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Dekker, Sidney
Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2015
363.11 DEK s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Farid Akbar
Penelitian ini mengkaji aspek keandalan manusia dalam penerapan Kesehatan dan
Keselamatan Kerja (K3) pada pabrik susu bayi terbesar di Jakarta dengan
mengevaluasi potensihuman error pada proses produksi menggunakan metode
Hierarcical Task Analysis, Fault Tree Analysis dan membandingkanmetode
pengukuran keandalan manusia antara metode HEART (Human Error Assessment
and Reduction Technique) dan metode SPAR-H (Standardized Plant Analysis
Risk Human Reliability Assessment). Hasil penelitian ini yaitu berupaHuman
Error Probabilitiesdimana resiko human error terbesar terjadi pada area
Tippingdengan pengukuran metode HEART dan area Preparation dengan
pengukuran metode SPAR-H.Penelitian ini juga membandingkan penggunaan
metode HEART dan SPAR-H.

This research studies human Reliability in safety application atthe biggest baby
nutrition factory in Jakarta by evaluatig the risk of human error in production
line. The methods in this research are Hierarcical Task Analysis (HTA), Fault
Tree Analysis (FTA), and also compared Reliability assessment methods between
HEART (Human Error Assessment and Reduction Technique) and SPAR-H
(Standardized Plant Analysis Risk Human Reliability Assessment. The research
result are Human Error Probabilities that shows the biggest human error risk are
in Tipping area based on assessment by HEART and in Preparation area based
on assessment by SPAR-H. HEART and SPAR-H.This result also compare the
application of HEART and SPAR-H."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2017
363.11 SAF
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Diva Sugiarto
"Ship-recycling, merupakan salah satu metode efektif yang dapat dilakukan untuk membantu mengurangi permasalahan limbah kapal-kapal tua yang sudah tidak layak digunakan. Istilah ini merujuk pada proses daur ulang kapal secara modern yang masih belum marak dilakukan di Indonesia. Pada pelaksanaannya, masih banyak terdapat aspek-aspek keselamatan yang tidak dihiraukan. Salah satu aspek terbesar yang masih kurang diperhatikan yaitu aspek dari human factor. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meninjau lebih jauh terkait faktor-faktor di balik sumber bahaya bagi para pekerja yang terlibat dalam proses ship recycling. Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) untuk menemukan sumber-sumber bahaya selama proses ship-recycling dilakukan dan selanjutnya dilakukan penarikan akar masalah menggunakan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Dari penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa human factor dari sumber bahaya terjadi dikarenakan ketidakwaspadaan pekerja; kondisi kesehatan pekerja; pemakaian APD yang tidak sesuai; serta kurangnya kualitas SDM untuk beberapa proses pekerjaan seperti penggunaan alat berat, proses cutting, ataupun dalam mengidentifikasi bahaya dan risiko kebakaran. Latar Belakang dari terjadinya kesalahan-kesalahan dari human factor di atas bisa berasal dari berbagai hal yaitu, tidak diadakannya pelatihan formal terkait penggunaan alat cutting, kondisi kesehatan pekerja, dan kurangnya lapangan pekerjaan yang tersedia.

Ship-recycling is one of the effective methods that can be carried out to help reduce waste problems from old unused ships. This term refers to the modern process of recycling ships, which is still not widely done in Indonesia. In its implementation, there are still many safety aspects that are overlooked. One of the biggest aspects that is still not given enough attention is the human factor. This research was conducted to further investigate the factors behind the sources of danger for workers involved in the ship-recycling process. In this study, the author used the Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) method to identify sources of danger during the ship-recycling process and then conducted root cause analysis using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). From this research, it is known that the human factor of the sources of danger occurs due to worker inattention; worker health conditions; inappropriate use of personal protective equipment; and a lack of qualified personnel for some job processes such as heavy equipment use, cutting processes, or identifying fire hazards and risks. The background of the above human factor errors can come from various things such as the absence of formal training in the use of cutting tools, the health conditions of workers, and the shortage of available jobs."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satiya Perkasa
"Peningkatan angka kecelakaan kerja di Indonesia menuntut adanya suatu pengembangan pendekatan manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja bagi para pegawai. Nyatanya, penyebab dari suatu kecelakaan kerja masih didominasi akibat kesalahan tindakan manusia (human error). Human error sangat erat dikaitkan dengan kecelakaan industri dan dalam kasus ini human error yang terjadi pada proses fabrikasi kendaraan khusus (armoured vehicle) yang memiliki lingkungan kerja yang ekstrem. Bercermin pada hal tersebut maka dibutuhkan suatu penelitian untuk mengurangi resiko kecelakaan kerja dengan pendekatan analisis identifikasi dan pengurangan human error.
Sebuah pendekatan sistematis yang mengkombinasikan teknik identifikasi serta pengukuran pada human error yang dimulai dengan mengidentifikasi mengidentifikasi setiap task-task yang berlangsung pada proses fabrikasi kendaraan khusus. Kemudian dilakukan identifikasi kegagalan kerja menggunakan metode Systematic Human Error Risk Prediction and Analysis untuk memetakan resiko serta dampak dari setiap rangkaian-rangkaian pekerjaan. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengukuran human error terhadap task-task tersebut dengan menggunakan metode Human Error Analysis and Reduction Technique (HEART) serta metode Standardized Plant Analysis Risk Human Reliability Assessment (SHERPA) yang masing-masing memiliki pendekatan yang relevan dalam menganalisis kondisi serta faktor yang mempengaruhi kegagalan dari sebuah pekerjaan.
Terakhir dilakukan analisa pola kecelakaan kerja dengan metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). Pendekatan ini menghasilkan identifikasi kegagalan kerja secara mendetail, pengukuran human error yang relevan, serta memberikan rekomendasi dan prioritas penanggulangan kecelakaan kerja dalam manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada fabrikasi kendaraan khusus.

