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"Internet adalah ruang virtual yang memberikan penggunanya kebebasan untuk mengekspresikan identitas budaya. HTI sebagai -lempok revivalisme Islam bebas mengartikulasikan identitas politik mereka yang bersumber dari keyakinan. Tulisan ingin [1] .ngeksplorasi konstruksi identitas politik mereka dalam diskursus nasionalisme dan mendeskripsikan cara mereka merepresentasikan tnrdan aksi so sial dalam diskursus nasionalisme. Penelitian ini mengadopsi teknik analisis wacana yang diperkenalkan oleh Leeuwen .l08). Corpus yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah halaman (homepages) dari situs HTI. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa HTI engonstruksi nasionalisme sebagai ide yang batil dan instrumen imperialisme. Ia menciptakan kerusakan yang didalangi oleh negara rat dan misionaris/rnissi Zending. Nasionalisme direpresentasikan dengan teknik overdeterminasi dengan simbolisasi dengan kata aun, paham batil, penghancur, Islam/muslim diinklusi sebagai korban, objek kebencian Barat/rnisionaris. Penelitian ini menolak rgumen yang mengatakan bahwa perkembangan kapitalisme rasionalitas akan menghilangkan peran agama kehidupan manusia. Peneliti .rargumen bahwa di Indonesia, seiring proses demokratisasi substansial dan penetrasi/Iiterasi internet, agama menjadi sumber identitas .itik (dan juga budaya) yang berpotensi lahirnya aksi kolektif-dan-konektif."
Balitbang SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, 2016
384 JPPKI 7:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pengetahuan merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan organisasi dalam menghadapi era teknologi informasi. Informasi yang diolah dengan efektif akan sangat bermanfaat dalam peningkatan efektifitas di dalam organisasi...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
J. Kamaludin
"PPCI sebagai organisasi payung yang fungsi utamanya adalah sebagai koordinator bagi organisasi-organisasi kecacatan di bawahnya memiliki peran yang sangat strategis untuk mensinergikan hubungan antara PPCI, organisasi anggota, instansi pemerintah dan masyarakat umum untuk mewujudkan P5 HAM bagi penyandang cacat.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui penelusuran catatan-catatan atau dokumen-dokumen yang dimiliki PPCI, observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap beberapa informan yang berada pada lingkungan ekstemal PPCI dan lingkungan internal PPCI.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perjuangan untuk mewujudkan P5 HAM bagi penyandang carat pada seluruh instansi yang benwenang dan masyarakat yang peduli terhadap penyandang cacat belum efektif, padahal peranan pemerintah untuk mewujudkan P5 HAM bagi penyandang carat memiliki posisi yang cukup sentral sebagai koordinator terhadap masalah-masalah penyandang carat, terutama dalam masalah dana, sosialisasi kebijakan atau Undang-undang yang berhubungan dengan penyandang cacat dan sosialisasi kegiatan-kegiatan organisasi penyandang cacat yang tujuannya untuk meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat luas terhadap masalah-masalah penyandang carat.
Berdasarkan temuan di atas maka disarankan agar PPCI memaksimalkan kinerja atau performa organisasinya yang berfungsi sebagai koordinator, dan memaksimalkan sinerginya dengan masyarakat dan instansi pemerintah. Dengan efektifnya hasil-hasil kegiatan PPCI pada masyarakat luas akan meningkatkan peran sosial penyandang cacat, yang secara otomatis akan meningkatkan ketahanan sosial penyandang cacat itu sendiri.

PPCI as an umbrella organization has it main function as coordinator to its members. PPCI has a strategic function because in an ideal world, it can effectively coalesce the correlation between PPCI, its members, government institution and society to accomplish the appreciation, improvement, align, fulfillment and protection on human rights for people with disability. The purpose of this research is to study some of management function that PPCI carry out (planning, coordinating and evaluation). Data were collected qualitatively with documents review in PPCI, tangible observation with an in-depth interview with one of PPCI and member organization's staff, and also with three workers to see their perception about people with disability.
