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"Kiai, alumni and santri Ilir kali first confronted with the PRD and SMID who spearheaded the various demonstrations of labor movement in East Java. Now, communism as the common enemy no longer has a clear personification and increasingly blurred. The intensity of the conflict become more intensified in mid-1998 in various areas in Java, forcing the local elites in Modjosongo do institutionalization consolidation of local leaders. Incident "communal praying" created as common platform transformation media for religion, politics and economic elite's in Madukara. When labors' demonstrations took place in Madukara several times in the transition era of the Reformation, Islamic propaganda becoming part of subjugation. This article presents how the position of the santri and the dilemma in the frame space of capital that flourished in the city."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Advisory Board Disputes Divorce dan Marriage (BP4) established government as part of effortsto reduce the divorce rate. But divorce continues from time to time and quantitatively increasingevery year, with a variety of result / impact there of. Prevention and mitigation of the problem of divorce can not be left to government officials just because the problem is multidimensional; social, cultural and moral. To overcome this problem must involve all the elements and social institutions in the local community."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Kiptiyah
"Tesis ini meneliti mengenai kebudayaan pesantren, manajemen dan perilaku santri yang berkenaan dengan kesehatan dalam konteks penciptaan dan pemeliharaan kondisi lingkungan yang bersih dan sehat di pesantren. Status kesehatan seseorang dipengaruhi oleh faktor keturunan, kualitas dan kuantitas sarana pelayanan kesehatan, perilaku hidup sehat seseorang atau masyarakat dan keadaan lingkungan hidupnya. Hal ini sebagaimana dikatakan Foster (1986) bahwa di samping faktor biologis, faktor-faktor sosial-psikologi dan faktor budaya sering memainkan peran dalam.mencetuskan penyakit Namun begitu lingkungan bukan satu-satunya faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan, tetapi memiliki arti penting karena sampai batas tertentu dapat dikendalikan terutama yang diakibatkan perilaku atau perbuatan manusia. Adapun kebijakan sosial dan ekonomi untuk mendapatkan makanan yang cukup, air yang sehat, atau yang membuat orang lalai bahwa peralatan-peralatan sanitasi yang tak sempurna, tradisi kebudayaan, lembaga ekonomi, sanitasi dan kebijakan lain yang mempengaruhi munculnya penyakit semuanya turut mempengaruhi kesehatan.
Pesantren sebagai salah satu elemen pendidikan juga menempatkan masalah tersebut dalam kurikulumnya, menyangkut di dalamnya kitab-kitab yang menjadi rujukan dan dipelajari serta dipergunakan di pesantren. Pesantren yang notabene merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam tentu saja dalam praktek kesehariannya berdasarkan ajaran Islam pula. Secara universal Islampun juga mengangkat isu mengenai masalah kesehatan maupun kebersihan dan bahkan anjuran memakan makanan- minuman yang thoyyib yaitu makanan atau minuman yang bagus kualitas gizinya maupun halal cara memperolehnya. Dalam hal ini pula ada makanan yang secara tegas dilarang untuk dikonsumsi. Dalam Hadits (sumber hukum kedua setelah Alquran) dengan jelas juga dikatakan bahwa kebersihan merupakan sebagian dari iman, mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih disukai Allah daripada mukmin yang lemah dan juga menganjurkan untuk menjaga kebersihan dengan segala usaha yang dapat dilakukan.
Pesantren memang merupakan suatu komunitas tersendiri dimana semua rambu-rambu yang mengatur kegiatan dan batas-batas perbuatan, misalnya halal-haram, wajib-sunah, baik-buruk dan sebagainya dipulangkan kepada hukum agama, dan semua kegiatan dipandang dan dilaksanakan sebagai bagian dan ibadah keagamaan dengan kata lain semua kegiatan kehidupan selalu dipandang dalam struktur relevansinya dengan hukum agama. Salah satunya dalam hal kebersihan atau kesehatan. Banyak hal-hal yang dianggap bersih dan suci oleh pesantren, karena dibolehkan oleh hukum agama tetapi tidak bersih atau tidak sehat menurut konsepsi ilmu kesehatan. Sehingga cara pandang ini tentu sangat membedakan antara komunitas pesantren dengan masyarakat "diluar" pesantren.
