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Rani Ratnasari
"Tesis ini membahas terjemahan beranotasi yang merupakan hasil terjemahan yang disertai anotasi atau diberikan catatan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban penerjemah atas padanan yang dipilihnya. Penerjemahan anotasi ini melibatkan sejumlah teori, yakni ideologi, metode, dan teknik penerjemahan. Pemilihan teori dimaksudkan agar terjemahan sesuai dengan tujuan skopos penerjemahan. Ideologi pelokalan dipilih dalam menerjemahankan TSu dengan alasan agar terjemahan dapat berterima bagi pembaca sasaran yang terbilang awam dalam memahami konteks budaya TSa yang berlatar budaya Amerika. Sementara itu, metode semantis dan komunikatif dipilih dengan alasan edukatif, yakni selain berterima, TSa diharapkan mampu mengedukasi pembaca sasaran terkait perbedaan konteks budaya. Dalam penerjemahan karya sastra, penerjemah tidak hanya sekadar dapat mengalihkan pesan dari TSu ke TSa, tetapi juga dituntut untuk memiliki kreatifitas tinggi dalam mencari padanan dalam BSa.

The focus of this study is an annotated translation which is a translation supported by annotations translator rsquo s commentary as the translator rsquo s accountability on the equivalents chosen. This translating and annotating process requires a set of theories consisting the ideology, methods, and techniques. The theories must be selected or applied to produce a translation based on certain translation goals skopos. Domesticating is dominant in translating the ST due to the acceptance of the translation to the target readers that are considered having lacking in competence in understanding the American culture ST. Meanwhile, semantic and communicative methods are chosen based on educational purpose meaning that in addition to the acceptance, TT is expected to be able to educate the readers related to the culture gap. In translating literary texts, a translator is not only capable in rendering the meaning from ST to TT, but is also demanded to be creative in searching for the appropriate equivalence."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Khairiah
"Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian masalah penerjemahan yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan penerjemahan kata budaya dari novel Entrok ke dalam The Years of the Voiceless 2013. Penelitian dilakukan melalui ancangan kualitatif dan ancangan fungsional dengan model kausal komparatif yang diusulkan oleh Williams dan Chesterman untuk melihat prosedur penerjemahan kata budaya yang diterapkan penerjemah dalam mencapai skopos. Berdasarkan kategori kata budaya Newmark, peneliti ini mengidentifikasi 80 kata budaya yang dianggap representatif, meliputi kategori budaya materiel; kategori budaya sosial dan hiburan; dan kategori organisasi, adat, prosedur, aktivitas, dan konsep. Data dikumpulkan melalui penelitian perpustakaan dan wawancara dengan penerjemah. Setelah dikumpulkan, data itu dianalisis melalui teknik analisis kausal komparatif, yaitu dengan membandingkan kata budaya dalam TSu dan terjemahannya dalam TSa dan menganalisis prosedur penerjemahan yang diterapkan penerjemah untuk memenuhi skopos.
Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan empat masalah penerjemahan, yaitu 1 konsep dan referen dalam BSu tidak ditemukan di dalam BSa, 2 referen dan konsep BSu tidak dileksikalkan di dalam BSa, 3 BSa kekurangan kata spesifik dalam BSu, 4 adanya perbedaan perspektif antara BSu dan BSa dalam melihat referen yang sama. Untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah penerjemahan itu, penerjemah menerapkan 9 prosedur penerjemahan yang meliputi eksplisitasi, generalisasi, harfiah, kalki, kuplet transferensi dan catatan kaki, transposisi dan padanan budaya, transposisi dan padanan deskriptif, padanan budaya, padanan deskriptif, padanan fungsional, dan transferensi. TSa memenuhi skoposnya melalui prosedur penerjemahan yang diterapkan dengan mempertimbangkan konteks. Berdasarkan ulasan pembaca, TSa dianggap berhasil mempertahankan gaya bahasa penulis dan memberikan nuansa budaya TSu. Pemberian penjelasan tambahan pada catatan kaki membantu pembaca memahami makna kata budaya TSu tetapi mengurangi kenyamanan dalam membaca.

