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Willy Hidayat
"Tesis ini merupakan bagian dari riset tentang the sociology of markets of Indonesian traditional medicine  (jamu) (Hardjosoekarto et al, forthcoming), khususnya yang menyajikan laporan awal tentang dinamika pasar obat tradisional di Indonesia dengan menggunakan konsep market field dari Jense Beckert, yang menekankan interelasi tiga social forces yaitu institutions, networks dan cognitive frames. Studi ini fokus pada respons Koperasi Jamu Indonesia (KOJAI) terhadap peng-ilmiahan Jamu yang dimulai sejak tahun 2007. Social Network Analysis diterapkan untuk mengukur perubahan KOJAI networks, baik pada level makro maupun pada level meso.  Ekplorasi kualitatif perubahan dua KOJAI social forces lainnya, yaitu institutions dan cognitive frames dilakukan pada level meso. Riset ini menyajikan bukti berlakunya Beckertss social grid model dengan pengayaan beberapa novelties. Pertama, dinamika interrelasi tiga social forces itu dapat terjadi di level meso yaitu pada level KOJAI as organizational field. Kedua, stabilitas dan perubahan organizational field itu dapat terjadi karena adanya dinamika internal di dalam organisasi itu sendiri, tetapi dapat juga berlangsung karena adanya perubahan external seperti perubahan institutional rules pada tingkat makro. Ketiga, riset ini juga menyajikan aplikasi Social Network Analysis untuk mengukur network as a market forces, sebuah pengukuran market field yang tidak dilakukan oleh Beckert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, jamu kurang berkembang karena, banyak regulasi yang memperkecil pengaruh dari aktor bisnis, baik itu pelaku usaha jamu maupun petani dalam mendapatkan dominasi nya di market field. Dominasi market field lebih banyak dilakukan oleh aktor dari Pemeritah, namun tetap belum memberikan hasil signifikan dalam pengembangan jamu. Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya penguatan untuk para pelaku usaha industri yang memiliki keterbatasan modal dalam merealisasikan pemenuhan CPOTB. Sebagai stategi efektif, penelitian ini memberikan saran untuk memobilisasi cognitive frame bahwa proses produksi jamu tidak bisa disamakan dengan proses produksi obat kimia melalui konstruksi pada sisi institusional dan network struktur berdasarkan dari pemikiran Beckert (2010).

This thesis is a part of research on the sociology of markets of Indonesian traditional medicine (jamu) (Hardjosoekarto et al, forthcoming), specifically which presents a preliminary report on the dynamics of the traditional medicine market in Indonesia by using the market field concept from Jense Beckert, which emphasizes the interrelation of three social forces namely institutions, networks and cognitive frames. This study focuses on the response of the Indonesian Herbal Cooperative (KOJAI) to the knowledge of herbal medicine that began in 2007. Social Network Analysis is applied to measure changes in KOJAI networks, both at the macro level and at the meso level. Qualitative exploration of changes in two other KOJAI social forces, namely institutions and cognitive frames is carried out at the meso level. This research presents evidence of the validity of Beckerts's social grid model with the enrichment of several novelties. First, the dynamics of the interrelation of the three social forces can occur at the meso level, namely at the KOJAI as organizational field level. Second, stability and organizational field changes can occur due to internal dynamics within the organization itself, but can also take place due to external changes such as changes in institutional rules at the macro level. Third, this research also presents a Social Network Analysis application to measure network as a market forces, a measurement of market fields that Beckert did not do. The results showed that, herbal medicine was underdeveloped because, there were many regulations that reduced the influence of Bussines actors, both herbal and farmer entrepreneurs in getting their dominance in the market field. Market field domination is mostly done by actors from the Government, but still does not provide significant results in the development of herbal medicine. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen for industrial businesses that have limited capital in realizing the fulfillment of CPOTB. As an effective strategy, this study provides suggestions for mobilizing cognitive frames that the process of herbal medicine production cannot be equated with the process of producing chemical drugs through construction on the institutional and network structures based on the thought of Beckert (2010)."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fachrudin Ali Ahmad
Tesis ini membahas tentang penggunaan jamu untuk pengobatan pada pasien di
Klinik Saintifikasi Jamu Hortus Medicus Tawangmangu tahun 2012. Penelitian
ini adalah penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan Rapid Assesment
Procedures (RAP). Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa jamu yang digunakan
untuk pengobatan sudah dirasakan manfaatnya dengan efek samping yang ringan,
serta jamu yang paling banyak digunakan adalah sediaan godokan. Hal yang
mendukung penggunaan jamu untuk pengobatan adalah pengetahuan terhadap
tanaman obat, persepsi terhadap jamu, informasi mengenai klinik dan fasilitas
pelayanan yang tersedia, keterjangkauan akses, adanya keluhan sakit serta
keinginan untuk sembuh. Saran dari penelitian ini perlunya edukasi kepada
masyarakat dan penambahan Klinik Saintifikasi Jamu yang terjangkau

