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Lazuardy Rachman
"Latar Belakang: Selama kehamilan terjadi perubahan fisiologis yang memengaruhi metabolisme nutrisi dan energi. Sehingga status nutrisi pra-kehamilan merupakan faktor penting bagi pertumbuhan janin dan kesehatan ibu Wanita dewasa dengan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) <18,5 digunakan sebagai indikator kekurangan energi kronis (KEK). Dan sebanyak 24,2% wanita hamil yang berumur 15-49 tahun memiliki risiko KEK berdasarkan indikator lingkar lengan atas (LILA). Berdasarkan Riskesdas 2013, prevalensi wanita hamil berisiko tinggi dengan tinggi badan <150 cm mencapai 31,3 %. Hingga saat ini, hanya beberapa penelitian yang mempelajari status nutrisi wanita hamil trimester I dengan mengukur IMT, LILA dan tinggi badan, serta hubungannya dengan luaran bayi dan plasenta
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan IMT, LILA dan tinggi badan ibu hamil trimester I sebagai prediksi status nutrisi prakonsepsi dengan ukuran plasenta dan luaran bayi.
Metode: Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang pada 134 pasien yang sesuai kriteria. Data pasien mengambil riwayat kehamilan trimester pertama menggunakan catatan kehamilan untuk menilai kecukupan gizi ibu dan keadaan klinis bayi pada saat persalinan.
Hasil: Pada uji korelasi bivariat antara IMT, LILA, dan tinggi badan ibu hamil dengan karakteristik bayi lahir (berat, panjang, lingkar kepala, lingkar perut, berat plasenta, volume plasenta), menunjukan hasil yang signifikan pada semua variabel kecuali pada korelasi antara tinggi badan dengan lingkar kepala, lingkar perut, berat plasenta, dan volume plasenta bayi. Analisis multivariat menunjukan adanya korelasi antara berat, panjang, lingkar kepala, lingkar perut, berat plasenta, dan volume plasenta bayi lahir dengan LILA.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif antara berat, panjang,lingkar kepala, lingkar perut, berat plasenta, dan volume plasenta bayi lahir terhadap LILA kehamilan trimester pertama.

Background: The maternal nutritional status is an important factor for fetal growth and maternal health. Adult women with BMI <18.5 were used as an indicator of chronic energy deficiency (CED). And as many as 24.2% pregnant women aged 15 to 49 years old have the risks of CED based on their UAC. According to Riskesdas 2013, the prevalence of high risk pregnant women with body height <150 cm reaches up to 31.3%. Until now, there are few studies have studied the nutritional status of first trimester pregnant women by measuring their BMI, UAC and body height, as well as their association with the outcomes from placenta and infants.
Objective: This study aims to determine the correlation between BMI, UAC and body height of first trimester pregnant women as predicted pre-conception nutritional status with placental size and outcomes of the infants.
Method: The design of this study is cross sectional 134 patients who matched the criteria. Patients' data were obtained during their first trimester of pregnancy at network hospitals and Budi Kemuliaan Hospital.
Results: Bivariate correlation test between BMI, UAC and body height of pregnant women with the characteristics of infants (body weight, body length, head circumference, abdominal circumference, placental weight, placental volume), elicited significant result on all of the variables, except on the correlation between body height with head circumference, abdominal circumference, placental weight, and placental volume. Multivariate analysis showed a correlation between infant's body weight, infants' body length, head circumference, abdominal circumference, placental weight, and placental volume with UAC.
Conclusion: Significant correlation between infants' body weight, body length, head circumference, abdominal circumference, placental weight, and placental volume with UAC of first trimester pregnant women was proven."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristina Joy Herlambang
"Status gizi pada ibu hamil mempengaruhi komposisi mikrobiota usus ibu yang secara tidak langsung akan mempengaruhi pembentukan mikrobiota usus anak. Penelitian ini adalah suatu studi potong lintang yang mencari korelasi peningkatan berat badan dan lingkar lengan atas dengan jumlah Bifidobacterium dan Lactobacillus pada 52 ibu hamil trimester ketiga. Penelitian dilaksanakan di 10 Puskesmas Kecamatan Jakarta Timur selama bulan Februari?April 2015. Uji korelasi peningkatan BB dengan jumlah Bifidobacterium (r = 0,119, p = 0,4) dan dengan jumlah Lactobacillus (r = -0,009, p = 0,951). Korelasi LLA dengan jumlah Bifidobacterium (r = -0,211, p = 0,134) dan dengan jumlah Lactobacillus (r = - 0,013, p = 0,926). Dengan demikian, penelitian ini belum dapat membuktikan bahwa terdapat adanya korelasi antara peningkatan BB dan LLA dengan jumlah Bifidobacterium dan Lactobacillus pada kehamilan trimester ketiga.

