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"Merenstein &​ Gardner's Handbook of Neonatal Intensive Care, 8th Edition, is the leading resource for collaborative, interprofessional critical care of newborns. Co-authored by physicians and nurses, it offers concise, comprehensive coverage with a unique multidisciplinary approach and real-world perspective that make it an essential guide for both neonatal nurses and physicians. The 8th edition features the latest neonatal research, evidence, clinical guidelines, and practice recommendations - all in a practical quick-reference format for easy retrieval and review of key information. UNIQUE!
This book is the leading resource for collaborative, interprofessional critical care of newborns. Co-authored by physicians and nurses, it offers concise, comprehensive coverage with a unique multidisciplinary approach and real-world perspective that make it an essential guide for both neonatal nurses and physicians."
St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, 2016
618.92 MER
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Halliday, Henry L.
London: Bailliere Tindall , 1989
618.920 1 HAL h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Merenstein, Gerald B.
Philadelphia: Mosby, 2002
618.920 1 MER h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roberton, N. R. C.
London: Edward Arnold , 1993
618.920 1 ROB m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
St. Louis: Elsevier/Saunders, 2010
618.920 1 COR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
St. Louis Missouri: Elsevier Saunder, 2012
618.9 WAT c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tjio, Ie Wei
"Latar belakang: Sepsis neonatal masih menjadi masalah besar di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Penggunaan antibiotik pada sepsis neonatal penting untuk eleminasi kuman penyebab. Untuk meningkatkan pemakaian yang bijak dan mengurangi potensi terjadi resistensi terhadap antibiotik, penggunaannya perlu selalu dievaluasi. Evaluasi penggunaan antibiotik dan antimikroba lain khususnya pada sepsis neonatal belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan kajian kualitatif dan kuantitatif peresepan antibiotik dan antimikroba lainnya pada pasien sepsis neonatal yang dirawat di Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NICU RSCM pada periode September 2014-Desember 2015. Ketepatan penggunaan antibiotik dievaluasi berdasarkan alur Gyssen, kuantitas penggunaan antibiotik dihitung berdasarkan Defined Daily Dose, kesesuaian pemilihan jenis antibiotik empiris dengan hasil kultur darah juga dievaluasi.
Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat observasional deskriptif dengan rancangan potong lintang menggunakan data retrospektif. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 192 kasus sepsis neonatal yang terdiri dari dua kelompok: berat lahir normal 96 pasien dan berat lahir rendah 96 pasien.
Hasil: Dari 192 pasien dengan diagnosis sepsis neonatorum 96 pasien berat lahir normal, dan 96 pasien berat lahir rendah didapatkan 4763 peresepan antimikroba 4408 antibiotik dan 355 antimikroba lainnya . Tiga rejimen antibiotik yang paling banyak digunakan pada kelompok neonatal berat lahir normal dan neonatal berat lahir rendah berturut-turut adalah kombinasi ampisilin - sulbaktam dan gentamisin 42,1 dan 35,3 , yang merupakan antibiotik lini pertama untuk diagnosis klinis sepsis neonatorum, disusul oleh piperasilin - tazobaktam dan amikasin lini ke dua, 26,0 dan 29,6 dan meropenem lini ke tiga, 15,5 dan 12,8 . Ketepatan penggunaan antibiotik Gyssens kategori I mencapai 90,35 pada bayi berat lahir normal dan 88,11 pada neonatal dengan berat lahir rendah. Ketidaktepatan penggunaan antibiotik sebagian besar tergolong dalam Gyssen kategori V tidak tepat indikasi . Terdapat 12 jenis antibiotik yang diresepkan dengan total nilai DDD/100 bed-days sebesar 79,72 untuk kelompok berat lahir normal dan 66,807 untuk kelompok berat lahir rendah. Nilai DDD /100 bed-days terbesar adalah ampisilin sulbaktam 40,60 untuk kelompok berat lahir normal dan 39,10 untuk kelompok berat lahir rendah, disusul oleh meropenem 13,72 untuk kelompok berat lahir normal dan 12,86 untuk kelompok berat lahir rendah , dan piperasilin tazobaktam 10,40 untuk kelompok berat lahir normal dan 16,05 untuk kelompok berat lahir rendah . Di antara antimikroba lain, yang terbanyak digunakan adalah nistatin 1,19 DDD/100 bed-days untuk kelompok berat lahir rendah , dan mikafungin 0,19 DDD/100 bed-days untuk kelompok berat lahir normal dan 0,15 DDD/100 bed-days untuk kelompok berat lahir rendah , yang digunakan sesuai indikasi profilaksis antijamur pada pasien sepsis neonatal. Dari 192 sampel darah yang dikultur, yang berhasil tumbuh 27 sampel 14,06 dengan bakteri terbanyak Acinetobacter baumanii. Uji resistensi memperlihatkan 37 bakteri yang tumbuh resisten terhadap semua rejimen antibiotik empiris lini I, II, dan III untuk terapi sepsis neonatal yang tercantum di Pedoman Penggunaan Antibiotik Divisi Neonatologi Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSCM 2015.
