectional study to investigate the impact of the ongoing government of Indonesia iron supplementation program and a intervention trial aiming to investigate the effect of daily compared to weekly iron supplementation. Hemoglobin, weight, height and compliance assessment were performed.
The cross-sectional study involved 127 underfive children from four health centers. The average of age, weight and height of the recruited subjects was 36.6 months, 10.4 kg and 84.5 cm respectively. The result of this study showed that the prevalence of anemia among 127 underfive children where iron supplementation program has been implemented was still high, (81.5%), although 75.6% of the subjects claimed to take all the iron syrup.
The intervention study recruited 160 preschool children and were divided into two groups: for 10 week one group received a daily supplement of 30 mg Fe, while the other group received 30 mg Fe per week A complete data set was obtained from 75 children in the group supplemented daily and 73 children in the group supplemented weekly. Th average age, weight and height of the subjects for daily group were 43.7 months, 12.1 kg and 91.0 cm respectively while 41.8 months, 11.7 kg and 90.3 cm for the weekly group.
The result of this study showed a significant hemoglobin increase in both groups (p<0.001) which reduced the prevalence of anemia from 42.3 to 7 % in daily group and from 55.9% to 27.9% in weekly group. Although the weekly group had higher compliance (100%) compared to daily group (42.1%), it is concluded that daily group resulted in a better effect in reducing anemia prevalence among the preschool children."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lia Fitrianingsih
"Anemia menunjukkan rendahnya konsentrasi hemogloblin darah, yang penyebab utamanya secara signifikan karena kekurangan zat besi. Selama masa remaja, anemia diperkirakan merupakan masalah gizi terbesar, baik di negara maju maupun negara berkembang.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian anemia pada remaja usia 15-19 tahun di provinsi Sumatera terpilih. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional memanfaatkan data Survey Aspek Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Indonesia SAKERTI tahun 2007.
Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa prevalensi anemia pada remaja usia 15-19 tahun di provinsi Sumatera terpilih sebesar 15,5 . Variabel yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kejadian anemia antara lain jenis kelamin dan tingkat pengeluaran konsumsi sayur serta buah.

Anemia show the low concentrate of hemoglobin blood, which main cause significantly due to a deficiency of iron. During adolescent, anemia estimated is a largest nutrition problem that faced not only in developed countries but also on developing countries.
This study aims to determine the factors related to anemia in adolescent in selected Sumatera province. This study using cross sectional study design based on data of Indonesian Family Life Survey IFLS in 2007.
Results of this study declare that the prevalence of anemia in adolescent 15 19 years old in selected Sumatera province is 15,5 . Variables that have a significant relationship with the incidence of anemia are gender and expenditure consumption vegetables and fruits.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aliyah Az-Zahra
"Tingginya angka kejadian anemia pada remaja putri, tentu berhubungan dengan perilaku konsumsi tablet tambah darah (TTD). Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta, angka prevalensi anemia sebesar 23% dan proporsi remaja putri (10-19 tahun) yang mengonsumsi TTD dari sekolah sesuai anjuran hanya sebesar 1,8%. Prevalensi anemia pada remaja putri sebesar 40,63% di Jakarta Timur, sebesar 37,85% di Kecamatan Duren Sawit, dan sebesar 70,68% di Kelurahan Malaka Jaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan perilaku konsumsi TTD pada siswi SMA Negeri 103 Jakarta tahun 2024. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada 90 siswi yang dipilih secara acak dengan menggunakan metode simple random sampling dan dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Juni tahun 2024 dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar siswi SMA Negeri 103 Jakarta memiliki perilaku tidak patuh dalam mengonsumsi TTD (76,2%). Hasil uji bivariat didapatkan hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor predisposisi (pengetahuan (p-value = 0,000), sikap (p-value = 0,027), dan efek samping TTD (p-value = 0,011)) dan faktor penguat (dukungan teman sebaya (p-value = 0,02) dan dukungan keluarga (p-value = 0,023)) dengan perilaku konsumsi TTD pada siswi SMA Negeri 103 Jakarta. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan penyuluhan terkait pentingnya konsumsi TTD pada siswi, termasuk edukasi kesehatan dengan metode peer-group (grup antar teman sebaya) dan sosialisasi kepada orang tua atau wali siswi terkait manfaat dan keamanan mengonsumsi TTD, serta pentingnya memberikan dukungan kepada siswi untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan siswi dalam mengonsumsi TTD.