Maternal nutritional status influences maternal gut microbiota composition, which in turn shapes the infant?s gut microbiota composition. Recent studies have shown that gut microbiota regulates obesity by increasing energy harvest from diet and by regulating peripheral metabolism. This cross-sectional study reports the correlation of maternal weight gain and mid-upper arm circumference with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus on 52 third-trimester pregnant women. The study was done on February?April 2015 in 10 Primary Health Care Centres in East Jakarta. Correlation of maternal weight gain with Bifidobacterium (r = 0.119, p = 0.4) and with Lactobacillus (r = -0.009, p = 0.951). The correlation of MUAC with Bifidobacterium (r = -0.211, p = 0.134) and Lactobacillus (r = -0.013, p = 0.926). Thus, this study has not proven any correlation between maternal weight gain and MUAC with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus count."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devina Septi Hajar
"Prevalensi berat badan lebih dan obesitas meningkat pada wanita usia subur. Obesitas pada kehamilan berhubungan dengan komplikasi kehamilan dan persalinan. Pada obesitas terjadi peningkatan respon inflamasi. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) adalah salah satu mediator inflamasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai penanda inflamasi. Pada kehamilan terjadi peningkatan kadar IL-6 serum akibat proses inflamasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain potong lintang yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara kadar IL-6 serum dengan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) pada perempuan hamil trimester 1. Penelitian dilakukan di RS Budi Kemuliaan selama bulan Maret 2013 sampai April 2013. Pengambilan subyek dilakukan dengan cara consecutive sampling, didapatkan 47 orang subyek yang dianalisis. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data karakteristik usia, tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pendapatan, asupan energi total dengan metode tanya ulang serta proporsi karbohidrat, lemak dan protein. Pengukuran antropometri yaitu IMT untuk menilai status gizi dan pemeriksaan laboratorium kadar IL-6 serum. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rerata usia 27,3±3,9 tahun, asupan energi total 95,7% subyek memiliki asupan kurang dari anjuran angka kecukupan gizi (AKG) Indonesia, 55,3% subyek memiliki berat badan lebih, rerata IMT adalah 23,8+3,7 kg/m2. Hasil pengukuran kadar IL-6 serum didapatkan rerata 1,9±1,2 pg/ml. Didapatkan korelasi positif tidak bermakna antara kadar IL-6 serum dengan IMT pada perempuan hamil trimester 1 (r=0,28, p=0,057).

The prevalence of overweight and obesity increases in the reproductive women. Obesity is related to complication in pregnancy dan parturition. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is one of inflammatory cell that can be used as a marker of inflammation which increases in patient with obesity. Serum IL-6 level had been found increases in pregnancy related to inflammation proccess. The aim of this cross sectional study was to find the correlation between serum IL-6 level and body mass index (BMI) in first trimester pregnancy. Data collection was conducted during March 2013 to April 2013 on Budi Kemuliaan Hospital, Jakarta. Subjects were obtained using consecutive sampling method. A total of 47 pregnant women in first trimester subjects had met the study criteria. Data were collected through interviews including age, educational status, income status, total energy intake and proportion of carbohidrat, fat, protein. Anthropometry measurements of BMI to assess the nutritional status and laboratory examination i.e blood levels of IL-6. Mean age was 27,3±3,9 years. Intake of total energy showed that 95.7% of the subjects were less than recommended dietary allowances (RDA). Overweight was occured in 55,3% of the subjects. Mean of BMI was 23,8+3,7 kg/m2. Mean of serum IL-6 levels was 1,9±1,2 pg/ml. No significant correlation was found between serum IL-6 levels and body mass index in first trimester pregnancy (r=0,28, p=0,057)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Choiron Abdillah
"C-Reactive Protein merupakan protein penanda biologis yang jumlahnya akan meningkat ketika terjadi proses inflamasi di dalam tubuh. Pada kehamilan, proses inflamasi merupakan proses fisiologis namun tentunya dalam batas normal. Status gizi maternal dipercaya memiliki hubungan dengan proses inflamasi yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara kadar high-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) pada ibu hamil trimester satu dengan indeks massa tubuh. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi potong lintang dengan jumlah subjek penelitian 62 responden yang dipilih berdasarkan sistem simple random sampling.
Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil median kadar hs-CRP adalah 2,95 mg/L (0,30-35,30 mg/L). Penelitian ini menggunakan cut-off kadar hs-CRP 5 mg/L dan didapatkan hasil 32,3% subjek memiliki kadar yang tinggi. Indeks massa tubuh ibu hamil trimester pertama ini memiliki nilai rerata 23,68±3,73 kg/m2. Data kemudian dicari korelasinya dengan uji Pearson. Terdapat korelasi sedang positif antara kadar hs-CRP dengan indeks massa tubuh ibu hamil trimester satu (r = 0,435, p = < 0,001). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi nilai indeks massa tubuh, maka semakin tinggi kadar hs-CRP pada ibu hamil trimester satu.

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a biomarker protein which increases during inflammation. During pregnancy, there is a physiologic amount of inflammation which increases CRP. Maternal nutrition status is known to be associated with the inflammatory process and pregnancy outcome. The objective of this study was to find the normal value of high-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) in first trimester pregnancy and its association with body mass index. This study used cross-sectional design with 62 first trimester pregnant women as subjects. The subjects were chosen using simple random sampling method.
It was found that the median serum level of hs-CRP in the subjects was 2.95 mg/L (0.30-35.30 mg/L). The cut-off point of hs-CRP level in this study was 5 mg/L. There were 32.3 % subjects who had higher hs-CRP value. The mean body mass index was 23.68±3.73 kg/m2. Pearson analysis demonstrated medium correlation between the level of hs-CRP and body mass index in first trimester pregnant women (r = 0.435, p = < 0.001). In conclusion, higher body mass index was associated with the higher hs-CRP level in first trimester pregnant women.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Rendra Hadi
"Omega-3 dan omega-6 berperan penting dalam kehamilan, asam lemak esensial yang saling terkait ini, berperan penting dalam penentuan masa gestasi ibu, pertumbuhan perilaku serta pembentukan saraf pusat janin, sehingga perlu dijaga rasio kadarnya. Angka gizi lebih semakin meningkat di Indonesia, dan diduga berpengaruh terhadap kadar omega-3 dan omega-6. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat hubungan kadar omega-3 dan omega-6 serum dengan status gizi berdasarkan indeks massa tubuh ibu hamil trimester satu dalam rangka menurunkan angka kurangnya keseimbangan omega-3 dan omega-6 di Indonesia. Jumlah subjek penelitian adalah 70 ibu hamil trimester satu, menggunakan desain studi potong lintang dan simple random sampling. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh 57,1% subjek mengalami gizi lebih dan 7,1% mengalami gizi kurang. Kadar ALA 173,37 (1,18-724) μg/ml, EPA 9,74 (0,06-166) μg/ml, DHA 15,45 (1,2-96) μg/ml, total n-3 199,65 (22,7-776,51) μg/ml, LA 1849,93 (119-8986) μg/ml, ARA 263,48 (21-993) μg/ml, total n-6 2114,24 (210-9643) μg/ml dan perbandingan n-3:n-6 1:10 (1:20-1:2,7). Uji Spearman menunjukkan tidak ada korelasi bermakna antara kadar omega-3 dan omega-6 dengan indeks massa tubuh, Uji chi square antara rasio omega-3:omega-6 dengan Indeks massa tubuh tidak menunjukkan korelasi bermakna, p 0,307. Perlu perubahan asupan makanan lebih kaya omega-3 untuk mengatasi kekurangan rasio omega-3 dan omega-6 seiring mengurangi angka gizi lebih.

