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Almas Grinia Iksan
"Balita pendek stunting merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat diIndonesia yang berdampak negatif dalam jangka panjang. Provinsi Jawa Barat merupakanprovinsi dengan jumlah balita pendek terbanyak diantara provinsi lainnya. Determinanterdekat yang berhubungan dengan stunting ialah status gizi ibu dan asosiasi ini juga dapatdipengaruhi oleh faktor sosioekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menilai pengaruhstatus gizi ibu dan faktor sosioekonomi terhadap kejadian stunting menurut umur balita.Studi ini menggunakan data hasil Survey Pemantauan Status Gizi tahun 2017 yang terdiridari data balita, ibu hamil atau wanita usia subur, dan rumah tangga berjumlah 7.555.Pengaruh status gizi ibu tinggi badan dan IMT ibu terhadap Height-for-Age Z score HAZ dianalisis menggunakan regresi linier multivariabel. Prevalensi stunting tertinggiada pada balita usia 24 ndash; 59 bulan. Semakin tinggi pendidikan ibu dan ayah balita,prevalensi stunting semakin menurun. Prevalensi stunting lebih tinggi pada balita yangtinggal di perdesaan dan ibu dengan tinggi badan kurang dari 150 cm. Pada analisismultivariabel, nilai HAZ balita 0 ndash; 11 bulan dipengaruhi oleh TB ibu, IMT ibu,pendidikan ibu, dan tempat tinggal. Sedangkan pada balita usia 24 ndash; 59 bulan nilai HAZdipengaruhi oleh TB ibu, IMT ibu, pendidikan ibu, pekerjaan ibu, dan tempat tinggal.Pengaruh TB ibu terhadap nilai HAZ balita paling besar ialah saat balita berusia 6 ndash; 11bulan dan pengaruh tersebut turun saat balita berusia 12 ndash; 23 bulan. Sedangkan pengaruhIMT ibu terhadap nilai HAZ balita tidak berbeda antar kelompok umur balita. Prevalensistunting di Jawa Barat cukup tinggi, sehingga diperlukan intervensi yang sesuai untukmeningkatkan pertumbuhan linier anak. Hal tersebut bisa dilakukan melalui peningkatanpengetahuan mengenai gizi ibu dan balita bagi remaja putri, wanita, dan ibu hamil sebagaipenghasil generasi baru serta pemberian asupan nutrisi yang baik bagi balita, terutamasaat 1000 hari pertama kehidupan.Kata kunci: Stunting, status gizi ibu, faktor sosioekonomi.

Stunting is one of the public health problems in Indonesia which results long termnegative impact. West Java is the province with the highest number of stunted children.A proximate determinant associated to stunting is maternal nutrition and this associationmight be influenced by socioeconomic factors. The aim of this study was to assess theeffect of maternal nutrition and socioeconomic factors on child stunting according to thegroup age. This study used data from Survey of Nutrition Status Monitoring PSG 2017which included data of children under five, pregnant women or women of childbearingage, and households. Effect of mother 39 s nutritional status height and BMI on Heightfor Age Z score HAZ was analysed using multivariable linear regression. The highestprevalence of stunting was in children aged 24 59 months. The higher the education ofmother and father, the lower the prevalence of child stunting. The prevalence of stuntingwas higher in rural areas and mothers with height less than 150 cm. In multivariableanalysis, the HAZ of 0 11 months infants was affected by mother rsquo s height, mother rsquo s BMI,mother rsquo s education, and residence classification. Whereas in infants aged 24 59 monthsHAZ was affected by mother rsquo s height, mother rsquo s BMI, mother rsquo s education, mother rsquo s workstatus, and residence classification. The biggest effect of mother rsquo s height on HAZ was inthe infants aged 6 11 months and the effect was decreased when children aged 12 23months. While the effect of mother 39 s BMI on HAZ did not differ between age group ofchildren. The prevalence of stunting in West Java are relatively high, so appropriateinterventions are needed to increase the child 39 s linear growth. This can be tackled throughenhancing the knowledge of mother and child nutrition for young women, women, andpregnant women, also give adequate nutrition for infants, especially during the first 1000days of life.Keywords Stunting, maternal nutrition, socioeconomic factor."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stunting adalah kondisi terhambatnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak yang merupakan dampak dari asupan anak yang tidak adekuat secara kronik, riwayat penyakit infeksi berulang atau keduanya sebagai hasil dari pola asuh anak yang tidak optimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan total jumlah sampel 231 anak yang diambil dengan teknik multistage random sampling dari 13 posyandu pada 6 kelurahan dari 3 kecamatan terpilih di Jakarta Pusat tahun 2019. