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Erol Kurniawan
ABSTRAKPath sebagai platform media sosial banyak digunakan oleh kelompok homoseksual di Indonesia untuk mengekspresikan homoseksualitas. Secara umum kelompok homoseksual di Indonesia masih mengalami kesulitan untuk mengekspresikan diri di ruang publik. Hal ini dikarenakan homoseksualitas masih dianggap sebagai penyimpangan seksual dan perbuatan dosa sehingga visibilitasnya di ruang publik masih rentan dengan berbagai bentuk kekerasan. Akan tetapi, di tengah berkembangnya wacana-wacana dominan yang terus diproduksi untuk memarginalisasi kelompok homoseksual, Path hadir sebagai ruang publik baru yang menawarkan privasi bagi penggunanya untuk bebas menyuarakan diri tanpa harus khawatir akan serangan dari pihak-pihak yang menentang eksistensi mereka. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus terhadap dua akun Path homoseksual Indonesia yang mengunggah konten-konten homoseksualitas. Penelitian ini mengungkap bagaimana homoseksualitas direpresentasikan di media sosial Path dan melihat bagaimana media sosial ini digunakan oleh mereka untuk mengafirmasi dan mengkontestasi wacana-wacana dominan yang memarginalisasi kelompok homoseksual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum homoseksualitas di Indonesia masih direpresentasikan dengan cara yang sangat normatif. Di sisi lain, usaha untuk mensubversi wacana-wacana heteronormativitas juga ditemukan di media sosial Path melalui unggahan-unggahan yang ditujukan kepada wacana agama dan wacana biomedis.
ABSTRACT As a social media platform, Path is now mostly utilized by many Indonesian gay men to express homosexuality. In general, Indonesian gay men are unable to express their sexuality in public space since homosexuality is still perceived as sexual disorder and sinful sexuality. Therefore, they tend to experience various kinds of violence if they appear in public space. Amongst the discourses on homosexuality frequently produced and constructed to marginalise homosexual people, Path appears as a new public sphere which offers privacy to its users to actively voice their interests without having to worry about the other parties trying to oppose their existence. Two active gay Path users are taken as case study in this research. Both are active in sharing homosexuality related contents in their Path accounts. This research also reveals how homosexuality is articulated in Path and examines how far Path as a social media platform is used to affirm and contest the dominant discourse on homosexuality in Indonesia. Reserach findings show that, in general, homosexuality is still articulated in a very normative way similar to heterosexuality. In one side, some attempts to subvert heteronormativity are also identified in this research through shared contents which are addressed to religion and bio medical discourses."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Nadia Rahmawati
"Perspektif agama arus utama yang menentang homoseksualitas dan ekspresi lintas gender, menimbulkan dilema bagi individu LGBTQ, terutama bagi mereka yang tumbuh dengan afiliasi agama tertentu. Hal ini kemudian dapat menimbulkan konflik antara identitas gender/seksualitas dengan religiositas dalam diri mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana individu memandang dan menghadapi konflik antara status religiositasnya terhadap identitas gender dan seksualitasnya dari waktu ke waktu. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif, khususnya pendekatan grounded theory, yang memungkinkan peneliti untuk berfokus pada proses pembentukan atau pengembangan teori. Partisipan berjumlah enam orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive dan snowball, dengan kriteria: 1) merupakan bagian dari LGBTQ; 2) pernah atau sedang menganut agama tertentu, dan; 3) berusia setidaknya di atas delapan belas tahun. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara semistruktur, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode thematic analysis. Peneliti kemudian menyusun “Model Integrasi dengan Konflik antara Identitas Gender/Seksualitas dengan Religiositas” yang dikembangkan dari Model Pembentukan Identitas Gender oleh Cass (1978). Model ini terdiri dari tahap Nonconform, Questioning, Conflict, Exploration, Self-Identify, Compromise, Self-Integration, dan Spiritual Integration. Selain itu, peneliti mengamati bagaimana penilaian kognitif dan keterikatan kepada agama sebagai komunitas dapat berperan menyelesaikan adanya konflik antara identitas gender/seksualitas dengan religiositas.