Omega-3 and omega-6 are important for pregnant mother. Those essential fatty acid affect gestation time, fetal behavior and central nervous system development. Overnutrition is becoming problem in Indonesia and nutritional status seems to have role in determining omega-3 and omega-6 serum level. This research observe the association between nutritional status and the serum level of omega-3 and omega-6 with the goal to reduce omega-3 and omega-6 deficiency in Indonesia. There are 70 subject of first semester pregnant woman. This study is done using cross sectional design with simple random sampling. It is found that 57.1% have overweight and 7.1% have underweight. Serum level of ALA 173.37 (1.18-724) μg/ml, EPA 9.74 (0.06-166) μg/ml, DHA 15.45 (1.2-96) μg/ml, total n-3 199.65 (22.7-776.51) μg/ml, LA 1849.93 (119-8986) μg/ml, ARA 263.48 (21-993) μg/ml, total n-6 2114.24 (210-9643) μg/ml and ratio of n-3:n-6 1:10 (1:20-1:2.7). Spearman correlation test shown no significant correlation between any omega-3 and omega-6 serum level with BMI. Chi square between omega-3 and omega-6 ratio does not shown significant correlation with BMI category, p 0.307. Modification of food intake with higher omega-3 is needed to reduce deficiency in omega-3 and omega-6 ratio while reducing overweight case.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tarigan, Indah Sri Bernadetta
Latar Belakang : Kehilangan gigi masih menjadi masalah dalam kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Indonesia. Kehilangan gigi posterior yang tidak digantikan dengan gigi tiruan dapat menyebabkan terganggunya kemampuan mastikasi. Kemampuan mastikasi yang buruk berdampak terhadap pemilihan makanan dan mempengaruhi status nutrisi. Jika hal ini terjadi pada ibu hamil, dapat mempengaruhi bayi yang ada di dalam kandungannya. Belum ada penelitian yang mengamati hubungan kemampuan mastikasi dengan berat lahir bayi di Indonesia. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu meneliti faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi berat lahir bayi seperti asupan nutrisi ibu, paritas, jarak kehamilan, usia kandungan jenis kelamin bayidan faktor lainnya. Adapun penelitian terdahulu tentang asupan nutrisi ibu hamil dengan berat lahir bayi ditinjau berdasarkan jenis makanannya. Sedangkan dalam penelitian ini asupan nutrisi ibu di amati berdasarkan total kalori yang di konsumsi ibu. Tujuan : Menganalisis hubungan kemampuan mastikasi, asupan nutrisi, dan indeks massa tubuh ibu hamil yang kehilangan gigi posterior terhadap berat lahir bayi. Metode: Studi analitik observasional dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik consecutive sampling pada ibu yang sudah melahirkan, usia 20-35 tahun, memiliki satu atau lebih gigi yang hilang dan tidak memakai gigi tiruan. Subjek diamati jumlah dan lokasi gigi hilangnya, pengambilan data dari buku KIA, menjawab kuesioner kemampuan mastikasi dan aupan nutrisi. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan one sample t-test, independent t-test, Kruskal-Wallis dan uji korelasi pearson. Hasil: Kemampuan mastikasi pada ibu hamil yang kehilangan gigi posterior memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan berat lahir bayi dengan nilai p 0.000, asupan nutrisi pada ibu hamil yang kehilangan gigi posterior memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan berat lahir bayi dengan nilai p 0.000, Indeks Massa Tubuh IMT ibu hamil yang kehilangan gigi posterior memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan berat lahir bayi dengan nilai p 0,038. Aspek yang paling berhubungan dengan berat lahir bayi adalah indeks massa tubuh ibu hamil yang memiliki nilai korelasi pearson 0,142. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan kemampuan mastikasi pada ibu hamil yang kehilangan gigi posterior dengan berat lahir bayi, terdapat hubungan asupan nutrisi pada ibu hamil yang kehilangan gigi posterior dengan berat lahir bayi, terdapat hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh IMT ibu hamil yang kehilangan gigi posterior dengan berat lahir bayi, aspek yang paling berpengaruh terhadap berat lahir bayi adalah indeks massa tubuh

Background Tooth loss is still a major oral health problem oral health in Indonesia. Tooth loss which can rsquo t replaced by denture can cause mastication ability disturbance. Bad mastication function can affect to food choice and nutritional status. If this occurs to pregnant women, it can affect the baby in her womb. There is no study which observes the relationship beetween mastication ability with infant birth rsquo s weightin Indonesia. Some previous studies showed factors which affect infant birth rsquo s weightsuch as mother rsquo s nutrient intake, parity, pregnancy gap, fetal age, infant sex and other factors. Previous research about pregnant women nutrient intake with infant birth rsquo s weightwere viewed based on type of food. While in this study mother rsquo s nutrient intake dased on total calories. Objective To analyze relationship between mastication ability, nutrient intake and body mass index of pregnant women with posterior tooth loss with birth weight of baby. Method Study design is analytical observational study with cross sectiona. This study was performed with consecutive sampling, to mothers who gave birth, aged 20 35, have one or more missing posterior teeth, no denture. Missing teeth number and location were observed, the data was taken from KIA booklet and subjects answered questionairre about mastication ability