This research on translation problems aims to describe the translation of cultural words from Entrok novel into The Years of the Voiceless 2013. This research was conducted through qualitative and functional approaches and was analyzed by using Williams and Chesterman's causal comparative model to see the translation procedures applied to fulfill the skopos. Based on Newmark's cultural words category, the researcher identified 80 cultural words that were categorized into 1 material culture 2 social culture and leisure and 3 organization, customs, procedure, activity, and concept. The data were collected through library research and interview with the translator. The research then used the causal comparative technique to compare the source text's cultural words with its translation and to analyze the translation procedures chosen by the translator to fulfill the skopos of TT.
There are four translation problems found in this research and they are 1 a reference and concept in SL having no reference and concept in TL, 2 a reference and a concept in SL not lexicalized in TL, 3 TL lacking of specific words, and 4 different perspective between SL and TL in viewing a reference. To deal with those translation problems, there are 9 procedures applied by the translator that include explicitation, generalization, literal, calque, couplet transference and footnote, transposition and cultural equivalent, transposition and functional equivalent, cultural equivalent, descriptive equivalent, functional equivalent, and transference. TT fulfills its skopos through the translation procedures applied by considering the ST's context. According to the review of TT readers, TT is considered succeed to maintain the writer's language of style and give the nuance of ST's culture. The footnote also helps TT readers to understand ST cultural words but minimizes readers'comfort in reading.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trisna Dewy
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian terjemahan dengan anotasi. Dalam
penelitian ini saya melakukan terjemahan novel Various Pets Alive & Dead
karangan Marina Lewycka dan melakukan anotasi terhadap beberapa bagian TSu
yang saya anggap sulit dan menantang. Dalam menerjemahkan novel ini, saya
menggunakan metode penerjemahan semantis dan komunikatif. Metode
penerjemahan semantis saya gunakan untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa dan
kalimat yang erat kaitannya dengan budaya, bahasa dan karakter dalam novel,
misalnya saja pengucapan bahasa Inggris yang salah oleh orang asing di Inggris
serta istilah asing. Sedangkan metode penerjemahan komunikatif saya gunakan
untuk menerjemahkan kata, frasa atau kalimat yang memiliki padanan yang sama
atau mirip dalam budaya sasaran, contohnya istilah lembaga pemerintahan, dan
istilah budaya. Dalam melakukan anotasi, saya menggunakan serangkaian strategi
penerjemahan dari Newmark.
Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa judul TSu dapat diterjemahkan ke
dalam BSa jika judul tersebut berpotensi tidak menarik bagi pembaca sasaran.
Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menyarankan untuk mempertahankan kesalahan dalam
penggunaan bahasa oleh tokoh yang merupakan orang asing di dalam novel ini.
Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa penghilangan makna kata, frasa atau
kalimat dapat dilakukan jika makna kata, frasa dan kalimat tersebut berpotensi
membingungkan pembaca karena tiba-tiba muncul dan penghilangan itu tidak
memengaruhi jalan cerita novel itu. Selanjutnya penelitian ini juga menemukan
bahwa penerjemah dapat memilih padanan yang sedekat mungkin dengan TSu
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xvi Universitas Indonesia
jika tidak ada padanan yang sama dengan TSu misalnya council diterjemahkan
menjadi dewan kota.

This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.;This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota., This research is a research of translation with annotations. In this study I
translated part of a novel Various Pets Alive & Dead by Marina Lewycka and
annotated some parts of the source text which I think difficult and challenging. In
translating this novel, I used the method of semantic and communicative
translation. The semantic translation method is used to translate words, phrases
and sentences that are closely related to the source culture, language and the
characters in the novel, such as the incorrect English pronunciation by a foreigner
in England and foreign terms. While the communicative method is used to
translate words, phrases or sentences that has equivalence in the target language,
for example, the term of government institutions, and cultural terms. In
annotating, I used translation strategies by Newmark.
