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Romi Sujatmoko
"Metode sambungan pada desain dudukan pin bolster bogie monorel UTM 125NG menggunakan welding joint dan dari hasil analisa fatik (dengan menggunakan bantuan software Ansys) didapatkan umur komponen kurang dari 106 cycles.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kekuatan dari model dudukan Pin Bolster pada struktur bogie monorel UTM 125NG, sehingga dapat memperpanjang fatigue life dari model dudukan pin bolster.
Hasil pengujian dinamik mendapatkan data load history yang akan digunakan sebagai input untuk melakukan analisa tegangan. Faktor koreksi terhadap kekuatan fatik terdiri efek dari kondisi pembebanan (CL), dimensi (CD) dan kekasaran permukaan (CS). Pembebanan yang terjadi pada dudukan pin bolster bogie monorel adalah beban bending bolak-balik, sehingga didapatkan CL = 1,0. Sedangkan efek ukuran (CD) didapatkan 1,0 untuk D ≤ 0,4 in dan CS untuk kondisi material hot-rolled didapatkan sebesar 0,62 (SM490B), 0,48 (AISI1060) dan 0,55 (S45C).
Berdasarkan analisa fatik didapatkan bahwa perbaikan metode sambungan pada desain dudukan pin bolster bogie monorel UTM 125NG dengan meminimalkan welding joint dan mengganti menggunakan mechanical joint dapat meningkatkan umur fatik dari dudukan pin bolster tersebut. Umur fatik minimum untuk pin bolster lama sebesar 5,5365 x 105 siklus. Umur fatik untuk pin bolster model 2 dan model 3 mencapai 1 x 108 siklus.

A connection method of the design of the pin bolster base of UTM 125NG monorail bogie using welding joints and the result of fatigue analysis (by using Ansys-software) find the component fatigue life is less than 106 cycles. The purpose of this research is to increase the fatigue strength of monorail bogie pin bolster base structure, so that it can extend the fatigue life of the base of pin bolster.
The results of dynamic testing obtain data load history that will be used as input to do the stress analysis. Correction factors of fatigue strength are the effect of the condition of the imposition (CL), dimensions (CD) and surface roughness (CS). The loads that occurs on the pin bolster bogie monorail holder is alternating bending loads, so that is obtained CL = 1,0. While the effect size (CD) obtained 1.0 to D ≤ 0,4 in and CS to a condition of hot-rolled material obtained by 0.62 (SM490B), 0,48 (AISI1060) and 0.55 (S45C).
Based on fatigue analysis, it is found that the repair of connection method on the design of monorail bogie pin bolster base by minimizing welding joint and replace it using mechanical joint can increase the fatigue life of the base of pin bolster. Minimum fatigue life of the model 1 pin bolster is 5,5365 x 105 cycles, while the minimum fatigue life of model 2 and model 3 are 1 x 108 cycles.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gusnaedi Rachmanas
"Kekuatan sambungan las sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas pengelasan. Pengelasan yang terdapat cacat seperti porositas dapat menurunkan kekuatan fatik hingga sepertiga kekuatan fatik. Rancangan awal side frame rangka bogie monorel UTM 125NG lebih banyak menggunakan sambungan pengelasan dibandingkan menggunakan sambungan baut. Oleh karena itu diperlukan perancangan dan mengembangan bogie monorel dengan meminimalkan sambungan pengelasan dan memaksimalkan sambungan baut agar dapat beroperasi lebih baik. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada dudukan axle spindle, yaitu meneliti kekuatan dudukan axle spindle terhadap pembebanan dinamik. Untuk mendapatkan hasil pembebanan dinamik, digunakan perangkat lunak SimWise 4D. Data pembebanan dinamik tersebut di filter menggunakan perangkat lunak NumXL. Data yang telah di filter menjadi parameter masukan pembebanan pada model untuk dilakukan estimasi umur fatik dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak ANSYS.

