"Bajonese is a malay culture based community which lives in group and spread on many costal and rural areas in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. They are known as sea people or Sea ethnic in West Malaysia and Bajaunese in East Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam and Philippine. Despite the naming difference; depending on where they live geographically, they have a common culture particularly concerning knowledge inheritance process, values, and skill to preserve the community through perpetuating oral tradition iko-iko, nauya, and pantun. Some studies found that the bajonese is originally from Melaka strait and then scattered in various Malay archipelago (Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunai Darussalam and Philippine) as a result of the arrival of the Portuguese imperialism in the year of the seizing of Malacca 151 1. As one the core communities
in Melaka Kingdom, the Bajonese fought against the Portuguese Imperialism. Even after the kingdom were surrounded, they canied on fighting around the coastal areas. Settlement patterns that are semi nomadic as traditional fishermen, resulting in a development of original learning system. One of the teaching media used is iko-iko (heroism story). It is an endangered tradition as only elderly who are over 50 years old who can tell the stories. Iko-iko literature tradition plays an important role to convey messages of moral and spirit of fighting which is narrated orally for generations. The story is about heroism which is sung during voyage and as lullaby. The characteristic of iko iko is its systematic lyrics which reflects Malay literature. Therefore along with the spreading of bajonese in South East Asia, the Malay culture is also spread and become the unifier between Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The young generation is lack of interest in inheriting iko-iko with its various versions and stories. Thus, in order to preserve it, it is necessary to documented and transliterated it in the form of books and scientific articles"