After doing this research, I found that the title of a source text can be
translated into the target language if the original title is not appealing to the target
audience. Furthermore, this study suggests the importance of maintaining
idiosyncratic language of a foreigner speaking a language in the target text as this
is a special characteristic of the character in the novel. This study also found that
the removal of meaning of words, phrases or sentences can be done if the meaning
could potentially confuse the reader because it suddenly appears and it does not
appear again and the removal does not affect the novel. Furthermore, this study
also found that the translator can choose the closest equivalence if there is no
Terjemahan beranotasi..., Trisna Dewy, FIB UI, 2015
xviii Universitas Indonesia
exact equivalence in target language, for example council is translated to be
dewan kota.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cattleya Wahyu Pravitha
"Terjemahan beranotasi adalah terjemahan yang diberi catatan sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban penerjemah atas padanan yang dipilihnya. Bahan terjemahan beranotasi ini adalah dongeng. Banyak hal perlu dipertimbangkan bila mengingat pembaca sasarannya adalah anak-anak. Penerjemahan dilakukan dengan metode semantis agar unsur estetis TSu tetap muncul di dalam TSa dan metode komunikatif agar pembaca TSa tidak kesulitan memahami isi teks. Pelbagai kamus digunakan sebagai rujukan dan laman internet sebagai sumber informasi saat menerjemahkan. Permasalahan penerjemahan yang banyak ditemukan dalam penerjemahan dongeng ini adalah bahasa figuratif dan kata budaya. Berbagai prosedur penerjemahan diterapkan untuk memecahkan masalah yang ada dan unsur-unsur yang bermasalah dianotasi. Menerjemahkan untuk anak, yang berarti penerjemah harus memposisikan diri sebagai anak saat menerjemahkan, membuat penerjemahan dongeng ini menantang sekaligus memberikan banyak pengalaman dan pengetahuan baru.

An annotated translation is a translation with a translator’s commentary on the chosen equivalence. This annotated translation uses a fairy tale as the source text. Various aspects should be considered because the target readers of the translation are children. While translating, semantic method is applied so that the esthetical element of the source text can be maintained. Communicative method is also applied to increase readability. Dictionaries and internet websites are used as information sources. Translation problems that were found during the translation process are figurative languages and cultural words. Various translation procedures are applied to solve the problems before they are annotated. Translating for children, which requires the translator to adopt a child’s point of view, gives some valuable experiences and new knowledge."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mira Trissan Hapsari
Tesis ini membahas terjemahan beranotasi bagian 3 dan 4 dari novel anak berjudul Gulliver’s Travels oleh Martin Woodside. Novel anak ini merupakan hasil penceritaan kembali dari novel karya Jonathan Swift dengan judul yang sama. Teks sumber dalam tesis ini adalah teks ekspresif yang berjenis petualangan fantastik. Metode yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan teks ini adalah gabungan antara metode semantis dan komunikatif. Berbagai masalah yang ditemui selama proses penerjemahan digolongkan dalam tujuh kategori yaitu nama diri, istilah yang mengalami pergeseran makna, idiom, kata budaya, jarak, gelar kehormatan, dan ungkapan. Dalam usaha untuk memecahkan permasalahan ini digunakan berbagai prosedur penerjemahan di antaranya transferensi, calque, modulasi, dan padanan budaya. Dengan menganotasi penerjemah memberikan pertanggungjawabannya atas padanan yang dianggap sesuai.

The focus of this study is the annotated translation of part 3 and 4 of the children’s novel Gulliver’s Travels by Martin Woodside. This children’s novel is a retold version from a novel by Jonathan Swift with the same title. The source text in this study is an expressive text and the text’s genre is fantasy adventure. Translation methods applied in this study are semantic and communicative. Problems found during the translation process are categorized into seven groups: self-identification, mean shifting of terms, idioms, cultural words, units of length, titles of respect, and expressions. In order to solve these problems, the translator applied some procedures such as transference, calque, modulation, and cultural equivalence. By giving annotation the translator justifies the equivalence chosen in the translation."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bancin, Herlina Astuti Efse
"Penelitian terjemahan beranotasi adalah jenis penelitian introspektif dan retrospektif yang dilakukan penerjemah dengan memberikan catatan atau komentar terhadap terjemahannya sendiri. Catatan itu berupa alasan mengapa suatu padanan dipilih. Teks yang digunakan dalam dalam terjemahan beranotasi ini adalah sebuah novel.