The strength of welded joints is strongly influenced by the quality of the welding. Welding defects such as porosity can decrease fatigue strength. Preliminary design of the side frame of monorail bogie UTM 125NG used more welding joints than bolt joints. Therefore, it is necessary to design and develop monorail bogie by minimize welding joints and maximize the bolt joint in order to operate better. This research focused on the axle spindle mounting, which studied of the axle spindle mounting strength characteristics against dynamic load. To obtain dynamic load, SimWise 4D software was used. Those dynamic load data was filtered by NumXL software. The result of filtered data as input for work model load to estimate fatigue life by using ANSYS software."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Komang Noviantari
"Corona virus diseases (COVID)-19 dapat menyebabkan masalah kesehatan jangka panjang pada penyintasnya yang dikenal dengan istilahlong COVID. Masalah kesehatan yang sering dialami oleh penyintas COVID-19 adalah kelelahan, dispnea, dan gangguan tidur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kelelahan, dispnea, dan kualitas tidur dengan kualitas hidup pada penyintas COVID-19. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectiona, dengan jumlah sampel 104 penyintas COVID-19. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner Chalder fatigue scale (CFQ-11), mMRC dyspnea scale, kuesioner kualitas tidur, dan WHOQoL-BREF. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara kelelahan (r: 0.689), dispnea (r: 0.398), dan kualitas tidur (r: 0.444) dengan kualitas hidup pada penyintas COVID-19 (p:0.000; 95%CI, α:0.05). Kelelahan merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hidup pada penyintas COVID-19 (koefisien regresi: -1,451). Implikasi: penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk memperkuat hasil temuan penelitian ini, sehingga pada akhirnya dapat dipertimbangkan untuk melakukan tindakan preventif, kuratif, atau rehabilitatif terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi penyintas COVID-19.

Corona virus diseases (COVID)-19 cause long-term health problems for its survivors known as long COVID. Health problems that often experienced by COVID-19 survivors are fatigue, dyspnea, and sleep disturbances. This study aims to determine the correlation between fatigue, dyspnea, and sleep quality with quality of life among COVID-19 survivors. This method research used cross sectional approach and the sample size were 104 COVID-19 survivors. Data were collected using the Chalder fatigue scale (CFQ-11), mMRC dyspnea scale, sleep quality questionnaire, and WHOQoL-BREF. The result showed a significant correlation between fatigue (r: 0.689), dyspnea (r: 0.398), and sleep quality (r:0.444) with quality of life among COVID-19 survivors (p:0.000; 95%CI, α:0.05). Fatigue was the most influential factor on quality of life among COVID-19 survivors (regression coefficient: -1.451). Implication: further research is needed to strengthen the findings of this study, so that in the end, it can be considered to take preventive, curative, or rehabilitative actions against the problems faced by COVID-19 survivors. