ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menganalisis peran ethical leadership dan abusive supervision dalam proses
turnover. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 120 Pegawai Industri Jasa Perbankan di Jakarta.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan Structural Equation Modelling
(SEM). Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa ethical leadership mempengaruhi tingkat
kepuasan kerja, dimana selanjutnya mempengaruhi intentions to quit atau proses turnover dan
berdampak terhadap job search behavior. Sebaliknya, abusive supervision, yang bertentangan
seacara konseptual dengan ethical leadership, mempunyai pengaruh negative terhadap kepuasan
kerja dengan dampak yang sesuai dengan proses turnover dan job search behavior. Namun, tidak
seperti ethical leadership, yang tidak secara langsung mengarah terhadap terhadap job search
behavior, abusive supervision mampu secara langsung membuat pegawai tidak nyaman dan
mengarah terhadap job search behaviors. Lebih lanjut lagi, ditemukan juga bahwa bahkan
tingkat abusive supervision yang rendah sekalipun dapat menetralkan tingkat ethical leadership
yang tinggi. Implikasi bagi manajemen di industri keuangan yaitu sistem reward dan
punishment, mengadakan training untung mengembangkan pemimpin agar memiliki ethical
leadership yang tinggi, serta mengingatkan kembali kepada para pemimpin bahwa sesedikit
apapun tingkat abuse yang diterima karyawan akan menutupi tingkat ethical leadership yang tinggi sekalipun.
ABSTRACTThis study examined the roles which ethical leadership and abusive supervision play in turnover
process. This study was conducted on 120 banking industries? employees in Jakarta. This study
using descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The central conclusion of
this study is that ethical leadership influences job satisfaction, which then influences intentions to
quit, which then impacts job search behaviors. Conversely, abusive supervision, which is the
conceptual opposite of ethical leadership, has a negative influence on job satisfaction with
corresponding impacts on intentions to quit and job search behavior. But, unlike ethical
leadership, which does not directly lead to job search behavior, abusive supervision can also
directly make people so upset that they initiate job search behaviors. Moreover, findings indicate
that even low levels of abusive supervision can neutralize high levels of ethical leadership.
Implications for financial industries? management are rewarding ethical behavior and punishing
unethical behavior system, develop ethical leaders for a potential decrease in employee turnover
behaviors, and warning for leaders in general and human resource management leaders in
particular who depend on or even engage in abusive supervision that even a few instances of
abuse can overshadow high sustained levels of ethical conduct"