"TNI AD harus menguasai teknologi terkini yang meliputi teknologi informasi dan peralatan perang sebagai bentuk tanggapan atas adanya transformasi digital. Perang yang terjadi bukan lagi terkait perang fisik, tetapi perang yang diakibatkan oleh arus teknologi dan informasi. Kompetensi dan peran Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD saat ini tidak lagi mencukupi seiring dengan tanggung jawabnya yang berubah. Mempertahankan keamanan siber di sektor pemerintahan Indonesia, khususnya keamanan siber di tubuh TNI AD menjadi peran penting dari kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kesenjangan kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD, dan menganalisis strategi penguatan kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan positivist. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, studi dokumen, dan survey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan. Meskipun secara pengetahuan (knowledge), sifat (traits), dan kerangka berpikir (mind set) cukup memadai, namun masih diperlukan peningkatan dalam keterampilan (skill), aspek citra diri (self-image), motif sosial (social motives), pola pikir (thought pattern), dan cara berpikir, merasa, dan bertindak (way of thinking, feeling, and acting). Faktor yang mempengaruhi kompetensi siber Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD seperti pendidikan, pelatihan, karakteristik pribadi, dan lingkungan perlu dikuatkan lebih lanjut. Meskipun terhadap Perwira Staf Intelijen TNI AD telah dilakukan strategi penguatan kompetensi siber, namun strategi berupa analisis kebutuhan (need analysis), pengembangan kompetensi inti, dan perubahan desain kerja yang inovatif yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan belum maksimal.
Indonesia Army must master the latest technology which includes information technology and war equipment as a form of response to digital transformation. The war that occurs is no longer related to physical war, but war caused by the flow of technology and information. The current competence and role of the Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officer is no longer sufficient in line with the changing responsibilities. Maintaining cyber security in the Indonesian government sector, especially cyber security in the Indonesian Army organization, is an important role of the cyber competence of the Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers. This study aims to analyze the cyber competence gap of Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers, analyze the factors that affect the cyber competence of Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers, and analyze strategies for strengthening the cyber competence of Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers. This study uses a positivist approach. Data were collected through interviews, document studies, and surveys. The results showed that the cyber competence of the Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers showed a gap. Although knowledge, traits, and mind set are adequate, it is still necessary to improve skills, aspects of self-image, social motives, mindset or thought patterns, and ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. Factors affecting the cyber competence of Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officers such as education, training, personal characteristics, and the environment need to be further strengthened. Although the Indonesian Army Intelligence Staff Officer has carried out a cyber competency strengthening strategy, the strategies in the form of needs analysis, core competency development, and innovative work design changes that have been carried out show that they are not optimal."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022