It is shown in this study that the great effort to accomplish the appreciation, improvement, straighten up, fulfillment and protection on human rights for people with disability on government institution is not effective up till now, fortunately the government's responsibility to accomplish those rights for people with disability has a central position as the coordinator to the people with disability's problems, mainly in funds, in the dissemination of the regulation about people with disability and the spreading of the PPC: and its members' activity to improve society awareness to the problem of people with disability. It is recommended for PPCI to make best use of its organization's performance as coordinator and to maximize its relationship with government institution and society. With the constructive of PPCI's activity result in the society, it will improve the social role of the people with disability, which consequentially will improve the social defense of the people with disability itself.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brata Sanjaya
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi kecukupan keuangan lansia di Indonesia dan pengaruh jenis sumber keuangan terhadap persepsi kecukupan keuangan, dikontrol karakteristik individu dan kewilayahan dengan
menggunakan data SUPAS 2015. Sebagian besar lansia memiliki persepsi
keuangan yang cukup atau merasa mampu mencukupi kebutuhan hidupnya
sehari-hari. Hasil regresi logistik biner menunjukkan bahwa
Penghasilan+transfer menjadi sumber keuangan yang memberikan
kecenderungan kecukupan tertinggi, diikuti dengan sumber keuangan
penghasilan. Sedangkan kategori transfer, menjadi mayoritas sumber keuangan
lansia, justru memberikan kecenderungan kecukupan terendah. Oleh karena itu, menjaga agar lansia tetap berpenghasilan serta menghadirkan sistem jaminan transfer yang baik akan menjamin kecukupan keuangan lansia di Indonesia

This research aims to understand the perceived income adequacy of older
persons in Indonesia. Furthermore, this research also analyzes the effect of types of source of income on older persons? perceived income adequacy controlled by individual and spatial characteristics using raw data of SUPAS 2015. Most older persons in Indonesia have adequate perceived of income. The binary logistic regression shows that income+transfer is the type of income which most likely gives older persons perceived adequacy, followed by income. Meanwhile, transfer, as the majority type of income of older persons in Indonesia, conversely becomes the type of income which less likely makes older persons perceive adequate. Therefore, assuring older persons to have income and an effective transfer system would ensure the income adequacy of older persons in Indonesia"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeni Mahwati
Indonesia mengalami penuaan penduduk yang sangat cepat. Diperkirakan populasi
penduduk lansia di Indonesia akan mencapai 28,8 juta (11,3%) pada tahun 2020
dan mencapai 100 juta (28,68%) pada tahun 2050. Perhatian mengenai bagaimana
penuaan sukses dan determinanya menjadi sebuah isu penting yang harus
dieksplorasi sebagai dukungan informasi bagi penentu kebijakan dalam
merancang kebijakan dan intervensi efektif untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup
lansia di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi aspek
multidimensional penuaan sukses dan memperoleh model prediksi penuaan sukses
pada lansia di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kohort retrospektif menggunakan data
IFLS (Indonesian Family Life Survey) dengan mengikuti individu selama tujuh
tahun yaitu pada titik waktu pengukuran survei IFLS 2000 dan IFLS 2007. Jumlah
sampel penelitian ini adalah 2.344 lansia (≥ 53 tahun). Model pengukuran penuaan
sukses diuji dan dianalisis menggunakan comfirmatory factor analysis (CFA).
Analisis regresi logistik ganda digunakan untuk memperoleh model prediksi
penuaan sukses.
Penelitian ini menghasilkan konsep model penuaan sukses multidimensional yang
memiliki kriteria kecocokan model yang baik serta validitas dan reliabilitas yang
cukup baik dengan kontribusi masing-masing yaitu keberfungsian mental (78%),
keterlibatan aktif (64%), keberfungsian fisik (62%), spiritualitas (2,7%) dan bebas
dari penyakit (0,1%). Hasil model prediksi penuaan sukses terdiri dari tujuh
variabel meliputi faktor individu (usia, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, aktivitas fisik
dan waist circumference) dan faktor lingkungan (tingkat pengeluaran nabati dan
partisipasi program dana sehat). Kelompok usia 60-69 tahun memiliki peluang
sukses 2,211 (95% CI=1,077-4,539), kelompok usia 53-59 tahun sebesar 3,568
(95%CI=1,765-7,216). Lansia laki-laki memiliki peluang 1,595 (95%CI=1,133-
2,247), lansia dengan pendidikan rendah memiliki peluang 2,805 (95%CI=1,776-
4,429), pendidikan menengah/tinggi 4,128 (95%CI=2,272-7,500). Lansia dengan
aktivitas fisik sedang memiliki peluang sukses 4,258 (95%CI=2,352-7,709),
aktivitas ringan 3,964 (95%CI=2,228-7,052) dan aktivitas berat 3,675
(95%CI=2,054-6,576). Lansia dengan Waist Circumference tidak berisiko
memiliki peluang sukses 1,688 (95%CI=1,092-2,610). Lansia dengan tingkat
pengeluaran nabati tinggi memiliki peluang sukses 1,384 (95%CI=1,010-1,898),
lansia yang berpastisipasi dalam program dana sehat berpeluang sukses 1,779
(95%CI=1,181-2,680). Implikasi hasil penelitian terhadap kebijakan berupa tiga
pilar utama yang menentukan penuaan sukses yaitu partisipasi, kesehatan dan
jaminan sosial. Selain ketiga pilar tersebut, gender juga merupakan determinana
penting penuaan sukses. Oleh karena itu kesetaraan gender perlu dipertimbangkan
dalam setiap pilar kebijakan

Indonesia experienced rapid population aging. It is estimated that the elderly
population in Indonesia will reach 28.8 million (11.3%) in 2020 and 100 million
(28.68%) in 2050. Caution regarding how successful aging and its determinant
become an important issue that should be explored as support information for
policy makers in designing effective policies and interventions to improve the
quality of life of the elderly in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to
explore the multidimensional aspects of successful aging and obtain predictive
models successful aging in the elderly in Indonesia.