The increasing number of work accidents in Indonesia demands a developed approach to management of occupational health and safety. In fact, the cause of an accident is still dominated by the improper work of human actions (human error). Human error is always related to industrial accidents, and in this case the human error that occurs in the fabrication process of armored vehicle that has an extreme working environment. Referring from that condition, a research to reduce the risk of workplace accidents with identification and reduction of human error analysis approaches must be needed.
A systematic approaches that combine identification technique to human error start from identification of every tasks in fabrication process of armoured vehicle. Then, work failure is identified by using Systematic Human Error Risk Prediction and Analysis method to measure the risk and impact from every tasks sequences. Then, assessment of human error conducted for every tasks with Human Error Analysis and Reduction Technique (HEART) method and Standardized Plant Analysis Risk Human Reliability Assessment (SHERPA) method that have their own relevant approaches in order to analyze the conditions and factors that influence the failure of a tasks.
Last step is to mapping the pattern of work accident using Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). This approaches resulting in detailed work failure identification, relevant human error measurement, and finding out the recommendation dan prioritize remedial action for reducing the work accident in occupational health and safety management for fabrication process of armoured vehicle.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dekker, Sidney W. A.
New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005
363.12 DEK t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Covan, James
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1995
620.86 COV s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Ariscasari
Nama : Putri AriscasariProgram Studi : Keselamatan dan Kesehatan KerjaJudul : Kajian Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Safety MandatoryTraining SMART untuk Pengawas Operasional Tambangpada PT. Harmoni Panca Utama dan PT.Hasta PancaMandiri Utama tahun 2018PT. Harmoni Panca Utama HPU dan PT. Hasta Panca Mandiri Utama HPMU merupakan perusahaan penyedia jasa pertambangan batu bara dan mineral, keduaperusahaan tersebut telah mengembangkan upaya pencegahan insiden melaluipelatihan Safety Mandatory Training SMART kepada seluruh foreman,supervisor dan superintendent, namun pelaksanaan program pelatihan ini masihbelum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan pelaksana program, oleh karena itudisamping melakukan evaluasi terhadap pencapaian program pelatihan, perludilakukan evaluasi proses untuk mengkaji hambatan dan faktor kontekstual yangmempengaruhi pelaksanaan program pelatihan. Kajian dilakukan menggunakankonsep evaluasi proses dan dengan metode kualitatif, pengumpulan informasidilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi dokumen pelaksanaanpelatihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya pemberian reward dilakukanuntuk menarik minat pekerja dalam mengikuti program pelatihan, didalam standarpelatihan perusahaan belum mengatur mengenai kewajiban pekerja untukmengikuti pelatihan SMART. Kualitas pelaksanaan program belum cukup baikkarena pencapaian pelatihan belum sesuai dengan perencanaan, namun untukpelaksanaan pelatihan sendiri sudah memenuhi harapan penerima program. Kajianpada komponen dose delivered menunjukkan bahwa materi pelatihan sudahdisampaikan secara menyeluruh, dan penerima program dilibatkan secara aktifdalam penyampaian materi dose received . Kajian context menunjukkan faktorutama yang menghambat pelaksanaan pelatihan adalah kurangnya alokasi sumberdaya dan tingginya beban kerja.Kata kunci: evaluasi proses, tambang batu bara, fidelity, dose delivered, dosereceived, reach, satisfaction dan context

Name Putri AriscasariStudy program Occupational Health and SafetyTitle Review of Safety Mandatory Training SMART Implementation for Mine Operasional Supervisor at PT.Harmoni Panca Utama and PT.Hasta Panca MandiriUtama 2018PT. Harmony Panca Utama HPU and PT. Hasta Panca Mandiri Utama HPMU is a coal and minerals mining services providers, both companies have developedincident prevention efforts through Safety Mandatory Training SMART trainingfor all foreman, supervisor and superintendent, but the implementation still notconvenient with program implementer expectations, therefore in addition toevaluating the achievement of the training program, it is necessary to do processevaluation to reviewing the barriers and contextual factors that influence theimplementation of the training program. This study was conducted by using processevaluation concept and qualitative method, information collected by conducting indepthinterviews and observation of training implementation documents. The resultshows that awarding rewards is done to attract the worker rsquo s interest to join thetraining program, in the company 39 s training standards has not organize that theworkers are obliged to follow the training. The quality of program implementationis not good enough because the achievement of the training has not been appropriatewith the planning, but for the implementation of the training itself has met thetrainee rsquo s expectations. Review on dose delivered component show that all trainingmaterial already delivered thoroughly and the trainee are actively involved in thedelivery of the material dose received , identification of context component showthat the main factors that hinder the implementation of training are the lack ofresource allocation and the high workload.Keyword process evaluation, coal mining, fidelity, dose delivered, dose received,reach, satisfaction dan context"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Revelle, Jack B.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980
363.117 REV s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book discusses the latest findings on ensuring employees’ safety, health, and welfare at work. It combines a range of disciplines – e.g. work physiology, health informatics, safety engineering, workplace design, injury prevention, and occupational psychology – and presents new strategies for safety management, including accident prevention methods such as performance testing and participatory ergonomics. The book, which is based on the AHFE 2018 International Conference on Safety Management and Human Factors, held on July 21–25, 2018, in Orlando, Florida, USA, provides readers, including decision makers, professional ergonomists and program managers in government and public authorities, with a timely snapshot of the state of the art in the field of safety, health, and welfare management. It also addresses agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), as well as other professionals dealing with occupational safety and health."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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