The high incidence of anemia among female adolescents is certainly related to the consumption behavior of iron supplements. In DKI Jakarta Province, the prevalence rate of anemia is 23% and the proportion of female adolescents (10-19 years old) who consume iron supplements from school as recommended is only 1,8%. The prevalence of anemia among female adolescents was 40,63% in East Jakarta, 37,85% in Duren Sawit Subdistrict, and 70,68% in Malaka Jaya Village. This study aims to determine the determinants of iron supplement consumption behavior among female students at SMA Negeri 103 Jakarta in 2024. This research is a quantitative study using a cross-sectional study design. The study was conducted on 90 female students who were randomly selected using the simple random sampling method and conducted in January-June 2024 using a questionnaire. The results showed that most of the female students of SMA Negeri 103 Jakarta had non-adherent behavior in taking iron supplements (76,2%). The results of the bivariate test showed a significant relationship between predisposing factors (knowledge (p-value = 0,000), attitude (p-value = 0,027), and side effects of iron supplement (p-value = 0,011)) and reinforcing factors (peer support (p-value = 0,02) and family support (p-value = 0,023)) with the consumption behavior of iron supplement among female students at SMA Negeri 103 Jakarta. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct counseling related to the importance of consuming iron supplements in female students, including health education using the peer-group method and socialization to parents or guardians of female students regarding the benefits and safety of taking iron supplements, as well as the importance of providing support to female students to increase their compliance in taking iron supplements."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Shinta
"Varian gen TMPRSS6 berasosiasi dengan status besi diplasma, tetapi efek tersebut belum dijelaskan pada anak Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalasis apakah SNP rs855791 (G>A) dan rs4820268 (A>G) gen TMPRSS6 berhubungan dengan status besi dan hemoglobin yang rendah dengan mengontrol asupan zat besi pada anak baduta suku Sasak. Studi crossectional ini mengeksplorasi baseline data dari randomized trial di Kabupaten Lombok Timur, sebanyak 121 subyek memenuhi syarat dalam penelitian ini. Real Time PCR, metode Taqman Assay digunakan untuk menganalisis genotip. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa varian TMPRSS6 secara signifikan berhubungan dengan feritin, tetapi asupan zat besi lebih berkontribusi terhadap feritin dibandingkan genotipe.

Variants in TMPRSS6 were associated with plasma iron, but their effects in Indonesian children remain elucidated. This study aim to analyze whether the TMPRSS6 SNPs rs855791 (G>A) and rs4820268 (A>G) were associated with low iron status and hemoglobin controlling for iron intake among Sasaknese. A crossectional study explored the baseline of a randomized trial in East Lombok district, 121 subjects were eligible in the study. Real Time PCR using Taqman-assay method was used for analysis of SNPs genotype. The researcher suggests that TMPRSS6 variants were significantly associated with plasma ferritin, but iron intake still more contribute to ferritin than genotype.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhelia Niantiara Putri
"Latar Belakang: Kekurangan zat besi adalah kekurangan zat gizi mikro yang paling sering terjadi pada anak di bawah usia lima tahun. Anemia pada balita di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun semakin meningkat. Kekurangan vitamin C dapat menyebabkan IDA. Lingkungan rumah merupakan faktor penting dalam menentukan asupan gizi anak, karena 65 hingga 72% kalori harian dikonsumsi di rumah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan aspek fisik dan sosial lingkungan makanan rumah dengan asupan zat besi dan vitamin C pada anak usia 2-6 tahun di Pejagalan. Metode: Penelitian observasional ini menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional untuk mengumpulkan data sekunder dari 191 ibu dan anak di Pejagalan, Jakarta Utara. Wawancara dengan kuesioner standar digunakan untuk menentukan asupan zat besi dan vitamin C anak-anak. Kuesioner Perilaku Konsumen mengevaluasi lingkungan