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Amalia Wardhani
Batas-batas perdagangan negara-negara telah secara signifikan dikaburkan oleh globalisasi. Sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mengintegrasikannya, ASEAN dibentuk untuk mendorong ekonomi keberlanjutan masing-masing anggota. Namun, fasilitas perdagangan yang terdiri dari fasilitas keras dan lunak berperan besar dalam hal ini. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh fasilitas perdagangan terhadap kinerja ekspor yang berasal dari indikator baru untuk negara-negara ASEAN pada tahun 2008-2014. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Fixed Effect Methods dengan indikator fasilitas perdagangan antara lain Technological Readiness, Border and Transport Efficiency dan Business Environment. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa fasilitas perdagangan mempengaruhi kinerja ekspor dengan Technoloical Readiness memberikan pengaruh yang paling signifikan, dan diikuti oleh Business Environment kemudian Border and Transport Efficiency. Secara keseluruhan, fasilitas perdagangan memiliki peran penting dalam mengintensifkan kualitas dan kuantitas ekspor suatu negara, terutama bagi negara berkembang, karena menentukan biaya perdagangan yang juga mempengaruhi efektivitas dan efisiensi perdagangan.

Nations trading boundaries have been significantly blurred by the globalization. As one of the attempts in integrating it, ASEAN was formed to drive each members sustainability economy. However, trade facilitation which consists of both hard and soft facilitation plays major role in succeeding this. Therefore, this research analyze the effect of trade facilitation in export performance derived from new indicator for ASEAN countries in 2008 2014. The method used in this research is Fixed Effect Methods with indicator divided into two groups, hard infrastructure and soft infrastructure. While the hard infrastructure is consist of Technological Readiness, soft infrastructure is divided into Border and Transport Efficiency and Business Environment. The result shows that trade facilitation affects the export performance with Technological Readiness gives the most significant rise, and it is sequentially followed by Business Environment then Border and Transport Efficiency. All in all, trade facilitation has important role in intensifying the quality and quantity of a nation export, especially for developing countries, since it determines the trading charged fee which also affects the effectiveness and efficiency of the trading as well."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinando Aidil Fitrio
"This study analyzes free trade area on export and import in ASEAN countries. Free Trade is important stage in increasing countrys exports and imports. One form of free trade is ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) which established in 1992 and has 10 member countries. In contrast, there are previous studies that state free trade can also have negative impacts on trade between countries. This study tries to analyze the relationship of AFTA on exports and imports of its member countries using data from World Bank period 1985 to 2015. The analysis uses random effect and dynamic panel model based on Arellano-Bond model. As result, there are positive and significant effects of AFTA to exports and imports of ASEAN Member States.

Tesis ini menganalisis kawasan perdagangan bebas terhadap ekspor dan impor di negara-negara ASEAN. Perdagangan Bebas adalah tahap penting dalam meningkatkan ekspor dan impor suatu negara. Salah satu bentuk perdagangan bebas adalah kawasan perdagangan bebas ASEAN yang didirikan pada tahun 1992 dan memiliki 10 negara anggota. Sebaliknya, ada penelitian sebelumnya yang menyatakan perdagangan bebas juga dapat berdampak negatif pada perdagangan antar negara. Studi ini mencoba untuk menganalisis hubungan ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) pada ekspor dan impor negara-negara anggotanya menggunakan data dari World Bank periode 1985 hingga 2015. Analisa dilakukan menggunakan efek acak dan model panel dinamis berdasarkan model Arellano-Bond. Terdapat efek positif dan signifikan AFTA terhadap ekspor dan impor Negara-negara Anggota ASEAN.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ammi Ardiyanti
"Perjanjian perdagangan regional telah mencakup lebih dari setengah dariperdagangan internasional di seluruh dunia sejak di awal 1990-an. ASEAN FreeTrade Area (AFTA) didirikan untuk meningkatkan daya saing ekonomi regional. Peningkatan ekspor telah menjadi salah satu prioritas utama dalam timbulnya perdagangan internasional sebagai kekuatan pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi.Sebagai akibat dari krisis keuangan global adalah hal yang penting bagi negaranegaraanggota untuk meningkatkan hubungan perdagangan internasional melalui perjanjian perdagangan bebas untuk meningkatkan sistem produksi regional. Perjanjian perdagangan bebas meningkatkan perdagangan barang secara efisien bersumber antara negara-negara anggota dan menyebabkan terciptanya transaksi perdagangan yang meningkatkan kesejahteraan. Untuk menganalisis dampak AFTA pada kinerja ekspor negara-negara anggota, penelitian ini mengembangkan model gravitasi dasar untuk melakukan analisis data cross sectional yang melibatkan enam puluh negara, baik anggota dan non-anggota AFTA, untuk periode tahun 1991,2001, dan 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah AFTA mulai berlaku, terdapat efek positif pada kinerja ekspor negara-negara anggota.

