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Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 2016
959.8 AUS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"In the past, linguists focused their studies on the description of the varieties of Lamaholot spoken in coastal communities. This article introduces Central Lembata Lamaholot, a Lamaholot variety spoken in the central mountains on the island of Lembata in the Indonesian province Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), which possesses features in the nominal and pronominal domains not found in other varieties of Lamaholot described so far. Alienable nouns in Central Lembata have morphological plural and specificity marking, and one sub-set of the alienable nouns has two alternating forms which are functionally different. Furthermore, free and bound pronouns in Central Lembata Lamaholot are intertwined with aspect and mood marking. The comparative analysis of these features of Central Lembata Lamaholot shows that they are partly retentions from an earlier stage of the language and partly internal innovations."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
909 UI-WACANA 18:3 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Martin Slama
"Fase utama dari migrasi Hadrami (pertengahan abad ke-18 hingga ke-20) telah mendapat perhatian ilmuwan-ilmuwan dari berbagai latar belakang disiplin. Berdasarkan atas hasil karya ilmiah inidan mengacu pada teori-teori kontemporer di bidang Antropologi mengenai diaspora masyarakat dan hubungan-hubungan antarbangsa serta penelitian terbaru di Indonesia dalam tiga tahun terakhir, artikel ini memfokuskan pada hubungan-hubungan dikalangan Hadramis dan pandangan-pandangan Hadhramaut. Dengan berkonsentrasi pada topik ini, perbandingan akan dibuat antara fase utama dari pembentukan diaspora dan Indonesia pasca kolonial sekarang ini."
Depok: Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zuliyanti Shabrina
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang diaspora dan migrasi masyarakat Lebanon antara 1860 sampai 1990. Landasan teori yang digunakan sebagai alat analisis ialah teori diaspora, teori perpindahan penduduk, serta teori multikulturalisme. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif berdasarkan pada metode sejarah dan dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Sepanjang sejarahnya, Lebanon telah mengalami berbagai pergolakan, mulai dari masa pemerintahan Turki Ustmani hingga Perang Sipil yang terdapat campur tangan negara-negara lain, seperti Israel, Palestina, Perancis, dan Inggris. Gelombang diaspora yang terbesar terjadi pada kurun waktu 1975-1990, yaitu ketika Perang Sipil II berlangsung. Dalam kehidupan di host country, migran Muslim Lebanon menggunakan hukum Islam (syari?ah) dalam kehidupan berkeluarga dan mengabaikan hukum resmi yang berlaku di host country. Hal ini tidak sedikit menimbulkan pertentanganpertentangan implementasi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sedangkan migran Kristen Lebanon dapat dengan mudah berasimilasi dengan kebudayaan masyarakat host country. Hal ini membuat mereka dapat dengan mudah diterima dalam komunitas masyarakat asli host country. Masyarakat migran Lebanon mendirikan komunitas dan organisasi yang bertujuan untuk menyalurkan rasa nasionalisme mereka. Migran-migran Lebanon yang mayoritas miskin sedikit demi sedikit mampu menciptakan kekuatan bagi perekonomian mereka. Sebagian besar dari mereka mampu menjadi pebisnis, ekonom, politisi, seniman, dan bahkan ilmuan yang tidak hanya diperhitungkan di host country namun juga di dunia internasional. Dengan ini, masyarakat migran Lebanon dapat membuktikan eksistensi mereka sebagai komunitas migran.

This paper discusses the diaspora and migration of Lebanese society between 1860 and 1990. Theoretical basis which is used as an analytical tool is the theory of diaspora, the theory of migration, as well as the theory of multiculturalism. The study is a qualitative study based on historical methods and the types of descriptive research. Throughout its history, Lebanon has experienced many upheavals, from the reign of Ottoman Turks until the Civil War that there is interference of other countries, like Israel, Palestine, France, and England. The biggest wave of diaspora that occurred in the period 1975-1990, when the Civil War II took place. In the life in the host country, Lebanese Muslim migrants to use Islamic law (shari'a) in family life and ignore the official law applicable in the host country. This is not the least cause contradictions its implementation in daily life. While the Christian Lebanese migrants can be easily assimilated into the culture of the host country society. This makes them easily acceptable in the indigenous community of the host country. Lebanon established migrant communities and community organizations that aims to channel their sense of nationalism. Lebanese migrants the majority of the poor little by little was able to create force for their economies. Most of them are able to become businessmen, economists, politicians, artists, and even scientists are not only counted in the host country but also internationally. With this, the Lebanese migrant communities can prove their existence as migrant communities."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hana Naufanita
Diaspora merupakan istilah yang semakin umum digunakan. Makna dari istilah ini mengalami perubahan yang secara paralel melintasi tiga periode mdash;klasik, modern dan kontemporer. Sifatnya yang diskursif membuat diaspora dapat bermakna apa saja disesuaikan dengan siapa yang mengartikulasikan. Di Indonesia, gagasan diaspora Indonesia marak diperbincangkan sejak tahun 2012. Diaspora diartikulasikan oleh aktor non negara yang umumnya adalah kelompok elit atau ekspatriat. Kelompok ini mampu mengubah persepsi negara terhadap ekspatriat yang awalnya pengkhianat menjadi aset negara. Melalui relasi tersebut, baik aktor negara dan non negara memiliki satu motif yang sama, memaksimalkan kapital lewat keahlian, remitansi dan investasi. Hal ini dikukuhkan dalam Peraturan Presiden No. 76 Tahun 2017 tentang Fasilitas Masyarakat Indonesia di Luar Negeri atau yang dikenal sebagai Kartu Diaspora. Namun demikian, bangsa Indonesia memiliki ragam sejarah migrasi internasional mdash;seperti TKI, kelompok etnis perantau di era kolonial, pengungsi akibat gejolak politik dan eksil 1965 mdash; dengan kepentingan yang beragam pula. Kasus ini menunjukkan kompleksitas diaspora sebagai sebuah istilah yang awalnya berniat untuk memayungi seluruh bangsa Indonesia dan keturunannya di luar negeri justru menimbulkan permasalahan representasi di dalam tubuh diaspora itu sendiri. Peneliti berargumen bahwa diaspora Indonesia merupakan wacana yang diartikulasikan oleh kelompok kepentingan dan didukung oleh negara untuk meraup kapital. Padahal diaspora adalah metafora yang secara kontinu diciptakan, ditransformasikan dan dipertahankan untuk mendefinisikan kembali identitas suatu bangsa. Dengan meleburkan konsep diaspora ke dalam HI, peneliti bermaksud untuk menganalisis relasi power dan konteks yang berlangsung dalam wacana diaspora Indonesia, serta meninjau konsep identitas nasional dalam HI yang umumnya berbasis negara sebagai aktor tunggal dan berdaulat. Posisi diaspora sebagai aktor non negara membuat konsep identitas nasional dalam HI dapat didefinisikan kembali.

