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Ditemukan 51053 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Haryani Primanti
"Studi pada upaya pemasaran terhadap kelompok konsumen subkultur minoritas saat ini belum banyak dikaji dalam penelitian akademis. Pada upaya pemasaran ini, terdapat risiko perusahaan kehilangan konsumen mayoritas, terutama jika kelompok subkultur yang dituju dipandang negatif oleh masyarakat. Cryptic marketing adalah suatu strategi komunikasi tersembunyi yang ditujukan untuk kelompok subkultur tertentu dengan menggunakan simbol atau tanda yang tersembunyi crypted untuk menghindari respon negatif dari kelompok konsumen lainnya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cryptic marketing terhadap brand attitude yang dibentuk oleh target market dan non-target market pada unfriendly market dan friendly market. Dengan metode eksperimen, peneliti menguji pengaruh tiga jenis cryptic ads, yaitu low cryptic ad, medium cryptic ad, dan high cryptic ad yang berbeda dalam tingkat cryptic pesan yang dimiliki terhadap brand attitude kaum gay sebagai target market dan kaum heteroseksual sebagai non-target market. Kaum gay sendiri terbagi menjadi 2 subkelompok, yaitu heterosexual-friendly dan heterosexual-intolerant. Kaum heteroseksual juga terbagi menjadi 2 subkelompok, yaitu gay-friendly dan gay-intolerant. Penelitian dilakukan pada dua konteks, yaitu Indonesia sebagai unfriendly market dan Belanda sebagai friendly market.Hasil studi yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa pada kedua konteks, implicit gay ads dan orientasi seksual memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap brand attitude. Semakin tinggi tingkat cryptic dalam iklan, semakin positif brand attitude yang dimiliki kelompok target market pada unfriendly dan friendly market. Hal yang sama tidak ditemui pada kelompok non-target market. Pada unfriendly market, tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada brand attitude partisipan yang diberikan stimulus berbeda. Pada friendly market, perbedaan hanya ditemukan pada kelompok gay-friendly dimana semakin rendah tingkat cryptic pesan, semakin positif brand attitude yang dimiliki partisipan. Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada brand attitude kelompok partisipan gay-intolerant. Penelitian ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pemasar dalam mempertimbangkan dampak brand attitude konsumen bilamana akan menggunakan cryptic marketing dalam upaya pemasaran terhadap kelompok subkultur dengan stigma negatif.

Marketing efforts toward minority consumer group within certain subculture has not yet been widely covered in recent marketing research. It is a very intriguing practice as there is a risk of losing consumers from the majority group, especially if the subculture group has negative stigma in the society. Cryptic marketing, is a discreet communication strategy that enables a marketer to communicate with certain subculture groups using crypted subculture symbols in order to avoid negative responses from other consumer groups. This study aims to determine the effect of cryptic marketing on brand attitude formed by target market and non target market in an unfriendly market and a friendly market. Using experiments, this study tested the effects of three types of cryptic ads which is low cryptic ad, medium cryptic ad, and high cryptic ad which differ in the level of cryptic of the messages on brand attitude formed by homosexual males as target market and heterosexual males as non target market. Homosexual participants was divided into two subgroups heterosexual friendly and heterosexual intolerant. Heterosexual participants was also divided into two subgroups gay friendly and gay intolerant. The study was conducted in Indonesia as an unfriendly market and the Netherlands as a friendly market.The result reveals that in unfriendly market and friendly market, implicit gay ads and sexual orientation have a significant influence on brand attitude. The higher the level of cryptic of the message, the more positive brand attitude possessed by homosexual participants in unfriendly and friendly market. The same was not found in the group of heterosexual participants. In an unfriendly market, there were no significant differences in brand attitude formed by participants who were given a different stimulus. In a friendly market, differences were found only among the gay friendly participants in which the lower the cryptic level of the message, the more positive brand attitude formed by the participants. There was no significant difference in brand attitude among gay intolerant participants. This research can be useful for marketers in considering the impact on brand attitude if cryptic marketing is to be used in a marketing efforts targeting the stigmatized subculture groups."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iman Ismail
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh digital marketing yang terdiri dari search engine advertising, content marketing, sosial media dan e-mail marketing terhadap attitude toward digital marketing dan purchase intention dan pengaruh moderasi dari brand awareness, tujuan berikutnya adalah mengetahui saluran digital marketing mana yang paling berpengaruh terhadap membangun sikap dan intensi pembelian konsumen. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner, kepada responden yang berada di Indonesia, memiliki usia minimal 17 tahun, pernah terekspos digital marketing dalam 2 bulan terakhir, dan memiliki sosial media yang aktif. Kuesioner disebar melalui Whatsapp, Instagram dan Line. Responden yang didapatkan sebanyak 253 dan yang lulus tahap screening sebanyak 242. Peneliti menggunakan Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) untuk mengalisis pengaruh peran digital marketing terhadap attitude toward digital marketing dan purchase intention dan peran moderasi dari brand awareness. Hasil penelitian ini adalah media sosial berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap attitude toward digital marketing dan purchase intention, e-mail marketing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap attitude toward digital marketing. Attitude toward digital marketing juga memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap purchase intention.