The mainstream religious perspective that opposes homosexuality and cross-gender expression creates a dilemma for LGBTQ individuals, especially those who grew up with a specific religious affiliation. This can result in internal conflict between gender and religiosity. The present study aims to explore how individuals perceive and cope with the conflict between their religious status and gender and sexual identity over time. The researcher used qualitative methods, specifically the grounded theory approach, which allowed for a focus on the process of theory formation and development. Six participants were selected using purposive and snowball sampling criteria: 1) they identified as part of the LGBTQ community; 2) they had practiced or were currently practicing a particular religion, and; 3) they were at least eighteen years old. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using thematic analysis. The researcher developed an "Integration Model with Gender- Religiosity Conflict" derived from Cass's (1978) Gender Identity Formation Model. This model consists of the following stages: Nonconform, Questioning, Conflict, Exploration, Self-Identify, Compromise, Self-Integration, and Spiritual Integration. Additionally, the researcher observed how cognitive appraisal and attachment to religion as a community can play a role in preventing gender-religiosity conflict. This study provides insight into the experiences of LGBTQ individuals who also have a religious affiliation and may be struggling with conflicting identities. The model developed in this study can be used as a framework for understanding and supporting individuals going through this process."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Adihartono Reksodirdjo
"Since the sexual revolution began in Europe,the sexual discourse i.e.homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and transexuality could be a scientific discourse and many scholars start doing research this area. The development of sexual revolution is also bring up the movement of homosexual revolution communities.Thia thesis describe and analize the same sex marriage policy in the Netherlands,Belgium and Spain from the interational perspective..The Netherlands is one of the European states which is having a free and liberal sexual tradition because the government could accomodate the sexual attitude into non-bias gender policy.The legalization of homosexuality in the Netherlands took by the French through "French Napoleonic code 1811. The code explained that the liberation and marriage of homosexuality itsguarantee by policy.This code is follow by the Dutch government and they make a non-bias gendewr policy such as same sex marriage policy and also Prostitution policy.From the democracyn theory ,it is visible that the Netherlands have a sexual social democracy because they give the tolerance for the another aspiration,expression,the difference and human right. The liberal democration in the Netherlands,it should be like a pioner for the other Europen countries.After dutch government legalize the same sex marriage policy in 2001, belgium is also legalize it in 2003.One of the European countries which is surprised all over the world is Spain.Spain is the country in the Mediterranian bay which have a strong catholic tradition,but the Spanish government could accoudate the homosexual communities with the same sex marriage policy in 2005"
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Adihartono Reksodirdjo
Since the sexual revolution began in Europe, the sexual discourse i.e. homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and transexuality could be a scientific discourse and many scholars start doing research this area. The development of sexual revolution is also bring up the movement of homosexual revolution communities.This thesis describes and analyzes the Same Sex Marriage Policy in the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain from the international perspective. The Netherlands is one of the European states which is having a free and liberal sexual tradition because the government could accommodate the sexual attitude into non-bias gender policy. The legalization of homosexuality in the Netherlands took by the French through "French Napoleonic Code at 1811. The code explained that the liberation and marriage of homosexuality is guarantee by policy. This Code is follow by the Dutch government and they make a non-bias gender policy such as Same Sex Marriage Policy and also Prostitution Policy. From the democracy theory, it is visible that the Netherlands have a "Sexual Social Democracy" because they give the tolerance for another aspiration, expression, the difference and human rights.The liberal democration in the Netherlands, it should be like a pioneer for the other European countries. After Dutch government legalizes the Same Sex Marriage Policy in 2001, Belgium is