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan pengukuran panjang badan anak dan melakukan wawancara dengan responden yang dilakukan oleh enumerator yang telah terlatih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi stunting di Jakarta Pusat pada anak usia 6-23 bulan adalah 26%, sedangkan proporsi MAD hanya 31,6% dari total anak. Hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji chi-square menemukan bahwa faktor-faktor yang berhubungan secara bermakna dengan kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan di Jakarta Pusat adalah riwayat PBLR (OR=2,176; 95% CI 1,155-4,098) dan tingkat pendapatan keluarga (OR= 0,388; 95% CI 0,201-0,749). Hasil analisis multivariat dengan analisis regresi logistik ganda menemukan bahwa capaian MAD merupakan faktor dominan dari kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan di Jakarta Pusat tahun 2019 setelah dikontrol oleh variabel (capaian MDD, capaian MMF, riwayat PBLR dan tingkat pendapatan keluarga) (OR= 3,29; 95% CI 1,171-9,241). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, saran untuk Pihak Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat adalah perlu dilakukan intervensi rutin terkait PMBA, monitoring dan evaluasi program TTD pada bumil dan remaja putri untuk menurunkan prevalensi PBLR yang merupakan salah satu faktor risiko stunting di kehidupan selanjutnya, memperbanyak distribusi infantometer pada posyandu dan pelatihan kader terkait pengukuran panjang badan anak sesuai prosedur disertai pemantauan rutin status gizi PB/U anak 3-4 bulan sekali. Dikarenakan peran praktik pemberian makanan pada anak yang penting, kami menyarankan penelitian yang sejenis dengan skala yang lebih besar (jumlah sampel dan cakupan wilayah penelitian) untuk mencari tahu penyebab tidak tercapainya MAD.

Stunting is a condition of retardation growth and development of children as the result of chronis inadequate childrens intake, recurrent infectious disease or both as the results of non-optimal child care. This research used cross-sectional study to determine the factors related with stunting occurence among children aged 6-23. This research used primary data of 231 children taken with a multistage random sampling technique from 13 Posyandu on 6 administrative villages of 3 sub-districts of Central Jakarta region in 2019. Data collection was done by measuring childrens length and interviews with respondents conducted by trained data collector. The results showed that the prevalence of stunting was 26%, while the MAD was only reached by 31,6% of children. The Chi-Square analysis refealed that short birth length (OR=2,176; 95% CI 1,155-4,098) and family income level have a significant association with stunting (OR= 0,388; 95% CI 0,201-0,749). Binomial regression shows that fulfillment of minimum acceptable diet as the dominant factor of stunting occurence among children aged 6-23 months in Central Jakarta region in 2019 after controlled by other variables (fulfillment of minimum dietary diversity, fulfillment of minimum meal frequency, short birth length and family income level) (OR= 3,29; 95% CI 1,171-9,241). Based on this research, the recommendations for Suku Dinas Kesehatan in Central Jakarta are to conduct a routine intervention on child feeding, monitor and evaluate TTD program in pregnants and girl adolescents to reduce the short birth length prevalence which is also a risk factor for stunting in later age, increase infantometer distribution to Posyandu, plan a training for kader Posyandu about measuring childrens lenght according to the procedure and monitor nutritional status of children regularly (once every 3-4 months). Because the role of complementary feeding is important, we recommend that to further conduct similar research on a larger scale (both in number of samples and research location) to find the reasons for unfilfulled MAD."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Era Oktalina
"Salah satu masalah kekurangan gizi pada balita yang menjadi prioritas utama adalahstunting. Stunting pada balita diakibatkan oleh kekurangan gizi kronis mulai dari awalperkembangan dimana konsekuensinya bersifat permanen. Permasalahan stunting dapat menimbulkan efek jangka panjang pada individu dan masyarakat, termasuk berkurangnya perkembangan kognitif, fisik, kemampuan produktif dan kesehatan yang buruk, serta peningkatan risiko penyakit degeneratif.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di Provinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder Pemantauan Status Gizi Provinsi Sumatera Barat dengan desain penelitian cross sectional dan jumlah sampel 6421 balita. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square bivariat dan uji regresi logistik ganda model prediksi multivariat.
Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara umur balita, jenis kelamin, tinggi badan ibu, pendidikan ibu, jumlah anggota rumah tangga dan wilayah tempat tinggal dengan stunting pada balita. Umur balita merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dengan kejadian stunting pada balita.
Disarankan adanya dukungan kebijakan peningkatan anggaran program perbaikan gizi masyarakat dalam upaya penanggulangan masalah stunting dan menyusun kegiatan program sesuai dengan kebutuhan di lapangan serta memperhatikan kebutuhan gizi anak sesuai dengan tahapan umur.

One of the nutritional problems in children under five is the main priority is stunting.Stunting in toddlers is caused by chronic malnutrition from the beginning ofdevelopment where the consequences are permanent. Stunting problems can have longtermeffects on individuals and communities, including reduced cognitive, physical, productive and poor health, and an increased risk of degenerative diseases.
The purpose of this study was to determine factors related to stunting incidence in toddlers in West Sumatera Province in 2017. This study uses secondary data Monitoring Nutrition Statusof West Sumatera Province with cross sectional study design and 6421 children underfive years old. Processing and data analysis using chi square test bivariate andmultiple logistic regression test prediction model multivariate.
The result of statistical test shows that there is a significant relationship between toddler age, sex, mother 39 sheight, mother education, number of household member and residence area withstunting in children. Toddler age is the most dominant factor with stunting incidence intoddlers.
It is recommended to support the improvement of public nutrition improvement program budget in the effort to overcome the problem of stunting andarrange the program activity according to the need in the field and pay attention to the nutritional requirement of children according to the age stage.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Destry Rizkawati
"Stunting tidak hanya berdampak pada perawakan yang pendek namun juga padapenurunan fungsi kognitif usia sekolah, menurunkan kapasitas kerja dankemampuan ekonomi serta peningkatan risiko penyakit metabolik di usia dewasa.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor dominan kejadian stuntingpada balita kelompok usia 6-12 bulan, 13-24 bulan dan 25-59 bulan di wilayah kerjaPuskesmas Kelurahan Tambora tahun 2017. Desain penelitian ini adalah kasuscontrol dengan 68 sampel kasus dan 68 sampel kontrol. Data dianalisis dengan ujichi square untuk melihat hubungan antar variabel dan uji regresi logistik gandauntuk menemukan faktor dominan penyebab stunting pada setiap kelompok usia.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tinggi badanibu, kenaikan berat badan hamil, panjang badan lahir, asupan energi saat usia 6-12bulan, 13-24 bulan dan 25-59 bulan, asupan protein saat usia 6-12 bulan dan 13-24bulan, penyakit infeksi dan sanitasi total dengan kejadian stunting pada balita disetiap kelompok usia.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis multivariat diketahui bahwa faktordominan kejadian stunting pada balita kelompok usia 6-12 bulan adalah asupanenergi saat usia 6-12 bulan p-value 0,001; OR 7,382; 95 CI 2,261-24.102 , padakelompok usia 13-24 bulan adalah penyakit infeksi p-value 0,016; OR 7,154;95 CI 1,436-35,653 dan pada kelompok usia 25-59 bulan adalah asupan energisaat usia 13-24 bulan p-value 0,040; OR 12,599; 95 CI 1,125-141,126 . Perluadanya perbaikan asupan gizi balita sesuai kelompok usia dan pencegahan penyakitinfeksi melalui pendekatan sanitasi total berbasis masyarakat.

Stunting affects not only to short stature but also decreases in cognitive function atschool age, decreases work and economic capacity at the productive age andincreases the risk of metabolic diseases in elderly. The purpose of this study was toanalyze the dominant factors of stunting among children aged grup 6 12 months,13 24 months and 25 59 months in Kelurahan Tambora. This was case controlstudy with 68 cases and 68 controls. The data were analyzed by chi square test forbivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression test to find the dominant factorof stunting in each of age group.
The results of this study shows that there was asignificant relationship between maternal height, weight gain during pregnancy,birth length, energy intake at 6 12 months, 13 24 months and 25 59 months, proteinintake at 6 12 months and 13 24 months, infectious diseases and sanitation withstunting.