Regional trade agreements have covered more than half of international trade throughout the world since in the beginning 1990?s. The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) was established to improve regional economic competitiveness. Encouraging export has been one of the main priorities within the opening-up to international trade as the driving force for economic growth. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, it is important for the member countries to enhance international trade relations through free trade agreements to improve regional production systems. Free trade agreements enhance the trade of goods efficiently sourced between member countries and lead to trade creation that improves welfare. In order to analyze the impact of AFTA on member countries? export performance, this paper develops a basic gravity model to perform cross sectional data analysis involving sixty countries, both members and non-members of AFTA, for the periods of 1991, 2001, and 2012. The main finding of this study is that after AFTA came into force, there was a positive effect on the member countries? export performance.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amir Muhajir
"Krisis ekonomi global yang dialami negara-negara maju telah menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi negara-negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara (ASEAN) yang notabennya mayoritas merupakan negara berkembang, dimana negara-negara ASEAN ini mengekspor sebagian besar komoditasnya ke negara maju. Diversifikasi ekspor dianggap menjadi strategi yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kinerja ekspor negara-negara ASEAN tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh strategi diversifikasi pasar dan produk ekspor dalam meningkatkan kinerja ekspor negara-negara ASEAN tersebut selama perode 1991-2012 dengan menggunakan metode estimasi fixed effect model (FEM). Hasil penelitiannya menunjukkan bahwa diversifikasi pasar dan produk ekspor berpengaruh positif dan signifikan dalam meningkatkan kinerja ekspor. Variabel kontrol yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini seperti GDP, infrastruktur, populasi, dan dummy crisis juga ditemukan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja ekspor.

The global economic crisis has resulted in negative effect in ASEAN countries due to the fact that some of their major export destinations are the ones who heavily affected by the crisis. Export diversification is often perceived as the proper strategy for the ASEAN countries to counter this situation and stabilize the export income. This research aims to identify the effect of product and market export diversification in improving the export performance of the ASEAN countries during the period 1991-2012. Using the fixed effect model (FEM) estimation, the results showed that both market and product diversification have positive and significant effect in improving ASEAN members' export performance. Other findings are that all supporting variables namely GDP, infrastructure, population and crisis dummy are also having positive and significant effect."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinova Fauri
"[Kinerja pelabuhan menjadi salah satu unsur yang penting dalam dunia
perdagangan internasional mengingat sebagian besar perdagangan melalui jalur
laut. Maka dari itu diperlukan efisiensi dalam pelayanan kinerja kepelabuhanan
untuk nantinya bisa mengurangi biaya ekonomi yang tinggi dari mulai waktu
tunggu kapal, hingga proses kepabeanan barang. Dengan menggunakan analisis
regresi 2SLS, penulis mendapatkan bagaimana penurunan rata-rata persentase
yard to occupancy ratio sebesar 10% secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan
ekspor sebesar 0.34%. Peningkatan efisiensi kegiatan bongkar muat di dermaga
sebesar 10% juga secara signifikan dapat meningkatkan ekspor sebesar 1.17%.;Port performance has been a key role for international trade due to high
significant share for goods transported in sea. For that reason, efficiency needed
necessarily for port performance and services that hopefully later could reduce
high economic cost that consist of waiting time until custom process. With 2SLS
method of analysis, the writer found that reducing yard to occupancy ratio by 10%
on average, could significantly increase the export by 0.34%. Moreover,
increasing effective time for loading/unloading at dock could also bring higher
export by 1.17%.;Port performance has been a key role for international trade due to high
significant share for goods transported in sea. For that reason, efficiency needed
necessarily for port performance and services that hopefully later could reduce
high economic cost that consist of waiting time until custom process. With 2SLS
method of analysis, the writer found that reducing yard to occupancy ratio by 10%
on average, could significantly increase the export by 0.34%. Moreover,
increasing effective time for loading/unloading at dock could also bring higher
export by 1.17%., Port performance has been a key role for international trade due to high
significant share for goods transported in sea. For that reason, efficiency needed
necessarily for port performance and services that hopefully later could reduce
high economic cost that consist of waiting time until custom process. With 2SLS
method of analysis, the writer found that reducing yard to occupancy ratio by 10%
on average, could significantly increase the export by 0.34%. Moreover,
increasing effective time for loading/unloading at dock could also bring higher
export by 1.17%.]"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winda Ismaharli
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh fasilitasi perdagangan terhadap ekspor Indonesia dengan Intra ASEAN dengan menggunakan 2 (dua) indikator fasilitasi perdagangan yaitu lingkungan peraturan dan infrastruktur sektor jasa. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan data panel dari 6 (enam) Negara Anggota ASEAN (Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Filipina Singapura, dan Thailand) periode 2006-2015 dan diestimasi dengan Fixed Effect Model. Hasil empiris menunjukkan bahwa infrastruktur sektor jasa berpengaruh positif dan signifikan dalam meningkatkan ekspor Indonesia dengan Intra ASEAN dan lingkungan peraturan tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Faktor lain yang meningkatkan ekspor Indonesia secara signifikan adalah GDP Indonesia dan dummy ATIGA, sementara populasi Indonesia, GDP Negara Anggota ASEAN, dan tarif, berdampak menurunkan ekspor Indonesia.

