"[Penelitian kualitatif dalam bentuk studi kasus ini mengkaji resistensi komunal berbasis informationalism di Komunitas Jimpitan Sehat dan Ar-Rohmah yang terdampak semburan lumpur di Sidoarjo. Studi ini membahas bagaimana bekerjanya nodes untuk wacana pemulihan hak, terutama hak atas kesehatan menjadi diskursus alternatif yang menantang wacana dominan ganti rugi. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa resistensi komunal ini bekerja sebagai resistance identity yaitu mereka yang dekat dengan LSM yang menantang ketokohan dan struktur dominan ganti rugi. Resistensi komunal ini belum mencapai tingkat
project identity, karena baru menghasilkan communes yang membuat Bakrie sebagai programmer politik penamaan bencana elektabilitasnya rendah sebagai calon presiden pada pemilu 2014.;This case study aims to investigate the communal resistance based on informationalism in Komunitas Jimpitan Sehat and Ar-Rohmah which affected by lapindo mudflow in Sidoarjo. This study discusses the ways nodes victim’s
recovery rights as alternative discourses that challenge compensation as dominant discourse. This study indicates that the communal resistance works as a resistance identity is the people whom associated with NGO whose challenge the feudalism and compensation as dominant structure. This resistance has not become project identity as it’s only produce communes that making the low electability as
presidential candidate in 2014 election of Aburizal Bakrie – the programmer who creates the politic of naming in this disaster, This case study aims to investigate the communal resistance based on
informationalism in Komunitas Jimpitan Sehat and Ar-Rohmah which affected by
lapindo mudflow in Sidoarjo. This study discusses the ways nodes victim’s
recovery rights as alternative discourses that challenge compensation as dominant
discourse. This study indicates that the communal resistance works as a resistance
identity is the people whom associated with NGO whose challenge the feudalism
and compensation as dominant structure. This resistance has not become project
identity as it’s only produce communes that making the low electability as
presidential candidate in 2014 election of Aburizal Bakrie – the programmer who
creates the politic of naming in this disaster]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015