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Moch Arrol Iswahyudi
Latar belakang. Diseksi aorta Stanford A adalah penyakit dengan tingkat mortalitas yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari ketahanan hidup satu tahun pasien diseksi aorta Stanford A dengan lesi hingga arkus aorta yang dibedah serta untuk mengetahui karakteristik pasien, tindakan dan faktor- faktor yang berhubungan.
Metode. Studi kohort retrospektif dengan data diambil melalui rekam medis pada pasien diseksi aorta Stanford A yang dilakukan operasi dari periode 1 Januari 2014 sampai dengan 31 Oktober 2017. Tingkat ketahanan hidup satu tahun dinilai menggunakan metode Kaplan Meier dan faktor faktor yang berhubungan dengan ketahanan hidup akan dianalisis dengan regresi Cox

Background: Stanford type A Aortic Dissection is a disease with high mortality rate. This study not only to find a one-year survival of patients with Stanford type A Aortic Dissection with lesion to the aortic arch that is dissected but also to determine patient characteristics and its related factors.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study with datas taken from medical records in Stanford type A Aortic Dissection patients who were operated from 1st January 2014 to 31st October 2017. One-year survival rate was assessed using the Kaplan-Meier method and its survival-related factors will be analyzed by Cox regression"
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Ketut Wisudana Yuana
"Latar belakang : Sejak munculnya EVAR pada 1990an, pengalaman dan teknologi mengenai stent garft semakin maju. Di RSCM pertama kali dilakukan pada tahun 2013. Menurut Ad Hoc Committee for Standarized Reporting Practices in Vascular Surgery of the Society for Vascular Surgery, keberhasilan teknis utama membutuhkan pengenalan sistem alat ini dengan baik. Sebelum melakukan tindakan EVAR, ahli bedah vaskular harus menilai severitas anatomi untuk disesuaikan dengan IFU dari Endurant Medtronics. Belum banyak penelitian yang menggambarkan hubungan antara kesesuaian teknis EVAR dengan IFU.
Metode : Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan design cross-sectional pada pasien yang menjalani EVAR oleh ahli bedah vaskular di Indonesia pada tahun 2013-2019. Data ditabulasi untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara implantasi prosedur EVAR sesuai IFU dengan technical intraoperating complication (TIC) pada pasien AAA, dilakukan uji Chi-Square jika distribusi data normal atau Mann-Whitney test jikadistribusi data tidak normal. Pengolahan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan program SPSS 20.0 untuk membantu perhitungan statistik.
Hasil : Didapatkan 103 data aneurisma aorta abdominalis yang menjalani EVAR dari tahun 2013-2019. Terdapat 99 pasien (96.1%) pria dan 4 pasien (3.9%) wanita dan sebanyak 8 pasien (7.8%) berusia dibawah 60 tahun serta 95 pasien (92.2%) berusia diatas 60 tahun. Berdasarkan klasifikasi aortic neck severity score didapatkan 49 pasien (47.6%) memiliki klasifikasi ringan, 47 pasien (45.6%) dengan klasifikasi sedang, dan 7 pasien (6.8%) dengan klasifikasi berat. Berdasarkan klasifikasi total aortic anatomy severity score didapatkan 61 pasien (59.2%) dengan klasifikasi ringan, 42 pasien (40.8%) dengan klasifikasi sedang, dan 0 pasien (0%) dengan klasifikasi berat. Sebanyak 86 pasien (83.5%) prosedur EVAR dilakukan sesuai dengan IFU dan 17 pasien (16.5%) tidak sesuai dengan IFU. Dari data technical intraprocedure complication (TIC) didapatkan 19 pasien (18.4%) mengalami TIC dan 84 pasien (81.6%) tidak mengalami TIC. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan sebanyak 13 pasien (76.5%) yang tidak mengalami TIC dilakukan tindakan EVAR tidak sesuai IFU dan sesuai dengan IFU sebanyak 71 orang (82.6%). Sedangkan, sebanyak 4 pasien (23.5%) yang mengalami TIC dilakukan tidakan EVAR yang tidak sesuai IFU dan sebanyak 15 pasien (17,4%) yang mengalami TIC dilakukan tindakan EVAR sesuai dengan IFU. Pada data ini dihasilkan data OR (95% interval kepercayaan) sebesar 1.848 (0.385-8.864) dengan nilai p=0.556
Kesimpulan : Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil diameter leher proksimal, aortic neck severity score dan klasifikasi total aortic anatomyc severity secara independen memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian TIC pada pasien AAA di Indonesia tahun 2013-2019 dengan nilai p<0.05 dan secara umum skoring severitas anatomi memiliki pengaruh terhadap kejadian TIC setelah tindakan EVAR dan variasi anatomi menjadi pertimbangan untuk dilakukannya tindakan EVAR. Sedangkan faktor lainnya seperti panjang leher proksimal, angulasi aortic, kalsifikasi, trombus, usia, jenis kelamin, dan IFU secara independen tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian TIC.