This thesis discusses the use of Jamu for treatment on patients at The Hortus
Medicus Jamu Scientification Clinic in 2012. The study was a qualitative research
using Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP) approach. The study found that Jamu
medicine used for treatment has already felt the benefit with low side effects, as
well as the most widely used Jamu preparations is boiling. Factors encouraged the
use of Jamu medicine for treatment are the knowledge of medicinal plants, Jamu
perception, the availability of information on clinical and service facilities, the
affordability of access, the pain complaints and the desire to recover. There is a
need to educate people and increasing an affordable Jamu Scientification Clinic"
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widyo Ari Nugroho
"Masyarakat telah banyak menggunakan produk jamu selama puluhan tahun khususnya jamu rematik. Dewasa ini diketahui ada beberapa produsen jamu yang menambahkan zat kimia sintetis dalam produk jamu mereka. Salah satunya adalah fenilbutazon, yang memang berkhasiat sebagai obat anti-rematik. Efek samping fenilbutazon yang jelas terlihat adalah mual, muntah, nyeri epigastrium, reaksi alergi pada kulit, gangguan lambung, diare, vertigo, insomnia, euforia, hematuria dan penglihatan manjadi kabur. Penelitian ini untuk membuktikan adanya bahan kimia fenilbutazon dalam produk jamu rematik. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Maret 2009 di Laboratorium Departemen Farmasi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia dengan metode kromatografi lapis tipis dan spektrofotometri pada beberapa produk jamu rematik. Hasil penelitian diduga adanya bahan kimia fenilbutazon dalam produk jamu tersebut.

People have used herbal medicine throughout the ages, especially herbal medicine for rheumatics. Nowadays, there has been known that some producers of this herbal medicines adding some synthetic chemical ingredients to their products. One of them is phenylbutazone, which is known to be an anti rheumatics drugs. The adverse effects of phenylbutazone are nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, allergic reaction on skin, gastritis, diarrhea, vertigo, insomnia, euforia, hematuria and blurring vision. This experiment is to prove that there is phenylbutazone in the rheumatic herbal medicine products. This descriptive study conducted in March 2009 in Pharmaceutical Laboratory of Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia by using thin layer chromatography and spectrophotometry on some herbal medicine for rheumatic. The experiment shows that there is chemical substance of phenylbutazone in the traditional medicine package."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kustantri Wahyuni
"Jamu sebagai warisan budaya Indonesia telah tercoreng oleh jamu berbahan kimia obat. Pencampuran jamu dengan bahan kimia obat sekilas nampak sebagai kejahatan yang ‘biasa-biasa’ saja. Namun secara ilmiah diketahui bahwa kimia obat sangat membahayakan jika dikonsumsi tanpa dosis dan aturan yang tepat. Beberapa literatur menunjukkan bahan kimia obat dalam jamu menyebabkan gangguan jantung, gagal ginjal, perforasi lambung, osteoporosis hingga menimbulkan kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap bagaimana proses viktimisasi yang terjadi pada konsumen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Data diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling kepada pengguna jamu berbahan kimia obat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses viktimisasi berawal ketika korban memiliki kebutuhan untuk menyembuhkan penyakitnya. Adanya perasaan puas terhadap khasiat jamu berbahan kimia obat tersebut menyebabkan penggunaan secara kontinu. Hingga akhirnya pada satu titik korban merasakan efek negatifnya dan tersadar bahwa itu disebabkan oleh jamu yang ia konsumsi. Proses viktimisasi terhadap korban bisa berlangsung secara singkat, namun bisa pula berlangsung lama. Dampak terhadap kesehatan pun berbeda-beda tergantung pada frekuensi penggunaannya. Kerugian fisik yang dialami antara lain gangguan tidur, badan terasa lemas, batuk-batuk, gangguan jantung hingga mengakibatkan kematian.