and nutrient intake. This study was analyze by one sample t test, independent t test, Kruskal Wallis and Pearson. Result Mastication ablity of pregnant women with posterior tooth loss with infant birth rsquo s weightwas found statistically significant p 0,000 . Nutrient intake of pregnant women with posterior tooth loss with infant birth rsquo s weight was also found statistically significant p 0,000 . BMI of pregnant women with posterior tooth loss with infant birth rsquo s weight was found statistically significant p 0,038 . The most correlate aspect with infant birth rsquo s weight is BMI of pregnant women with pearson correlation value 0,142. Conclusion There is a relationship between mastication ability of pregnant women with posterior tooth loss with infant birth rsquo s weight. There is a relationship between nutrient intake of pregnant women with posterior tooth loss with infant birth rsquo s weight. There is a relationship between BMI of pregnant women with posterior tooth loss with infant birth rsquo s weight. The most correlated aspect with infant birth rsquo s weight in BMI of pregnant women. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresia Indrawati
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan asupan vitamin A dan kadar retinol dengan status anemia pada dua kelompok ibu hamil trimester tiga, yaitu kelompok anemia dan non anemia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang yang dilaksanakan di sepuluh puskesmas kecamatan Jakarta Timur dan merupakan bagian dari penelitian besar Departemen Gizi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia yang berjudul “Peran Gizi, Faktor Maternal dan Pelayanan Kesehatan pada Ibu Hamil Trimester Ketiga terhadap Komposisi Mikrobiota Ibu dan Berat Lahir Bayi: Studi Kohort di Jakarta”. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan April hingga Mei 2015. Sebanyak 113 subjek ibu hamil trimester tiga dengan usia kehamilan diatas 32 minggu ikut dalam penelitansetelah memenuhi kriteria penelitian dan dibagi dalam dua kelompok berdasarkan kadar hemoglobin yaitu anemia (Hb<11g/dL) dan non anemia (Hb≥11g/dL). Setelah itu dilakukan pengukuran antropometri, wawancara asupan, pemeriksaan hemoglobin, dan serum retinol. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakteristik demografi, antropometri, asupan makanan (makronutrien dan mikronutrien), kadar hemoglobin, dankadar serum retinol. Rentang usia subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 19-44 tahun. Sebagian besar subjek (59,6%) memiliki tingkat pendidikan menengah (lulus SMP atau SMA). Rerata usia kehamilan pada subjek penelitian ini adalah 34,32 ± 1,86 minggu pada kelompok anemia dan 35,18±1,73 minggu pada kelompok non anemia.Rerata asupan protein pada kedua kelompok ibu masih berada di bawah AKG yaitu <77g/hari. Rerata asupan lemak pada kelompok anemia lebih tinggi daripada kelompok non anemia (p=0,04). Asupan Fe kedua kelompok sudah sesuai dengan AKG yaitu 40mg/hari (p=0,82). Asupan folat pada kelompok anemia lebih rendahdan kurang dari AKG dibandingkan kelompok non anemia (p=0,16).Asupan vitamin B12, hampir tidak ada perbedaan rerata antara dua kelompok dan sudah sesuai dengan AKG. Median asupan vitamin A pada kelompok non anemia lebih tinggi dari kelompok anemia (p=0,52). Rerata kadar retinol pada kelompok anemia adalah 1,40±0,50 dan pada kelompok non anemia adalah 1,45±0,44. (p=0,55).Tidak didapatkan hasil yang bermakna setelah dilakukan analisis multivariat sebagai kontrol perancu.

The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between vitamin A and retinol levels with anemia status in two groups of three trimester pregnant women, namely the anemic and non anemic. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in ten sub-district Government Health Centre in East Jakarta and which part of a large research department of Nutrition Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, entitled "The Role of Nutrition, Maternal Factors and Maternal Health Services with the Composition of the Microbiota in Third Trimester Maternal and Infant Birth Weight : The study cohort in Jakarta". Data was collected from April untill May 2015. A total of 113 third trimester pregnant women with gestational age above 32 weeks (35.0 ± 1.8) were participated in research after met the study criterions. They were divided into two groups based on the levels of hemoglobin which were anemic (Hb<11g /dL) and non anemic(Hb≥ 11g / dL), and continue with anthropometric examination, interview and Hb measurement. The data collected included demographic characteristics, anthropometry, food intake (macronutrients and micronutrients), hemoglobin, and serum retinol. The age range of the subjects in this study was 19-44 years old. Most subjects (59.6%) had secondary education (graduated from high school or high school). The mean gestational age of the subjects was 34.32 ± 1.86 weeks in anemic group and 35.18 ± 1.73 weeks in non anemic. Mean of protein intake in both groups are still under RDA which < 77g/day. The mean of fat intake in anemic group was higher than non-anemic group (p=0.04). Iron intake in both groups are in accordance with the RDA which 40mg/day (p=0.82). Folate intake was lower in anemia group than non-anemic group (p=0.16). There was no difference between vitamin B12 intake in both group andwere in accordance with RDA. The median of vitamin A intake in non-anemic group was higher than non-anemic group (p = 0.52). The mean retinol serum levels in anemic group was 1.40 ± 