also legalizing it in 2003. One of the European countries which is surprised all over the world is Spain. Spain is the country in the Mediterranean bay which has a strong Catholic tradition, but the Spanish government could accommodate the homosexual communities with the Same Sex Marriage Policy in 2005. From this point of view, the Netherlands it should be use a "latent" ideology to marketization their liberal democration. This pattern is one of the contemporary powers at the global era which is named Soft Power. This power is like a psychological power because they use values, morals and cultures as a dominant power. The method is to promote the attractive values and cultures, not with the repression but with the persuasion and argumentation.The method of this research is descriptive. After describing the whole problems then we analyze it from the cases. In the mean time, the data's research technique of this thesis is from books, scientific journals, newspapers, the documents and internet.In brief, this thesis analyzes the Same Sex Marriage Policy in the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain, complete with the international debates regarding this policy. On chapter 4 and 5, the researcher make a differentiation between homosexual communities in Europe and Indonesia, and this differentiation will be a challenge to advocate them to achieve their rights as a human being."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Joesana Tjahjani
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Laporan Penelitian Universitas Indonesia Library
Noventi Yuningsih
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang wacana homoseksualitas yang terdapat pada film Freier Fall 2013 yang berkaitan dengan konsep heteroseksualitas dan maskulinitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif berdasarkan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya konsep heteroseksualitas sebagai konsep yang benar menimbulkan pembagian peran di masyarakat. Konsep pembagian peran ini membentuk perilaku seseorang dalam memainkan peranannya yang sesuai di masyarakat. Hal tersebut menyebabkan homoseksualitas yang berada di luar konsep heteroseksualitas dan maskulinitas dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang salah. Film ini memperlihatkan bagaimana stereotip-stereotip negatif tentang kaum gay terus dipertahankan terutama pada lingkungan yang didefinisikan sebagai zona lingkungan laki-laki maskulin seperti kepolisian. Hal tersebut menyebabkan timbulnya homofobia dan diskriminasi terhadap kaum gay.
This thesis discusses the discourses of homosexuality in the film Freier Fall (2013) in relation with the concept of heterosexuality and masculinity. This research used descriptive analysis based from literature studies. The results from this study showed that the concept of heterosexuality as the right concept creates the division of roles in society. This division of roles shapes the person?s behavior in order to play his appropriated role in society. This causes homosexuality, that lie beyond the concept of heterosexuality and masculinity viewed as something wrong. The film displayed how the negative stereotypes about gays have been maintained especially in environments that identified as masculine male?s zone like law enforcement. These stereotypes created the causes of homophobia and lead to discrimination against gays."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Alvina Rahmawati
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran keluhan sesuai Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS), gambaran perilaku berisiko waria dalam penularan IMS dan hubungan antara keduanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan desain studi potonglintang. Partisipan penelitian sebanyak 48 waria binaan Puskesmas Kedung Badak Kota Bogor. Sebagian besar waria berada pada usia lebih dari 29 tahun, pendidikan terakhirnya SMA, belum menikah, dan homoseksual. Sebanyak 14,6% waria mengalami keluhan sesuai IMS. Berdasarkan hubungan keduanya, diketahui bahwa status pernikahan dan pemakaian NAPZA suntik memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan timbulnya keluhan sesuai IMS.
The purpose of this research is to overview symptoms in sexually transmitted infestions (STIs), risk behaviours in STI among Kedung Badak Health Cares patronage transvestities, and indicate the correlation between risk behaviour and the symptoms. This research uses quantitative method with crossectional design. The participants of this research consist of 48 Kedung Badak Health Cares patronage transvertism. The majority of transgender is more than 29 years old, the last education is SHS, unmarried, and homosexual. This research indicate that 14,6% transgender show the symptoms of STIs. The correlation has significant in marriage status and drug injections use."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Ezra Ollyn C.
