"Lingkungan kerja perawat di ruangan rawat anak memiliki banyak tantangan. Perawat anak membutuhkan tempat yang nyaman dan sehat. Beban kerja yang tinggi bagi perawat berkaitan dengan kecemasan, kelelahan, stress dan memberikan dampak yang tidak baik. Peran kepala ruangan sangat dibutuhkan dalam memperbaiki lingkungan kerja yang buruk. Kepala ruangan telah menjalankan peran manajer liaison, dessiminator, dan spokesperson. Peran kepala ruang belum optimal pelaksanaannya adalah peran sebagai figure head, leader, monitoring, disturbance handler, resource allocator dan negotiator.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi peran kepala ruangan dalam pelaksanaan kesehatan lingkungan kerja perawat di rumah sakit. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional dilakukan pada 204 perawat pelaksana di rumah sakit dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling.
Hasil terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara peran kepala ruangan, faktor psikologi, faktor dukungan sosial, faktor pekerjaan, dan faktor organisasi (p 0.001-0.035) dan terdapat faktor yang paling mempengaruhi pelaksanaan kesehatan lingkungan yaitu peran kepala ruangan (2.900; 95% CI: 1.565-5.373) dan faktor dukungan sosial (3.727; 95% CI: 2.018-6.884).
Saran Bidang keperawatan membuat program evaluasi kepala ruangan dengan mendampingi, observasi, wawancara, supervisi untuk membantu meningkatkan peran kepala ruangan. Kepala ruangan harus mampu mempengaruhi dan mengatur jadwal dinas, ada jam istrahat 30 menit setelah bekerja 4-5 jam, memiliki jam makan tepat waktu dan rekan kerja saling menopang, setiap keputusan dari perawat pelaksana dapat dipertimbangkan dan mengikut sertakan perawat pelaksana dalam setiap kegiatan organisasi baik diruangan maupun di rumah sakit.
The working environment of nurses in child care rooms has many challenges. Pediatric nurses need a comfortable and healthy place. High workload for nurses is related to anxiety, fatigue, stress and has an adverse impact. The role of the head nurse is needed in improving a bad work environment. The head nurse has assumed the roles of liaison manager, dessiminator, and spokesperson. The role of the head nurse that has not been optimally implemented is the role of a figure head, leader, monitoring, disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the role of the head nurse and the implementation of nurses’ healthy work environment in the hospital. Quantitative research with cross sectional design was conducted on 204 nurses in the hospital with a purposive sampling technique. The results showed a significant relationship between the role of the head of the room, psychological factors, social support factors, occupational factors, and organizational factors (p 0.001-0.035) and there were factors that most influenced the implementation of environmental health, namely the role of head nurse (2.900; 95% CI: 1.565). -5,373) and social support factors (3,727; 95% CI: 2,018-6,884). Suggestions in the field of nursing to make an evaluation program for the head nurse by accompanying, observing, interviewing, supervision to help improve the role of the head nurse. The head nurse must be able to influence and manage the service schedule, there are rest hours 30 minutes after working 4-5 hours, have meal hours on time and co-workers support each other, every decision of the executive nurse can be considered and involve the nurse in every organizational activity either in the room and in the hospital."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020