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"Dashboard is a computer interface that displays a variety of charts, graphs, tables, which are selected reports from various data that are considered important to display rapidly, with an attractive appearance, dynamic, and relevant so that it can immediately be seen quickly to analyze a condition. Dashboard information system is widely used in various companies as a support system for decision-making where Dashboard usually displays data business trends of the company or the achievement of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) of a company. The method used is descriptive analysis by means of collecting information that areimportant for universities to be considered asthe Key Success Factors (KSF) of the university, and then, the design of the dashboard is made in accordance with these important factors.The result of this study is a grand design of information systems for the university performance monitoring, starting from the reception of students, faculty performance, student academic achievement, effectiveness and efficiency of services, including graduates. It is expected that by the time the system has been fully implemented, the university can take action quickly and accurately with respect to the required conditions."
621 COMMIT 6 (1-2) 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study discusses the use of authentic materials for non-English department students at Pamulang University, Tangerang, and Binus University, Jakarta. Both universities have classes of English III which uses published materials and TOEFL course books. Authentic materials are provided to support the materials in the compulsory textbook. It is done to encourage students to more understand the grammar. The approach used in this study involves a pra-test, quizzes, and a post test. All these tools are used to measure whether there is a progress of the students' performance. The students' progress is summarized and shown in tables. Additionally, at the end of the semester, after the post is given, a questionnaire is distributed to the students to know the students' opinion about the provided authentic materials. "
LINCUL 6:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Cikal Masagi
"Penggunaan PLTS terus berkembang pesat, untuk menjaga unjuk kerja PLTS dibutuhkan sistem monitoring yang mampu mencatat perubahan nilai parameter-parameter seperti tegangan, arus, daya, dan energi agar gejala-gejala penurunan unjuk kerja PLTS dapat diketahui sejak dini. Sistem pengukuran parameter ini memanfaatkan Arduino uno,sensor tegangan, sensor arus, modul micro sd dan modul nirkabel HC-12 yang dirangkai dan di kode sehingga data perubahan parameter dapat ditampilkan pada layar LED matriks secara nirkabel dan tercatat secara kontinu didalam kartu memori . Dari hasil pengujian dan proses kalibrasi yang dilakukan didapatkan akurasi sebesar 99.54% untuk pengukuran tegangan, 98.67% untuk pengukuran arus, dan 97.94% untuk pengukuran daya.

The use of PV continues to grow rapidly, in order to maintain PLTS performance, a monitoring system is needed that is able to record changes in the value of parameters such as voltage, current, power, and energy so that symptoms of decreasing PV performance can be known early. This parameter measurement system utilizes Arduino uno, voltage sensors, current sensors, micro sd modules and HC-12 wireless modules which are arranged and coded so that parameter change data can be displayed wirelessly on the matrix LED screen and recorded continuously on the memory card. From the results of testing and the calibration process carried out it was obtained an accuracy of 99.54% for voltage measurements, 98.67% for current measurements, and 97.94% for power measurements."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zulfatun Sofiyani
Tesis ini membahas tentang ketersediaan informasi dalam jumlah besar dan beragam dalam format elektronik pada e-resources dan mesin pencari Google, yang digunakan pemustaka LKC Binus University kampus Anggrek hingga mengalami kondisi information overload. Fokus dalam penelitian ini pada pemaknaan information overload yang dialami pemustaka dalam menggunakan e-resources dan mesin pencari Google untuk menemukan informasi sesuai kebutuhannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan datanya melalui wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasilnya adalah Information overload tidak selalu dimaknai pemustaka dengan gagalnya mengolah dan mengambil informasi dalam jumlah besar, namun kondisi dimana pemustaka dapat tetap bertahan menyelesaikan hingga mendapatkan informasi yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan ketika menggunakan e-resources dan mesin pencari Google.

This thesis discusses the availability of information in large and diverse amounts on e resources and Google search engine, which used LKC Binus University Campus Anggrek to experience the condition of information overload. The focus in this study on the meaning of information overload experienced by users in using e resources and Google search engine to find information as needed. The method used is case study research method with qualitative approach. Data collection through interviews, observation and documentation study. The result is Information overload is not always interpreted by user 39 s with the failure to process and retrieve information in large numbers, but the conditions where the users can stay afloat to get the most appropriate information to the needs when using e resources and search engine Google."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rohadi Triatmono
Sistem Informasi Monitoring Lalu Lintas Devisa bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai kegiatan lalu lintas devisa yang dilakukan oleh penduduk (residents) secara lengkap, akurat dan tepat waktu.
Analisa sistem informasi monitoring lalu lintas devisa meliputi Analisa Bisnis dengan menggunakan Porter Competitive Model dan Work Centered Analysis (WCA) Framework, Analisa Proses menggunakan Data Flow Diagram, Analisa Data Modeling menggunakan E-R Diagram dan Analisa Teknologi menggunakan konsep 3-Tier.
Design dan implementasi Sistem Informasi Monitoring Lalu Lintas Devisa meliputi design aplikasi web database ( On-Liae Transactional Processing I OLTP), design aplikasi datawarehouse (On-Line Analytical Processing I OLAP), dan implementasi aplikasi web database dan datawarehouse.
Melalui Sistem Informasi Monitoring Lalu Lintas Devisa diharapka.1 pengambilan kebijakan moneter oleh Bank Indonesia selaku Otoritas Moneter akan lebih efektif dan effisien.