This research aims to determine the impact of digital marketing which consist of search engine advertising, content marketing, social media and e-mail marketing on attitude toward digital marketing and purchase intention and moderating effect of brand awareness, the next goal is to find out which digital channels marketing has the most influence on building consumer attitude and intention. Data was collected through a questionnaire, the responden who are in Indonesia, have a minimum age of 17 years old, have been exposed by digital marketing in the last 2 month, and have active social media. Questionnaires were distributed via Whatsapp, Instagram and Line. There were 253 responden obtained and only 242 who passed screening stage. Reaseacher use Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to analyze the influence of the role of digital marketing on attitude toward digital marketing and purchase intention and moderating role of brand awareness. The result of this study are that social media has positive and significant effect on attitude toward digital marketing and purchase intention, e-mail marketing has a positive and significant effect on attitude toward digital marketing. Attitude toward digital marketing also has a positive influence on purchase intention. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erlangga Rahadian Wibowo
"Penelitian ini membahas pengaruh dari Social Media Marketing Activities oleh suatu merek fesyen muslim (Duha Muslimwear) terhadap Attitude towards the Brand, Brand Experiences, dan Purchase Intention pada konsumen muslim. Peneliti melakukan pengambilan sampel data menggunakan self-administered questionnaire dan mendapatkan 504 responden. Ditemukan bahwa Social Media Marketing Activities oleh merek fesyen muslim mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap sikap konsumen terhadap merek dan Brand Experience. Brand Experience juga mampu mempengaruhi Attitude towards the Brand. Sementara itu, Purchase Intention dipengaruhi positif oleh Attitude towards the Brand. Attitude towards the Brand mempunyai peran sebagai mediasi penuh terhadap pengaruh Social Media Marketing Activities dan Brand Experience terhadap Purchase Intention. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa pengaruh Social Media Marketing Activities terhadap Brand Experiences lebih kuat pada grup umur muda dibandingkan dengan grup umur yang lebih tua. Pengaruh Social Media Marketing Activities terhadap Brand Experiences juga dapat menguat dengan adanya Customer Engagement dan Religiosity. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa Religiositas tidak menguatkan pengaruh Social Media Marketing Activities terhadap attitude seseorang terhadap merek dan purchase intention secara signifikan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai referensi pelaku industri fesyen muslim atau modest fashion untuk memaksimalkan pengaruh pemasaran media sosial serta keefektifan pesannya.

This study discusses the influence of Social Media Marketing Activities by a Muslim fashion brand (Duha Muslimwear) on Attitude towards the Brand, Brand Experiences, and Purchase Intentions of Muslim consumers. Researcher took data samples using self-administered questionnaire and got 504 respondents. This study found that Social Media Marketing Activities positively influence consumer’s Attitudes towards the Brand and Brand Experience. Brand Experience also positively influence Attitude towards the Brand. Meanwhile, Attitude towards the Brand positively influence Purchase Intention. Attitude towards the Brand has a full mediation role on the influence of Social Media Marketing Activities and Brand Experience on Purchase Intention. This study also found that the influence of Social Media Marketing Activities on Brand Experiences was stronger in the younger age group than in the older age group. The influence of Social Media Marketing Activities on Brand Experiences can be strengthened by Customer Engagement and Religiosity. This study also found that religiosity did not significantly strengthen the influence of Social Media Marketing Activities on Attitude towards the Brand and Purchase Intention. The results of this study can be used as reference for Muslim fashion industry doers to maximize the influence of social media marketing and the effectiveness of the message."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Mahdalena
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengivestigasi jenis hubungan antara cause-related marketing, corporate image, consumers? attitude dan brand attractiveness yang kemudian akan mempengaruhi intensi pembelian konsumen pada kasus perusahaan sosial yang dipilih oleh peneliti. Metode analisis structural equation modelling (SEM) akan digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis. Data akan dikumpulkan dari 150 responden di lingkup geografis Jabodetabek. Implikasi utama CRM pada temuan yang akan didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah diperuntukkan bagi manajer pemasaran.