Background. Since EVAR in the 1990s, the experience and technology of stent-graft has advanced. At the RSCM, it was first carried out in 2013. According to the Ad Hoc Committee for Standardized Reporting Practices in Vascular Surgery of the Society for Vascular Surgery, major technical success requires a good introduction to this system of tools. Before performing an EVAR procedure, vascular surgeons must assess the severity of the anatomy to match the IFU of Endurant Medtronics. Not many studies have described the relationship between EVAR's technical suitability and IFU.
Method. This study is analytic with cross-sectional design in patients undergoing EVAR by vascular surgeons in Indonesia in 2013-2019. Data were tabulated to determine the relationship between implantation of the EVAR procedure according to IFU and technical intraoperative complication (TIC) in AAA patients, Chi-square test was performed if the data distribution was normal or the Mann -Whitney test if the data distribution was abnormal. Data processing in this study uses the SPSS 20.0 program to help statistical calculations.
Results. 103 data obtained from abdominal aortic aneurysms undergoing EVAR from 2013-2019. There were 99 patients (96.1%) male and 4 patients (3.9%) female and as many as 8 patients (7.8%) aged under 60 years and 95 patients (92.2%) aged over 60 years. Based on the classification of aortic neck severity score, 49 patients (47.6%) had a mild classification, 47 patients (45.6%) with a moderate classification, and 7 patients (6.8%) with a severe classification. Based on the total aortic anatomy severity score classification, there were 61 patients (59.2%) with mild classification, 42 patients (40.8%) with moderate classification, and 0 patients (0%) with severe classification. A total of 86 patients (83.5%) EVAR procedures were performed following IFU and 17 patients (16.5%) did not comply with IFU. From technical intraoperative complication (TIC) data, 19 patients (18.4%) experienced TIC and 84 patients (81.6%) did not experience TIC. From this study, there were 13 patients (76.5%) who did not experience TIC. EVAR measures were not performed according to IFU and according to IFU, there were 71 people (82.6%). Meanwhile, as many as 4 patients (23.5%) who experienced TIC were performed EVAR actions that were not IFU compliant and as many as 15 patients (17.4%) who experienced TIC were performed EVAR measures according to IFU. In this data generated OR data (95% confidence interval) of 1,848 (0.385-8,864) with a value of p = 0.556
Conclusion. From this study the results obtained proximal neck diameter, aortic neck severity score and total classification of aortic anatomic severity independently have a significant relationship with the incidence of TIC in AAA patients in Indonesia in 2013-2019 with a p-value <0.05 and in general the scoring of anatomical severity has an influence the occurrence of TIC after the EVAR procedure and anatomic variations are considered for the EVAR procedure. While other factors such as proximal neck length, aortic angulation, calcification, thrombus, age, sex, and IFU independently did not have a significant relationship with the incidence of TIC."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adra Syahrissa Firmansyah
"Latar Belakang: Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (EVAR) menggunakan stent graft merupakan terapi utama pada pasien dengan aneurisma aorta abdominal. Aplikasi klinis EVAR dihadapkan dengan tingginya variasi anatomik aneurisma yang menyebabkan ketidaksesuaian ukuran stent yang dapat menyebabkan komplikasi berupa endoleak. Pembuatan instructions for use (IFU) merupakan upaya standardisasi dari produsen stent sehingga dapat sesuai dengan kondisi anatomik pasien dan menghindari komplikasi. Belum adanya penelitian mengenai kesesuaian IFU pada EVAR dan keluaran operasinya khususnya endoleak pasca-EVAR. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk melihat hubungan kesesuaian IFU pada EVAR dengan kejadian endoleak pasca-EVAR.
Metode: Studi dilakukan secara kohort retrospektif yang menilai hubungan kesesuaian IFU pada EVAR dengan kejadian endoleak pasca-EVAR. Penelitian akan dilakukan dari bulan Desember 2018-Februari 2019 di Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Pengambilan subjek dilakukan dengan pengambilan subjek total.
