ABSTRAKMuseum Polri tidak hanya berperan memberikan pendidikan dan pengetahuan
kepada anggota Polri, namun juga bagi masyarakat terutama yang berhubungan
dengan persoalan-persoalan sosial, salah satunya yang berkaitan dengan
permasalahan narkoba yang semakin meningkat di masyarakat. Perkembangan di
Indonesia yang saat ini bukan hanya sebagai pasar dan tempat transit bagi
peredaran narkoba yang dilakukan oleh jaringan internasional tetapi sudah bisa
dikatakan mampu untuk memproduksi dalam memenuhi permintaan yang sangat
tinggi di dalam negeri, dan bahkan disinyalir mengekspor hasil produksi ke luar
negeri. Akan tetapi koleksi dan informasi mengenai narkoba saat ini dianggap
belum dapat mewujudkan edukasi bahaya penyalahgunaan narkoba karena
pameran yang ada belum menampilkan keseluruhan informasi dan pengetahuan
mengenai narkoba secara jelas dan utuh kepada masyarakat. Oleh karena itu
dibutuhkan konsep pengembangan ruang pameran pemahaman tentang narkoba
sebagai cara preventif dan pre-emtif selain dengan melakukan cara represif. Tesis
ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan menerapkan teori pendidikan
konstruktivis yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan yang ada sehingga mampu
menciptakan ruang pameran yang melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif.
ABSTRACTIndonesian National Police Museum not only serves in giving education and
knowledge to Policeman, but also for publics especially related to social issues.
One of the issues is narcotics and dangerous drugs. Today, Indonesia is not only
as a market place or transit point for international drug trafficking but also is able
to produce in order to meet the high demand in the country itself, and even
exports overseas. In Indonesian National Police Museum, the collection and
information about narcotics and dangerous drugs are not considered in delivering
the message and education of the abuse of narcotics and dangerous drugs because
the exhibition is not displaying the whole information and knowledge clearly
about narcotics and dangerous drugs to public. Hence, it needs to develop the
concept at the exhibition room for the understanding of narcotics and dangerous
drugs as a preventive and preemptive methods, beside the repressive method. This
study uses qualitative methods and applies constructivist education theory suited
with the existing condition in order to create exhibition room which engages the
public actively, Indonesian National Police Museum not only serves in giving education and
knowledge to Policeman, but also for publics especially related to social issues.
One of the issues is narcotics and dangerous drugs. Today, Indonesia is not only
as a market place or transit point for international drug trafficking but also is able
to produce in order to meet the high demand in the country itself, and even
exports overseas. In Indonesian National Police Museum, the collection and
information about narcotics and dangerous drugs are not considered in delivering
the message and education of the abuse of narcotics and dangerous drugs because
the exhibition is not displaying the whole information and knowledge clearly
about narcotics and dangerous drugs to public. Hence, it needs to develop the
concept at the exhibition room for the understanding of narcotics and dangerous
drugs as a preventive and preemptive methods, beside the repressive method. This
study uses qualitative methods and applies constructivist education theory suited
with the existing condition in order to create exhibition room which engages the
public actively]"