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bogie pada monorel jenis straddle berfungsi sebagai penumpu kabin penumpang, pemegang, dan pengarah gerak monorel dilintasannya. Bogie adalah komponen yang memberikan fleksibilitas gerak pada kabin penumpang saat melakukan gerak belok, naik dan turun. Struktur bogie jika ditinjau dari jumlah poros roda traksi yang digunakan dapat diklasifikasikan pada bogie poros tunggal single axle , bogie poros ganda double axle dan bogie poros jamak multi axle . Jumlah poros roda traksi yang digunakan merupakan fungsi dari kapasitas angkutnya, untuk kapasitas menegah dan besar umumnya menggunakan bogie poros ganda atau poros jamak. Pada bogie poros ganda atau multi poros untuk model poros non-steerable memiliki kemampuan belok yang relatif rendah jika dilewatkan pada lintasan dengan radius belok kecil.Monorel ukuran medium dengan panjang kabin 10 m sampai dengan 13 m umumnya menggunakan bogie jenis poros ganda double-axle , untuk model poros non-steerable yang dipasang secara independent memiliki kemampuan belok pada R ge; 60 m, dan kemampuan menanjak pada gradien le; 5 . Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan belok pada lintasan dengan radius belok yang lebih kecil R ? 60 m dilakukan dengan menempatkan bogie pada sambungan antar dua kabin coupler bogie atau digunakan bogie model poros steerable steerable-axle , akan tetapi kedua cara tersebut struktur bogie menjadi tidak sederhana dan cara perawatan relatif komplek.Prototipe industri monorel jenis straddle sudah dibuat di Indonesia adalah adalah monorel MC motor car ukuran sedang dengan dimensi panjang 13.145 m, jarak sumbu antar bogie 8.4 m, desain kemampuan belok pada radius R ge; 60 m dikecepatan gerak 20 km/jam, berat total kabin dan penumpang didefinisikan sebesar 24 ton. Rangka bogie dibuat dari material baja SS400 yang dibentuk dengan sambungan las. Dua unit motor penggerak dipasang pada tiap bogie adalah motor DC 750 V dengan daya 45 kW dan torsi maksimum 284 Nm.Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan belok pada prototipe monorel tersebut dilakukan evaluasi dan pengembangan desain model rangka bogienya. Evaluasi kemampuan belok dilakukan secara numerik pada satu model train consist. Bogie yang digunakan pada model train consit adalah model bogie prototipe dan model bogie hasil pengembangan, bogie pengembangan adalah bogie yang dipilih dari delapan model alternatif konsep, pemilihan alternatif dilakukan dengan metoda Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP .Hasil evaluasi dan pengembangan model train consist saat dilewatkan pada lintasan belok menunjukan, model train consist dengan bogie hasil pengembangan menunjukan bahwa torsi total pada roda penggerak dan penurunan energi kinetik yang terjadi lebih kecil dari model train consist dengan bogie model prototipe. Model train consist dengan bogie hasil pengembangan masih masih dijalankan pada radius belok R = 40 m dengan kecepatan gerak 20 km/jam, 30 km/jam, 40 km/jam, dan 50 km/jam.Nilai torsi yang terjadi pada model train consist untuk tiap lintasan belok selanjutnya dinormailisasi terhadap nilai torsi yang terjadi pada lintasan lurus untuk setiap kecepatan gerak. Hasil normalisali dapat dijadikan dasar rujukan dalam pemilihan bogie yang akan digunakan yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi sarana lintasan yang akan dilaluinyaHasil analisis FEM pada rangka bogie hasil pengembangan, tegangan maksimum terjadi pada semua alternatif konsep terjadi pada poros roda penggerak dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 40 dari tegangan tariknya, defleksi yang terjadi dalam arah vertikal dan lateral yang terjadi nilainya kurang dari 1 mm.Model alternatif yang dipilih adalah alternatif konsep 2, model alternatif ini memiliki bentuk rangka utama menyerupai angka ldquo;8 rdquo;, dengan model pemasangan roda penyetabil dipasang sejajar dengan roda kemudi. Model desain ini selanjutnya direkomendasikan untuk digunakan dan dikembangkan lebih lanjut dengan melakukan optimasi dimensi rangka dan penurunan beratnya.