makanan rumah (CBQ). SPSS Versi 20 digunakan untuk korelasi Spearman dan regresi linier berganda.. Hasil: Konsumsi zat besi dan vitamin pada anak-anak lebih rendah dari asupan harian yang direkomendasikan (RDI) untuk Indonesia. Ditemukan bahwa mereka yang memiliki akses ke lebih banyak buah dan sayuran juga mengonsumsi lebih banyak zat besi dan vitamin C. Hubungan antara memantau praktik pemberian makan (p=0.024, p=0.035) dan peningkatan konsumsi zat besi dan vitamin C ditemukan. Buah, sayur, manisan, dan SSB meningkatkan asupan zat besi. Ketersediaan buah dan aksesibilitas buah (p<0.05) berhubungan dengan asupan vitamin C. Memantau perilaku makan (p=0.017) merupakan satu-satunya faktor sosial yang berhubungan dengan konsumsi zat besi dan vitamin C. Kami tidak menemukan korelasi antara konsumsi zat besi dan faktor fisik dan sosial, perilaku makan anak, atau sosiodemografi. Kesimpulan: Hanya Memantau kebiasaan makan responden mempengaruhi asupan vitamin C mereka. Peran orang tua dalam pemberian makan sangat penting dalam memastikan bahwa anak-anak mengkonsumsi makanan dalam jumlah yang cukup. Ini melibatkan pemantauan praktik makan untuk meningkatkan asupan mikronutrien anak-anak

Background: Iron deficiency (ID) is the most frequent micronutrient deficiency in children under the age of five. Anemia among children under five years old is increasing year on year in Indonesia. Vitamin C insufficiency can induce IDA. The home environment is a critical factor in determining a child's nutritional intake, as 65 to 72% of daily calories are consumed at home. Therefore, this study aimed to assess correlation between physical and social aspects of home food environment with iron and vitamin C intake in children aged 2-6 years in Pejagalan. Methods: This observational study used a cross-sectional approach to collect secondary data from 191 mothers and children in a North Jakarta slum. Interviews with standardized questionnaires were used to determine children's iron and vitamin C intake. Consumer Behavior Questionnaire evaluated home food environment (CBQ). SPSS Version 20 was used for Spearman correlation and multiple linear regression. Result: Iron and vitamin consumption in children was lower than the recommended daily intake (RDI) for Indonesia. It was shown that those who had access to more fruits and vegetables also consumed more iron and vitamin C. A correlation between monitoring feeding practices (p=0.024, p=0.035) and increased consumption of iron and vitamin C was discovered. Fruits, vegetables, sweets, and SSB availability increased iron intake. Fruit availability (p<0.05) and fruit accessibility (p<0.05) were connected with vitamin C intake. Monitoring eating behaviors (p=0.017) was the only social factor connected with iron and vitamin C consumption. We found no correlation between iron consumption and physical and social factors, child eating behavior, or sociodemography. Conclusion: Only monitoring respondents' food habits affected their vitamin C intake. The role of parents in feeding is critical in ensuring that children consume an adequate amount of food. This involves monitoring eating practices to enhance children's micronutrient intake."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Serra Avilia Nawangwulan
Latar belakang : Sebanyak 70% dari anemia pada anak merupakan anemia
mikrositik hipokrom, dan yang terbanyak adalah anemia defisiensi besi (ADB).
Anemia defisiensi besi pada anak sekolah berkaitan dengan penurunan prestasi
belajar. Anak dengan masalah nutrisi berisiko mengalami defisiensi besi. Asupan
zat besi, pemacu dan penghambat absorpsi besi memengaruhi kadar besi. Sekolah
dasar (SD) Pegangsaan 01 Jakarta Pusat merupakan sekolah negeri dengan
mayoritas siswa berasal dari sosial ekonomi rendah.
Tujuan : Mengetahui status besi pada anak usia 6-12 tahun serta hubungannya
dengan status gizi dan asupan diet.
Metode : Studi potong lintang dilakukan di SD Negeri Pegangsaan 01, Jakarta
Pusat antara bulan Maret-April 2016. Asupan pemacu absorpsi zat besi (vitamin
C) dan penghambat (fitat, teh, kopi, susu) dinilai dengan food record selama tiga
hari, diolah dengan NutriSurvey®. Darah tepi lengkap, feritin, besi serum, total
iron binding capacity (TIBC), saturasi transferin, dan high sensitivity C-reactive
protein (hs-CRP) diperiksakan di laboratorium.