Based on multivariate analysis, it was found that the dominant factor ofstunting at 6 12 months children was energy intake at 6 12 months p value 0,001 OR 7,382 95 CI 2,261 24,102 , at 13 24 Months was infectious disease p value0.016 OR 7,154 95 CI 1,436 35,653 and at 25 59 months was energy intake at13 24 months p value 0,040 OR 12,599 95 CI 1,125 141,126 . It is necessaryto improve the nutritional intake of under five children and prevention of infectiousdiseases through community based total sanitation approaches.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tasyafania Budi Putranti
"Dari seluruh kasus komplikasi selama kehamilan, hipertensi pada kehamilan memiliki jumlah kasus sebesar 5-10%. Hipertensi pada kehamilan adalah penyebab terbesar kasus kematian ibu di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2019 dengan angka 29.6% dari total angka kematian ibu. Salah satu faktor risiko hipertensi pada kehamilan adalah berat badan berlebih dan obesitas. Kabupaten Brebes merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Tengah dengan angka obesitas tertinggi di Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meneliti hubungan status gizi ibu yang dilihat dari indeks massa tubuh dengan hipertensi pada kehamilan di Kabupaten Brebes tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kasus kontrol dengan jumlah sampel total 160 pasien, 80 pasien kasus dan 80 pasien kontrol. Data diambil dari rekam medis ibu hamil dan dianalisis menggunakan uji chi square dengan nilai kemaknaan p<0,05. Analisis hubungan antara status gizi berlebih dengan hipertensi pada kehamilan didapatkan hasil bermakna dengan nilai odds ratio: IMT <25 kg/m2 (OR 3,857; 95%CI 1,867-7,969), IMT 25,1-29,9 kg/m2 (OR 3,429; 95%CI 1,550-7,583), dan IMT >30 kg/m2 (OR 4,821; 95%CI 2,029-11,458). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara status gizi ibu dengan kejadian hipertensi pada kehamilan di Kabupaten Brebes.

Of all cases of complications during pregnancy, hypertension in pregnancy has a number of cases of 5-10%. Hypertension in pregnancy is the biggest cause of maternal deaths in Central Java in 2019 with a rate of 29.6% of the total maternal mortality rate. One of the risk factors for hypertension in pregnancy is overweight and obesity. Brebes Regency is one of the districts in Central Java with the highest obesity rate in Central Java. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between maternal nutritional status as seen from body mass index and hypertension in pregnancy in Brebes Regency in 2021. This study used a case-control design with a total sample of 160 patients, 80 case patients and 80 control patients. Data were taken from medical records of pregnant women and analyzed using the chi square test with a significance value of p<0.05. Analysis of the relationship between excess nutritional status and hypertension in pregnancy showed significant results with odds ratio values: BMI <25 kg/m2 (OR 3.857; 95% CI 1.867-7.969), BMI 25.1-29.9 kg/m2 (OR 3.429; 95% CI 1.550-7.583), and BMI > 30 kg/m2 (OR 4.821; 95% CI 2.029-11.458). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between the nutritional status and the incidence of hypertension in pregnancy in Brebes Regency."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zakiah Dianah
"Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak yang berdampak padafungsi kognitif jangka panjang dan dapat menyebabkan 20 kematian anak balita. Sanitasi menjadi salah satu faktor yang berhubungan dengan stunting. Provinsi Kalimantan Barat mempunyai capaian yang buruk untuk akses sanitasi dasar yaitu55,55. Tujuan penelitian: menganalisis faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap stunting pada baduta di wilayah PKGBM Proyek Kesehatan dan Gizi Berbasis Masyarakat Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Desain penelitian: cross sectional menggunakan data sekunder dengan jumlah sampel 375 baduta dan dianalisis dengan regresi logistik multivariat.
Hasil penelitian didapatkan hubungan signifikan antara kasus stunting dengan akses sanitasi dasar 2,24; 1,39 ndash; 3,59 dan berat lahir anak 4,88; 2,51 ndash; 9,51. Faktor lain yang berhubungan yaitu Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun CTPS 1,66; 0,90 ndash;3,06, infeksi cacing 1,38; 0,74 ndash; 2,58, diare 1,32; 0,83 ndash; 2,10, ISPA 1,44; 0,86 ndash;2,43, dan kunjungan ke Posyandu 1,40; 0,75 ndash; 2,59. Model akhir dari penelitian ini adalah akses sanitasi dasar, berat lahir anak, dan CTPS berkontribusi terhadap stunting.