This study aimed to analyze the effect of trade facilitation on Indonesian exports performance to Intra ASEAN by using 2 (two) indicators of trade facilitation which are regulatory environment and services sector infrastructure. Analyses were performed using panel data from six (6) ASEAN Member States (Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Philippines Singapore, and Thailand) during the period of 2006-2015 and estimated by Fixed Effect Model. The empirical results show that infrastructure services are affecting positively and significantly in improving Indonesia's exports to the Intra ASEAN and the regulatory environment does not have substantial impact. Another factor that increases Indonesia?s export significantly is Indonesia's GDP and dummy ATIGA, meanwhile, population of Indonesia, GDP of the ASEAN Member States and tariff are the factors that reducing Indonesia?s export."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salma Yusrina Surjaatmadja
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh dari intellectual capital terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan teknologi di empat negara Associations of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan model Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™) dari Pulic (1998 dan 2004). Di dalam penelitian ini, baik pengaruh VAIC™ maupun unsur-unsur pembentuknya yaitu aset fisik, human capital, dan structural capital terhadap variabel kinerja keuangan perusahaan berdasarkan nilai buku (dengan proksi Net Profit Margin, Return of Assets, dan Return of Equity), dan secara pasar (dengan proksi Market to Book Value). Adapun sampel penelitian menggunakan data 127 perusahaan teknologi di Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia dan Thailand. Perusahaan teknologi yang dimaksudkan adalah perusahaan yang bergerak pada subsektor financial technology, software & Information Technology, dan technology equipment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dari structural capital dan aset fisik terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan berdasarkan nilai buku. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan terkait dampak intellectual capital berikut dengan ketiga unsur pembentuknya di antara empat negara ASEAN yang diteliti.

This study aims to examine the effect of intellectual capital on the financial performance of technology companies in the four Associations of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. This research uses a quantitative approach using the Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™️) model from Pulic (1998, 2004). In this study, both the influence of VAIC™️ and its constituent elements, namely physical assets, human capital, and structural capital on the company's financial performance variables based on book value (with Net Profit Margin, Return of Assets, and Return of Equity as proxies), and market value (with Market to Book Value as the proxy). The research sample uses data from 127 technology companies in Indonesia, Singapura, Malaysia and Thailand. The technology companies refer to companies engaged in the financial technology, software & Information Technology, and technology equipment sub-sectors. The results of the study show that the structural capital and physical assets affect the company's financial performance based on book value. This study also shows that there are significant differences on the impact of intellectual capital and its three constituent elements amongst the four ASEAN countries that are studied"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penerapan ACFTA terhadap ekspor Indonesia sub sektor pertambangan, pertanian, dan industri ke negara-negara ASEAN dan China. Penelitian ini melengkapi penelitian sebelumnya mengenai ACFTA. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data ekspor Indonesia sub sektor pertambangan, pertanian, dan industri ke negara-negara ASEAN dan China selama 15 tahun dari tahun 2000 sampai dengan tahun 2014. Pengujian dilakukan dengan model data panel fixed effect.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ACFTA meningkatkan ekspor Indonesia sub sektor pertanian ke negara-negara ASEAN dan China. Namun, tidak berpengaruh terhadap ekspor pertambangan dan industri. Variabel pendapatan dan produksi berpengaruh positif terhadap ekspor Indonesia sub sektor pertambangan, pertanian, dan industri. Variabel harga hanya berpengaruh terhadap ekspor sub sektor industri.

