ABSTRAKLembaga jaminan fidusia sudah sangat tua dan telah dikenal dalam hukum Romawi,
lembaga ini dikenal dengan fiduciare eigendom overdracht. Lembaga ini timbul
karena peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur gadai tidak dapat lagi
mengakomodasi kepentingan masyarakat.
Lembaga ini diakui oleh yurisprudensi Belanda tahun 1929. Dalam perkembangan
yurisprudensi Indonesia dijumpai keputusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia
tanggal 1 September 1971 yang isinya menyatakan bahwa hanya benda-benda yang
bergerak saja yang dapat dijadikan objek jaminan fidusia.
Melihat prospek perkembangan dari lembaga ini kemudia pada tahun 1999 secara
khusus dibuatlah Undang-Undang Nomor 42 tentang Jaminan Fidusia. Dalam
Undang-Undang ini tidak hanya benda bergerak saja yang dapat dijadikan jaminan
tetapi juga benda tak bergerak dengan perkecualian benda tersebut tidak dapat
dijadikan jaminan dengan menggunakan Hak Tanggungan. Hal ini sebenarnya untuk
mengantisipasi dari banyak orang yang mengalami kesulitan untuk mencari modal,
dikarenakan tidak semua orang mempunyai benda yang bisa dijaminkan dengan
lembaga jaminan yang lain selain fidusia.
ABSTRACTThe fiduciary warranty institutions already exist and has been known, in Rome
Imperial at first, this isntitution known as fiduciare eigendom overdracht. This
constitution came because of the constitution which role the forfeit cannot afford the
society needs again.
This isntitution already recognized in Netherlands jurisprudence in 1929. In their
prosperity specially in Indonesia, in high court of justice on September 1, 1971 that
only the movable things which can be the object of the fiduciary warrant.
Seeing the prospect fiduciary waranty institutions, in 1999 as specific arranfe in
number 42 constitution about fiducary warrant is not only arrange in movable things
as a warranty but also for immovables with an exception, that things can?t be able to
be guaranteed as using a task right. Actually to anticipated from many people which
have a problem to have a money capital. Because not every person have a things to
take a place as a guarantee thing in other place except the fiducias.;The fiduciary warranty institutions already exist and has been known, in Rome
Imperial at first, this isntitution known as fiduciare eigendom overdracht. This
constitution came because of the constitution which role the forfeit cannot afford the
society needs again.
This isntitution already recognized in Netherlands jurisprudence in 1929. In their
prosperity specially in Indonesia, in high court of justice on September 1, 1971 that
only the movable things which can be the object of the fiduciary warrant.
Seeing the prospect fiduciary waranty institutions, in 1999 as specific arranfe in
number 42 constitution about fiducary warrant is not only arrange in movable things
as a warranty but also for immovables with an exception, that things can?t be able to
be guaranteed as using a task right. Actually to anticipated from many people which
have a problem to have a money capital. Because not every person have a things to
take a place as a guarantee thing in other place except the fiducias.;The fiduciary warranty institutions already exist and has been known, in Rome
Imperial at first, this isntitution known as fiduciare eigendom overdracht. This
constitution came because of the constitution which role the forfeit cannot afford the
society needs again.
This isntitution already recognized in Netherlands jurisprudence in 1929. In their
prosperity specially in Indonesia, in high court of justice on September 1, 1971 that
only the movable things which can be the object of the fiduciary warrant.
Seeing the prospect fiduciary waranty institutions, in 1999 as specific arranfe in
number 42 constitution about fiducary warrant is not only arrange in movable things
as a warranty but also for immovables with an exception, that things can?t be able to
be guaranteed as using a task right. Actually to anticipated from many people which
have a problem to have a money capital. Because not every person have a things to
take a place as a guarantee thing in other place except the fiducias., The fiduciary warranty institutions already exist and has been known, in Rome
Imperial at first, this isntitution known as fiduciare eigendom overdracht. This
constitution came because of the constitution which role the forfeit cannot afford the
society needs again.
This isntitution already recognized in Netherlands jurisprudence in 1929. In their
prosperity specially in Indonesia, in high court of justice on September 1, 1971 that
only the movable things which can be the object of the fiduciary warrant.
Seeing the prospect fiduciary waranty institutions, in 1999 as specific arranfe in
number 42 constitution about fiducary warrant is not only arrange in movable things
as a warranty but also for immovables with an exception, that things can’t be able to
be guaranteed as using a task right. Actually to anticipated from many people which
have a problem to have a money capital. Because not every person have a things to
take a place as a guarantee thing in other place except the fiducias.]"