The aim of Foreign Exchange Monitoring Information System is to get a comprehensive, accurate and timely information regarding resident's foreign exchange transaction.
The Analyzing of Foreign Exchange Monitoring Information System comprises Business Analyst, which done by Porter Competitive Model and Wcrk Ce,ltered Analysis (WCA) Framework, Process Analyst by Data Flow Diagram, Data Modding Analyze by E-R Diagram and Tecnology Analyze by 3-Tier concept.
Design and Implementation of Foreign Exchange Monitoring Information System covers the application design web database (On-Line Transactional Processing I OLTP), application design datawarehouse (On-Line Analytical Processing I OLAP), and implementation of web database application and datawarehouse.
Hopefully, Foreign Exchange Monitoring Information System will support Bank Indonesia as Monetary Authority, in monetary and policy making, effectively and efficiently."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Frederica
"Aset Tetap merupakan modal kerja yang sangat penting, yang perlu dikelola dengan baik. Tidak hanya perawatan secara fisik saja, tetapi juga pengelolaan informasi mengenai aset-aset tersebut agar dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan yang baik. Ancaman-ancaman yang mungkin terjadi pada pengelolaan aset dapat diminimalkan dengan perancangan suatu sistem informasi yang baik dan yang terus menerus dikembangkan. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam perancangan sistem informasi pada karya akhir ini adalah metode FAST (Framework for the Application of System Thinking).

Fixed Assets is a very important working capital, which need to be managed properly. Not only physical care, but also the management of information of those assets cam be used as a basis for good decision making. Threats that may occur in the management of assets can be minimized by designing a good information system and a continuously developed. The methodology used in the design of information systems in this thesis is the FAST Method (Framework for the Application of System Thinking)."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang kartu skor individu dan
merancang sistem informasi kinerja dalam upaya mendukung terwujudnya
akuntabilitas kinerja aparatur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah kartu
skor individu dapat diterapkan di lingkungan instansi pemerintah; Penelitian ini
merancang sistem informasi kinerja yang dapat mendukung akuntabilitas kinerja
aparatur; dan penelitian ini memberikan usulan tentang bentuk akuntabilitas,
mekanisme, dan prosedur yang dapat mewujudkan akuntabilitas pada sektor
pemerintah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif studi kasus,
untuk membentuk kartu skor individu aparatur menggunakan Balanced Scorecard
dan untuk merancang sistem informasi kinerja menggunakan Framework of the
Aplication System Thinking.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kartu skor individu dan sistem
informasi kinerja aparatur dapat diterapkan untuk mendukung sistem akuntabilitas
kinerja instansi pemerintah dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan tata kelola
pemerintahan yang baik. Jika setiap aparatur tidak dapat melaksanakan
akuntabilitas kinerjanya, maka tujuan transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam rangka
menciptakan tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik tidak akan dapat terpenuhi.

The focus of this research is to design the individual scorecard and
design the performance information system as an effort to manifestate the
apparatus performance accountability. This research aims to test whether the
individual scorecard can be applied in government agencies environment; this
research designs a performance information system that can support apparatus
performance accountability; and this research gives suggestion about forms of
accountability, mechanisms, and procedures to achieve accountability in the
public sector. This research using a descriptive case study, to establish the
individual scorecard by using the Balanced Scorecard and to design performance
information system by using the Framework of the Aplication System Thinking.
The result shows that the individual scorecard and apparatus performance
information system can be applied to support performance accountability system
in the government agencies in order to accomplish the purposes of good
governance. If every apparatus is unable to carry out any performance
accountability, so the purpose transparency and accountability in order to create
good governance can not be fulfilled.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fenroy Yedithia
"Universitas Palangka Raya sebagai perguruan tinggi terbesar di Kalimantan Tengah yang menjunjung disiplin ilmu yang luas dan ingin tampil sebagai kampus yang modern, komprehensif, terbuka, multibudaya, dan humanis. Universitas Palangka Raya terus berusaha untuk meningkatkan implementasi teknologi informasi secara terencana untuk peningkatan kualitas layanan. Oleh karena itu, dengan dasar untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan, perlu adanya penggunaan teknologi informasi yang tepat guna. Berdasarkan Rencana Strategis Universitas Palangka Raya periode 2015-2019, ada beberapa tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Tujuan tersebut adalah menjadi Universitas pembelajaran bermutu berbasis ICT yang efisien, akuntabel dan transparan dan menjadi Universitas yang mandiri serta bertata kelola baik good university governance . Namun pada kenyataannya, kedua tujuan tadi belum terlaksana dengan maksimal karena kurangnya pemanfaatan SI/TI. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan perencanaan strategis sistem informasi untuk membantu mewujudkan Universitas Palangka Raya menjadi perguruan tinggi yang modern dan inovatif agar dapat terus bersaing dengan perguruan tinggi lainnya di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat rumusan rencana strategis SI/TI bagi Universitas Palangkaraya yang selaras dengan strategi bisnis. Metodologi Ward dan Peppard digunakan sebagai acuan dalam penyusunan perencanaan strategis sistem informasi. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah rumusan rencana strategis SI/TI dan pemetaan aplikasi masa depan sehingga dapat membantu tercapainya sasaran ICT dari Universitas Palangka Raya.