Penemuan ini juga akan memberikan saran beberapa langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil untuk pertimbangan perusahaan dalam rangka meningkatkan corporate image, consumers attitude, dan brand attractiveness karena ketiga variabel tersebut diduga dapat mempengaruhi dampak CRM pada intensi pembelian konsumen. Selain itu, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi untuk menutup gap dari penelitian empiris di bidang ini, terutama karena adanya sikap pelanggan yang beragam di negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Penelitian semacam ini masih cukup jarang dan diharapkan akan menambah khazanah pengetahuan mengenai marketing dalam perusahaan berbasis sosial yang kini tengah menjadi trending topic diberbagai belahan dunia.

This research has aimed to investigate relations among cause-related marketing, corporate image, consumers? attitude and brand attractiveness which then affected consumer intention purchasing on social enterprise that has been chosen by the researcher. Structural equation modelling method analysis was used to examine the hypotheses. The data were collected from 150 respondents living in Jakarta and nearby cities. The main implication of cause-related marketing gathered from these research has been aimed at respective marketing manager.
These researches were also resulted in suggestions and steps for consideration to a corporate for increasing the corporate image, consumer?s attitude and brand attractiveness due to these three variables could be affecting consumer purchasing intention. Besides, these researches could give a good contribution to fill in gap from empirical researches, because of various of consumer's attitudes in developed countries like Indonesia. Rarely such researches have been conducted and this research is expected to add to the wealth of knowledge about the marketing in social enterprises which at the present day is becoming such a trending topic in many parts of the globe."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Diah Lestari
"Islamic branding adalah fenomena yang terjadi dalam dunia pemasaran di Indonesia dengan semakin maraknya merek yang menggunakan klaim halal pada produknya serta juga penggunaan simbol-simbol Islami dalam komunikasi pemasarannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa pembentukan ekuitas merek (brand equity) dalam Islamic brand dengan menggunakan merek kosmetik Wardah sebagai obyek penelitian.
Menciptakan loyalitas konsumen adalah merupakan tujuan utama dari seorang pengelola merek, dan merupakan inti dari konsep brand equity. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari variabel-variabel perceived quality, corporate brand image dan brand personality dari Islamic brand terhadap brand loyalty baik secara langsung maupun melalui variabel perantara brand attitude. Penelitian dilakukan pada 159 responden dengan menggunakan menggunakan metode kuantitatif analisa jalur.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel perceived quality dapat memberikan pengaruh kepada brand loyalty baik secara langsung maupun secara tidak langsung yaitu melalui variabel brand attitude. Sementara brand personality tidak dapat memberikan pengaruh langsung pada brand loyalty melainkan hanya melalui brand attitude. Corporate brand image tidak secara signifikan dapat memberikan pengaruh baik pada brand loyalty maupun brand attitude.

Islamic branding is a phenomenon that occurs in the world of marketing in Indonesia with the increasingly widespread brands that use halal claims on their products as well as the use of Islamic symbols in their marketing communications. This research was conducted to analyze the formation of brand equity in Islamic brand by using Wardah cosmetic brand as research object. Creating brand loyalty is the main objective of a marketer and is at the core of the brand equity concept.
The purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of perceived quality, corporate brand image and brand personality of Islamic brand towards brand loyalty either directly or through the mediation of brand attitude. The research was conducted on 159 respondents by using quantitative method of path analysis.