Kesimpulan: Ketepatan penggunaan antibiotik pada pasien sepsis neonatal di Neonatal Intensive Care Unit RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo cukup baik khususnya pada kelompok neonatal berat lahir normal. Tiga rejimen antibiotik dengan persentase penggunaan terbanyak sesuai dengan antibiotik lini I, II dan III pada Pedoman Penggunaan Antibiotik Divisi Neonatologi Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSCM 2015. Didapatkan 37 kasus resistensi terhadap antibiotik lini I, II dan III tersebut. Kuantitas penggunaan antibiotik di NICU RSCM tahun 2015 secara total relatif lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan di Belanda pada tahun 2005 rata-rata 221,26 DDD/100 bed days dan di Polandia pada tahun 2013 352,17 DDD/100 bed days.

Background: Neonatal sepsis is still a major problem in developing countries like Indonesia. The use of antibiotics in neonatal sepsis is important for the elimination of the causative microorganism. To improve the prudent use and to reduce the potential of antibiotic resistance, antimicroial use should always be evaluated. Evaluation of antibiotics and other antimicrobials use, especially in neonatal sepsis has not been done frequntly. The purposes of this study were to conduct qualitative and quantitative study of prescribing antibiotics and other antimicrobial in neonatal sepsis patients who were treated in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit NICU RSCM in the period of September 2014 December 2015. The accuracy of the use of antibiotics was evaluated based on the Gyssen methods, the quantity of antibiotic use was calculated based on Defined Daily Dose, the compatibility of selection of empirical antibiotics with blood culture results was also evaluated.
Methods: This research was a descriptive observational study with cross sectional design using retrospective data. The analysis is performed on 192 cases of neonatal sepsis consisting of two groups with normal birth weight 96 patients and with low birth weight 96 patients.
Results: Based on 192 patients with neonatal sepsis diagnosis 96 patients with normal birth weight, and 96 patients with low birth weight , 4763 antimicrobial prescriptions 4408 antibiotics and 355 other antimicrobials were obtained. The three most widely use empiric regimens of antibiotics in the neonatal group of normal birth weight and low birth weight neonatal were combination of ampicillin sulbactam and gentamicin 42.1 and 35.3 , which was the first line antibiotic for clinical diagnosis of neonatal sepsis, followed by piperacillin tazobactam and amikacin second line, 26.0 and 29.6 and meropenem third line, 15.5 and 12.8. The accuracy of antibiotics use Gyssens category I is 90.35 in normal birth weight neonates and 88.11 in low birth weight neonates. The inaccuracy of antibiotic use is largely classified as Gyssen category V no indication. There were 12 types of antibiotics which prescribed with a total DDD 100 bed days value of 79.72 for the normal birth weight group and 66.807 for the low birth weight group. The largest DDD 100 bed days values were ampicillin sulbactam 40.60 for normal birth weight group and 39.10 for low birth weight group, followed by meropenem 13.72 for normal birth weight group and 12.86 for birth weight group Low, and piperacillin tazobactam 10.40 for normal birth weight group and 16.05 for low birth weight group. Among other antimicrobials, the most widely used is Nystatin 1.19 DDD 100 bed days for groups of low birth weight , and micafungin 0.19 DDD 100 bed days for a normal birth weight group and 0.15 DDD 100 bed days for low birth weight group , which were used as indicated by antifungal prophylaxis for neonatal sepsis patients. Of 192 cultured blood samples, 27 samples 14.06 were successfully grown with most bacteria Acinetobacter baumanii. 37 of bacteria were obtained resistant to all first line, second line and third line empiric antibiotic regimen for the treatment of neonatal sepsis which listed Guidelines for the Use of Antibiotics Division of Neonatology Department of Pediatrics RSCM, 2015.