Hasil : Terdapat 115 subyek berpartisipasi dalam penelitian. Prevalens deplesi
besi sebesar 4,3%, defisiensi besi tanpa anemia sebesar 14,8%, ADB sebesar
1,7%. Tidak terbukti ada hubungan antara status gizi kurang dengan status besi
[p=0,094; OR=2,29(0,86-6,10)], gizi lebih dan obesitas dengan status besi
[p=0,050; OR=0,30(0,09-1,00)], asupan besi total dengan status besi (p=0,260),
vitamin C dengan status besi (p=0,740), fitat dengan status besi (p=0,901), teh
dengan status besi (p=0,931), kopi dengan status besi (p=0,624), dan susu dengan
status besi (p=0,277).
Simpulan : Prevalens deplesi besi, defisiensi besi tanpa anemia, dan ADB pada
anak usia 6-12 tahun berturut-turut adalah 4,3%, 14,8%, dan 1,7%. Tidak terbukti
ada hubungan antara status gizi, asupan zat besi, vitamin C, fitat, teh, kopi, dan susu dengan status besi pada anak usia 6-12 tahun.

Background : Prevalence of anemia in Indonesian school-age children is high.
Approximately 70% cases are microcytic hypochromic anemia which iron
deficiency anemia (IDA) are the most frequent. Iron deficiency anemia associated
with decreased learning achievement. Children with nutritional problems at risk
for iron deficiency. Intake of enhancer and inhibitor of iron absorption affects iron
body level. Pegangsaan 01 Public School is primary school in Central Jakarta,
which most of the students come from low socioeconomic family.
Objective: To measure iron status in children aged 6-12 years and its relationship
with nutritional status and dietary intake.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Pegangsaan 01 Primary
School, Central Jakarta, on March-April 2016. Dietary iron enhancer (vitamin C)
and inhibitor (phytate, tea, coffee, milk) were obtained using a 3-days food record
and analyzed with NutriSurvey®. Complete blood count, ferritin, serum iron, total
iron binding capacity, transferrin saturation and high sensitivity C-reactive protein
were examined.
Results: A total of 115 children were studied. Prevalence of iron depletion, iron
deficiency without anemia, and iron deficiency anemia were 4,3%, 14,8%, and
1,7% respectively. No evidence of relationship between undernourished and iron
status (p=0,094), overweight-obesity and iron status (p=0,050), iron intake and
iron status (p=0,260), vitamin C and iron status (p=0,740), phytate and iron status
(p=0,901), tea and iron status (p=0,931), coffee and iron status (p=0,624), milk
and iron status (p=0,277).
Conclusion: Prevalence of iron depletion, iron deficiency without anemia and
iron deficiency anemia in children aged 6-12 years were 4,3%, 14,8%, and 1,7%
respectively. No evidence of relationship between nutritional status, dietary intake and iron status"
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Amrytha Sanjiwani
"Saat ini, permasalahan gizi pada anak usia Bawah Dua Tahun (BADUTA) menjadi perhatian dikarenakan 1000 hari pertama kehidupan merupakan fase terpenting (kritis) anak dimana pada tahap ini puncak pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak dan fisik anak terjadi. Kecerdasan anak merupakan hasil interaksi antara faktor alami dan lingkungan.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara Gen TMPRSS6, status besi, dan stimulasi dengan fungsi kognitif pada anak BADUTA di etnis Sasak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional pada 194 anak Sasak. Pada penelitian ini dapat dilihat interaksi antara faktor bawaan (nature) yaitu polimorfisme gen TMPRSS6 dan juga faktor lingkungan yaitu stimulasi (nurture).

Under two years old children become a concern in nutrition science because the first 1000 days of life is critical window of opportunity to ensure the optimum development of children through the peak of brain and physical growths. Cognitive function has been recognized as result from interaction between nature and nurture. This study aimed to assess the simultaneous association between independent variable with developmental outcome. This study was cross-sectional study conduct on 194 Sasaknese children. The nature factor was TMPRSS6 gene polymorphism in SNP rs855791 had border line association and the nurture factor is psychosocial stimulation from the environment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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