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of ACFTA on Indonesia 39 s export of mining, agriculture, and industry to the ASEAN countries and China. This study complements previous research regarding the ACFTA. The data used in this research is Indonesian export data mining, agriculture, and industry sub sector to the ASEAN countries and China for 15 years from 2000 until 2014. The tests were conducted with fixed effect panel data model.
The results of this study indicate that ACFTA increase Indonesian exports agricultural sub sector to the ASEAN countries and China. However, no effect on export of mining and industry. Income and production have positive effect on export of mining, agriculture, and industry. Variable prices only affect export of industry sub sector.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Rangga Yogatama
"Penetapan Piagam OKI yang baru dalam KTT OKI ke sebelas di Dakkar, 2008, menjadi momentum bagi negara-negara OKI untuk memperkuat demokrasi dan kelembagaan dalam rangka mendorong kerjasama ekonomi dan perdagangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeskplorasi peran demokrasi dan kepemerintahan dalam meningkatkan ekspor Indonesia ke negara-negara OKI selama periode 1998-2012 dengan menggunakan augmented gravity model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa demokrasi dan kepemerintahan Indonesia, serta kepemerintahan negara-negara OKI sebagai tujuan ekspor Indonesia berpengaruh positif dan signifikan dalam meningkatkan ekspor Indonesia ke negara-negara OKI. Sebaliknya, demokrasi di negara-negara OKI berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan. Negara-negara OKI berpendapatan rendah cenderung mengimplementasikan kebijakan perdagangan yang lebih tertutup.

The enforcement of new OIC Charter at the 11th OIC Summit in Dakar, 2008, has become a momentum for OIC member states to reassert the importance of democracy and institutional reform in promoting economic and trade cooperation among its members. This study aims to explore the role of democracy and governance on the enhancement of Indonesian export to OIC countries during the period 1998-2012 by using augmented gravity model. The results showed that both democracy and governance in Indonesia have positive and significant effect in enhancing Indonesian export to OIC countries. The similar result is also found in the governance of OIC countries. On the other hand, democracy in OIC countries are having negative and significant effect on the same matter. Low-income OIC countries have a tendency to implement a more closed trade policy.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Viny Pricilia
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh non interest income terhadap kinerja sektor perbankan di negara-negara ASEAN 5 dengan proksi Return of Assets (ROA) dan juga Return of Equity (ROE). Teknik estimasi penelitian menggunakan fixed effect model. Dengan menggunakan sampel 68 bank listed di bursa-bursa negara anggota ASEAN 5, yaitu Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX), Bursa Malaysia (KLSE), Singapore Exchange (SGX), Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), dan Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) pada periode 2008-2012, penulis menemukan bahwa kenaikan pada non interest income memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap kinerja sektor perbankan. Hal ini dikarenakan bank yang lebih fokus dengan non interest income justru membuat competitive performance dalam persaingan pasar kredit antar banknya melemah.

This research aims to examine how an increase in non interest income affects a bank’s performance which is reflected in its Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). Using 68 banks listed in ASEAN 5 countries’ stock exchanges which are Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX), Bursa Malaysia (KLSE), Singapore Exchange (SGX), Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), and Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) for 2008-2012 as samples, it was discovered that an increase in non interest income negatively affects bank performance. Bank with a higher non interest income tends to be too focused in increasing its non interest income. Therefore, its competitive performance in credit market competition, which is its main source of revenues, weakens.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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