A bogie function on a straddle-type monorail is a passenger cabin holder, holder, and motion control a monorail on the trajectory. Bogie is the component that provides the flexibility of movement in the passenger cabin during a turn, uphill, and downhill. The bogie structure when viewed from the number of traction wheel shafts used can be classified on single axle bogie, double axle bogie and multiple axle bogies. The number of traction wheel shafts used is a function of the capacities, for large and medium capacity generally using double-axle or multiple axles. The bogies of a double-axle or multiple-axle model for the non-steerable axle, models have a relatively low curving ability when passing on the path with a small curving radius.The Medium-sized monorails with cabin lengths of 10 m up to 13 m generally use double-axle bogies. For non-steerable axle models as independently mounted, has a curving ability at R ge; 60 m, and uphill ability on gradient le; 5 . To improve the curving-ability on the path with a small curving radius R ? 60 m is performed by placing the bogie on the connection between two cabins coupler-bogie or using the steerable-axle bogie models, but both the ways make the bogie structure become not simple and relatively complex of maintenance.The industrial prototype of the straddle-type monorail already has made in Indonesia is a medium-size MC monorail with length dimension of 13.145 m and distance center between of bogies is 8.4 m, design of curving ability at R ge; 60 m, on motion speed 20 km/h, a total weight of cabins and passengers are defined at 24 tons. The bogie frames have made of SS400 steel material formed with welded joints. Two motor drive units mounted on a bogie are 750 V DC 45 kW and maximum torque of 284 Nm.To improve the curving-ability on the monorail prototype is performed the evaluation and development of the model design of a bogie frame. Evaluation of the curving-ability is performed numerically on the model of a train-consist. Bogie used in the train-consit model is a bogie model of a prototype and a model of development result, a bogie of development result is a selected bogie from eight alternative concept model, alternative selection is done by Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP method.The result of evaluation and development of train-consit model when passed on the curving trajectory showed the train-consist model using a bogie of development result the total torque on the traction wheels and reduction of kinetic energy has smaller than the train-consist model using a prototype bogie model. The train-consist model using a bogie of development result is still run on a curving radius of R = 40 m with motion speed 20 km/h, 30 km/h, 40 km/h, and 50 km/h.The torque values that occur in the train-consist model for each curving path are then normalized against the torque values that occur on a straight path for each motion velocity. Normalized results can be used as the basis of reference in the selection of bogies to be used that are conformed to the conditions of the path that will be passed.The results of FEM analysis on the bogie frame of the development result, the maximum stress occurs at all alternative concept occurs at the traction wheel axle with an average value only of 40 of a yield stress, deflection value occurs in the vertical and lateral axis is less than 1 mm.The selected alternative model is a concept 2, this alternative model has a main frame shape resembling the number 8 , with the placement model of stabilizing wheels mounted parallel to the steering wheels. The design model is then recommended to be used and further developed by optimizing the dimensions of the frame and a decrease in weight."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Yulia
"Latar Belakang: Tingginya tingkat kelelahan, belum optimalnya kepuasan kerja dan kualitas hidup berhubungan dengan sejumlah cedera dan risiko cedera perawat di rumah sakit. Tujuan: Uuntuk menguji efektifitas model Pencegahan Risiko Cedera Perawat terhadap tingkat kelelahan, kepuasan kerja dan kualitas hidup perawat di rumah sakit. Metode: Desain uji efektifitas menggunakan quasi eksperiment pre-post test design with control group terhadap 125 perawat dengan analisis t-test. Keseluruhan tahap penelitian menggunakan desain Multiphase Mixed Methods Research mencakup tahap eksplorasi untuk pengembangan model terhadap 21 partisipan (kualitatif) dan 176 partisipan (kuantitatif); tahap pengembangan dengan konsultasi pakar, analisis komponen model dengan Confirmatory Factor Analysis terhadap 324 partisipan dan uji keterbacaan; serta tahap uji efektifitas. Hasil: Model Pencegahan Risiko Cedera Perawat terdiri dari sumber dukungan, upaya pencegahan dan proteksi diri perawat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Model Pencegahan Risiko Cedera Perawat efektif menurunkan tingkat kelelahan dan meningkatkan kepuasan kerja perawat, sedangkan terhadap kualitas hidup tidak ditemukan pengaruh yang siginifikan. Tingkat kelelahan perawat dan kepuasan perawat secara bersama – sama berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hidup perawat. Kesimpulan: Pengambil kebijakan perlu menjadikan Model Pencegahan Risiko Cedera sebagai standar strategi intervensi terkait K3 perawat dan rumah sakit perlu melakukan program berkelanjutan untuk mitigasi risiko cedera perawat mengacu pada model yang telah diuji efektifitasnya.

