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Dara Aisyah
Youth volunteers of Anti-Drug Program is a public program that aims to provide technical
knowledge and awareness pertaining to drug addictions, ensure drug-free families, help
organizations to mobilize efforts for a drug-free workplace and drug-free community. This study
seeks to find out the possible problems pertaining to this voluntary program as youth in Kuala
Terengganu, Malaysia were found to be the target group. This study aims to identify the factors
that cause the problems faced by the volunteers in this program. A total of 245 volunteers were
involved in this Youth Anti-Drug Voluntary Program, based in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. This
study is a descriptive study, using questionnaire as an instrument in the data collection procedure,
which consists of three sections including respondents’ background, factors that cause members to
be involved with the program and ways to overcome problems in this voluntary youth program.
Data were analyzed using the Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS) software, and is
discussed in terms of percentages, frequencies and mean. The findings show that participants’ lack
of participation, no post-mortem meetings between members of the organization, lack of
systematic management skills as well as no diversity of activities are among the factors that cause
such problems in making this Youth Anti-Drug Voluntary Program a success. Most participants
agreed that factors like education, experience, passion, and talent can be listed as a few of the key
factors in the success of the program. It was also recommend that meeting with new people, visits,
social service, programs with drug addicts should be held and organized in order to make this
voluntary program a success. Besides that, the main factors required of participants in this program
are spiritual awareness through education, motivational camps, as well as outdoor anti-drug camps
like camping, and cooperative work"
[, ], 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dara Aisyah
"The objective of this study is to determine factors affecting the efficiency of the drug prevention
program of youth volunteer (PKBPD) in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. This quantitative case study
was designed to illustrate the effectiveness of the youth program at various places. Quantitative data
was collected through surveys and interviews. Respondents were among the members who
participated in PKBPD and 245 of them, aged 19-36 years were interviewed. Respondents consist of
150 male participants (61.2 percent) and 95 females (38.8 percent). Data were analyzed using two
types of software : 1) Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 18 through multiple
logistic regression analysis and 2) AMOS version 18 through SEM analysis. The findings are
reported in three parts, namely profiles of PKBPD’s participants, analysis of factors determining the
effectiveness of PKBPD and analysis of causes and effects of the problems faced by PKBPD. The
results showed that there are four significant factors that have contributed to the problems in the
management of PKBPD that 1) no meeting among members, 2) no disclosure to members, 3) lack of
anti-drug abuse programs and 4) members did not know about organized program. Based on this
analysis, the factor that members are not aware of the program or activity is the most influential
factor with the Exp (B) value of 13.261, followed by the absence of meeting with the Exp (B)
7.371, lack of programs and no exposure factors with each value Exp (B) 6.467 and 4.500,
respectively. The study also revealed that PKBPD has experienced problems in management and
need immediate improvements to ensure the drug prevention programs involving youth volunteers
can be implemented effectively."
[Jerad Publications, ], 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dara Aisyah
"Many efforts have been undertaken by the government and the private
sector to treat and rehabilitate drug addicts in this country. One of these
efforts is through the Inabah programme. Inabah Programme is a
programme of treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts through spiritual means.
This programme were implemented in 1985 and has gone through several phases of
improvements. Pondok Inabah operated legally in terms of law and under the
auspices of the Anti-Drug Association of Malaysia or Persatuan Mencegah Dadah
Malaysia ( PEMADAM). In addition to profiling Inabah programme participants; this
study aims to identify the implementation and effectiveness of drug treatment and
rehabilitation program implemented at Pondok Inabah. This study used qualitative
methods, using some techniques to obtain data; review documents through the
records and reports from Inabah; observat ion and in-depth interviews with
respondents and key informants. The respondents are the participants of Inabah,
and the key informant is the chairman of Inabah. The study found that the
guidelines for the program implementations are implemented by all Pondok Inabah
branches. Profile of participants in the benefit of treatment and rehabilitation are
also identified. The findings also showed that the spiritual approach is one of the
best treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts, especially through st rategic
programs implemented by Inabah. The role of purification the soul of human
development in a civilized society shows that the theory and practice recommended
by the Sufis is relevant with the situation of our society, especially in the treatment
and rehabilitation of drug addicts."