The result of this study indicates that perceived quality variables gives effect to brand loyalty either directly or indirectly through variable brand attitude. Meanwhile brand personality does not give a direct impact on brand loyalty but only through mediation of brand attitude. Corporate brand image does not significantly effect to both brand loyalty and brand attitude.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadira Salsabila Zulhambri
"Meningkatnya kolaborasi antara perusahaan dan organisasi amal telah menjadi tren global di mana istilah Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) digunakan untuk menjelaskan fenomena ini. Karena strategi ini menjadi tren di seluruh dunia, pemasar perlu memahami apakah peranbudaya (misalnya self-construal) pada perilaku pembelian dan perspektif kegiatan CRM mereka akan berbeda di seluruh pasar. Untuk menjawab masalah ini, studi ini menyelidiki efek dari self-construals pada niat mereka untuk membeli produk CRM dan sikap merek terhadap CRM dengan mengoperasionalkan self-construals menggunakan data lintas negara. Selain itu, peran emosi (misalnya empati) diperhitungkan dalam menengahi hubungan ini. Dengan melakukan survey dengan partisipan dari Indonesia (saling bergantung) dan Belanda (independen), penelitian ini mengungkapkan dukungan dari literatur sebelumnya bahwa self-construals yang saling bergantung (Interdependent Self-construal) memiliki niat yang lebih tinggi untuk membeli produk CRM dari pada self-construals independen dan hubungan diberikan melalui peran mediasi empati. Meskipun self-construals tidak berbeda secara signifikan pada sikap mereka terhadap merek yang mempraktikan CRM, empati ditemukan menjadi faktor yang menengahi interpretasi diri yang saling bergantung untuk memiliki sikap yang lebih menguntungkan terhadap merek yang mempraktikkan CRM dari pada interpretasi diri independen. Praktis, pemasar disarankan untuk fokus pada penerapan strategi CRM di negara di mana strategi CRM dipandang lebih menguntungkan dan menguntungkan.

The rise of collaboration between companies and charitable organizations has become a global trend where the term Cause-Related Marketing (CRM) is used to explain this phenomenon. As this strategy becomes a worldwide trend, the marketers need to understand whether the role of culture (e.g. self-construal) on their buying behavior and perspectives of CRM activities will differ across markets. To answer the problem, the current study investigates the effect of self-construals on their intention to purchase CRM products and brand attitudes towards CRM by operationalizing the self-construals using cross-country data. Besides, the role of emotion (e.g. empathy) was taken into account in mediating these relationships. By conducting surveys with Indonesian (interdependent) and the Netherlands (independent) participants, the present study reveals support from previous literature that the interdependent self-construals have higher intention to purchase CRM products than the independent self-construals and the relationship is exerted through the mediating role of empathy. Although self-construals do not differ significantly on their attitudes towards brand practicing CRM, empathy was found to be the factor mediating the interdependent self-construals to have more favorable attitudes towards brand practicing CRM than the independent self-construals. Practically, marketers are recommended to focus on implementing the CRM strategy in a country where the CRM strategy is viewed as more favorable and profitable."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilma Khairani
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh brand placement acceptance yang dimediasi oleh brand placement recall terhadap attitude towards brand yang ada di dalam film Habibie dan Ainun. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah brand placement acceptance, brand placement recall, dan attitude towards brand, yakni preference, loyalty, dan intention to purchase. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisa jalur atau path analysis karena penelitian ini melibatkan variabel mediasi yang sederhana sehingga memungkinkan untuk menganalisanya dengan menggunakan metode regresi. Masing-masing variabel dependen dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis jalur secara satu-persatu.
Habibie dan Ainun merupakan film paling laris sepanjang tahun 2012 lalu dengan jumlah penonton sebanyak kurang lebih 4,2 juta penonton. Dalam film ini terdapat beberapa merek dan produk yang ditempatkan di dalamnya. Merek dan produk tersebut adalah Gery Chocolatos, Sirup Markisa Pohon Pinang, Wardah, E-Toll Card Mandiri, dan Fresh Care.
Dari hasil analisis jalur, dapat disimpulkan bahwa brand placement recall memediasi brand placement acceptance secara parsial terhadap preference, loyalty dan intention to purchase. Yang berarti pada dasarnya brand placement acceptance dapat mempengaruhi preference, loyalty dan intention to purchase yang dimiliki oleh penonton film Habibie dan Ainun. Namun, dengan tambahan dari variabel brand placement recall, preference, loyalty dan intention to purchase penonton film Habibie dan Ainun akan semakin meningkat.

This study aims to determine the impact of brand placement acceptance with brand placement recall as a mediator toward attitude towards brand in Habibie dan Ainun the movie. Variables used in this study are brand placement acceptance, brand placement recall, and attitude toward brands which is contains of preference, loyalty, and intention to purchase. This study use path analysis as a method because this study involve a simple mediator variable, so it is possible to analyze it with regression method. Each dependent variables analyzed with path analysis one-by-one.