Jamu as Indonesia's cultural heritage has been tarnished by herbal medicine mixed with active pharmaceutical substances. Mixing herbs with active pharmaceutical substances seems not a serious crime. However, it is scientifically known that active pharmaceutical substances are very dangerous if consumed without proper dosage and its rules of use. Some literature shows that active pharmaceutical substances in herbal medicine can cause heart disease, kidney failure, gastric perforation, osteoporosis and even death. This study aims to reveal how the victimization process happened to consumers. The method used in this research is qualitative with unstructured interviews. Data were taken using purposive sampling technique. The results show that the victimization process begins when victim has a need to heal their illness without going to a doctor. The satisfaction feeling with the efficacy of herbal medicine mixed with active pharmaceutical substances then causes continuous his consumption. Until finally the victim felt the negative effects and realized that it was caused by the herbs he has consumed. The victimization process can be last in short or in a long time. The impact on health also varies depending on the frequency of use. Physical impact includes sleep disorder, body feels very weak, coughs, heart problems and death."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firda Ayu Kusuma Dewi Subagyo
"Tesis ini membahas bagaimana pengaruh tingkat influencer (nano, micro, macro, dan mega), kredibilitas sumber, dan homofili sumber influencer terhadap niat untuk minum jamu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei yang menggunakan Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) sebagai teori dasar dalam memprediksi niat seseorang. Penelitian ini meneliti empat influencer Instagram yaitu @zaidulakbar, @umisehat, @putrisarihati, dan @pitulikur_jamu sebagai subjek penelitian yang mewakili setiap tingkat influencer. Dari 120 responden penelitian yang mengisi survei, didapatkan hasil penelitian bahwa tingkat influencer berpengaruh terhadap kredibilitas dan homofili yang dirasakan responden. Semakin tinggi tingkat influencer, akan semakin besar kredibilitas yang dirasakan, namun semakin kecil homofili yang dirasakan responden. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kredibilitas dan homofili influencer mampu memediasi pengaruh tingkat influencer terhadap terbentuknya sikap yang positif pada jamu. Sikap yang positif pada jamu juga terbukti dapat mempengaruhi terbentuknya niat minum jamu responden.

This thesis discusses how the influencer type (nano, micro, macro, and mega), source credibility, and source homophily influence the intention to drink herbal medicine (Jamu). This research uses a quantitative approach with a survey method that uses the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as a basic theory in predicting a person's intentions. This research examines four Instagram influencers, namely @zaidulakbar, @umisehat, @putrisarihati, and @pitulikur_jamu as research subjects who represent each level of influencer. Of the 120 research respondents who filled out the survey, the research results showed that the level of influencer influenced the credibility and homophily felt by the respondents. The higher the influencer level, the greater the perceived credibility, but the smaller the homophily felt by the respondent. This research also shows that influencer credibility and homophily are able to mediate the influence of influencer level on the formation of positive attitudes towards herbal medicine. A positive attitude towards herbal medicine (Jamu) has also been proven to influence the formation of respondents' intention to drink herbal medicine (Jamu)."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Florentina Marwisitaningrum
"Latar Belakang: Banyaknya industri jamu menimbulkan masalah baik bagi lingkungan berupa pencemaran maupun bagi kesehatan para pekerja. Dari proses produksi jamu, banyak dihasilkan debu. Hal ini tentunya dapat menimbulkan gangguan bagi kesehatan pekerja di pabrik tersebut. Kualitas udara sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan pekerja, terutama yang berhubungan dengan fungsi pernapasannya dikarenakan sistem pernapasan terus-menerus terpajan oleh partikel-partikel yang ada di udara.
Obyektif: Mengetahui prevalensi gangguan fungsi paru akibat pajanan debu jamu serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan pada pekerja di pabrik jamu PT.X, Semarang.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang dengan mengukur fungsi paru pekerja pabrik jamu PT.X Semarang pada bulan November dan Desember 2014 dengan menggunakan spirometri dan mengukur kadar debu lingkungan kerja. Sampel yang dikumpulka sebanyak 100 responden untuk pengukuran fungsi paru dan 4 lokasi untuk pengukuran kadar debu lingkungan kerja.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Ditemukan gangguan obstruksi paru ringan sebanyak 1%. Tidak ditemukan gangguan restriksi paru ataupun gangguan fungsi paru kombinasi. Faktor risiko yang bermakna terhadap rasio VEP1/KVP adalah Umur (p < 0,01; selisih rerata 6,48% (-8,91 sampai -4,06)), Jenis kelamin (p = 0,016; selisih rerata -3,72 (-6,73 sampai -0,71)), Pendidikan (p = 0,01; selisih rerata 5,02 (2,21 sampai 7,83)), dan Masa Kerja (p = 0,01; selisih rerata -4,77 (-8,4 sampai -1,13)).