This study used a retrospective cohort study design using the data IFLS
(Indonesian Family Life Survey) by following people for seven years, namely at
the point of measurement time survey IFLS IFLS 2000 and 2007. The amount of
the sample is 2,344 elderly (≥ 53 years). Successful aging measurement model
was tested and analyzed using Comfirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Multiple
logistic regression analysis is used to derive predictive model of successful aging.
This research resulted in the concept of multidimensional models of successful
aging that has good validity and reliability. Each contribution were mental
functioning (78%), active involvement (64%), physical functioning (62%),
spirituality (2.7%) and free of the disease (0.1%). Successful aging prediction
models resulting from this study consisted of seven variables include individual
factors (age, gender, education, physical activity and waist circumference) and
environmental factors (level of expenditure vegetable and healthy fund program
participation). Age group 60-69 years had a chance of success 2.211 (95% CI =
1.077 to 4.539), age group 53-59 years amounted to 3.568 (95% CI = 1.765 to
7.216). Elderly men had chances 1.595 (95% CI = 1.133 to 2.247), elderly people
with low education had a chance 2.805 (95% CI = 1.776 to 4.429), secondary
education / high 4.128 (95% CI = 2.272 to 7.500). Elderly with moderate physical
activity had a chance of success 4.258 (95% CI = 2.352 to 7.709), light activities
3.964 (95% CI = 2.228 to 7.052) and strenuous activities 3,675 (95% CI = 2.054
to 6.576). Elderly with no risk of waist circumference had a chance of success
1.688 (95% CI = 1.092 to 2.610). Elderly with a high level of expenditure
vegetable has a chance of success 1.384 (95% CI = 1.010 to 1.898), elderly who
participates in the healthy fund program likely to succeed 1.779 (95% CI = 1.181
to 2.680). Implications of the results of research on policy in the form of the three
main pillars that determine successful aging, namely participation, health and
social security. In addition to the three pillars, gender is also an important
determinana successful aging. Therefore, gender equality need to be considered in
any policy pillars"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Financy Ramadhani
"Penelitian-penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa perawatan anggota rumah tangga lansia yang mengalami disabilitas dan membutuhkan long-term care lebih banyak dilakukan oleh perempuan dan berpotensi mempengaruhi alokasi waktu yang dimiliki perempuan tersebut antara untuk perawatan anggota keluarga termasuk lansia, dan berperan aktif dalam angkatan kerja. Perempuan, terutama perempuan kawin, biasanya akan keluar dari pasar kerja atau mengurangi jam kerja mereka apabila terdapat lansia yang membutuhkan perawatan di dalam rumah tangganya. Menggunakan data SUSENAS Kor 2018 dan regresi multinomial dan regresi tobit, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara skor gangguan fungsional lansia, yang merupakan pendekatan kebutuhan long-term care, dengan status bekerja (formal dan informal) dan jam kerja perempuan kawin yang ada di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa lansia yang tinggal bersama dengan perempuan kawin di Indonesia secara rata-rata masih berada pada kelompok lansia "muda" dan dalam taraf belum membutuhkan long-term care. Dengan kondisi demikian, penelitian ini belum dapat menunjukkan hubungan yang negatif dan signifikan antara peningkatan skor gangguan fungsional lansia dan status bekerja (formal dan informal) serta jam kerja perempuan kawin yang tinggal bersama dengan lansia tersebut.