Masyarakat pada umumnya memberikan batasan tentang kesehatan adalah batasan yang diangkat dari batasan kesehatan menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) sebagaimana termaktub dalam Undang-undang Kesehatan No.23 Tahun 1992, yaitu keadaan sejahtera badan, jiwa, dan sosial yang memungkinkan setiap orang hidup produktif secara sosial dan ekonomi. Sehingga secara normatif dan sistematik meskipun pesantren telah memiliki kurikulum dan pengajaran sebagaimana tersebut diatas, namun pada kenyataannya masalah-masalah kesehatan terutama hubungan mata rantai yang telah menyebabkan munculnya penyakit dapat terjadi. Hal ini disebabkan adanya pemahaman yang berbeda antara pesantren dengan masyarakat "diluar" pesantren terutama yang berkaitan dengan masalah-masalah kesehatan. Masyarakat pesantren selalu mengembalikan pemahaman mereka kepada kaidah hukum Fiqh, sehingga mereka memiliki persepsi sendiri mengenai kebersihan lingkungannya terutama untuk sebagai sarana ibadah semata-mata kepada Allah SWT sehingga yang terpenting menurut pesantren adalah kesucian sarana tersebut, yaitu terbebas dari najis sehingga tidak menghalangi sahnya suatu ibadah. Hukum fiqh begitu menempati kedudukan yang dominan pada tata nilai dalam kehidupan di lingkungan pesantren. Sedangkan pengajaran mengenai fiqh ini sebagaian besar diperoleh pada kitab-kitab kuning. Kitab kuning merupakan kitab-kitab pengajaran Islam klasik, yang berbahasa Arab dan ditulis oleh para ulama abad pertengahan (7-13 Hijriah).Hal ini tentu turut menjadi pemicu terjadinya perbedaan pemahaman tentang kondisi pemeliharaan kebersihan dan kesehatan di pesantren dengan pemahaman masyarakat "diluar" pesantren. Demikian pula dengan kebudayaan pesantren dalam konteks ini yang merupakan keseluruhan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh komunitas pesantren dimana di dalamnya berisi perangkat-perangkat, model-model pengetahuan yang terwujud dalam perilaku, tindakan, nilai-nilai yang digunakan untuk memahami dan menginterpretasikan mengenai kesehatan lingkungan dan masalah-masalah kesehatan yang ditimbulkannya serta pengelolaan kebijakan-kebijakan pesantren yang terkait secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan kondisi kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan.
Disamping itu, terjadi kontradiksi (penafsiran/ pemahaman yang bertolak belakang) perilaku sehari-hari di pesantren dengan cara pandang masyarakat "diluar' pesantren mengenai kesehatan lingkungan hidup sehari-hari juga didukung oleh kurang memadainya fasilitas-fasilitas bangunan maupun tempat tinggal santri sehingga kurang mendukung terbentuknya kondisi lingkungan yang kondusif dan sehat serta nyaman untuk belajar. Kondisi ruangan, kamar mandi dan sarana sanitasi lainnya termasuk pengelolaan sampah dan sebagainya. Kondisi ini sangat mempengaruhi perilaku keseharian mereka terutama dalam upaya pemeliharaan sanitasi dan kesehatan lingkungan yang optimal."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Blair Palmer
"This article examines a dispute over proper religious practice in an all-Muslim village in Buton, Southeast Sulawesi. Traditionalists and modernists disagree over whether agricultural ceremonies involving offerings for territorial spirits should be allowed to continue. Local views on this dispute are explored with reference to the historical context of religious practice in the village, and processes of social change over the past several generations. It is argued that key social, political and economic dynamics which are relevant to the current religious dispute include the decline of agriculture in the village, the eclipsing of the Butonese Sultanate and integration into the Indonesian state, and new patterns of mobility whereby many villagers have become migrants to urban centers in eastern Indonesia. Thus it traces how processes of the increasing penetration of capitalism, the decline of traditional authority, and new patterns of mobility have played out in this particular village in the context of a dispute over religious practice."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gunawan Tjahjono
"This paper attempts to examine various aspects of urban space design to be considered for policy making. Based upon his personal experience in conducting research with anthropologists in traditional environment , the author suggest that architects and anthropologists can contribute considerably to overcoming urban problem...[...] urban spaces that are prone to riot and other mass acts of violence indicate problems in urban policy. In the past, the citizens' culture determined urban form; but large cities are marked by cultural diversity. Whereas urban space is a field studied by urban planners and architects, culture is focus of anthropologists, who have largely been excluded from the urban policy making process. As a result, policy makers determined urban form according to their own cultural biases, without considering the cultural tendencies of the citizens."