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Fadjar Arifin
"Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: Tanin terdapat dalam sejumlah besar tanaman. Tanin bersifat adstringen dan dilaporkan bersifat hepatotoksik pada pemberian secara topikal, parenteral maupun per os. Zat-zat yang bersifat hepatotoksik pada pemberian dalam jangka waktu lama dapat menimbulkan sirosis.
Teh hijau merupakan bahan dasar pembuatan teh wangi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah teh, yang mengandung tanin teh, berpengaruh buruk terhadap hati. Untuk itu dibuat ekstrak teh hijau (ETH) dan diberikan per os dengan dosis tinggi pada mencit jantan strain C3H 32 ekor yang dibagi 4 kelompok. Kelompok I sebagai kontrol, kelompok II diberi ETH 80 mg/kg BB/hari, kelompok III 400 mg/kg BB/ hari dan kelompok IV 2000 mg/kg BB/hari; lama perlakuan 90 hari. Dibuat sediaan potong 5 u dari lobus kiri hati dan diwarnai dengan H.E.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Pengaruh perlakuan terhadap berat badan mencit diuji dengan sidik ragam satu arah, didapat F hit > F tabel (p < 0,01); analisa korelasi didapat r = -0,422 (p<0,05). Makroskopik hati berwarna merah kehitaman mengkilap. Pada kelompok I dan II tidak ditemukan kelainan mikroskopik hati. Dari kelompok III, pada 3 ekor mencit ditemukan kelainan berupa inti hepatosit piknotik di sekitar v. sentralis, sinusoid dekat v. sentralis sedikit melebar, membran sel tidak tampak jelas, hiperseluler, jaringari ikat antara sel hati tidak bertambah dan pseudolobulus tidak tampak. Pada kelompok IV, seluruh mencit tampak kelainan yang sama dengan_ ke-3 ekor mencit kelompok III. Dengan uji korelasi Kendall didapat S = 216 (p<0,01).
Kesimpulannya bahwa ETH yang diberikan per os dengan intubasi esofagus mempengaruhi pertumbuhan berat badan mencit yang tergantung pada besarnya dosis ETH. Juga derajat kerusakan hati berkaitan dengan dosis ETH yang tinggi.

Scope and Method of Study: Tannin is found in a great number of plants. It was reported to be hepatotoxic, either given topically, parenterally or per os. Hepatotoxic substances in long intake can cause liver cirrhosis.
Green tea is the basic substance to make jasmine tea in Indonesia. This study is aimed at knowing whether tea, which contains tea tannin, has a bad influence towards liver microscopic patterns. Green tea extract (GTE) was made and given per os with high dosage to 32 male C3H mice, divided into 4 groups. Group I as control group, group II was given GTE at 80 mg/kg body weight, group III given GTE 400 mg/kg and group IV given GTE 2000 mg/kg; duration of treatment is 90 days. A microscopic preparation of 5 u was made from left lobe of the liver and stained with HE.
Findings and Conclusions: The influence of treatment to-wards bodyweight is analysed by one way anova resulted in F-count > F-table at p<0.01. Correlation analysis found r = -0,422 (p<0.O5). Macroscopically the livers are bright blackish red. In group I and II no changes found with the light microscope. Three mice of group III, and all of group IV were seen pycnotic in the nuclei of hepatocytes around the central vein, slight dilatation of sinusoid around the central vein, cell membrane not clear, hypercellular, connective tissue between the liver' cells not increased, no pseudolobulus. The Kendall test found S = 216 (p<0.01).
The conclusion is that GTE given by esophageal intubation affects the increase of bodyweight of C3H mice and depend on the dosage of GTE. Also the degree of liver destruction correlated to the more given dosage of GTE.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiwi Kertadjaya
"Ruang lingkup dan cara penelitian : Kulit merupakan pelindung terhadap dunia luar. Bila luka tidak cepat menutup, ada kemungkinan infeksi. Tujuan utama pengobatan luka adalah penutupan luka dengan cepat dan pembentukan jaringan parut yang fungsional dan estetik. Proses penyembuhan memerlukan sel darah, mediator , matriks ekstrasel, sel parenkim yang terluka dan dapat dibagi menjadi 3 fase yaitu f.inflamasi, f.proliferasi dan f.remodeling.
Pada setiap perlukaan terjadi regenerasi lapisan epidermis (epidermisasi). Epidermisasi dimulai dengan proliferasi sel epitel ke arah lateral (proliferasi horisontal) dan diikuti proliferasi ke arah vertikal guna memperkuat daya lindung kulit dengan terbentuknya lapisan dengan pertautan sel-sel epitel.
Petani di Jawa Barat bagian selatan mengobati luka dengan air teh hijau dan sembuh tanpa obat lain. Teh hijau mengandung katekin (20-22% dari berat daun teh hijau). Kadar epigalokatekin galat (salah satu komponen katekin) mencapai 39% dari seluruh katekin yang ada. Epigalokatekin galat merangsang pembentukan IL-1β dan TNF pada kadar 100 µg/ml dalam 1 jam secara maksimal oleh sel MN darah tepi manusia. IL-1 dan TNF merangsang neutrofil dan makrofag untuk mengeluarkan mediator lain yang berperan pada penyembuhan baik pada f. inflamasi maupun f. proliferasi.