Stunting is child growth and development disorder which has irreversible long termimpact and causing 20 of children mortality. Sanitation is one of many factorsassociated with stunting. West Kalimantan Province has poor achievement in basicsanitation access which is 55,55. The objective of the study was to analyze factors thatcontribute in stunting in children aged 6 23 months on community health based andnutrition program in West Kalimantan. The study design was cross sectional usingsecondary data of 375 toddler then analyzed in multivariate logistic regression.
This study found the prevalence of stunting was 33,1. There was significant associationbetween stunting and basic sanitation access 2,24 1,39 ndash 3,59 and birth weight 4,88 2,51 ndash 9,51. Other factors associated with stunting were handwashing with soap 1,66 0,90 ndash 3,06, worm infections 1,38 0,74 ndash 2,58, diarrhea 1,32 0,83 ndash 2,10, acuterespiratory tract infection 1,44 0,86 ndash 2,43, and Posyandu visit 1,40 0,75 ndash 2,59. Our final model revealed that basic sanitation access, birth weight, and handwashingwith soap had contribution in stunting."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rivani Noor
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan indikator Pemberian Makan pada Bayi dan Anak (PMBA) umur 6-23 bulan dan faktor lainnya terhadap kejadian stunting di Posyandu Puskesmas Warung Jambu Kota Bogor Tahun 2015. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 152 bayi dan anak yang didapat dengan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April hingga Mei 2015. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengukuran panjang badan bayi dan anak, tinggi badan ibu, wawancara kuesioner dan lembar recall 24 jam.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi bayi dan anak stunting sebesar 11,8 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa panjang badan lahir sebagai faktor dominan kejadian stunting pada bayi dan anak umur 6-23 bulan, setelah dikontrol oleh Minimum Dietary Diversity, jumlah anggota rumah tangga, penyakit infeksi, dan usia bayi dan anak. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar meningkatkan penyuluhan terkait gizi ibu hamil serta pemberian makan bayi dan anak yang optimal hingga 2 tahun (1000 hari pertama kehidupan).

The objective of this research is to determine the association between Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) indicators and other factors with stunting at Posyandu Community Health Center Warung Jambu Bogor in 2015. The method of this research is cross sectional design. The research was done to 152 children by purposive sampling. The research was held on April to May 2015. The database were collected by measuring length of the children, mother's height, interview on the questionaire and recall 24 hour sheet.
The result of the study shows that 11,8 % children are stunting. The analysis shows that birthlength is the most dominant factor associated with under-two stunting, after controlling Minimum Dietary Diversity (MDD), number of household members, infectious diseases and age of child. This study suggests to improve nutrition for pregnant women and also infant and young child feeding up to 2 years (first 1000 days of life).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mismaini Noor
"Prevalensi stunting pada balita masih cukup tinggi di Indonesia, termasuk di provinsi Sumatera Barat. Stunting atau pendek pada balita merupakan keterlambatan pertumbuhan linear mencapai ukuran tubuh optimal sehingga berdampak pada menurunnya kualitas sumber daya manusia. Upaya perbaikan gizi menuju perilaku keluarga sadar gizi (KADARZI) merupakan solusi tepat untuk meningkatkan keadaan gizi masyarakat.
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui prevalensi stunting pada balita, penerapan perilaku KADARZI dan faktor yang paling dominan dalam hubungan penerapan perilaku KADARZI dengan kejadian stunting pada balita (6-59 bulan) di Provinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 2012. Penelitian menggunakan data sekunder Survei Pemantauan Status Gizi-Keluarga Sadar Gizi (PSG-KADARZI) Provinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 2012 dengan desain penelitian cross-sectional dan jumlah sampel 18.864 rumah tangga. Pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square (bivariat) dan uji regresi logistik ganda model faktor risiko (multivariat).
Prevalensi stunting pada balita (6-59 bulan) ditemukan sebesar 31,5% dan penerapan perilaku KADARZI sebesar 9,7%. Hasil uji multivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara penerapan perilaku KADARZI dengan kejadian stunting pada balita setelah dikontrol variabel umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan ibu dan wilayah tempat tinggal. Wilayah tempat tinggal merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dalam hubungan antara penerapan perilaku KADARZI dengan kejadian stunting pada balita. Disarankan adanya kebijakan mendukung penerapan perilaku KADARZI, pembangunan yang merata dan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi untuk kaum wanita.