"Keberadaan homoseksual di Indonesia masih belum dapat diterima. Masyarakat masih menganggap homoseksual sebagai sebuah gangguan. Bentuk penolakan ini jika diinternalisasi dapat memberikan dampak negatif bagi harga diri seseorang. Padahal harga diri merupakan komponen esensial bagi kesehatan mental seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan harga diri laki-laki heteroseksual dan homoseksual di Indonesia. Penelitian di Barat menunjukkan bahwa kelompok seksual minoritas (homoseksual) memiliki harga diri yang lebih rendah dibandingkan heteroseksual. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah laki-laki heteroseksual dan homoseksual yang berusia antara 20-40 tahun. Harga diri diukur dengan menggunakan Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa laki-laki homoseksual memiliki harga diri yang lebih rendah dibandingkan laki-laki heteroseksual.
The presence of homosexuals in Indonesia is still not acceptable. Society still regards homosexuality as a disorder. This form of rejection when internalized can adversely affect a person's self esteem. Whereas self-esteem is an essential component for one's mental health. This study aimed to see differences in self-esteem in heterosexual men and homosexual in Indonesia. Research suggests that sexual minority groups (homosexuals) have a lower self-esteem than heterosexuals. The subjects in this study were heterosexual men and homosexual age 20-40. Self-esteem was measured using the Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory. The results showed that homosexual men have a lower self-esteem than heterosexual men."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Kawulusan, Geraldus Tirta Pratama
"Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melihat pengaruh berdoa terhadap motif berkorban dalam hubungan dimoderasi oleh authenticity pada 21 individu dengan orientasi homoseksual. Pengukuran pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan durasi berdoa selama tujuh hari, alat ukur motives of sacrifice oleh Impett, Gable, Peplau 2005 , dan alat ukur authenticity yang digunakan oleh Impett dkk. 2013.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa berdoa tidak mempengaruhi kedua motives of sacrifice, authenticity tidak mempengaruhi motives of sacrifice dan authenticity tidak memperkuat ataupun memperlemah pengaruh antara berdoa dan motives of sacrifice pada individu dengan orientasi homoseksual.
This study was conducted to see the Effects of Prayer on Motives of Sacrifice Moderated by Authenticity Among 21 Homosexuals. Measurements of variable were performed using the length of participant rsquo s prayer during seven days of experiments, motives of sacrifice inventory used by Impett, Gable, and Peplau 2005, and one item authenticity used by Impett dkk. 2013. The results show that prayer does not have an effect on both motives of sacrifice, authenticity does not have an effect on motives of sacrifice, and authenticity does not strengthen nor weaken the effect of prayer on motives of sacrifice among homosexuals."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Arie Kurnia Prawira
"Homoseksualitas telah dianggap sebagai masalah yang sangat kontroversial di Indonesia. Namun, Glee, sebuah serial TV Amerika yang memiliki konten LGBT yang kuat dan disutradarai oleh seorang showrunner homoseksual bernama Ryan Murphy, ditayangkan di stasiun TV Indonesia yaitu RCTI dan GlobalTV dari 2010 hingga 2011 dan kembali ditayangkan di 2015 dan diterima dengan baik oleh penonton Indonesia. Survei daring dan wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk mengungkap persepsi penonton Indonesia tentang Glee. Menggunakan konsep respon audiens oleh Stuart Hall, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa meskipun para responden menikmati tontonan serial ini, Glee diterima dengan baik di Indonesia karena unsur-unsur musikal dan dramatisnya menutupi konten LGBT-nya yang kuat.
Homosexuality has been considered a highly controversial issue in Indonesia. However, Glee, an American series which has strong queer content and directed by an openly homosexual showrunner Ryan Murphy, was aired on Indonesian TV stations namely RCTI and GlobalTV from 2010 to 2011 and again in 2015 and well-received by Indonesian audience. Online survey and in-depth interviews were conducted to unravel Indonesian audience perception of Glee. Using Stuart Halls concept of audience response, this research found that although the respondents enjoyed watching the series, Glee is well-received in Indonesia because its musical and dramatic elements overshadow its strong queer contents."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library