Background: High fatigue levels, suboptimal job satisfaction, and quality of life are associated with a number of injuries and the risk of injury to nurses in hospitals. Aim: This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the Risk Injury Prevention Model in the levels of fatigue, job satisfaction, and quality of life for nurses in hospitals. Methods: The design of the effectiveness test used a quasi-experimental pre-post test design with a control group on 125 nurses using a t-test analysis. All stages of the research used a Multiphase Mixed Methods Research design including an exploratory stage for developing a model for 21 participants (qualitative) and 176 participants (quantitative); development stage with expert consultation, analysis of model components with Confirmatory Factor Analysis of 324 participants and readability test; as well as the effectiveness test stage. Result: The Risk Injury Prevention Model consisted of the sources of support, prevention efforts, and self-protection among the nurses. The results showed that the Risk Injury Prevention Model was effective in reducing the fatigue levels and improving the nurses’ job satisfaction while it had no significant effects on the quality of life. The levels of fatigue and job satisfaction simultaneously affected the nurses’ quality of life. Conclusion: Policy makers are recommended to make the Risk Injury Prevention Model as a standard intervention strategy related to the occupational safety and health (OSH) of nurses, and hospitals need to carry out a sustainable program to mitigate the risk of injury among nurses by referring to the model that has been tested for its effectiveness."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratiwi Andiningsari
"Tingginya persaingan antar perusahaan jasa angkutan travel dengan trayek Jakarta-Bandung, berdampak pada kurangnya perhatian perusahaan pada kondisi stamina pengemudi travel. Apabila kondisi ini terus bekerlanjutan akan menimbulkan kelelahan kerja. Berdasarkan fakta yang berkembang, kelelahan yang terjadi pada pengemudi dikarenakan pengemudi kerap bekerja diatas jam kerja yang seharusnya dan tidak mendapat penghasilan yang tetap. Untuk itu melalui penelitian ini penulis bermaksud untuk melihat terjadinya kelelahan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya pada salah satu perusahaan penyedia jasa angkutan travel yang ada di Jakarta dengan trayek menuju Bandung yaitu PT Batara Titian Kencana (X-Trans). Variabel yang diteliti, diantaranya dari faktor Internal (usia, IMT, kondisi fisik, dan masa kerja), Faktor eksternal (durasi mengemudi dan shift kerja), dan gejala-gejala kelelahan yang diukur berdasarkan Subjective Symptom Test (SST). Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif observasional dan menggunakan desain penelitian Cross-Sectional (potong lintang). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas pengemudi X-Trans Jakarta, Tanggerang, dan Bekasi hanya mengalami kelelahan ringan dan hanya faktor kondisi fisik (kesehatan) dan masa kerja yang terdapat perbedaan proporsi dengan terjadinya kelelahan pada pengemudi travel X-Trans Jakarta tahun 2009.

The high competition among the transportation services Travel Company?s route from Jakarta to Bandung, made a lack of impact on the company's attention on the condition of drivers travel stamina. If this condition continues can made fatigue work. Based on the fact, fatigue that occurs because of drivers often work over work hours and that should not get a fixed income. Therefore, it is through this research the author intends to see the occurrence of fatigue and the factors that influence on one of the largest travel service providers who have transport in Jakarta, Bandung route towards the PT Batara Titian Kencana (X-Trans). Variables examined, including the Internal factors (age, BMI, physical condition, and the period of work), external factors (the duration of driving and shift work), and symptoms of fatigue are measured based on the subjective Symptom Test (SST). This research is quantitative observational and research design using a Cross-Sectional. Results of a research show the majority of drivers X-Trans Jakarta, Tanggerang, Bekasi, and only a mild reaction condition and the only physical factors (health) and the work that there are differences in proportion with the occurrence of fatigue on drivers travel X-Trans Jakarta in 2009."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Megan Roos Febransyah
Fatigue pada pekerja merupakan sebuah risiko yang dapat timbul apabila suatu
pekerjaan dituntut untuk menggunakan tenaga fisik dan pikiran mental yang
berlebihan serta dituntut untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan dalam waktu yang terbatas
tanpa adanya waktu istirahat yang optimal. Fatigue merupakan risiko utama dari
pekerja shift seperti pada pekerja shift industri MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and
Overhaul) transportasi udara. Transportasi udara dituntut beroperasi selama 24/7 dan
memiliki kewajiban untuk memenuhi standar kelaikudaraan. Salah satu industri MRO
adalah Perusahaan ?X?. Bekerja dalam sistem shift menjadi sumber risiko fatigue bagi
pekerjanya karena bekerja bertentangan dengan irama sirkadian tubuh, oleh karena
itu dibutuhkan penilaian keluhan fatigue pada pekerjanya sebagai langkah awal
program fatigue management. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko
keluhan fatigue pada pekerja shift dan merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan
menggunakan disain studi cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan
Oktober-Desember 2015, di bagian Domestic & International Line Maintenance
Perusahaan ?X?, dengan sampel penelitian sebesar 105 responden. Hasil
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara shift kerja (p=0,002),
kerja lembur (0,005), kuantitas tidur (p=0,048), dan commuting time (p=0,042)
dengan keluhan fatigue.