The prevalence of stunting in under five children in Indonesia is still quite high, including in West Sumatera Province. Stunting is linear growth retardation achieve optimal body size so decrease the quality of human resources. The effort to improve nutrition behavior with familly nutrition awareness (KADARZI) is the right solution to improve the nutritional status.
This research purposes to determine the prevalence of stunting, implementation behavior family nutrition awareness and the dominant factor in relationship between implementation behavior family nutrition awareness with stunting in under five children (6-59 months) in West Sumatera Province 2012. This study using secondary data the Monitoring Nutritional Status - Behavior Family Nutrition Awareness (PSGKADARZI) Survey in West Sumatera Province 2012 with cross-sectional design and total of sampel 18.864 household. Processing and analyzing data using chisquare test (bivariat) and multiple logistic regresion (multivariat).
The result of analysis was found the prevalence of stunting as 31,5% and the implementation behavior family nutrition awareness as 9,7%. The result multivariat test showed significant relationship between the implementation behavior family nutrition awareness with stunting after controlled variables age, sex, mother education and region of recidence. Region of recidence is the most dominant factor in the relationship between the Implementation Behavior Family Nutrition Awareness (KADARZI) with stunting in under five children. Recommended the policies supporting Behavior Family Nutrition Awareness (KADARZI), equitable development and higher education for women.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zakiah Dianah
Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak yang berdampak pada fungsi kognitif jangka panjang dan dapat menyebabkan 20% kematian anak balita. Sanitasi menjadi salah satu faktor yang berhubungan dengan stunting. Provinsi Kalimantan Barat mempunyai capaian yang buruk untuk akses sanitasi dasar yaitu 55,55%. Tujuan penelitian: menganalisis faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap stunting pada baduta di wilayah PKGBM (Proyek Kesehatan dan Gizi Berbasis Masyarakat) Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Desain penelitian: cross sectional menggunakan data sekunder dengan jumlah sampel 375 baduta dan dianalisis dengan regresi logistik multivariat. Hasil penelitian didapatkan hubungan signifikan antara kasus stunting dengan akses sanitasi dasar (2,24; 1,39-3,59) dan berat lahir anak (4,88; 2,51-9,51). Faktor lain yang berhubungan yaitu Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) (1,66; 0,90-3,06), infeksi cacing (1,38; 0,74-2,58), diare (1,32; 0,83-2,10), ISPA (1,44; 0,86-2,43), dan kunjungan ke Posyandu (1,40; 0,75-2,59). Model akhir dari penelitian ini adalah akses sanitasi dasar, berat lahir anak, dan CTPS berkontribusi terhadap stunting.

Stunting is child growth and development disorder which has irreversible long-term impact and causing 20% of children mortality. Sanitation is one of many factors associated with stunting. West Kalimantan Province has poor achievement in basic sanitation access which is 55,55%. The objective of the study was to analyze factors that contribute in stunting in children aged 6-23 months on community health-based and nutrition program in West Kalimantan. The study design was cross sectional using secondary data of 375 toddler then analyzed in multivariate logistic regression. This study found the prevalence of stunting was 33,1%. There was significant association between stunting and basic sanitation access (2,24; 1,39-3,59) and birth weight (4,88; 2,51-9,51). Other factors associated with stunting were handwashing with soap (1,66; 0,90-3,06), worm infections (1,38; 0,74-2,58), diarrhea (1,32; 0,83-2,10), acute respiratory tract infection (1,44; 0,86-2,43), and Posyandu visit (1,40; 0,75-2,59). Our final model revealed that basic sanitation access, birth weight, and handwashing with soap had contribution in stunting.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herman Sudiman
"The objective of the present study was to evaluate and to compare the nutritional status of households targeted by the IDT program (POKMAS members), with those households not targeted (non-POKMAS) from the same village, and with households in non-IDT villages in West Sumatra at the start (1994) of the program, after a one year period and its determinants.
For this purpose, a quasi-experimental study was applied. A total number of 38 IDT villages and 6 non-IDT villages were selected using proportionate random sampling from the list of less-developed villages in West Sumatra. ln each IDT village 40 households (20 POKMAS and 20 non-POKMAS) which have children under live and live to ten years of age were selected randomly, while in each non-IDT village 40 households which have children under live and live to ten years of age were selected using the same' method. At the beginning of the IDT program's implementation (baseline) and one year after the implementation of the IDT program (follow up), anthropometric measurements of the children and non-pregnant women, household's food consumption using food Frequency questionnaire and 24 hours recall for a sub sample, socio-economic, health and environmental condition?s assessments using questionnaires were conducted. Student t-test, ANOVA and logistic regression using SPSS for Windows version 6.0 were performed in this study. The study had several limitations such as the relatively short duration between the baseline and the follow up study, while the income generating activities done by most of the POKMAS were relatively long-term income generating activities. As a result some of the expected results and impacts could not be observed yet.