Diaspora is increasingly common term to be used. The meaning of this term change over three periods classical, modern and contemporary. Its discursive nature makes diaspora means everything, adjusted to whoever articulates it. In Indonesia, the idea of Indonesian diaspora has been spread since 2012. Diaspora is articulated by non state actors, the expatriate group. This group is able to change the perception of the state against expatriates from traitors to state assets. Through these relations, both state and non state actors have one common motive, maximizing capital through human capital, remittance and investment. This is confirmed in The Presidential Decree No. 76 Year 2017 on Facilities for Indonesian Society Abroad which is known as Diaspora Card. Meanwhile, the Indonesian has a diverse history of international migration ndash such as migrant workers, ethnic groups in colonial era, refugees due to political turmoil and exile of 1965 with various interests. This case shows the complexity of diaspora as a term that originally intended to include entire Indonesian and its descendants abroad. Instead, this has risen the problem of representation in Indonesian diaspora itself. I argue that the Indonesian diaspora is a discourse articulated by interest groups and supported by the state to maximize capital. Whereas diaspora is a metaphor that is continuously created, transformed and maintained to redefine identity of a nation. By incorporating diaspora into IR, I intend to analyze power relations and context within Indonesian diaspora discourse and also to review the concept of national identity which commonly use state centric perspective that state is seen as unitary and sovereign. The position of diaspora as non state actors makes the concept of national identity in IR redefined."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gijsen, Marnix, 1899-
"De diaspora adalah sebuah buku kumpulan cerita karya Marnix Gijsen. Di dalamnya terdapat enam cerita antara lain; Pledooi voor de monogamie, De perikelen van Bergen op Zoom, De school van Fontainebleau, De nachttrein naar Savannah, Georgia, Verwarde biecht in de Holland bar, dan yang terakhir Kaddisj voor Sam Cohn. Sesuai dengan judulnya, de diaspora yang dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti perpindahan, enam cerita ini memiliki kesamaan. tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita ini tinggal di luar lingkungan kesehariannya sehingga konflik yang muncul dalam cerita ini hadir karena adanya perubahan latar tempat dari tokoh-tokoh tersebut. "
Maastricht: De persen van drukkerij Boosten & Stools , 1962
BLD 839.36 Gij d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prabhu, Anjali
""Focuses on art house cinema and discusses commercial African cinema"--"
Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2014
791.403 96 PRA c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
University of Queensland Press : The Australian Studies Centre
050 DNA 5 (2000)
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wurm, Stephen Adolphe, 1922-
Canbera : Facific Linguistics, 1978
499 WUR e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eriko Aoki
"Based on data from fieldwork in Flores, this article suggests an indigenous form of tolerance and suppleness as the model for a new form of multiculturalism in Indonesia. Many studies of nationalism have criticized the perspective that developing nation-states need 'strong nationalism. However, if we step out of this hegemonic preoccupation, we come to realize that the relevant question is not how Indonesia can keep its unity but on what conditions Indonesia can function well as a politico-economic system, keeping diverse areas incorporated in the post-modern and global contexts at present and in the future. In Flores, people have been traversing real and imagined borders since the time of the Austronesian migration and the age of Southeast Asian maritime commerce. Even after independence, Flores has had direct transnational linkage through the Catholic network and recently quite a few Catholic priests and candidates from Flores have been sent abroad. Due to the development of global capitalism, many people from mountainous areas in central Flores also go to Malaysia as low-paid labourers, and they accommodate well to the new situations. As illegal labourers, Florenese people develop social ties with the people whom they meet overseas. Even when they are arrested and forced to come home from Malaysia, they are never stigmatized in their home village. I would like to name tentatively this principle of social adaptability and political flexibility, which also orders life in Florenese villages, 'Austronesian cosmopolitanism'. I further suggest that this Austronesian principle of political flexibility could prove a useful model for the Indonesian nation-state as it struggles to adopt a new political model that prevents the escalation of retaliatory violence and allows the country to continue as a politico-economic unit"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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