Fatigue among workers is a risk that can arise when a job is required to use execessive
physical and mental force to complete the work within a limited time without optimal
amount of rests. Fatigue is a risk that commonly occurs for shift workers, including
shift workers in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry for aircrafts
including commercial airlines. Air transportation operates for 24/7 dan has an
obligation to fulfill the standards of aircraft airworthiness. In doing so, one of the MRO
industry, Company ?X? develop a system of shift workers with standardized skills to
operate 24/7 for the sake of upholding the airworthiness of aircrafts and adjusting to
the flight schedules. Working in shifts is a risk to the workers, especially the risk of
being fatigue, because working in shifts forces them to work against their natural body
clock. In order to start the development of fatigue management program in Company
?X?, it is needed to assess the subjective feelings toward fatigue as a starting point.
This quantitative research is conducted to determine work related and non work related
factors toward the subjective feelings of fatigue with a cross sectional study design.
This research was done in October?December 2015 in the Domestic and International
Line Maintenance of Company ?X? with a total sample of 105 respondents. Results
showed that there is a correlation between work shifts (p=0,002), excessive working
hours (p=0,005), quantity of sleep (p=0,048), and commuting time (0,042) with
subjective feelings toward fatigue.;Fatigue among workers is a risk that can arise when a job is required to use execessive
physical and mental force to complete the work within a limited time without optimal
amount of rests. Fatigue is a risk that commonly occurs for shift workers, including
shift workers in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry for aircrafts
including commercial airlines. Air transportation operates for 24/7 dan has an
obligation to fulfill the standards of aircraft airworthiness. In doing so, one of the MRO
industry, Company ?X? develop a system of shift workers with standardized skills to
operate 24/7 for the sake of upholding the airworthiness of aircrafts and adjusting to
the flight schedules. Working in shifts is a risk to the workers, especially the risk of
being fatigue, because working in shifts forces them to work against their natural body
clock. In order to start the development of fatigue management program in Company
?X?, it is needed to assess the subjective feelings toward fatigue as a starting point.
This quantitative research is conducted to determine work related and non work related
factors toward the subjective feelings of fatigue with a cross sectional study design.
This research was done in October?December 2015 in the Domestic and International
Line Maintenance of Company ?X? with a total sample of 105 respondents. Results
showed that there is a correlation between work shifts (p=0,002), excessive working
hours (p=0,005), quantity of sleep (p=0,048), and commuting time (0,042) with
subjective feelings toward fatigue.;Fatigue among workers is a risk that can arise when a job is required to use execessive
physical and mental force to complete the work within a limited time without optimal
amount of rests. Fatigue is a risk that commonly occurs for shift workers, including
shift workers in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry for aircrafts
including commercial airlines. Air transportation operates for 24/7 dan has an
obligation to fulfill the standards of aircraft airworthiness. In doing so, one of the MRO
industry, Company ?X? develop a system of shift workers with standardized skills to
operate 24/7 for the sake of upholding the airworthiness of aircrafts and adjusting to
the flight schedules. Working in shifts is a risk to the workers, especially the risk of
being fatigue, because working in shifts forces them to work against their natural body
clock. In order to start the development of fatigue management program in Company
?X?, it is needed to assess the subjective feelings toward fatigue as a starting point.