Metode penerjemahan yang diterapkan adalah metode semantis dan komunikatif. Metode semantis diterapkan pada kata bermuatan budaya spesifik untuk tetap menjaga budaya bahasa sumber. Metode komunikatif diterapkan agar nuansa estetis dan pesan dalam teks sumber dapat tersampaikan kembali dalam bahasa sasaran dengan padanan yang wajar dan berterima.
Permasalahan yang muncul dalam proses penerjemahan novel adalah berkaitan dengan unsur kebahasaan dan unsur kebudayaan. Penerapan beberapa teknik penerjemahan merupakan cara yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan itu. Selanjutnya, anotasi dilakukan pada tataran kata, frasa, dan kalimat, berbekal pengetahuan dasar, penelusuran dokumen, pengacuan pada kamus, survei kecil, serta diskusi dengan narasumber.
Sebagai kesimpulan, metode semantis dan komunikatif adalah solusi yang tepat bagi penerjemahan novel ini, yang diterapkan melalui berbagai pilihan teknik penerjemahan.

Annotated translation or translation with commentary is a kind of introspective and retrospective research done by translator by adding a note or comment on his own translation. This note is the reason why an equivalence being chosen. Novel is used in this annotated translation as the research data.
Translation methods applied are those of semantic and communicative. Semantic method is applied to culture-specific words in order to keep culture of source language. Communicative method is applied to convey the message of source text and to keep aesthetic values by using natural equivalence in target text.
Problems that frequently occur during the translation process of a novel are related to linguistic aspects and cultural differences between source and target text. The application of several translation techniques is the kinds of solution to solve those problems. Furthermore, annotations were conducted at the level of words, phrases, and sentences by referring to basic knowledge, dictionaries and websites, and by doing some discussions with competent informants.
In conclusion, it is justified that semantic and communicative method are the most suitable solution to solve any problems in that novel, which are represented by some techniques."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kipuk Giyandari
"Penelitian ini menjabarkan pemilihan kata yang digunakan penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan kata bermuatan budaya pada novel. Novel yang digunakan adalah novel berbahasa Inggris dan memiliki latar belakang budaya Venesia. Novel The Glassblower of Murano akan diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia dan diberikan anotasi. Anotasi atau catatan adalah bentuk pertangggungjawaban seorang penerjemah dalam menerjemakan kata bermuatan budaya yang ada pada novel. Metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah metode komunikatif mengacu pada teks sumber yang merupakan teks ekspresif. Teknik penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah teknik deskripsi, amplifikasi, adaptasi, peminjaman, kalke, kreasi diskursif, dan kompensasi. Selain itu, penerjemah juga mencari padanan yang tepat dengan menggunakan sumber internet dan studi pustaka. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan, kata bermuatan budaya dapat diterjemahkan ke teks sasaran dengan teknik penerjemahan yang berbeda pada tiap katanya. Pemilihan kata bermuatan budaya untuk teks sasaran didapatkan dari sumber informasi yang akurat, sehingga dapat dimengerti oleh pembaca sasaran

This study explains translators words choice in translating cultural words in the novel titled The Glassblower of Murano. The novel is written in English but sets Venice as its.cultural background. In this research, the novel will be translated into Indonesian and annotations will be added. Annotations or footnote is translators liability in translating cultural words within the novel. This research uses a communicative translating method that positions sources text as expressive text. Meanwhile, the translation techniques that is used are description, amplification, adaptation, borrowing, calqeu, discursive creation, and compensation. In addition, the translator also elaborates internet and literature sources in order to receive appropriate equivalent words. This research concludes each cultural words can be translated into the target text with a varied translation techniques. Therefore, the choice of cultural words toward the target text should be obtain from accurate source of information, thus the target may able to gain understanding."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Utami Novitarukmi
Tesis ini menyuguhkan terjemahan beranotasi novel The Kaisho. Anotasi dilakukan untuk menjelaskan masalah penerjemahan istilah budaya dan penyelesaiannya. Keunikan novel dari segi budaya dan keinginan untuk memperkenalkan budaya latar TSu menjadi dasar penerjemahan yang menganut ideologi pengasingan, tanpa mengabaikan ideologi pelokalan. Ideologi pelokalan hanya digunakan pada bagian-bagian tertentu untuk mencapai pemahaman pembaca TSa. Metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah metode semantis-komunikatif dengan penggunaan berbagai teknik yang mendukung kesepadanan makna dan kewajaran bentuk. Penerjemahan yang melibatkan teks sumber (TSu) yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat memerlukan upaya dari penerjemah agar tidak terjadi ?penjajahan budaya?. Keterlibatan teks sumber yang menghadirkan sejumlah budaya kuat di dalam penerjemahan ini memerlukan upaya penerjemah untuk menghindari ?penjajahan budaya?. Dalam situasi ini, penerjemah perlu mencondongkan pada lima aspek, (1) pemahaman karakteristik TSu; (2) pemahaman tentang calon pembaca TSa; (3) pemahaman budaya-budaya di dalam TSu dan budaya sasaran; (4) pemahaman makna dalam penyampaian pesan; dan (5) pemahaman bahwa ada perbedaan cara pengungkapan suatu ide pada dua budaya yang berlainan.