Hasil: Pada pengambilan subjek didapatkan 39 subjek yang menjalani prosedur EVAR. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 27 subjek (69.2%) menjalani EVAR sesuai dengan IFU dan 12 subjek (30.8%) tidak sesuai dengan IFU. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan 3 subjek penelitian (7.7%) mengalami endoleak pasca-EVAR. Pada analisis data, ditujukan bahwa kesesuaian IFU dalam menjalani EVAR tidak menunjukan hubungan yang bermakna dengan kejadian endoleak pasca-EVAR (p=0.539). Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa seluruh pasien yang mengalami endoleak pasca-EVAR berasal dari kelompok yang menjalankan IFU yang sesuai. Analisis data panjang, sudut, dan diameter leher juga tidak menunjukan hubungan yang bermakna dengan kejadian endoleak pasca-EVAR.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat adanya hubungan antara kesesuaian IFU dalam menjalani EVAR dengan kejadian endoleak pasca-EVAR.

Background: Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (EVAR) with stent-graft is the main treatment for patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm. Clinical application of EVAR is faced with the wide anatomic variety of aneurysm that could lead to incompatibility of stent size that could cause complications like endoleak. Instruction of use (IFU) is a standardization effort from the producer of the stent so that it would be more suitable for the patients anatomical condition thus avoiding the complications. Up until now, there has not been a research that studied the use of IFU on EVAR and its post-surgical outcome, especially post-EVAR endoleak. The objective of this study is to see the association between IFU accordance in EVAR with post-EVAR endoleak.
Method: The study was conducted by cohort-retrospective which assesses the association between IFU accordance in EVAR with post-EVAR endoleak. This study was done from December 2018 to February 2019 at vascular surgery out-patient clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Total sampling was conducted to obtain subjects by collecting all patients treated by EVAR.
Results: There were 39 subjects selected in this study. We found 27 subjects (69.2%) underwent EVAR appropriately according to IFU and 12 subjects (30.8%) that did not. Three of the subjects (7.7%) had post-EVAR endoleak. In the data analysis, IFU accordance in EVAR did not have a significant association with post-EVAR endoleak incidence (p=0.539). This study also found that every single subject with post-EVAR endoleak was from the IFU appropriate EVAR group. Data analysis on neck length, angle, and diameter also did not show any significant association with post-EVAR endoleak incidence (p>0.05).
Conclusion: There is no association between IFU accordance in EVAR with post-EVAR endoleak. Another study with larger sample size is needed to show association between IFU accordance with post-EVAR endoleak more accurately."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Andika Rizki
"Latar belakang: Waktu yang tepat untuk pembedahan katup aorta masihmerupakan tantangan saat ini. Pasien sering datang dengan kondisi lanjut denganperubahan geometri ventrikel kiri sebagai mekanisme kompensasi terhadappeningkatan beban tekanan dan volume berkepanjangan yang akan mempengaruhiluaran klinis pascabedah.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuiapakah terdapat pengaruh karakter ventrikel kiri meliputi ukuran dimensi ventrikelkiri EDD, ESD, FEVKi, indeks massa ventrikel kiri LVMI terhadapmorbiditas dan mortalitas di rumah sakit pascabedah katup aorta pada pasiendengan regurgitasi aorta kronik serta luaran klinis jangka menengah.
Metode: 168 pasien dengan regurgitasi aorta kronik yang menjalani pembedahankatup aorta terseleksi sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, pascapembedahandilakukan follow-up terhadap luaran klinis morbiditas dan mortalitas di rumahsakit, kemudian diikuti 1 tahun hingga 5 tahun setelah operasi, morbiditas danmortalitas dievaluasi,
Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada tiap tiapparameter ventrikel kiri EDD, ESD, FEVKi, LVMI terhadap morbiditas danmortalitas saat di rumah sakit p>0,05, terdapat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhimorbiditas intrahospital yaitu laju filtrasi ginjal p< 0,001 dan usia p=0,001 ,riwayat Penyakit Jantung Koroner PJK, riwayat PPOK dan riwayat stroke, sedangkan morbiditas jangka menengah dipengaruhi oleh kejadian aritmia pascapembedahan p=0,009, terdapat perbaikan pada NYHA functional class.Mortalitas di rumah sakit dipengaruhi oleh usia p=0,001 dan laju filtrasi ginjal p

Background: The optimal timing of aortic valve replacement is still challenging.The patients often come to hospital in end stage clinical performance withalteration in left ventricular LV geometry due to compensatory mechanism tovolume and pressure overload in long term period.