This quantitative research is conducted to determine work related and non work related
factors toward the subjective feelings of fatigue with a cross sectional study design.
This research was done in October?December 2015 in the Domestic and International
Line Maintenance of Company ?X? with a total sample of 105 respondents. Results
showed that there is a correlation between work shifts (p=0,002), excessive working
hours (p=0,005), quantity of sleep (p=0,048), and commuting time (0,042) with
subjective feelings toward fatigue., Fatigue among workers is a risk that can arise when a job is required to use execessive
physical and mental force to complete the work within a limited time without optimal
amount of rests. Fatigue is a risk that commonly occurs for shift workers, including
shift workers in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) industry for aircrafts
including commercial airlines. Air transportation operates for 24/7 dan has an
obligation to fulfill the standards of aircraft airworthiness. In doing so, one of the MRO
industry, Company ‘X’ develop a system of shift workers with standardized skills to
operate 24/7 for the sake of upholding the airworthiness of aircrafts and adjusting to
the flight schedules. Working in shifts is a risk to the workers, especially the risk of
being fatigue, because working in shifts forces them to work against their natural body
clock. In order to start the development of fatigue management program in Company
‘X’, it is needed to assess the subjective feelings toward fatigue as a starting point.
This quantitative research is conducted to determine work related and non work related
factors toward the subjective feelings of fatigue with a cross sectional study design.
This research was done in October—December 2015 in the Domestic and International
Line Maintenance of Company ‘X’ with a total sample of 105 respondents. Results
showed that there is a correlation between work shifts (p=0,002), excessive working
hours (p=0,005), quantity of sleep (p=0,048), and commuting time (0,042) with
subjective feelings toward fatigue.]"
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lenni Dhamayanti
"Latar belakang :
Melihat belum adanya parameter yang spesifik untak pengakuran kelelahan umum pekerja serta sedikitnya penelitian yang telah dilakukan. Sehingga perlu dilakukan suatu studi yang hertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan terhadap timbulnya kelelahan umum dengan menggunakan parameter waktu reaksi L77 Lakassidaya secara objektif dan perasaan kelelahan secara subjektif dengan menggunakan Kuesioner Alat Ukur Perasaan Kelelahan Kerja (KAUPK,).
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectionaL Pengumpulan data dilakukan bulan Februari 2009 pada total populasi pekerja laki-laki sebuah call center bagian inbound jasa layanan C PT X Jakarta dari data primer dan data sekunder.
Hasil :
Dari 131 pekerja yang memenuhi persyaratan didapat prevalensi kelelahan mnum adalab 34 orang pekerja (25,9%) dan prevalensi perasaan kelelahan adalah 126 orang pekerja (96,2%). Secara statistik tidak ditemukan hubungau yang bermakna antara penyelesaian panggilan dengan kelelahan umum (OIMJ,79, 95o/.C/=0,3l-2,02) dan perasaan kelelahan (KS value= 1.000). Yang mendekati kemaknaan adalah faktor pencahayaan (OR= 2,26, 95o%CI=0,84-6,08), pelatihan sebelmn bekerja (OR l,80, 95%CI=0,&0-4,05) dan kebiasaan merokok (OR=0,47 95%Cl=0,21-l,06)

Background :
Specific parameter to measure general fatigue of workers has not been established yet and there were only few researches has been conducted. Thus, it is necessary to conduct a research to measure the prevalence and its factor related to general fatigue using reaction time L77 Lakassidaya objectively and fatique feeling using KAUPK, subjectively.
This study uses Gross sectional design. Data collection is performed at Call Center at lnbound Department ofC services at PT X Jakarta in February 2009. Sample is taken from total population of male worker at call center. Data collection is performed using primary and secondary data.
From 131 male workers of which comply with criteria, prevalence of general fatigue is 34 worker (25,9%), prevalence of fatigue feeling is 126 workers (96,2%). Statistically there is no significant relation between call handling accomplishment with general fatigue (OR=0.79. 95%CI=0.31-2.02) and fatigue feeling (KS value=1.000). Close factor are lighting (OR=2,26, 95%CI =0,84-6,08), pre-work training (OR=1,80 95%Cl=0,80-4,05) and smoking habit (OR=0,47 95%Cl=0,21-1,06).