The nutritional status of the children under tive and tive to ten years of age in the surveyed villages in 1994 was not favorable with the highest prevalence of stunting (20.9% and 53.9%) followed by underweight ( 17.0% and 40.0%) and wasting (7.4% and 19.5%). After one year (1995) the prevalence of stunted children under five years of age in the POKMAS households and in non-POKMAS households was not lower compared with the prevalence in 1994 (58-4% vs. 53.1% and 41.5% vs. 30.6%), while the prevalence of stunted children five to ten years of age in the POKMAS households and in non-POKMAS households in 1995 tended to be lower compared with the prevalence in 1994 (50.4% vs. 53-9% and 38.4% vs. 40.4%). The best improvement in nutritional status in the stunted, underweight as well as the wasted was observed among the most retarded in growth. In 1994, the prevalence of chronic energy deficiency (CED) among non-pregnant women of the POKMAS households was significantly higher compared with the households in non-IDT village (I5.4% vs. 9.1%), There was no significant difference in the prevalence of CED among non-pregnant women in 1994 compared with 1995 (15.8% vs. 15.4% in POKMAS households, 11.8% vs. 13.8% in non-POKMAS households in IDT villages). The diets of the surveyed households were in general totally different from the food sold in "Padang" eating places, which are characterized, by its predominantly high animal protein dishes. The diets ofthe surveyed households generally consisted of rice as the staple food and side dishes such as boiled cassava leaves or young jack fruit in coconut sauce, fried small dried fish and hot pepper sauce (Indonesia: sambal). In 1994 the percentage of households which complained about food-shortage among the POKMAS households in IDT villages was about twice higher (62%) compared with the non-POKMAS households in IDT villages (42%), and three times higher compared with the households in non-IDT villages (28%) Regarding the selection criteria of households to be given funds, this study observed that there were various criteria among villages. As a result not all households given IDT funds could be considered poor. At the start of the lDT program, the selection of the income generating activities of the POKMAS used the bottom up approach, but later on the top down approach was still stronger influencing the process. lt could be observed that the income generating activity of most of the POKMAS was cow fattening while less than 20% of the POKMAS households had experience in cow fattening activity. The sanitation and hygiene practices (sources of the drinking water; place for garbage disposal and place for defecation) of the POKMAS households was worse compared with the non-POKMAS households in the same villages. In this study it was observed that the POKMAS households were households with undemourished children especially stunted children, It means that stunted children were the characteristic for poor households. The predictors for stunting of the children at the baseline were the following: the place for garbage disposal (in the garden, river, lake), health problems in daily life, the POKMAS households did not have a separated kitchen, children did not get measles vaccination, mother was pregnant, having problems with the environment, the age ofthe child (under five), chicken consumption less than once per week and the mother had more participation in social activities.
It can be concluded that the indicators of the poverty situation were a reflection of the living condition of the households (socioeconomic, environmental condition, housing condition) and confirm that the targeting of poor groups within villages used in this study was relatively proper. The child?s nutritional status particularly stunting is a reflection of the poor living condition; the prevalence of stunting at village level is a good indicator for targeting of a poverty alleviation program. The IDT program may have improved income however not necessarily alleviate poverty. The IDT program was emphasized on improving income however the households targeting was not clear; not all POKMAS households could be considered poor and the IDT program did not cover the other factors influencing poverty. Considering the feasibility and more practical use of the height and length measurements in young children for community studies, stunting should be used in the poverty alleviation program, nutrition surveillance program and other nutrition intervention programs. However further studies to investigate whether stunting could be used as indicator of poor households needs to be conducted. Further studies in different locations with ditferent socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental situations are needed to investigate approaches the most proper for various areas in indonesia. Referring to the most recent concept of poverty the key of the problem of poverty lies in the accessibility of the individual, household or community to the resources of basic needs such as food, health service, clothing and shelter, primary education and social cultural life. To alleviate poverty th IDT program should include activities to provide and improve the resources of basic needs. The IDT program at present is only providing one of the tools to improve resources."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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