This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the ?culturally imperialistic?.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.;This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures., This thesis presents an annotated translation of the novel The Kaisho. Annotation is performed to explain the problem and its solution translation of the cultural terms. The uniqueness of the novel in terms of culture and the desire to introduce the cultural background of the source text become a basic of translation that adheres to the ideology of foreignization, without ignoring the localization of ideology. The localization only used on certain parts to achieve the target text reader comprehension. Translation method used is semantic-communicative methods with the use of various techniques that support the equivalence of meaning and reasonableness shape. The involvement of the source text that presents a strong culture in this translation requires some effort of the translator to avoid the “culturally imperialistic”.In this situstion, translator needs to be leaned on five aspects of understanding, (1) understanding of the characteristics of source text; (2) understanding of the potential reader of the target text; (3) understanding of the cultures in the source text and the target text; (4) understanding of the meaning in the delivery of the message; and (5) an understanding that there are different ways of expressing an idea in two different cultures.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carisya Nuramadea
"Tesis ini berbentuk terjemahan beranotasi yang terdiri dari terjemahan dan
pertanggungjawaban penerjemah atas pemilihan padanan dari unsur teks sumber
yang menimbulkan masalah penerjemahan. Teks sumber penelitian ini adalah
komik berjudul Psychiatric Tales. Peneliti ini menggunakan seluruh isi komik itu
sebagai korpus penelitian. Metode penerjemahan yang digunakan adalah metode
penerjemahan komunikatif dan semantis. Guna memecahkan masalah
penerjemahan, peneliti ini menerapkan sejumlah prosedur penerjemahan. Data
anotasi berkaitan dengan istilah keperawatan jiwa, metafora, idiom, dan
onomatope. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa penerjemahan lebih sering
menggunakan metode komunikatif meskipun teks sumbernya teks kreatif. Selain
itu, penerjemahan telah mempertimbangkan elemen visual yang khas komik dan
ragam bahasa takresmi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerjemahan komik yang
mengandungi penyuluhan keperawatan jiwa memerlukan penanganan khusus
karena tuntutan teks kreatif sekaligus informatif
This thesis is an annotated translation consisting of a translation and translators
reasoning for choosing the equivalents of certain elements causing translation
problems. The source text of this study is a comic entitled Psychiatric Tales. The
researcher used the entire contents of the comics as a research corpus. Translation
methods applied in this study are communicative and semantic methods. In order
to solve translation problems, this researcher applied several translation
procedures. The annotation datas are related to psychiatric nursing terms,
metaphors, idioms, and onomatopoeias. This study shows that the translation
often applied communicative method although the source text is a creative text.
Moreover, the translation has considered visual element of comic and informal
language register. In conclusion, the translation of comic that contains psychiatric
nursing counseling requires particular attention due to its creative and informative
text nature."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Otong Setiawan Djuharie
Bandung: Yrama Widya, 2022
418.02 OTO t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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