"Praktik klinik dapat menjadi beban tersendiri bagi mahasiswa profesi ners yang dapat mengakibatkan
Burnout akan berdampak pada performa selama praktik klinik, terutama dalam berperilaku
caring ketika memberikan asuhan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara
burnout dengan perilaku
caring mahasiswa profesi ners. Dengan desain
cross-sectional, penelitian ini melibatkan 89 mahasiswa profesi ners di satu perguruan tinggi di Jawa Barat. Sampel dipilih dengan
teknik simple random sampling. B
urnout diukur menggunakan
maslach burnout inventory yang telah dimodifikasi dan perilaku caring menggunakan
caring behavior inventory-24. Hasil uji
pearson menunjukkan skor burnout dengan skor perilaku caring berkorelasi sedang dan negatif, serta bermakna (r= -0,460; p<0,001). Penelitian ini juga mendapatkan rerata skor dimensi kelelahan emosional paling tinggi dibanding dimensi lain dan dimensi menciptakan hubungan positif dari perilaku
caring mahasiswa profesi ners masih rendah. Kesimpulan:
Burnout berhubungan dengan perilaku caring, yaitu semakin tinggi tingkat burnout semakin rendah skor perilaku caring. Institusi pendidikan keperawatan perlu mengavaluasi iklim pembelajaran klinik dan merancang program untuk mencegah
burnout selama pendidikan profesi agar tidak berdampak pada perilaku
caring mahasiswa terhadap pasien.
Clinical practice can be a burden for nursingstudents and its can cause burnout. Burnout will have an impact on performance during clinical practice, especially in caring behavior when providing nursing care. This study aimed to determine the relationship between burnout and caring behavior of nursing students. With a cross-sectional design, this study involved 89 students of the nursing students in clinical stage at one university in West Java. The sample was selected by simple random sampling technique. Burnout was measured using a modified Maslach Burnout Inventory and caring behavior using Caring Behavior Inventory-24. The results of the Pearson test showed that the burnout score with caring behavior score was moderately and negatively correlated and significant (r = -0.460; p <0.001). This study also found that the average score of the emotional exhaustion dimension was the highest compared to other dimensions of burnout and the dimension positive connectedness in the caring behavior of the nurse profession students was still low. Conclusion: Burnout is related to caring behavior, the higher the burnout level will impact to the lower the caring behavior score. Nursing education institutions need to evaluate the clinical learning climate and design programs to prevent burnout during professional education so as not to have an impact on student caring behavior towards patients."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020