[, ], 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selangor: T-Best Events Sdn. Bhd., 2011
R 797.14 MON
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dara Aisyah
"Kemiskinan masih menjadi masalah utama dalam proses pembangunan. Bagi
menangani masalah ini, berbagai-bagai rancangan pembangunan telah dijalankan namun
pada keseluruhannya, rancangan berkenaan didapati kurang berjaya dan kurang
berkesan (Malik et al., 1996). Oleh itu, pihak kerajaan telah melancarkan pelbagai
program untuk membangunkan pelbagai sektor bagi meningkatkan taraf sosioekonomi
komuniti yang bertujuan untuk memberi peningkatan pendapatan dalam menghapuskan
kadar kemiskinan tegar. Kajian ini berusaha melihat masalah kemiskinan dalam
kalangan keluarga miskin dan miskin tegar, kajian kes di Teluk Ketapang, Kuala
Terengganu. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti keperluan keluarga miskin dan
miskin tegar untuk penentuan bantuan program pembangunan keluarga. Seramai 68
orang dipilih untuk ditemu bual di Teluk Ketapang, Kuala Terengganu. Kajian ini
merupakan kajian deskriptif dengan menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen kajian.
Responden kajian ini diambil secara rawak di sekitar kawasan Teluk Ketapang. Data
dianalisis dengan menggunakan perisian ”Statistical Packages for the Social Science” (SPSS)
versi 18.00 dan diterangkan dalam bentuk peratusan, dan analisis crosstab. Kajian ini
bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti profail dan maklumat ekonomi warga miskin dan
miskin tegar Teluk Ketapang, menganalisis tahap kepuasan bagi situasi kehidupan dan
menilai keperluan warga miskin Teluk Ketapang, Kuala Terengganu. Kajian ini
menumpukan kepada aspek latar belakang responden dan keperluan yang diperlukan
oleh keluarga tersebut. Antara keperluan yang terdapat dalam kajian ini adalah
pendidikan, kemahiran, keagamaan, sosial, makanan dan pakaian, kesihatan, perumahan,
peralatan rumah dan pengangkutan. Dapatan menunjukkan senarai faktor keperluan
yang harus diberi perhatian yang serius ialah pendapatan, pendidikan,
kerohanian/keagamaan, kegiatan sosial, pemakaian/pakaian/kesihatan, perumahan,
pengangkutan/perhubungan, keperluan khusus untuk OKU dan keperluan-keperluan
lain daripada kerajaan. Keluarga miskin dan miskin tegar harus bersedia dan sanggup
berusaha memajukan diri sendiri agar kesejahteraan hidup mereka bertambah baik di
samping pihak kerajaan memainkan peranan yang penting untuk memajukan penduduk
yang berada dalam kemiskinan. Oleh itu, penambahbaikan program yang lebih
terancang dan terkawal perlu dilaksanakan supaya masalah kemiskinan dapat diatasi."