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"There are a set of questions that needs to be answered in relation to the Mataram tragedy which has been known as the 'Tragedy One Seven One' (Tragedy Satu Tujuh Satu). One of the question is: if the tragedy has the basis of religious conflict, why did the conflict occur only between the Moslems and the Christians, and not between the Moslems and the Hindus which has a greater number of followers than the Christians? By looking at the main target of the tragedy, the churches, not the individuals, as well as its short duration, a cultural analysis is the most probable way to find relevant answers. The author argues that the Mataram tragedy was not staying apart from the development of an increasing number of churches. The building of Christian churches, their quantity, quality, and geographical distribution was seen as the emergence of the new opposed culture. The latter was perceived as threatening the culture of 'Thousand Mosques', the native ethnic identity, and the majority of the people of Pulau Lombok. In this article, the author examines the culture of 'Thousand Mosques', its relation to the Mataram tragedy."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asep Suryana
"The implementation of local government policies during the New Order era has weakened Pesantren as local and Islamic education institution. The weakening is due to, firstly, the instructive position of central government to its local subordinates implying that this later apparatus be the instrument of gaining its target. Secondly, the head of local government as solely powerful figure in local structure has been decisive in many local policies. This local political situation has also implied a centralization of Islamic education policies during the era. The discussed cases of two Pesantren in two different districts in this article reveal that regional autonomy will be presumably strengthening this Islamic education institution."
[place of publication not identified]: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2001
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Resa Dandirwalu
[Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Belanawane
Theoretical shifts in anthropological studies in recent decades has given way to renewed recognition of looking at issues of identity, namely that the sociall life, the arena in which the identity plays in, must be fundamentally understood as negotiating meanings. This is where Clifford Geertz?s interpretative approach becomes important yet problematic. Important because Geertz offers a humanistic approach which examines how meanings and symbols become important in the view of the community itself. Therefore, he argues, cultural interpretation requires a more in-depth analysis, also more intelligent and complex in which its purposes and those complexed cultural forms that can not simply be reduced to the effects on the social engines and organisms as claimed by structuralist and functionalist scholars before him. At the same time, it is also problematic because of Geertz?s position that searches for meaning makes him seem neglective or underestimative of the process of how interaction ? the arena of where meanings work ? is produced. In this case, Geertz?s critics have ?helped? by reminding him of what is power relations and agency. Refering to the conception of Sherry Ortner, the author argues that through the agency there is a way to see this debate from the mid. The side which is not for eliminating the significant influence of Geertz is also not to ignore the significance of the critics? arguments, but to bridge the two (meaning and power relations). Efforts in connecting this theory through the concept of agency consequently will include the significance of one party, at the same time improve its insignificance through the criticism of others and vice versa."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tito Imanda
"There are two traditions in the anthropology of art: art as abstract cultural representation and art as expression or message of the artists to their audience. This article aims to balance these two traditions as alternative approach in the study of anthropology of art. Alternative approach is needed for most studies in the anthropology of art in Indonesia encounter difficulty to explain contemporary and traditional arts in the context of contemporary society. This alternative approach offers a view that art product is a synthesis of art production and history of political economy of the society. Marshall Sahlins (1976) suggests this approach which leads us to understand that culture is a symbolic order as also popularized by Louis Althusser. Hence, this article tries to understand symbolic order in the art product by discussing relevant theories in the anthropology of art."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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