Conclusions: The appropiate use of antibiotics in neonatal sepsis patients in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo is good, especially in the normal birth weight neonatal group. Three antibiotic regimens with the highest percentage of use in accordance with first line, second line and third line antibiotics of the Guidelines for the Use of Antibiotics Division of Neonatology Department of Pediatrics RSCM 2015. It is obtained 37 of cases of all antibiotic empiric resistance. The quantity of antibiotic use in the NICU RSCM 2015 in total is relatively lower than Neonatal Centres in Netherlands in 2005 average of 221.26 DDD 100 bed days and in Poland in 2013 352.17 DDD 100 bed days.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"RSIA HERMINA Pasteur mempakan salah sam rumah sakit di Kota Bandung yang mengkhususkan pada pelayanan kesehatan ibu dan anak. RSIA HERMINA Pasteur memiliki fasilitas yang menjadi unggulan yaitu pelayanan Perinatologi, NICU, PICU, Fetomatemal dan Klinik Tumbuh Kembang. Seperti yang tercantum dalam Program Market Leader HERMINA Grup, Insialasi Perinatologi/NICU/PICU diharapkan menjadi pusal rujukan di wilayalmya. Hal ini menjadi peluang bagi RSIA HERMINA Pasteur untuk turut serw dalam penurunan AKB di Kota Bandung dan sekitamya. Salah saru instalasi yang menjadi unggulan RSIA HERMINA Pasteur adalah NICU yang merupakan nmng perawatan khusus bagi bayi risiko tinggi atau yang memerlukan pemantauan ketat dan membutuhkan alat bantu pemapasan khusus/ventilator.
Setelah berjalan hampir tiga tahun BOR NICU masih belum menunjukkan peningkatan dibandingkan produk unggulan lainnya yaitu PICU dan ICU. Berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu dilakukan penelitian mengenai kinenja NICU RSIA HBRMINA Pasteur. Untuk malakukan penilaian kincrja ini dipergunakan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard yang memiliki empat perspektif.
Dalam penclitian ini, peneliti ingin memperoleh gambaran kinerja NICU rumah sakit yang sesuai (appropriate) dan layak (/kasible), rnenggunakan prinsip kemngka manajemen Balanced Scorecard (BSC), sebagai alat ukur dan perangkat manajcmen untuk meningkatkan kinerja.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumcn dan observasi lapangan untuk memperoleh gambaran kinerja dan model BSC yang sesuai dengan NICU rumah sakit.
Dari penelitian ini didapatkan kinerja NICU RSIA HERMINA Pasteur berdasarkan perspcktif keuangan, perspektif pelanggan, perspelctjf bisnis internal dan perspelctif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran, Kincrja NICU berdasarkan perspektif keuangan menunjukkan bahwa NICU merupakan unit kerja yang memerlukan biaya operasional besar tetapi tidak banyak mcnghasilkan kemmtungan bagi rumah sakit. Dengan demikian tidak dapat diharapkan untuk menj adi profit centre bagi rumah sakit. Gambaran kinerja NICU berdasarkan perspektif pelanggan menunjukkan bdrwa pada tahmm 2006 dan triwulan I tahun 2007 masih terjadi beberapa kasus penolakan pasien yang berkaitan dengan biaya. Hal ini bertolak belakang dengan perluasan pasar yang dilakukan rumah sal
Dari penelimian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa NICU RSIA HERMINA Pasteur walaupun merupakan produk unggulan tidak dapat dijadikan profit centre. Kinerja NICU berdasarkan perspektif pelanggan juga belum memuaskan karena masih banyaknya kasus penolakan pasien yang teljadi selama dna tahun terakhir ini hal ini bertolak belakang dengan perluasan pasar yang dilalcukan rumah sakit. Pertumbuhan BOR NICU pada dua tahun terakhir ini terlihat meningkat dan sebagian besar sarana dan prasarana yang diperlukan di NICU sudah tersedia atau dapat diupayakan. Kinelja NICU berdasarkan perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa SDM NICU masih belum sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan.