Habibie dan Ainun is the most selling film in 2012 with more than 4,2 millions viewers. In this film, there are several products and brands appear. Those are Gery Chocolatos, Sirup Markisa Pohon Pinang, Wardah, E-Toll Card Mandiri, and Fresh Care.
From the outcome of path analysis, we can conclude that brand placement recall partially mediate brand placement acceptance toward preference, loyalty, and intention to purchase. Which means, brand placement acceptance can affect Habibie dan Ainun viewer’s preference, loyalty, and intention to purchase by itself. However, in addition of brand placement recall, Habibie dan Ainun viewer’s preference, loyalty, and intention to purchase will increase.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrea Kirana Anggreni
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari Social Networking Site (SNS) Brand Community Experience dan SNS Brand Community Commitment terhadap Brand Attitude dan Repurchase Intention dalam konteks BTS Twitter brand community. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan anggota aktif dari komunitas brand BTS di Twitter yang berdomisili di Indonesia, berusia 18-29 tahun dan pernah membeli produk official merchandise BTS dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan terakhir. Kuesioner menggunakan platform Google Forms dan disebarkan secara online melalui Twitter. Terdapat sebanyak 419 responden yang berhasil dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini. Selanjutnya, data yang dikumpulkan diolah dengan metode Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dan menggunakan software SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua dimensi dari SNS Brand Community Experience yaitu Information Experience, Entertainment Experience, Homophily Experience dan Relationship-based Experience memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap SNS Brand Community Commitment dengan pengaruh paling besar dari variabel Entertainment Experience. SNS Brand Community Commitment juga ditemukan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Brand Attitude dan Repurchase Intention. SNS Brand Community Commitment juga memediasi secara positif hubungan antara SNS Brand Community Experience (IE, EE, HE, RE) dengan Brand Attitude dan Repurchase Intention. Selebihnya, Brand Attitude juga memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Repurchase Intention dan juga memediasi antara variabel SNS Brand Community Commitment dan Repurchase Intention.

This study aims to determine the effect of Social Networking Site (SNS) Brand Community Experience and SNS Brand Community Commitment on Brand Attitude and Repurchase Intention in the context of BTS Twitter brand community. The samples used in this study are active members of the BTS brand community on Twitter who resided in Indonesia, aged 18-29 years and have purchased BTS official merchandise products within the last 3 months. The questionnaire utilized Google Forms platform and was spread online through Twitter. There was a total data from 419 respondents who were successfully collected in this study. The data collected was processed using Partial Least Square - Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method with the SmartPLS software. The results of this study indicate that all dimensions of the SNS Brand Community Experience, namely Information Experience, Entertainment Experience, Homophily Experience and Relationship-based Experience, have a positive influence on SNS Brand Community Commitment with the greatest influence coming from the Entertainment Experience variable. SNS Brand Community Commitment was also found to have a positive influence on Brand Attitude and Repurchase Intention. Moreover, SNS Brand Community Commitment also positively mediates the relationship between SNS Brand Community Experience (IE, EE, HE, RE) with Brand Attitude and Repurchase Intention. Lastly, Brand Attitude also has a positive influence on Repurchase Intention and also mediates between SNS Brand Community Commitment and Repurchase Intention variables."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Nurrohman Haryadi
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh overall advertising involvement yang merupakan
second order latent construct yang dibentuk oleh message involvement, media
involvement, dan creative involvement terhadap brand attitude serta dampaknya
terhadap consumer behavior. Dalam penelitian ini, terdapat dua studi, yakni studi
terhadap iklan pada majalah elektronik, dan studi terhadap iklan pada tayangan
televisi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian
preexperimental one-shot case study dengan metode survei. Hasil penelitian
secara umum menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara overall advertising
involvement terhadap brand attitude serta consumer behavior. Disarankan untuk
melaksanakan penelitian lanjutan untuk meneliti dengan iklan video yang
durasinya tidak terlalu lama sehingga perhatian responden dapat lebih terfokus
dari sejak awal sampai akhir penayangan iklan.