[, ], 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dara Aisyah
Program Inabah adalah satu program yang bertujuan untuk merawat dan memulihkan pserta penagih dadah melalui kaedah spiritual. Program ini dilaksanakan sejak tahun l985, dan
telah melalui beberapa fasa perbaikan. Pusat-pusat lnabah ini beroperasi secara sah di sisi undang-
undang dengan bemaung di bawah PEMADAM. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti
program rawatan dan pemulihan dadah dari aspek implementasi program khususnya tentang program
rawatan dan pemulihan program. Kajian ini menggunakan rekod dan laporan daripada Inabah selain
pemerhatian serta temu bual mendalam dengan peserta dan pengerusi Inabah. Penilaian mendapati
beberapa penemuan menarik. Pertama, garis panduan bagi pelaksanaan program lnabah telah diikuti
oleh pelaksana di seluruh cawangan pondok lnabah. Kedua, cara peserta dalam memanfaatkan kaedah
rawatan dan pemuli11an yang dijalankan. Ketiga, mengenal pasti implementasi kaedah rawatan dan
pemulihan yang diselesaikan melalui pendekatan kerohanian yang diguna pakai bagi memulihkan
orang-orang yang terlihat dengan penagihan dadah. lmplcmentasi program Inabah menunjukan
satu prestasi yang berjaya melaksanakan program rawatan dar1 pemulihan temtamanya dari segi
strategi program dalam usaha menangani masalah dadah di Malaysia

Inabah Program is a program which aims to treat and rehabilitate drug addicts from
physical and spiritual aspects through spiritual methods. The program was implemented in 1985, and
has gone through several phases of rectification. The Irmbah centers are operating legally in terms of
the law under PEMADAM. This paper aims to identify dnrg treatments and rehabilitation programs
in terms of the implementation of the treatment and rehabilitation program. This study involves
the records and reports from other Inabah as well as observations a.11d in-depth interviews with
participants and chairman of Inabah. The findings revealed some interesting discoveries. Firstly, the
guidelines for the implementation ofthe program was followed by the implementation of Inabah at
all branches. Secondly, the profile of participants in the benefit of treatment and recovery methods
have been performed. Thirdly, identify the implementation methods of treatment and rehabilitation
solved through spiritual approach used in the rehabilitation of persons who are involved with drug
addiction. The implementation of Inabah program showed a successful performance on treatment
programs, particularly in terms of program strategies that can solve the drug problems in Malaysia.
[Penerbit UMT, ], 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dara Aisyah
"SPKMP is a public programme with the objective of uplifting the level of wellness among coastal community particularly the poor households. Since its inception in 2001,
the programme has undergone several phases of improvement. However, until now
living conditions of the coastal poor households remain unchanged. The present study
aimed at assessing performance of SPKMP in terms of implementation of the program
as well as the performance of the organizations that involved in the program,
particularly looking into the mechanism used in managing the program with special
reference to district of Kuala Terengganu. By using official records and reports from
various agencies at the central level and district offices besides observation and in-depth
interviews with households and officials at the agencies involved, the study discovered
some interesting findings. Firstly, the principles serve as a guideline for the
implementation of the program were not followed by the implementing agencies at the
district level. Various malpractices were also detected. Secondly, the evaluation showed
that most of the program outputs cannot help the fishermen to increase their household
income and savings. Thirdly, the marine resources are depleting, therefore the fishermen
are not able to increase their catch. Furthermore, coastal communities have not received
sufficient assistance in the program so they do not get the necessary moral support. This
study shows that the development agencies have not been able to implement the
program properly because of weak and inefficient management. Policies, strategies and
activities that are more suitable are needed to improve the program."
[, ], 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Program Inabah adalah satu program yang bertujuan untuk merawat dan memulihkan peserta penagih dadah melalui kaedah spiritual. Program ini dilaksanakan sejak tahun 1985, dan telah melalui beberapa fasa pembaikan. Pusat-pusat Inabah ini beroperasi secara sah di sisi undang-undang dengan bernaung di bawah PEMADAM. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti program rawatan dan pemulihan dadah dari aspek implementasi program khususnya tentang program rawatan dan pemulihan program. Kajian ini menggunakan rekod dan laporan daripada Inabah selain pemerhatian serta temu bual mendalam dengan peserta dan pengerusi Inabah. Penilaian mendapati beberapa penemuan menarik. Pertama, garis panduan bagi pelaksanaan program Inabah telah diikuti oleh pelaksana di seluruh cawangan pondok Inabah. Kedua, cara peserta dalam memanfaatkan kaedah rawatan dan pemulihan yang dijalankan. Ketiga, mengenal pasti implementasi kaedah rawatan dan pemulihan yang diselesaikan melalui pendekatan kerohanian yang diguna pakai bagi memulihkan orang-orang yang terlibat dengan penagihan dadah. Implementasi program Inabah menunjukkan satu prestasi yang Berjaya melaksanakan program rawatan dan pemulihan terutamanya dari segi strategi program dalam usaha menangani masalah dadah di Malaysia. "
JBSD 1:2 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kuala Lumpur: My Viscom Editions Sdn Bhd, 2009
R 959.512 2 KUL (1)
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Omar bin Haji Ibrahim
Malaysia: Kementrian Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan Malaysia, 2005
R 781.629 AHM j (1)
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
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