Previous studies showed that the caregiving to disabled and requiring long-term care elderly is mostly performed by women. The caregiving women, especially the married ones, often facing the problem of time allocations, between work and caring for family members and disabled elderly. Using SUSENAS Kor 2018 data, this study investigates the relationship between the score of functional impairment of the elderly, which is an approach to long-term care needs, with working status (formal and informal) and working hours of married women co-residing with the elderly in Indonesia.
This study found that the elderly who co-reside with married women in Indonesia are, on average, still in the "young old" age group and at the stage where they do not need long-term care yet. Consequently, this study provides no evidence of the negative and significant relationship between the increasing scores of functional impairment of the elderly and working status (formal and informal) and the working hours of married women living in the same household with the elderly."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Albertus Rivelino Bouw
"[Tujuan : Mengetahui komponen manakah dari EQ-5D yang paling berhubungan
terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut, menilai hubungan
komponen EQ-5D terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut di
RSUPNCM serta menilai hubungan antara usia lanjut yang bekerja maupun tidak
bekerja terhadap penyakit seperti penyakit infeksi, kardiovaskular maupun
penyakit lainnya.
Metode : Desain observasional potong lintang deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan pada 150 responden yang didapat secara konsekutif, berusia ≥ 60 tahun dan memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Penilaian kualitas hidup dengan kuesioner European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), pemeriksaan fungsi kognitif menggunakan formulir Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), penilaian aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari dengan Barthel Index, pemeriksaan depresi menggunakan formulir Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), serta penilaian kondisi kesehatan responden hari itu dengan menunjukkannya pada Visual Analog Scale (VAS).
Hasil : Penilaian kualitas hidup menggunakan EQ-5D menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden tidak ada masalah atau nilai 1, kecuali pada komponen rasa kesakitan / tidak nyaman sebagian besar responden yaitu sebanyak 97 responden (64.7%) memperlihatkan beberapa masalah atau nilai 2. Semua responden memiliki nilai MMSE yang normal dengan nilai tengah 27 dimana nilai minimumnya 25 dan maksimum 30. Pada penilaian Barthel Index didapatkan nilai tengah 17 dengan nilai minimum 5 dan maksimum 20 serta modus 19 (32%).
Pada pemeriksaan menggunakan GDS didapatkan nilai tengah 3 dengan nilai minimum 0 dan maksimum 9 serta modus 2 (37,3%). Penilaian kualitas hidup menggunakan EQ VAS didapatkan nilai tengah 70 dengan nilai minimum 50 dan maksimum 100 serta modus 70 (30,7%). Nilai tengah usia 68 tahun (berkisar 60-88 tahun).
Kesimpulan : Komponen EQ-5D yang paling berhubungan terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut di RSUPNCM adalah komponen rasa kesakitan / tidak nyaman. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna dengan korelasi negatif antara semua komponen EQ-5D terhadap kualitas hidup pasien rawat inap usia lanjut di RSUPNCM. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia lanjut yang bekerja maupun tidak bekerja terhadap penyakit seperti penyakit infeksi, kardiovaskular maupun penyakit lainnya.

Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.
Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of
respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most
respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%) showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a
maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years).
Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.;Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related
to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations
component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess
the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease
such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.
Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was
conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and
met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European
Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using
the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of
daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of
respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most
respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a
sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%)
showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal
with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the
Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a
maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using
GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and
mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the
middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as
the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years).
Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly
inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a
significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components
of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. ;Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related
to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations
component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess
the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease
such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.
Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was
conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and
met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European
Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using
the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of
daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of
respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most
respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a
sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%)
showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal
with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the
Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a
maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using
GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and
mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the
middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as
the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years).
Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly
inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a
significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components
of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. , Objective : To determine which of the components of the EQ-5D are most related
to the quality of life of elderly hospitalized patients, assessing the EQ-5D relations
component of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM and to assess
the relationship between the elderly who work or do not work against the disease
such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases.
Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive observational design. The study was
conducted on 150 respondents who obtained consecutively, aged ≥ 60 years and
met the study criteria. Assessment of quality of life questionnaires European
Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D), examination of cognitive function using
the Mini Mental State Examination form (MMSE), assessment of activities of
daily life with the Barthel Index, the examination form of depression using the
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), as well as evaluating the health condition of
respondents day by showing it to the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS).