Background: Indonesian traditional herbal medicine industries cause many problems to environment and workers? health. Traditional herbal medicine production process produces many organic dusts. The organic dusts could lead to health disorder among factory workers. Air quality very influential to workers health, especially those that associated to respiratory function since it?s been exposed to air particles.
Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of lung function disorder and its related factors due to dust exposure in one of Indonesian traditional herbal medicine factory.
Method: This was a cross sectional study performed by examining 100 workers? lung function using spirometry and examining environment dust level from one of Indonesia traditional herbal medicine factory in November to December 2014.
Result: There was 1% prevalence of mild obstructive lung disease but there were no restrictive or combined lung diseases. Bivariate analysis showed that Age {p < 0,01; mean difference 6,48% (-8,91 to -4,06)}, Sex {p = 0,016; mean difference -3,72 (-6,73 to -0,71)}, Education {p = 0,01; mean difference 5,02 (2,21 to 7,83)}, and Years of service {p = 0,01; mean difference -4,77 (-8,4 to -1,13)} were the risk factors to ratio of VEP1/KVP.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Background: Jamu has be en a long history as an ancient heritage and indigenous wisdom for maintaining and restoring health of Indonesian people. However, as traditional medicine, jamu stilllacks of scientific evidence in terms of efficacy and safety On the other hand, there is a great demand to use jamu in medical services, including the direction of Indonesian President to raise jamu as a therapeutic modality of health care. Methods: To solve this problem, the Indonesian Ministry of Health has established the Programme of Jamu Scientification, trying to provide scientific evidence through research and development, regarding the efficacy and safety of jamu. Jamu Scientification can be seen as a breakthrough effort to accelerate jamu research in down stream side. Jamu, as part of traditional medicine, use naturopathic approach, focusing on healing instead of removing disease, as contrasted to allopathic medicine. Coventional medicine uses alloptahic approach, implementing more radical treatment, i.e. modern drugs and surgeries. Results: Jamu Scientification is trying to synthesize naturopathic approach and allopathic approach to be integrative medicine. Consequently, the evaluation of clinical outome for Jamu Scientification is using holistic approach, as the phylosophy of integrative medicine. The clinical outcome is not only measured by objective parameters (laboratory results and measurement) but also by subjective parameters (self­responded outcome, quality of life, and wellnes index). By doing Jamu Scientification for obtaining the scientific evidence of efficacy and safety, it is hoped that we can accelerate the integration of jamu into formal health services.
BULHSR 15:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duhita Wahyu Maulida

Jamu merupakan obat tradisional Indonesia yang sudah menjadi bagian dari budaya. Meningkatnya permintaan obat tradisional khususnya Jamu di Indonesia akibat pandemi COVID-19 memberikan peluang bagi bisnis obat tradisional dan jamu. Peningkatan permintaan menyebabkan munculnya UKM baru produk tradisional dan kesehatan, pada saat yang sama, transaksi pembelian online juga meningkat, mendorong UKM untuk beralih ke e-commerce. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui segmentasi dan nilai setiap segmen pelanggan menggunakan CLV dan mengembangkan strategi untuk setiap segmentasi pelanggan dalam rangka meningkatkan loyalitas pelanggan. Metode K-Means Clustering digunakan untuk mengelompokkan pelanggan menjadi beberapa cluster dan nilai CLV digunakan untuk menentukan nilai setiap segmen pelanggan dengan variabel Recency, Frequency, dan Monetary (RFM). Penyebaran klaster dengan menggunakan Customer Value Matrix (CVM) juga dilakukan untuk memastikan karakteristik klaster. Data sekunder diperoleh dari transaksi penjualan. Analisis penjualan produk dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Association Rule yang menghasilkan salah satu strategi dalam Customer Development. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan 5 cluster untuk pelanggan dengan 13 strategi untuk keseluruhan cluster. Strategi cross-selling adalah strategi yang direkomendasikan.

Jamu is a traditional Indonesian medicine that has become part of the culture. The increasing demand for traditional medicines, especially Jamu in Indonesia due to the COVID-19 pandemic, provides opportunities for the traditional and herbal medicinal business. The increase in demand leads to the emergence of new traditional and health product SMEs, at the same time, online purchase transactions have also increased, encouraging SMEs to switch to e-commerce. This study aims to determine the segmentation and value of each customer segment using CLV and develop strategies for each customer segmentation in order to increase customer loyalty. The K-Means Clustering method is used to segment customers into several clusters and the CLV value is used to determine the value of each customer segment with Recency, Frequency, and Monetary (RFM) variables. Cluster deployment using the Customer Value Matrix (CVM) was also carried out to ensure cluster characteristics. Secondary data obtained from sales transactions. Analysis of product sales is carried out using the Association Rule method which produces one of the strategies in Customer Development. The research resulted in 5 clusters for customers with 13 strategies for the whole cluster. The cross-selling strategy is the recommended strategy.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tilaar, Martha
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2015
615.88 MAR t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Martha Tilaar
"The book takes you on a journey of Indonesian herbal medicine, jamu, throughout centuries from the engravings on the wall of Borobudur temple to the streets of Indonesian villages and cities carried by elegant jamu peddling ladies. This iconic heritage is nowadays featured at international hotels and malls as part of the modern trend in health and beauty care. The prominence of jamu is also apparent in modern spas that represent a current lifestyle. Dedicated by Dr. Martha Tilaar, an expert in cosmetics and beauty care who has an undying passion for jamu, this book reveals interesting aspects of the typical Indonesian herbal medicine."
Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2016
615.321 MAR t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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