Saran untuk RSIA HERMINA Pasteur: Perspektif Keuangan, untuk meningkatkan pangsa pasar perlu dilakukan kexja sama dengan ASKESKIN, ASKES PNS serta Pemerinrah Daerah diprioxitaskan untuk penanganan kasus neonatal risiko tinggi. Pada crspektif Pelanggan, untuk mencegah terjadinya kasus penolakan pasien NICU, maka sebaiknya disusun suatu kebijakan rumah sakit mengenai hal tersebut dan menjalin kexjasama dengan pihak Pemda, ASKESKIN maupun ASKES PNS untuk membantu menanggulangi biaya perawatan khusus bagi pasien NICU. Perspelctif Bisnis internal, Pada perspektif bisnis intemal untuk meningkatkan BOR perlu dilakukan pemasaran pada kalangan tertentu misalnya DSOG dan dr SpA di Bandmmg dan daerah sekitarnya Perspektif pembelajaran dan Pertumbuhan. Penambahan tenaga Dokter Spesialis Anak yang Ietap dan pcningkatan pendidikan perawat menjadi Sl Keperawatan.

RSIA I-IERMINA Pasteur was one of the hospitals in the Bandtmg City that set aside in the health service of the mother and the child. RSIA HERMINA Pasteur had facilities that becames supreme that is the Perinatology services, NICU, PICU, Fetomaternal and Tumbuh Kembang Clinic. Like that was included in the Market Leader HERMINA Grup Program, Installation of Perinatology/NICUIPICU it was hoped became the centre of reconciliation in his territory. This became the opportunity for RSIA I-IERMINA Pasteur to join in as well as in the AKB decline in the Bandung City and surrounding area. One of the installations that became supreme RSIA I-IERMINA Pasteur was NICU that was special maintenance space for the high risk baby or that needed the tight monitoring and needed special respiratory aids/the ventilator. After going almost three NICU BORE years did still not show the increase was compared the other supreme product that is the TRIGGER and ICU. By this matter must be done by the research concerning the NICU RSIA HERMINA Pasteur achievement.
To do the assessment ol' this achievement was utilized by the Balanced Scorecard approach that had four perspectives. In this research, the researcher wanted to receive the picture of the NICU achievement the appropriate hospital (appropriate) and appropriate (feasible), used the principle of the framework of the Balanced Scorecard management (BSC), as the implement measured and management equipment to increase the achievement of this Research was the qualitative research by using the deep interview method, thc study of the document and observation ofthe field to receive the picture of the achievement and the BSC model that in accordance with NICU the hospital.
From this research was obtained by the NICU RSIA HERMINA Pasteur achievement was based on the perspective of finance, the perspective of the customer, the perspective of the intemal business and the perspective ofthe growth and learning. The NICU achievement was based on the perspective of finance showed that NICU was the work unit that needed the operational cost big but often did not produce the prolit for the hospital. Therefore could not be expected to become the pro fit centre for the hospital. The picture of the NICU achievement was based on the perspective of the customer showed that during 2006 and quarterly I in 2007 still was happening several cases of the patient?s refusal that was linked with the cost. This was the opposite of the expansion of the market that was done the hospital. That was needed by various breakthroughs to prevent this matter. The picture of the NICU achievement was based on the perspective of the Internal Business showed the increase in the NICU BORE for the last two years happened. Room facilities and NICU equipment were still being not yet complete like that was determined in the standard of NICU. Although the service could be carried out because generally specific equipment that was needed in NICU has been available. The picture of the NICU achievement was based on the perspective of the learning and growth showed did not yet have Pediatrics who was the hospital permanent employee. The level of education ofthe nurses still D3 whereas for the period that will come to be hoped for by all nurse ofNICU educated Sl Nurse.