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Olivia Yolanda
"Bus merupakan sarana transportasi publik yang masih menjadi pilihan masyarakat luas untuk menempuh perjalanan jarak dekat maupun jarak jauh karena biayanya yang relatif lebih murah. Kondisi pengemudi berperan penting dalam penyediaan pelayanan kebutuhan masyarakat akan transportasi ini. Pengemudi yang mengalami kelelahan dan tidak diatasi maka akan meningkatkan risiko terjadinya kecelakaan. Oleh karena itu, survei ini bertujuan untuk melihat kelelahan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya yang mungkin terjadi pada pengemudi Bus Antar Kota Antar Propinsi (AKAP) Jurusan Jakarta-Solo. Variabel yang diteliti diantaranya faktor internal pengemudi (usia, jenis, IMT, kondisi fisik, masa kerja, waktu tidur) dan faktor eksternal pengemudi (durasi mengemudi, waktu kerja dan jadwal kerja). Kelelahan diukur menggunakan kuesioner berdasarkan gejala kelelahan subjektif.
Hasil survei menunjukkan sebagian besar pengemudi mengalami kelelahan ringan dan hanya sebagian kecil yang mengalami kelelahan sedang dengan durasi mengemudi dan kurangnya waktu tidur sebagai faktor yang berhubungan terhadap terjadinya kelelahan pengemudi Bus Antar Kota Antar Propinsi (AKAP) Jurusan Jakarta-Solo.

Bus is still the popular choice of mass public transport for common people to travel in short or long distance, because the fare is relatively cheap. And the driver's condition plays important role in the presentation of this mass public transportation service. The unrested fatigue will increase the possibility of accident to occur, therefore this survey dedicated to review this fatigue and the all the influencing factor that will likely to happen and affect the driver of City bus between Jakarta and solo.The variable that will be reviewed is the driver's internal factor (age, types of imt, physical condition, years of work, sleep time) and the drivers external factor (driving duration, work hour and work schedulle) fatigue is measured with a questionaire based on subjective fatigue symptoms.
The survey results shows that most drivers only suffer minor fatigue and only a few suffer medium fatigue with drivings duration and lack of rest time as the influencing factor of this fatigue to affect the jakarta-solo bus driver.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Innes Marinda
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan proporsi kelelahan fisik pada pekerja PT. X. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei-Juni 2015 di PT. X. Data diperoleh melalui pengisian kuesioner yang diisi secara mandiri, pengukuran antropometri, dan 24H food record dengan jumlah sampel 126 responden. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-square untuk melihat perbedaan proporsi antara variabel independen dengan variabel dependen.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan proporsi antara asupan protein (P value =0,049), konsumsi air putih (P value=0,022), dan status merokok (P value=0,027) dengan kelelahan fisik. Sebaiknya perusahaan menyediakan botol untuk menampung urin, sehingga pekerja dapat mengukur warna urin dan mengetahui kecukupan konsumsi air putih selama bekerja.

This study aims to describe the proportional difference between fatigue, physical fatigue of worker in PT. X. This study is a quantitative study using cross-sectional study design. The data were collected in May-June 2015. The data were collected by using self-administered questionnaire, anthropometric measurement, and 24H food record involving 126 respondents. The data were analyzed using Chi-square test to describe the proportion difference between the independent variables and the dependent variables.
The result shows that t there are proportional differences between protein intake (P value=0,049), mineral water consumption (P value=0,022), smoking status (P value=0,027), and physical fatigue. The company is suggested to be more concerned regarding the menu in the canteen. Furthermore, the worker are suggested to be more active like increase their exercise frequency and routine by using the facilities in the company. The company should provide a bottle to accommodate the urine , so that workers can measure the color of the urine and aware of the sufficiency of white water consumption during work.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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