Results : Assessment of quality of life using the EQ-5D shows that most
respondents do not have a problem or a value of 1, except for the components of a
sense of pain / discomfort most respondents as many as 97 respondents (64.7%)
showed some problem or the value 2. All respondents had a MMSE score normal
with mean 27 where in the minimum value of 25 and a maximum of 30. In the
Barthel Index assessment middle values 17 obtained with a minimum of 5 and a
maximum value of 20 as well as the mode of 19 (32%). On examination using
GDS obtained mean of 3 with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum of 9 and
mode 2 (37.3%). Assessment of quality of life using the EQ VAS score is the
middle values 70 with a minimum of 50 and a maximum value of 100 as well as
the mode of 70 (30.7%). The median age of 68 years (range 60-88 years).
Conclusion : EQ-5D component that is most related to the quality of life of elderly
inpatients in RSUPNCM is a flavor component of pain / discomfort. There is a
significant relationship with the negative correlation between all the components
of the EQ-5D of the quality of life of elderly inpatients in RSUPNCM. There is a significant association between advanced age who work or do not work against diseases such as infectious diseases, cardiovascular and other diseases. ]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farida Jaeka
"Tesis ini membahas tentang pemaknaan masyarakat Sasak terhadap Gajah Mada melalui dua petilasannya di Lombok. Tujuannya adalah untuk melihat produksi dan konsumsi makna masyarakat Sasak terhadap dua petilasan Gajah Mada sebagai sebuah strategi untuk mengkonstruksi identitas Orang Sasak terutama kaitannya dengan Pariwisata Halal di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan metode etnografi dengan pendekatan Cultural Studies. Dengan menggunakan konsep makam sebagai lanskap kultural, dapat dilihat pemaknaan masyarakat Sasak terhadap Gajah Mada melalui ingatan kultural mereka yang hingga saat ini masih menjadikan dua petilasan Gajah Mada sebagai objek pariwisata. Hasil yang diperoleh ialah terdapat pemaknaan yang berbeda terhadap Gajah Mada di Selaparang dan Sembalun. Di Selaparang, terdapat Islamisasi terhadap Gajah Mada. Sementara di Sembalun, pemaknaan lebih mengarah ke sinkretisme Hindu-Islam karena terdapat berbagai lapisan masyarakat yang memaknai petilasan Gajah Mada tersebut, mulai dari masyarakat Hindu, Islam Wetu Telu, hingga Islam Waktu Lima. Selain itu, di Sembalun terdapat kontestasi narasi yang dihadirkan oleh Tetua Adat dan pemerintah tentang ingatan mereka terhadap Gajah Mada yang tampak pada dua papan nama penyebutan objek pariwisata itu. Bagaimanapun, dua petilasan Gajah Mada di Lombok dapat menjadi salah satu strategi konstruksi identitas Orang Sasak terutama berkaitan dengan Pariwisata Halal di Nusa Tenggara Barat.

This thesis discusses the meaning-making of the Sasak community towards two burial sites of Gajah Mada in Lombok. By conducting ethnographic methods with a Cultural Studies approach, this qualitive research aims to see the meaning-making of the Sasak community towards two burial sites of Gajah Mada in Lombok as a strategy to construct the identity of the Sasak people, particularly in accordance with Halal Tourism in West Nusa Tenggara. The concept of cemetery as a cultural landscape was used in this study to see the meaning-making of the Sasak people towards two burial sites of Gajah Mada through their cultural memories. The findings show that there are the different meanings toward two burial sites of Gajah Mada both in Selaparang and Sembalun. In Selaparang, there is Islamization towards Gajah Mada. While in Sembalun, there is more syncretism (Hindu-Islamic) meaning, because there are Hindu society, Wetu Telu community, and Islam Waktu Lima community were interpreted the meaning towards Gajah Mada. Besides that, there is a narrative contest presented by the Customary Council Village of Sembalun and the local government regarding memories of Gajah Mada which can be seen from the two nameplates mentioning the tourism objects in Sembalun. However, the two burial sites of Gajah Mada in Lombok can be one of the strategies for constructing the identity of the Sasak people, particularly related to Halal Tourism in West Nusa Tenggara."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indang Trihandini
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2016
PGB 0499
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
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