From the research that was carried out could be concluded that NICU RSIA I-IERMINA Pasteur although being the supreme product could not be made the profit centre. The NICU achievement was based on the perspective of the customer also did not yet satisfy because still the number of cases of the patients refusal that happened during the last two year this was the opposite of the expansion of the market that was done the hospital. The growth of the NICU BORE was for the last two year seen increased and most means and the infrastructure that were needed in NICU have been available or could be striven for. The NICU achievement was based on the perspective of the growth and learning showed that NICU human resources still did not yet be in accordance with the standard that was detemiined.
The suggestion for RSIA I-IERMINA Pasteur: Perspective F inancial, to increase the market share must be carried out by the work was the same as ASKESKIN, ASKES PNS as well as the Regional Government was given priority to For the handling of the case neonatal the high risk. Perspective customer, for prevented the occurrence of the ease of the patient's refusal NICU, then better be compiled by a policy of the hospital concerning this matter and establish the co-operation with the Regional Government's side, ASKESKIN and the health insurance for PNS to help dealt with the special maintenance cost for the patient NICU. The perspective of the business internal, in the perspective of business internal to increase the BORE must be carried out by the marketing in the certain circle for example DSOG and Pediatrics in Bandung and the area of surrounding area. The perspective learning and the growth the increase in the Specialist Doctors power the Child that continue to and the increase in the nurse's education became Sl Nurse. References: 31 ranging from the year of 1994 to 2007.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Juliana Dewi
"Latar belakang: Kelahiran hidup bayi prematur di Indonesia mencapai 675.700 kasus (15.5%) tiap tahun. Peningkatan insidens gangguan minum dan menelan pada bayi ditemukan terbanyak pada kelompok bayi prematur. Dampaknya akan meningkatkan komplikasi pasien berupa infeksi saluran napas, gangguan nutrisi, dan tumbuh kembang. Keadaan tersebut berisiko memperpanjang konversi pemberian makan per oral, perawatan, serta pembiayaan perawatan. Penelitian terdahulu belum melaporkan prevalensi dan karakteristik gangguan menelan serta gangguan koordinasi siklus isap-telan-napas (ITN) sebagai salah satu bentuk gangguan minum pada bayi prematur. Tujuan: Menilai prevalensi ganguan minum dan menelan pada bayi prematur, serta menilai karakteristik dan faktor risiko yang berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan minum dan menelan pada bayi prematur.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang pada bayi prematur dengan riwayat perawatan di NICU yang dilakukan Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) di Klinik Disfagia Terpadu  Departemen THT-KL RSCM periode Oktober 2020-Oktober 2022. Parameter yang dinilai adalah faktor karakteristik kelahiran, karakteristik paska lahir, karakteristik oromotor dan tonus postural, serta karakteristik pemeriksaan FEES.
Hasil: Prevalensi gangguan menelan sebesar 25% dengan karakteristik temuan disfagia fase oral mekanik, disfagia fase faring neurogenik, dan disfagia fase orofaring neurogenik. Prevalensi gangguan koordinasi siklus ITN sebesar 62,5%. Faktor risiko penyakit refluks gastro esofagus (PRGE) berhubungan dengan gangguan menelan pada bayi prematur (p=0,015) dengan menggunakan uji chi-square. Parameter lain seperti kelompok PMA, high arched palate, standing secretion, nutritive sucking, penetrasi dan aspirasi memiliki hubungan terhadap gangguan menelan pada bayi prematur (p<0,05).