0.50 and non-anemic group was 1.45 ± 0.44. (P = 0.55). No significant results obtained from multivariate analysis in order to control the confounders., The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between vitamin A and retinol levels with anemia status in two groups of three trimester pregnant women, namely the anemic and non anemic. This was a cross-sectional study conducted in ten sub-district Government Health Centre in East Jakarta and which part of a large research department of Nutrition Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, entitled "The Role of Nutrition, Maternal Factors and Maternal Health Services with the Composition of the Microbiota in Third Trimester Maternal and Infant Birth Weight : The study cohort in Jakarta". Data was collected from April untill May 2015. A total of 113 third trimester pregnant women with gestational age above 32 weeks (35.0 ± 1.8) were participated in research after met the study criterions. They were divided into two groups based on the levels of hemoglobin which were anemic (Hb<11g /dL) and non anemic(Hb≥ 11g / dL), and continue with anthropometric examination, interview and Hb measurement. The data collected included demographic characteristics, anthropometry, food intake (macronutrients and micronutrients), hemoglobin, and serum retinol. The age range of the subjects in this study was 19-44 years old. Most subjects (59.6%) had secondary education (graduated from high school or high school). The mean gestational age of the subjects was 34.32 ± 1.86 weeks in anemic group and 35.18 ± 1.73 weeks in non anemic. Mean of protein intake in both groups are still under RDA which < 77g/day. The mean of fat intake in anemic group was higher than non-anemic group (p=0.04). Iron intake in both groups are in accordance with the RDA which 40mg/day (p=0.82). Folate intake was lower in anemia group than non-anemic group (p=0.16). There was no difference between vitamin B12 intake in both group andwere in accordance with RDA. The median of vitamin A intake in non-anemic group was higher than non-anemic group (p = 0.52). The mean retinol serum levels in anemic group was 1.40 ± 0.50 and non-anemic group was 1.45 ± 0.44. (P = 0.55). No significant results obtained from multivariate analysis in order to control the confounders.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desmon Wirawati
Latar Belakang penelitian adalah masih tingginya angka kejadian penurunan kadar Hb pada ibu
hamil, yang akan berdampak pada ibu dan janin. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui
hubungan perilaku (pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap) dan dukungan keluarga dalam pemenuhan
kebutuhan nutrisi ibu hamil dengan kadar hemoglobin. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah
kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan sampel 65.
Tehnik pengambilan sample adalah simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian ada hubungan perilaku:
pengetahuan (p: 0.001), keterampilan (p: 0.007), sikap (p: 0.010) dan dukungan emosional (p=0.004),
intrumental (p= 0.021), informasional (p= 0.036), dan penghargaan (p=0.047) dengan kadar Hb ibu
hamil. Kesimpulan penelitan adalah kadar Hb Ibu hamil depengaruhi oleh perilaku dan dukungan
keluarga dalam pemenuhan nutrisi. Implikasi hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat mengembangkan
program pemberian makanan kaya zat besi dengan melibatkan keluarga. Rekomendasi penelitian
adalah melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap pemenuhan nutrisi ibu hamil, untuk
mempertahankan kadar Hb normal.

Background this study is still high incidence of decreased levels of hemoglobin in pregnant women,
which will have an impact on the mother and fetus. The purpose of this study is to determine the
relationship of behavior (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and support the family in meeting the
nutritional needs of pregnant women with hemoglobin (Hb). This study used descriptive correlation
with cross sectional approach. The sample of 65 was calculated using simple random sampling. The
results of the study no relationship behaviors: knowledge (p: 0.001), skills (p: 0.007), attitude (p:
0.010) and emotional support (p = 0.004), instrumental (p = 0.021), informational (p = 0.036), and
awards (p = 0.047) with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women. Conclusion this study Hb influenced
by the behavior of pregnant women and family support in nutrition. Implications of the results of the
study are expected to develop a program of iron-rich foods with the family involved. Recommendations
the study is looking at the factors that influence the attitude of nutrition of pregnant women, to
maintain normal hemoglobin levels;Background this study is still high incidence of decreased levels of hemoglobin in pregnant women,
which will have an impact on the mother and fetus. The purpose of this study is to determine the
relationship of behavior (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and support the family in meeting the
nutritional needs of pregnant women with hemoglobin (Hb). This study used descriptive correlation
with cross sectional approach. The sample of 65 was calculated using simple random sampling. The
results of the study no relationship behaviors: knowledge (p: 0.001), skills (p: 0.007), attitude (p:
0.010) and emotional support (p = 0.004), instrumental (p = 0.021), informational (p = 0.036), and