Objective: This study soughtto determine the effect of left ventricular characters diameter of the left ventricle,end diastolic diameter EDD, end systolic diameter ESD, left ventricularejection fraction LVEF, left ventricular mass index LVMI to in hospitalmorbidity and mortality following aortic valve replacement in patients withchronic aortic regurgitation and postoperative mid term outcome.
Methods: 168 patients with chronic aortic regurgitation underwent aortic valve replacementselected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Outcomes morbidity andmortality were observed during hospitalization and 1 year until 5 years aftersurgery. Mid term outcomes consisted of NYHA functional class, rehospitalizationand redo operation.
Results: There was no significant difference to in hospitalmorbidity and mortality for each of left ventricular characters p 0,05. Other factors which influenced in hospital morbidity were glomerularfiltration rate p
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryo Agung Prabowo Mukti

Latar belakang: Operasi modifikasi Bentall merupakan pilihan utama terhadap tatalaksana penyakit aorta diseksi dan nondiseksi yang membutuhkan perbaikan pangkal aorta. Kerusakan ginjal akut (KGA) pascaoperasi modifikasi Bentall merupakan kejadian yang cukup sering ditemukan. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah kohort analitik retrospektif. Pasien dengan penyakit aorta diseksi tipe A dan nondiseksi aorta yang telah menjalani prosedur modifikasi Bentall (Januari 2015 sampai Desember 2018), dilakukan analisis faktor risiko preoperasi dan intraoperasi terhadap kejadian KGA pascaoperasi. Uji statistik dengan melakukan analisis bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil: Total subjek penelitian 82 pasien (43 pasien diseksi, dan 39 pasien nondiseksi). KGA tampak lebih besar pada kelompok diseksi (79,1% vs 39%, p = 0,001). Onset dini KGA pascaoperasi banyak ditemukan pada grup diseksi (p <0,05). Riwayat merokok (OR 4,130; p = 0,01) dan lama MHCA (OR 1,054; p = 0,001) merupakan faktor risiko yang paling memengaruhi kejadian KGA pascaoperasi tanpa membedakan stadium KGA. Simpulan: AKI pascaoperasi modifikasi Bentall ditemukan lebih banyak pada grup diseksi aorta. Riwayat merokok dan lama MHCA merupakan faktor risiko yang paling memengaruhi kejadian KGA pascaoperasi modifikasi Bentall tanpa membedakan stadium KGA. Onset kejadian KGA pascaoperasi dini didominasi oleh pasien pada grup diseksi aorta. 

Introduction: the Bentall modification procedure is considered the gold standard in treatment of patients with various aortic dissease requiring aortic root replacement. Postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI) are common among patients undergoing Bentall modification procedure. Methods: study design was retrospective cohort analytic. From January 2015 - December 2018, patients with type A aortic dissection and nondissection aortic who had undergone Bentall modification procedure was analize to find the correlation of preoperative and intraoperative risk factors with postoperative AKI. Bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis was perform. Results: 82 patients included, devided in to aortic dissection group (N = 43) and nondissection group (N = 39). Incidence of postoperative AKI found greater in aortic dissection group (79,1% vs 39%). early onset of postoperative AKI found greater in aortic dissection group (p < 0,05). History of smoking (OR 4,130; p = 0,01), and MHCA time (OR 1,054; p = 0,001) were associate with postoperative AKI. Conclusions: postoperative AKI after Bentall modification procedure found greater in aortic dissection. History of smoking and MHCA time associated with postoperative AKI after Bentall modification procedure. early onset of postoperative AKI dominated by patients in aortic dissection. 

Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Raymond
"Latar belakang :Tesis ini membahas tentang analisis kasus kematian pada pasien Aneurisma aorta abdominal di RSUP Fatmawwati yang menjalani operasi elektif. Sampel dan Metode : Data pasien diambil periode 2013 sampai April 2018. Semua pasien yang meninggal dari operasi elektif aneurisma aorta abdominal akan di data. Penelitian ini ditampilkan dalam bentuk deskriptif, dengan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif didapatkan dengan melakukan wawancara dengan tim operasi, operator, tim anestesi dan paramedis instrumen. Data kuantitatif didapatkan dengan telusur rekam medis. Hasil : Terdapat 27 kasus, selama periode 2013 sampai April 2018. Hanya 15 kasus yang rekam medis lengkap, 5 kasus hidup, 2 kasus meninggal pada operasi emergency dan 8 kasu meninggal pada operasi elektif. Dari 8 kasus ini, 5 kasus disertai anemia dan trombositopenia yang menetap sampai pada tahap postoperasi, 2 kasus dengan gangguan ginjal dan 1 kasus dengan penyebab yang belum jelas. Pada 8 kasus kematian, lama operasi berkisar dari 4 jam 20 menit sampai 8 jam 10 menit. Jumlah perdarahan berkisar dari 750 cc sampai 7.000 cc. Kadar creatinin preoperasi, berkisar dari 1,0 sampai 4,3 mg/dL. Kadar creatinin postoperasi berubah dari 1,0 sampai 4,5 mg/dL. Kadar hemoglobin postoperasi berkisar 5,9 sampai 9,4 g/dL. Kadar trombosit, berkisar 45.000 sampai 108.000/uL. Rata rata jumlah perdarahan adalah 3.156 cc. Kesimpulan : Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kasus dengan hasil akhir kematian, sebagian besar disertai oleh jumlah perdarahan yang masif. Perbaikan yang dilakukan untuk resusitasi komponen darah tidak mencapai hasil yang optimal.

Background : The aim of this study is to confirm the factors that affect the mortality following open elective abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Subject and Methode : This study was a retrospective study. Qualitative and quantitave data were collected from interviewing the team in charge and from the hospital database medical record. The data were collected for five years, from 2013 until April 2018. Data will be displayed in descriptive. Result : Twentyseven cases were hospitalized during the periode of 2016 until April 2018. Ten cases were not availlable to analyze, medical record were missing. Out of two case from these fivteen cases, was an emergency case. Five cases were alive when they discharge from the hospital. The other eight were elective cases and were able to analyze. Five cases, out of this eight, were accompanied by anemia and thrombositopenia, which last until they all move from the surgery room to the ICU. Two cases with renal disfunction, and one case with unclear cause of death. Duration of surgery in all this elective cases, ranged from 4 hours 20 minutes until 8 hours 10 minutes. Bood loss during surgery, estimated from 750 cc to 7.000 cc. Preoperative creatinin level, ranged from 1,0 to 4,3 mg/dL. Postoperative cretainin level, ranged from 1,0 to 4,5 mg/dL. Postoperative hemoglobin level, ranged from 5,9 to 9,4 g/dL. Postoperative platelet count , ranged from 45.000 to 108.000/uL. Mean blood loss during surgery was 3.156 cc. Conclusion : This study concluded that most of the death case was accompanied by massive bleeding. And all those attempt to improve by blood rescusitation, was not promptly worked."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Perwira Widianto
"Aneurisma aorta abdominal merupakan kasus yang relatif sering dijumpai, namun hingga saat ini belum ada analisis karakteristik serta evaluasi klinik yang memadai. Dilakukan penelitian dengan desain retrospektif analitik untuk mendapatkan karakteristik serta evaluasi klinik melalui data rekam medis. Dilakukan analisis pada faktor risiko pasien untuk melihat hubungan dengan tipe aneurisma, letak aneurisma, serta komplikasi pasca bedah. Selama Januari 2009 - Desember 2012 terdapat 32 pasien aneurisma aorta abdominal. didapatkan beberapa faktor risiko pasien 15 orang dengan diabetes, 22 orang dengan hipertensi, 24 orang dengan perokok serta 11 orang dengan riwayat aneurisma dalam keluarga. Didapatkan perbedaan signifikan pada kategori usia dengan tipe aneurisma (p=0,012). Demikian dengan jenis kelamin dengan tipe aneurisma (p=0,012). Pada uji statistik juga didapatkan kemaknaan fraksi ejeksi jantung (p=0,047) dan ukuran aneurisma (p= 0,009) terhadap tipe aneurisma. Juga terdapat kemaknaan faktor sistolik preoperatif terhadap komplikasi pasca bedah (p=0,025).

Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is relatively common in Indonesia, however until the present, there is no sufficient data on the characteristics and clinical evaluation of AAA. This study utilized an analytic retrospective design to obtain data on the characteristics and clinical evaluation of AAA. Analysis was done to evaluate the association between risk faktors and the type of aneurysm, location of the aneurysm, and postoperative complications.Between January 2009 and December 2012, 32 patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm treated in RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Risk faktors were identified, 15 patients had diabetes, 22 patients had hypertension, 24 patients were smokers, and 11 patients had a family history. Significant association was found between age category (above and below 45 years) and the type of aneurysm (p=0,012). Significant association was also found between gender and the type of aneurysm (p=0,012). It also was done to evaluate the association between cardiac ejection fraction (p=0,047) and the aneurysm diameter (p= 0,009) as risk faktors for the type of aneurysm. Significant association was also found between postoperative complications and preoperatif systolic blood pressure (p=0,025).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rienna Diansari
"Latar Belakang: Menurut Global and Regional Burden of Aortic Dissection and Aneurysm, laju kematian akibat patologi aorta torakalis di negara berkembang lebih tinggi dibandingkan negara maju, dengan median pertambahan percepatan +0,71 per 100.000 vs +0,22 per 100.000 pada tahun 1990 dibandingkan 2010. Asia Tenggara merupakan salah satu negara dengan penambahan laju kematian tertinggi yaitu 41%. Di Indonesia, pasien datang dalam kondisi penyakit lanjut karena keterlambatan diagnosis dan manajemen dan hal ini menjadikan pasien berada pada kondisi patologi aorta yang kompleks. Kondisi patologi aorta yang kompleks tentunya membutuhkan tindakan bedah aorta yang kompleks pula. Sejauh ini belum terdapat studi yang secara khusus meneliti luaran klinis bedah aorta torakalis kompleks dibandingkan dengan non-kompleks, terutama pada populasi di negara berkembang.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kompleksitas pembedahan dengan mortalitas in-hospital dan kesintasan jangka menengah pasca bedah aorta torakalis serta faktor lain yang berhubungan.
Metode: Studi kohort retrospektif ini menggunakan data sekunder. Dilakukan pengambilan data dasar melalui rekam medis dan registri terhadap pasien pasca bedah aorta torakalis (1 Januari 2018 – 31 Desember 2021) di PJNHK. Analisa kesintasan 1 dan 3 tahun dilakukan dengan follow up melalui telepon dan pesan digital. Kemudian dilakukan analisa statistik untuk mencari hubungan antara kompleksitas pembedahan sebagai prediktor utama serta variabel lainnya dengan luaran primer (mortalitas in-hospital) dan sekunder (kesintasan jangka menengah).
Hasil: Total 208 pasien diinklusikan ke dalam analisis luaran primer; 157 (75,5%) menjalani bedah aorta torakalis kompleks dan 51 (24,5%) menjalani bedah aorta torakalis non-kompleks. Mortalitas in-hospital serupa pada kedua kelompok (23,6% vs 13,7%; p = 0,194). Pada analisa multivariat, sindrom malperfusi (OR 3,560; p = 0,002), durasi CPB > 180 menit (OR 4,331; p = 0,001), dan prioritas pembedahan (urgent OR 4,196; p = 0,003; emergency OR 10,879; p = 0,001) adalah prediktor independen mortalitas in-hospital. Follow-up kesintasan 1 dan 3 tahun pasca bedah aorta torakalis adalah 92,6% dan 80,3%, secara berurutan. Regresi Cox mengidentifikasi diabetes (HR 4,539; p = 0,025) dan status prosedur emergensi (HR 9,561; p = 0,015) sebagai prediktor independen mortalitas 1 tahun, dan diabetes (HR 3,609; p = 0,004), diseksi aorta (HR 2,795; p = 0,029) dan diameter aorta maksimum (HR 1,034; p = 0,003) sebagai prediktor independen mortalitas 3 tahun. Kompleksitas pembedahan tidak berhubungan dengan peningkatan mortalitas in-hospital maupun kesintasan jangka menengah.
Kesimpulan: Pada pasien yang menjalani tindakan bedah aorta torakalis terbuka, kompleksitas pembedahan tidak berhubungan dengan mortalitas in-hospital maupun kesintasan jangka menengah. Kesintasan jangka pendek dan menengah lebih banyak dipengaruhi faktor komorbid maupun faktor durante pembedahan

Background: According to Global and Regional Burden of Aortic Dissection and Aneurysm, a prominent increase of overall global death rate is seen on developing country compared to developed country, with relative change in median daeath rate of +0,71 per 100.000 vs +0,22 per 100.000 in 1990 vs 2010. South-east Asia is nation with highest increase of 41%. This is due to delayed in diagnosis and treatment and leads to late stage and complex aortic disease. The more complex the disease, the more complex the surgical procedure will be. Up until now, there is no data regarding the impact of surgical complexity on short and mid-term survival in patients underwent aortic surgery, especially in developing country.
