"[Permasalahan konflik antar agama di Indonesia merupakan masalah yang kompleks dan meresahkan. Konflik terkait agama tidak hanya terjadi antar kelompok, tetapi juga di dalam lapisan masyarakat terkecil, yaitu keluarga. Adanya fenomena anak yang berbeda agama dengan orang tuanya sering dimaknai sebagai cerminan keluarga yang berantakan atau tidak hamonis. Karena anak dalam keluarga tersebut dianggap mengkhianati orang tuanya. Dalam kenyataannya, keputusan untuk berbeda agama dengan orang tua dan keluarga menimbulkan konflik besar antar orang tua dengan anak bahkan dengan keluarga besar. Konflik tersebut bersifat serius dan fatal bila tidak dikelola secara tepat. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui, menjelaskan, dan menganalisa komunikasi serta manajemen konflik anak yang berbeda agama dengan orang tuanya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menekankan pada makna, penalaran, definisi suatu situasi tertentu
(konteks tertentu), dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aspek sistem budaya pola asuh dalam keluarga turut berkontribusi dalam keputusan anak untuk mengambil keputusan berpindah agama dan dalam pengakuannya kepada orang tua. Proses
komunikasi interpersonal pada saat konflik terjadi jelas berbeda dengan interaksi pada saat tidak ada kejadian tersebut. Terjadi pemaksaan atau reaksi sosial verbal maupun non verbal diakibatkan oleh power distance yang jauh antara anak dan orang tua. Manajemen konflik yang dilakukan anak cenderung menyelamatkan ‘muka’ orang tua mereka demi kepentingan bersama. Gaya penyelesaian yang
memuaskan kedua belah pihak adalah gaya akomodasi, kolaborasi dan
kompromi daripada cara kompetisi maupun penghindaran. Akhirnya, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konflik bukanlah penentu rusaknya sebuah hubungan, tapi penanganan konflik yang tepat dapat
mendatangkan gaya sistem baru dalam keluarga yang lebih fleksibel.;Problems of inter-religious conflict in Indonesia is a complex and troubling issue. Religion-related conflicts not only occur between groups, but also at the smallest levels of society, the family. The phenomenon of children of different religions with their parents often interpreted as a reflection of a broken family or not happy. Because the child in the family is considered betrayed his parents. In reality, the decision to different religions with parents and families lead to a major conflict between parents and children and even with a large family.
The conflict is a serious if not managed properly. The main problem in this research was to determine, explain, and analyze communication and conflict management of children with parents with different religions. The study was conducted by using a qualitative approach that emphasizes meaning, reasoning, the definition of a given situation (certain contexts), with the constructivist paradigm. The method used in this research is the phenomenology. Results of this study indicate that family cultural contribute to a child's decision to take decisions and in recognition converted to parents. Interpersonal communication process when the conflict is clearly different from the interaction
in the absence of the incident. Reaction occurs coercion or verbal and non-verbal social caused by power distance away between children and parents. Conflict management that children tend to save 'face' of their parents for the common interest. Style settlement satisfactory to both parties is a style of accommodation, collaboration and compromise rather than the way of competition and evasion. Finally, this study shows that the conflict is not a determinant of damage to a relationship, but proper handling of conflicts can bring a new style in the family system more flexible., Problems of inter-religious conflict in Indonesia is a complex and troubling issue.
Religion-related conflicts not only occur between groups, but also at the smallest
levels of society, the family. The phenomenon of children of different religions
with their parents often interpreted as a reflection of a broken family or not happy.
Because the child in the family is considered betrayed his parents.
In reality, the decision to different religions with parents and families lead
to a major conflict between parents and children and even with a large family.
The conflict is a serious if not managed properly. The main problem in this
research was to determine, explain, and analyze communication and conflict
management of children with parents with different religions. The study was
conducted by using a qualitative approach that emphasizes meaning, reasoning,
the definition of a given situation (certain contexts), with the constructivist
paradigm. The method used in this research is the phenomenology.
Results of this study indicate that family cultural contribute to a child's
decision to take decisions and in recognition converted to parents. Interpersonal
communication process when the conflict is clearly different from the interaction
in the absence of the incident. Reaction occurs coercion or verbal and non-verbal
social caused by power distance away between children and parents. Conflict
management that children tend to save 'face' of their parents for the common
interest. Style settlement satisfactory to both parties is a style of accommodation,
collaboration and compromise rather than the way of competition and evasion.
Finally, this study shows that the conflict is not a determinant of damage to a
relationship, but proper handling of conflicts can bring a new style in the family
system more flexible]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015