awards (p = 0.047) with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women. Conclusion this study Hb influenced
by the behavior of pregnant women and family support in nutrition. Implications of the results of the
study are expected to develop a program of iron-rich foods with the family involved. Recommendations
the study is looking at the factors that influence the attitude of nutrition of pregnant women, to
maintain normal hemoglobin levels;Background this study is still high incidence of decreased levels of hemoglobin in pregnant women,
which will have an impact on the mother and fetus. The purpose of this study is to determine the
relationship of behavior (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and support the family in meeting the
nutritional needs of pregnant women with hemoglobin (Hb). This study used descriptive correlation
with cross sectional approach. The sample of 65 was calculated using simple random sampling. The
results of the study no relationship behaviors: knowledge (p: 0.001), skills (p: 0.007), attitude (p:
0.010) and emotional support (p = 0.004), instrumental (p = 0.021), informational (p = 0.036), and
awards (p = 0.047) with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women. Conclusion this study Hb influenced
by the behavior of pregnant women and family support in nutrition. Implications of the results of the
study are expected to develop a program of iron-rich foods with the family involved. Recommendations
the study is looking at the factors that influence the attitude of nutrition of pregnant women, to
maintain normal hemoglobin levels, Background this study is still high incidence of decreased levels of hemoglobin in pregnant women,
which will have an impact on the mother and fetus. The purpose of this study is to determine the
relationship of behavior (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and support the family in meeting the
nutritional needs of pregnant women with hemoglobin (Hb). This study used descriptive correlation
with cross sectional approach. The sample of 65 was calculated using simple random sampling. The
results of the study no relationship behaviors: knowledge (p: 0.001), skills (p: 0.007), attitude (p:
0.010) and emotional support (p = 0.004), instrumental (p = 0.021), informational (p = 0.036), and
awards (p = 0.047) with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women. Conclusion this study Hb influenced
by the behavior of pregnant women and family support in nutrition. Implications of the results of the
study are expected to develop a program of iron-rich foods with the family involved. Recommendations
the study is looking at the factors that influence the attitude of nutrition of pregnant women, to
maintain normal hemoglobin levels]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Upaya peningkatan mutu sumber daya manusia dimulai sejak trimester I. Perubahan fisiologis dan psikologis yang terjadi mengharuskan ibu beradaptasi agar tercapai kehamilan yang sehat. Aktivitas ibu bekerja di luar rumah menyebabkan ibu memiliki beban tambahan untuk beradaptasi dibandingkan dengan ibu rumah tangga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perubahan fisiologis dan psikologis pada trimester I dengan kemampuan adaptasi ibu hamil yang bekerja dan ibu rumah tangga. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini 94 orang dengan usia kehamilan >12 minggu sampai 20 minggu ditentukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Untuk menguji hubungan antara karakteristik, perubahan fisiologis dan psikologis dengan kemampuan adaptasi ibu hamil yang bekerja dan ibu rumah tangga, uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Chi Square, kemudian dilakukan uji regresi logistik ganda model prediksi untuk mengetahui variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kemampuan adaptasi ibu hamil.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan merupakan variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kemampuan adaptasi ibu hamil yang bekerja dengan OR = 59,226. Demikian pula pada ibu rumah tangga dengan nilai OR = 19,079. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena melalui perencanaan ibu dapat memprediksi kemungkinan yang akan dialami selama kehamilan sehingga ibu cenderung lebih siap secara fisik dan psikologis. Oleh sebab itu perawat maternitas perlu memfasilitasi ibu atau keluarga dengan memberikan konseling pendidikan kesehatan mengenai perubahan fisik dan psikologis kehamilan dan perencanaan kehamilan melalui KB.

The effort to improve quality of human resources starts at the first trimester of pregnancy. The pregnant women should be able to adapt with physiological and psychological changes to have a healthy pregnancy. Comparing to housewife, activities of working mother could result in additional burden for mother to be adjusted. This research is a descriptive correlation design with cross sectional approach which aims to explore the relationship of physiological and psychological changes at first trimester with adaptation of working mother and housewife being in pregnancy. The sample size was 94 women with more than 12 weeks until 20 weeks pregnancy taken by purposive sampling. To test the relationship of physiological and psychological changes at first trimester with adaptation of working mother and housewife being in pregnancy, the chi square test was used, and the test of multiple logistic regressions, model of prediction was used as well to find dominant variable related to the ability of pregnant women to adapt.