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the impact of surgical complexity on short and mid-term mortality and other influencing factors.
Methods: This retrospective cohort study used secondary data. Basic data was obtained through medical record and registry of patients underwent thoracic aortic surgery (January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2021) in National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita (NCCHK). One-year and 3-year survival analysis was obtained through phone calls and digital messages. Statistical analysis was done to investigate the impact of surgical complexity as the main predictor and other variables on primary (in-hospital mortality) and secondary (mid-term survival) outcome.
Results: A total of 208 patients were included in the analysis; 157 (75,5%) underwent complex surgery, and 51 (24,5%) underwent non-complex surgery. In-hospital mortality was similar actoss 2 groups (23,6% vs 13,7%; p = 0,1240). On multivariable analysis, malperfusion syndrome (OR 3,560; p = 0,002), CPB duration > 180 minutes (OR 4,331; p = 0,001), and surgical priority (urgent OR 4,196; p = 0,003; emergency OR 10,879; p = 0,001) were identified as independent predictor of in-hospital mortality. One and 3-year survival were 92,6% and 80,3%, respectively. Cox regression identified diabetes (HR 4,539; p = 0,025) and emergency procedure (HR 9,561; p = 0,015) as independent predictors for 1-year mortality, and diabetes (HR 3,609; p = 0,004), aortic dissection (HR 2,795; p = 0,029), and maximum aortic diameter (HR 1,034; p = 0,003) for 3-year mortality. Surgical complexity was not associated with early and mid-term mortality.
Conclusions: In patients undergoing thoracic aortic surgery, surgical complexity was not associated with early and mid-term survival. Short and mid-term survival was largely determined by patient comorbidities and intra-surgery factors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hervin Ramadhani
Latar belakang.
Pada pasien SA fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri dapat normal bahkan supra normal untuk
jangka waktu yang lama walaupun proses remodeling ventrikel kiri sudah mulai terjadi..
Ekokardiografi speckle tracking dua dimensi (EST) mempunyai kelebihan untuk
digunakan dalam menilai penurunan fungsi kontraktilitas miokard subklinis, dimana
keadaan tersebut dapat mempengaruhi prognosis pasien SA. sST2 merupakan biomarker
yang relatif baru, dapat meningkat pada regangan otot jantung (myocardial stretch),
fibrosis, inflamasi, dan injuri miokard, apakah berhubungan dengan disfungsi dini
ventrikel kiri masih belum diketahui.
Tujuan. Mengetahui korelasi sST2 terhadap nilai GLS EST pada pasien SA berat dengan
FEVK normal
Metode. Merupakan studi potong lintang. Evaluasi dilakukan pada 29 pasien stenosis
aorta berat dengan fraksi ejeksi normal yang datang ke poliklinik RS Jantung Harapan
Kita periode Februari 2015 sampai November 2015. Dilakukan pengambilan figur
ekokardiografi untuk menilai severitas SA dan untuk perhitungan nilai global longitudinal
strain speckle tracking kemudian dilakukan pengambilan sampel darah di laboratorium
RS Jantung Harapan Kita untuk menilai sST2.
Hasil Penelitian. Dua puluh sembilan subjek ikut dalam penelitian ini dengan rerata usia
adalah 59.7±12.1 tahun. Fungsi intrinsik ventrikel kiri pasien SA berat pada penelitian ini
mengalami penurunan dengan nilai rerata GLS -11±4.5%. Hasil uji korelasi menunjukan
terdapat korelasi positif dengan kekuatan korelasi sedang yang bermakna (r=0.429,
p=0.02). Analisis multivariat tetap menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara kadar sST2
dengan nilai GLS EST (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Kesimpulan. Terdapat korelasi sST2 dengan global longitudinal strain speckle tracking
pada pasien SA berat dengan fraksi ejeksi normal.ABSTRACT
Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
;Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
;Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
;Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
;Background. In severe aortic stenosis (AS), cardiac performance measured at the
ventricular chamber is typically normal or supranormal, whereas Global Longitudinal
Strain providing comprehensive information on LV myocardial contractility and is
superior in detecting subtle deteriorations. Impaired LV GLS is associated mortality risk
and reflect fibrosis. sST2 is a novel biomarker of mechanical stress, fibrosis, inflamation,
and myocardial injury. Whether sST2 is increased in relation to the subclinical LV
dysfunction assessed by GLS in AS is unknown.