This thesis discusses the effect of overall advertising involvement ? which is the
second order latent construct that is formed by message involvement, media
involvement, and creative involvement ? on brand attitude and its impact on
consumer behavior. There are two studies in this research. The first study focuses
on an advertisement on an e-magazine, and the second one focuses on an
advertisement on a television. This is a quantitative and preexperimental one-shot
case study research with survey method. The result shows that overall advertising
involvement gives effect to brand attitude and consumer behavior. Based on this
result, it is suggested that future research observe more on the shorter video
advertising so that respondents can stay focused on the advertisement.;This thesis discusses the effect of overall advertising involvement ? which is the
second order latent construct that is formed by message involvement, media
involvement, and creative involvement ? on brand attitude and its impact on
consumer behavior. There are two studies in this research. The first study focuses
on an advertisement on an e-magazine, and the second one focuses on an
advertisement on a television. This is a quantitative and preexperimental one-shot
case study research with survey method. The result shows that overall advertising
involvement gives effect to brand attitude and consumer behavior. Based on this
result, it is suggested that future research observe more on the shorter video
advertising so that respondents can stay focused on the advertisement.;This thesis discusses the effect of overall advertising involvement – which is the
second order latent construct that is formed by message involvement, media
involvement, and creative involvement – on brand attitude and its impact on
consumer behavior. There are two studies in this research. The first study focuses
on an advertisement on an e-magazine, and the second one focuses on an
advertisement on a television. This is a quantitative and preexperimental one-shot
case study research with survey method. The result shows that overall advertising
involvement gives effect to brand attitude and consumer behavior. Based on this
result, it is suggested that future research observe more on the shorter video
advertising so that respondents can stay focused on the advertisement., This thesis discusses the effect of overall advertising involvement – which is the
second order latent construct that is formed by message involvement, media
involvement, and creative involvement – on brand attitude and its impact on
consumer behavior. There are two studies in this research. The first study focuses
on an advertisement on an e-magazine, and the second one focuses on an
advertisement on a television. This is a quantitative and preexperimental one-shot
case study research with survey method. The result shows that overall advertising
involvement gives effect to brand attitude and consumer behavior. Based on this
result, it is suggested that future research observe more on the shorter video
advertising so that respondents can stay focused on the advertisement.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardhyan Wisnu Murti
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh youtuber endorsement terhadap brand attitude dan brand credibility dari smartphone asal Cina. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh brand attitude dan brand credibility terhadap niat beli konsumen pada produk smartphone asal Cina. Analisis dari sikap merek melibatkan variabel Country-of-Origin Image (COO) karena persepsi umum tentang kualitas produk Cina yang dianggap negatif, dan diyakini mempengaruhi brand attitude dari konsumen. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) akan digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang dikumpulkan melalui survei online dari 207 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Youtuber endorsement berpengaruh positif terhadap brand attitude dan brand credibility. Selanjutnya, attractiveness, trustworthiness, dan expertise ditemukan sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi kredibilitas endorser serta trustworthiness dan expertise memiliki dampak terbesar pada kredibilitas endorser. Brand attitude dan brand credibility juga memiliki dampak positif terhadap niat beli konsumen pada produk smartphone Cina dan secara mengejutkan COO memiliki dampak positif pada brand attitude karena persepsi peningkatan kualitas produk. Penelitian ini menyoroti faktor-faktor penting yang menentukan kredibilitas endorser endorser dan diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh produsen smartphone asal Cina dalam merancang strategi pemasaran mereka.

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the impact of youtuber endorsement to brand attitude and brand credibility of Chinese brand smartphone. This research also intended to evaluate the impact of brand attitude and brand credibility on Chinese brand smartphone purchase intention. The investigation of brand attitude involves Country-of-Origin Image (COO) variable due to the general perception of the Chinese products quality which are considered negative, and it is believed to affect consumer brand attitude. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) will be used to analyze the data that collected using online survey from 207 respondent. The result shows Youtuber endorsement has a positive impact to brand attitude and brand credibility. Furthermore, it is suggested that attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise are found to be the factors that impact endorser credibility and trustworthiness has the largest impact on endorser credibility. Brand attitude and brand credibility also have a positive impact to purchase intention of Chinese brand smartphones and COO surprisingly has a positive impact in brand attitude due to the perception of quality improvement in the products. This research highlights the important factors that determine the credibility of youtuber endorsement and expected to be used by smartphone companies in designing their marketing strategies."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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