Kesimpulan: Karakteristik gangguan minum dan menelan pada bayi prematur ditemukan prevalensi gangguan koordinasi siklus ITN lebih banyak dibandingkan gangguan fungsi menelan (disfagia). Kelompok PMA, PRGE, high arched palate, standing secretion ditemukan sebagai faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan gangguan menelan pada bayi prematur. Nutritive sucking, penetrasi, dan aspirasi  ditemukan sebagai faktor menentu diagnosis disfagia pada bayi prematur.

Background: Preterm birth in Indonesia reaches 675,700 cases (15.5%) each year. This condition is the etiologic feeding difficulty and swallowing disorders in preterm babies. The impact will increase patient complications, such as respiratory tract infections, nutritional disorders, and growth and development. It precedes the risk of prolonging the conversion of oral feeding, and treatment, as well as a financial burden related to hospitalization. Previous studies have not reported the prevalence and characteristics of swallowing disorder or dysphagia and suck-swallow-breath (SSB) coordination disorder as a form of feeding difficulty in premature infants.
Objective: To assess the prevalence of feeding difficulty and swallowing disorders in premature babies and analyzed characteristics and risk factors that affect the ability to feed and swallow in premature babies.
Method: A cross-sectional study in preterm babies with a history of treatment in the NICU using a flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) for swallowing evaluation at the Dysphagia outpatient clinics Department of ORL-HNS RSCM for the period October 2020-October 2022. The parameters assessed were birth characteristics, postnatal characteristics, oro-motor characteristics, and postural tone, as well as FEES examination characteristics.
Results: The prevalence of swallowing disorders was 25% with characteristics of mechanical oral phase dysphagia, neurogenic pharyngeal phase dysphagia, and neurogenic oropharyngeal phase dysphagia. The prevalence of SSB cycle coordination disorders was 62.5%. The risk factor associated with dysphagia in preterm babies was gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with a p-value = 0.015. Other parameters such as post-menstrual age (PMA) group, high arched palate, standing secretion, nutritive sucking, penetration, and aspiration have an association with swallowing disorders in premature infants (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Characteristics of feeding difficulties and swallowing disorders in preterm babies were found to have more prevalence of SSB cycle coordination disorders than impaired swallowing function (dysphagia). The PMA, GERD, high-arched palate, and standing secretion group were found to be risk factors associated with swallowing disorders in premature infants. Nutritive sucking, penetration, and aspiration were found to be the erratic factors of dysphagia diagnosis in premature babies.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kadim Sungkono Bachtiar
"Ikterus pada kolestasis merupakan refleksi dari keadaan patologis yang serius. Kolestasis-sepsis adalah suatu bentuk kolestasis hepatoselular yang timbul pada saat atau setelah proses sepsis akibat gangguan transpor empedu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kohort terhadap pasien sepsis neonatorum yang dirawat di Divisi Neonatologi Departemen IKA FKUI-RSCM antara Februari sampai dengan Juni 2007. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui angka kejadian kolestasis intrahepatik, faktor resiko terjadinya kolestasis dan angka kematian pada sepsis neonatorum dengan kolestasis. Dari 138 subyek, didapatkan angka kejadian kolestasis intrahepatik sebesar 65,9%. Faktor-faktor risiko yang diteliti secara statistik tidak ada yang bermakna terhadap terjadinya kolestasis. Angka kematian sepsis neonatorum dengan kolestasis 52,8%.

Cholestatic jaundice represents serious pathological condition. Septic-cholestasis is a kind of hepato-cellular cholestasis that occured during or after sepsis caused by biliary flow obstruction. This is a cohort study from February to June 2007 on neonatal sepsis patients at Neonatology ward Department of Child Health Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia-Cipto Mangunkusumo General National Hospital. Aim of this study is to find out the incidence of intrahepatic cholestasis in neonatal sepsis, associated risk factors, and mortality rate in neonatal cholestasis-sepsis. From 138 neonatal sepsis patients, the incidence of intrahepatic cholestasis is 65.9%. None of the risk factors tested in this study showed statistically significant result. Mortality rate of neonatal cholestasis-sepsis is 52.8%."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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