Objectives. To study correlation beetwen sST2 and GLS in patients with AS severe
Methods. This is a correlation study with cross sectional design. The subject was aortic
stenosis severe patient (aortic valve area <1.0 cm2) with preserved EF (>50%) at our
outpatient clinic in Harapan Kita Hospital from February 2015 until Novenber 2015. A
comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography was performed to evaluate severity of
aortic stenosis. and echocardiographic figure recordings were stored in digital for off-line
subsequent GLS analysis. sST2 measurements were drawn after echocardiography.
Results. Twenty nine patient were enrolled in this study. The mean ages was 59.7±12.1
years. left ventricle intrinsic function in aortic stenosis patient was decreased with GLS 11±4.5%.
(r=0.429, p=0.02). Multivariate analysis with introduced confounding factor still
showed a positive correlation between sST2 and GLS (r=0,282 p=0.036).
Conclusion. This cross sectional study demonstrated a moderate correlation between
sST2 with left ventricle global longitudinal strain speckle tracking in patients with severe
aortic stenosis with preserved EF.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penggantian katup aorta dengan katup mekanik memerlukan biaya mahal, meningkatkan risiko endokarditis dan tromboemboli, serta memerlukan antikoagulan seumur hidup. Perikardium autolog merupakan alternatif untuk penggantian katup aorta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan luaran penggantian katup aorta antara katup mekanik dan perikardium autolog dengan teknik strip tunggal perikardium. Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis terandomisasi di Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (PJT-RSCM). Subjek dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok berdasarkan jenis katup yang diterima, yaitu katup mekanik (kelompok mekanik) dan strip perikardium (kelompok strip). Luaran left ventricular reverse remodeling (LVRR), 6 minute walking test (6MWT), dan kadar soluble suppression of tumorigenicity-2 (sST-2) diperiksa preoperasi, 3 bulan, dan 6 bulan pascabedah. Terdapat 34 subjek yang ikut serta dari Juli 2016-Februari 2022, 17 subjek pada masing-masing kelompok. Tidak terdapat beda kejadian LVRR pada kedua kelompok, yaitu 26,7% pada kelompok mekanik dan 29,4% pada kelompok strip (p = 0,703). Pada pemeriksaan jarak 6 minute walking test (6MWT) tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna jarak 6MWT antara kelompok strip perikardium dan kelompok mekanik pada 6 bulan pascabedah, yaitu 431,93 (SB 93,41) m vs. 404,28 (SB 79,25) m, p = 0,427 pascabedah. Kadar sST-2 kelompok mekanik 16,12 (SB 5,92) pg/mL secara bermakna lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok strip 11,52 (SB 6,96) pg/mL, p = 0,023) pada 6 bulan pascabedah. Disimpulkan teknik strip tunggal perikardium memiliki luaran yang sebanding dengan katup mekanik sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif penggantian katup aorta.

Aortic valve replacement with mechanical valves are quite expensive, increased the risk of adverse events such as endocarditis and thromboembolism, and requires patients to take anticoagulants for the rest of their life. Autologous pericardium is an alternative for aortic valve replacement. This study aims to compare outcomes of aortic valve replacement using mechanical valve and prosthetic valve with single-strip pericardium technique. This was a randomized clinical trial conducted at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (PJT-RSCM). Eligible subjects were randomized to either receive mechanical valve (mechanical group) or single-strip pericardium (single-strip group). Outcome assessments of left ventricular reverse remodeling (LVRR), 6 minute walking test (6MWT), and soluble suppression of tumorogenicity-2 (sST-2) were carried out at preoperation, 3 months, and 6 months postoperation. There were 34 subjects recruited from July 2016 to February 2022, 17 subjects in each groups. There was no difference in postoperative LVRR incidence between both groups, 26.7% in mechanical group vs. 29.4% in single strip group (p = 0.703). There was no significant difference of 6MWT between the mechanical and pericardial strip at six months post-operation, 404.28 (SD 79.25) m vs. 431.93 (SD 93.41) m, p = 0.427. The sST-2 level is significantly higher in mechanical group 16.12 (SD 5.92) pg/mL compared to single strip group 11.52 (SD 6.96) pg/mL, p = 0.023 at six months post-operation. We concluded that single strip pericardium technique showed comparable outcomes to mechanical valve and is considered a feasible alternative for aortic valve replacement."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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