ABSTRAKPenelitian ini mencoba mengaplikasikan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Chen & Zhang (2012) dalam penelitian yang berjudul: ?To Name it or not Name it: Consumer Perspectives on Facility Naming Rights Sponsorship in Collegiate Athletics, namun penelitian hanya terbatas pada perspektif konsumen terkait sponsorship yang dilakukan Garuda Indonesia kepada Liverpool FC. Perspektif konsumen ini dikaitkan dengan tolak ukur efektivitas sponsorship, yakni attitude towards sponsor dan purchase intention yang merupakan tingkat afeksi dan konasi dalam repsons konsumen lewat komunikasi pemasaran, seiring dengan perkembangan penelitian efektivitas sponsorship yang mulai bergeser dari sekedar awareness.
Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, dalam sponsorship yang dilakukan Garuda, attitude towards sponsor dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel seperti belief about sponsorship, attitude towards commercialization, dan team identification. Sementara purchase intention dipengaruhi oleh belief about sponsorship baik langsung maupun melalui mediasi attitude towards sponsor. Dalam penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa perception of financial status tidak berpengaruh terhadap attitude dan purchase intention karena perbedaan konteks penelitian yang dilakukan.
ABSTRACTThis study tries to apply the research conducted by Chen & Zhang (2012) in their particular research entitled: ?To Name it or not Name it: Consumer Perspectives on Facility Naming Rights Sponsorship in Collegiate Athletics?, though this study is limited to consumers? perspective related to sponsorship of Garuda Indonesia towards Liverpool FC. These consumers? perspectives is associated with sponsorship efectiveness, attitude towards sponsor and purchase intention, both of which are the consumer?s response in marketing communication, affective and conative stage respectively, in order to stand in line with today?s research in sponsorship?s effectiveness that shifted away from merely considering awareness.
Based on study conducted by the author, in Garuda Indonesia?s sponsorship, attitude towards sponsor is significantly affected by belief about sponsorship, attitude towards commercialization, dan team identification. Meanwhile, purchase intention is significantly affected by belief about sponsorship directly and indirectly through attitude towards sponsor as a mediating variable. This study found that perception of financial status not significantly related to attitude towards sponsor and purchase intention in context of sponsorship conducted by Garuda Indonesia.;This study tries to apply the research conducted by Chen & Zhang (2012) in their particular research entitled: “To Name it or not Name it: Consumer Perspectives on Facility Naming Rights Sponsorship in Collegiate Athletics”, though this study is limited to consumers’ perspective related to sponsorship of Garuda Indonesia towards Liverpool FC. These consumers’ perspectives is associated with sponsorship efectiveness, attitude towards sponsor and purchase intention, both of which are the consumer’s response in marketing communication, affective and conative stage respectively, in order to stand in line with today’s research in sponsorship’s effectiveness that shifted away from merely considering awareness.
Based on study conducted by the author, in Garuda Indonesia’s sponsorship, attitude towards sponsor is significantly affected by belief about sponsorship, attitude towards commercialization, dan team identification. Meanwhile, purchase intention is significantly affected by belief about sponsorship directly and indirectly through attitude towards sponsor as a mediating variable. This study found that perception of financial status not significantly related to attitude towards sponsor and purchase intention in context of sponsorship conducted by Garuda Indonesia., This study tries to apply the research conducted by Chen & Zhang (2012) in their particular research entitled: “To Name it or not Name it: Consumer Perspectives on Facility Naming Rights Sponsorship in Collegiate Athletics”, though this study is limited to consumers’ perspective related to sponsorship of Garuda Indonesia towards Liverpool FC. These consumers’ perspectives is associated with sponsorship efectiveness, attitude towards sponsor and purchase intention, both of which are the consumer’s response in marketing communication, affective and conative stage respectively, in order to stand in line with today’s research in sponsorship’s effectiveness that shifted away from merely considering awareness.
Based on study conducted by the author, in Garuda Indonesia’s sponsorship, attitude towards sponsor is significantly affected by belief about sponsorship, attitude towards commercialization, dan team identification. Meanwhile, purchase intention is significantly affected by belief about sponsorship directly and indirectly through attitude towards sponsor as a mediating variable. This study found that perception of financial status not significantly related to attitude towards sponsor and purchase intention in context of sponsorship conducted by Garuda Indonesia.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014