The research result indicated that the planning was a most dominant variable related to the adaptation ability of pregnant working mother with OR = 59,226 and to the adaptation ability of housewife pregnant mother with OR = 19,079. Planning of pregnancy makes mother could predict any possibilities encountered during pregnancy and mother is tend to be better prepared physically and psychologically. A maternity nurse needs to facilitate mother or family through counseling and health education on physical and psychological changes during pregnancy and to plan pregnancy with family planning.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amarylis Febrina Choirin Nisa Fathoni
LATAR BELAKANG: Penilaian aktivitas fisik ibu selama kehamilan sangat penting karena hubungan yang erat antara tingkat aktivitas fisik dan status kesehatan.1 Hubungan erat antara aktivitas fisik sehari-hari dan hasil luaran kehamilan masih belum jelas terungkap karena luasnya variasi desain studi dan langkah-langkah penilaian aktivitas fisik.2 TUJUAN: Untuk melihat sebaran aktivitas ibu hamil pada trimester 3, kemudian melihat adanya hubungan antara aktivitas fisik ibu hamil pada trimester ke-3 dengan metode persalinan, skor APGAR bayi pada menit ke-5, dan berat lahir bayi. Dapat digunakan juga sebagai dasar rekomendasi bagi masyarakat luas mengenai aktivitas fisik selama kehamilan, dan rekomendasi bagi pembuat kebijakan mengenai karyawan yang bekerja di masa kehamilan. METODE: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara aktivitas fisik ibu hamil dengan luaran ibu hamil dan bayi baru lahir akan digunakan desain potong lintang, dengan melakukan pengamatan secara akurat dan sistematik.HASIL: Penelitian ini melibatkan 100 ibu melahirkan, yang didapatkan bahwa rerata usia responden adalah 27 tahun, dengan nilai tengah paritas adalah 2. Berdasarkan penilaian kuesioner PPAQ didapatkan bahwa nilai tengah akfitivitas mingguan responden adalah 346 MET-jam/minggu dengan nilai tengah tertinggi dilakukan untuk aktivitas ringan Median 143 , dan aktivitas rumah tangga Median 131 . Sedangkan aktivitas olahraga dikerjakan sangat sedikit, dengan nilai tengah 1.63 MET- jam/minggu. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara usia, paritas, jumlah aktivitas fisik dan intensitas terhadap metode persalinan. Pada saat dilakukan uji data numerik, didapatkan bahwa nilai tengah dari kelompok yang melahirkan pervaginam, adalah 341, dan untuk sectio secarea adalah 347.5, perbedaan ini tidak bermakna baik secara klinis maupun statistik p=0.696 . Pada saat analisa untuk melihat faktor yang memengaruhi berat badan, didapatkan bahwa aktivitas dan usia memiliki P ABSTRACT
BACKGROUND The assessment of maternal physical activity during pregnancy is crucial due to the close relationship between the PA levels and the health status.1 The potential relationship between daily physical activity and pregnancy outcome remains unclear because of the wide variation in study designs and physical activity assessment measures.2OBJECTIVES This study was aimed to evaluate the pregnancy daily activities at third trimester and its association between methods of delivery, the fifth minute APGAR score, and birth weight. This study could be used as a basic recommendation for society about daily activities during pregnancy. METHODS This study was a cross sectional study evaluating the association between pregnant women daily activities and maternal and perinatal outcomes by doing systematic and accurate observation.RESULTS Among 100 mother who had delivery, the average of age was 27 years old, and the median of the parity was 2. Based on the assessment of PPA questionnaire, we got the median value of weekly daily activities was 346 MET hours per week which mild activities had the highest point median 143 MET and household activities median 131 MET . However, physical exercises were done infrequently, with median value of 1.63 MET hours per week. There was no significant relationship between age, parity, the amount and intensity of physical activities and methods of delivery. In numerical analysis, we got the median value of physical activities among subjects who had vaginal delivery was 341 MET, and for cesarean section was 347.5 MET. This difference was either not statistically or clinically significant p 0,696 . Physical activities and age had p value below 0,25, therefore they could be included in multivariate analysis. However, both of them were not statictically significant with birth weight. There was no statistically significant association between fifth minute APGAR score and the intensity of physical activities, age, and parity. Meanwhile, babies with fifth minute APGAR score below 7 were mostly delivered by mother having minimal physical activities and there was no significant association between them.CONCLUSION There was no significant association between age, parity, the amount and intensity of physical activities and methods of delivery. And, there was no significant association either between physical activities or age and birth weight. There was no significant association between fifth minute APGAR score and the intensity of physical activities, age, and parity. Babies having fifth minute APGAR score below 7 were mostly delivered by mother having minimal physical activities and had no significant association between them. KEYWORDS pregnancy physical activities, PPA questionnaire "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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