University of Palangka Raya continues to strive to improve the implementation of information technology in a planned manner for improved quality of service. Therefore, with a basis to improve quality of service, the need for the use of appropriate information technology. Based University of Palangka Raya Strategic Plan 2015 2019 period, there are several objectives to be achieved. The goal is to become a university with ICT based quality learning that efficient, accountable and transparent along to become independent universities and good governance good university governance . But in fact, both goals had not been implemented due to lack of maximum utilization of IS IT. Therefore, the information systems strategic planning is necessary to help realize University of Palangka Raya into a modern colleges and innovative in order to continue to compete with other universities in Indonesia. This study aimed to formulate a strategic plan of IS IT for the University of Palangka Raya are aligned with business strategy. Ward and Peppard methodology is used as a reference in the strategic planning of information systems. The expected result is the formulation of a strategic plan of IS IT and mapping of future applications that can help achieve the ICT goals of Palangkaraya University.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endah Ramadhinie
"Peningkatan sistem rujukan dengan dukungan segala pihak sangat penting Perlu mekanisme manajemen rujukan yang tertata antar fasilitas dan pemantauan terhadap mekanisme operasional rujukan Program Penyelamatan Ibu dan Bayi Baru Lahir Expanding Maternal and Neonata Survival sebagai salah satu mitra bestari Kementerian Kesehatan telah mengembangkan Alat Pantau Kinerja Fasilitas dalam Sistem Rujukan Kegawatdaruratan Maternal dan Neonatal Alat ini berupa serangkaian daftar tilik standar kinerja rujukan yang diambil dari berbagai pedoman panduan yang sudah ada di Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia dengan tujuan menilai sejauh mana kinerja fasilitas dalam memenuhi standar sistem rujukan Agar hasil pemantauan terhadap kinerja tersebut dapat menjadi alat bantu pengambil keputusan maka diperlukan sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan yang sistematis Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem pemantauan kinerja berbasis sistem informasi dengan pendekatan Computer Based Information System dengan model Sistem Informasi Manajemen Prototipe dari sistem ini juga menampilkan peta fasilitas selain tabel dan grafik capaian Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan riset operasional.

Increased performance of referral system with the support from the stake holders is essential part for Maternal safe It is necessary to establish referral management mechanisms which arranged between the facility and the monitoring of operational referral mechanisms Expanding Maternal and Neonatal Survival as one of the Ministry of Health rsquo s partner has developed a Performance Monitoring Tool Referral System and Emergency in Maternal and Newborn for facilities This tool is a set of performance standards checklist references are taken from various guidelines that already established in the Ministry of Health of Indonesia with the aim of assessing the achievement of facilities performance in fulfill compliance standards for referral system and the output indicators on PWS KIA Ministry of Health 2010 In order for the results of the monitoring of the performance of these tools can be a decision support system it would require recording and reporting system that is systematic The focus of this research is to develop a performance monitoring system based approach to information system with Computer Based Information System Management Information System model The prototype of this system also displays a map of the facility in addition to tables and graphs achievements Research methods using operational research approach "
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Online learning is a learning method that doesn’t close any possibility can be run with collaboration between learning asynchronous and synchronous model. This research is to find out whether lecturer’s professionalism and student’s interest and study motivation give significant effect to academic achievement of bachelor degree online learning in BINUS university either concurrent or partial. Sampling technique that is used is random sampling, and used sample is about 99 samples of active student. Hypothesis testing that is done using one lane analysis model, where analysis is done using regression analysis test and corelation analysis test either concurrent or partial. The result of this research can be concluded that there is significant effect between lecturer’s professionalism, student’s interest and motivation with student’s academic achievement either partial or concurrent. This research result is hoped to be able to give benefit to BINUS University, so it can be suggestion in developing teaching and learning system in BINUS online learning by paying attention to external and internal factors that affect and increase student’s academic achievement."
621 COMMIT 8 (1-2) 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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