Riwayat merokok pada calon pengantin merupakan hal penting yang perlu dikaji dalam masa prakonsepsi untuk mendapatkan kehamilan dan keturunan yg sehat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi gambaran riwayat merokok pada calon pengantin. Penelitian deskriptif ini melibatkan 361 responden yang ditentukan dengan teknik convenience sampling. Riwayat merokok dinilai dengan kuesioner Global Adults Tobbaco Survey (GATS) tahun 2014 dan telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Data dianalisis secara univariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 53,5% perokok pasif, 37,4% perokok aktif dan 9,1% mantan perokok. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi data dan masukan bagi pengembangan pelayanan Program Calon Pengantin khususnya di DKI Jakarta untuk mengkaji riwayat/ perilaku merokok sebagai bagian dalam pemeriksaan kesehatan dan konseling calon pengantin.
Smoking history of the prospective bride and groom is one of the important things to be assessed during preconception order to get a healthy pregnancy and generation. This study aimed to identify the history of smoking among the prospective bride and groom. This descriptive study involved 361 respondents who were selected through convenience sampling technique. The data regarding to smoking history was collected with the Global Adults Tobbaco Survey (GATS) questionnaire 2014. Data were analyzed by univariate analysis. The results found there were 53.5% of passive smokers, 37.4% of active smokers, and 9.1% of former smokers among the respondents. The results of this study can become a basis data for the development of the Prospective Bride and Groom Health Intervention, especially in DKI Jakarta, to analyze the history of smoking as well as its behavior as part of the health examination and counseling for prospects in general.