Dalam rangka upaya untuk melihat bagaimana air teh hijau dapat mempengaruhi proses penyembuhan luka maka telah dilakukan suatu penelitian tentang pengaruh berbagai kepekatan katekin dalam air teh hijau terhadap ketebalan epidermis di tepi luka dan perbandingan antara lebar epidermis dengan lebar luka pada hari ke-8 setelah perlukaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 25 ekor mencit galur C3H berumur 3-5 bulan, BB 16,4-24,8 g; dibagi dalam 5 kelompok secara acak. Digunakan 3 macam kepekatan katekin dalam seduhan ATH yaitu yang mengandung katekin ±0,2mg/0,5 ml (kepekatan rendah), ± 2 mg/0,5 ml (kepekatan sedang = air minuman teh) dan ± 20 mg /0,5 ml (kepekatan tinggi) serta 1 kelompok yang hanya dilukai saja (K.Kb) dan 1 kelompok yang ditetesi aquadest (K.Kp). Biopsi jaringan granulasi dilakukan pada hari ke-8 setelah perlukaan dan dibuat preparat dengan pewarnaan HE.
Hasil dan kesimpulan : Hasil pemberian berbagai kepekatan katekin dalam ATH pada luka kulit mencit dapat dirangkum sebagai berikut :
(a) Angka rata rata ketebalan epidermis di tepi luka adalah sebagai berikut : K.Kb 30,0; K.Kp : 22,5; K.ATH 0,2 : 29,3; K.ATH 2 : 28,1; K.ATH 20 : 21,0. (Dalam mikrometer, pembesaran 100 x ).
(b) Angka rata rata perbandingan lebar epidermis dengan lebar luka adalah sebagai berikut : K. Kb : 0,54; K.Kp : 0,78; K.ATH 0,2 : 0,45; K.ATH 2 : 0,43; K.ATH 20 : 0,53.
Kesimpulan :
(1) Analisis data ketebalan epidermis di tepi luka menunjukkan bahwa berbagai kepekatan katekin dalam ATH memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda bermakna pada ketebalan epidermis di tepi luka kulit mencit (Hhit = Ha > Htab yaitu 12,24 > 9,49; batas kemaknaan 5% tabel Kruskal Wallis pada df = 4 yaitu Hub = 9,49 ), yaitu angka rata rata ketebalan epidermis di tepi luka pada kelompok yang diberi katekin kepekatan rendah dan sedang lebih tebal dibanding kelompok yang diberi katekin kepekatan tinggi dan aquadest, tetapi hampir sama dengan yang tidak diberi apa-apa.
(2) Analisis data perbandingan lebar epidermis dengan lebar luka menunjukkan bahwa berbagai kepekatan katekin dalam ATH tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda bermakna (Hhit = Ha < Htab yaitu 7,49 < 9,49 ), karena angka rata-rata perbandingan lebar epidermis dengan lebar luka pada kelompok yang diberi katekin kepekatan rendah, sedang maupun tinggi lebih kecil daripada yang diberi aquadest dan yang tidak diberi apa apa.

Scope and methods of study : The primary function of the skin is to serve as a protective barrier against the environment. Loss of the integrity of the skin as a result of injury or illness may lead to infection. The goals of treatment of wound are rapid closure of the wound and making a functional esthetical scar. Wound healing is a dynamic, interactive process involving soluble mediators, blood cells, extra cellular matrix, parenchyma cells and beginning with an acute inflammation, then tissue formation and remodeling.
In every wound were epithelisation must cover the wound, epithelisation beginning with proliferation of epithelial cell in horizontal way and than in vertical way to strengthen the epidermal layer.
At the Southern part of West Java, farmers while at the paddy field treated their wound with green tea beverage and were cured without other treatment. Green tea contains mostly polyphenols, especially the catechin group, about 20-22% of the dry weight, with epigalocatehin gallate as the main component (39% ). Catechin is colorless, easily soluble in water, astringent and readily oxidizable. 100µg/ml EGCG stimulated mononuclear cells of human perifer blood to produced IL-1β is and TNF maximally in one hour and IL-1β- TNF stimulated neutrophil and macrophage to produced another mediators that involved in wound healing.
To investigate the effects of green tea beverage on epithelisation of skin wound healing, we gave three concentration of 0,5 cc green tea beverage (GTB 0,2, GTB 2 and GTB 20) in three consecutive days to 25 C3H skin wounded mice (3-5 months, weight 16,4 - 24,8 g ) that are divided at random into five groups. One group ( K.Kb ) was treated as control and the other group ( K,Kp ) was treated with aquadest. We biopsied the granulation tissue of the wound healing at the eighth days and make HE tissue slide. The slide was examined microscopically for the epithelial thickness at the edge of wound and count the ratio between the epithelial width and the whole width of the wound, These data were statistically analyzed.
Result and conclusion : Effect of several concentration of catechin in green tea beverage on the epithelisation of skin wound healing were:
(a) Mean from the thickness of epithelial tissue at the edge of the wound were (in micrometer) : Free control group: 30,0; Solution control group 22,5; Green tea 0,2 group : 29,3; Green tea 2 group : 28,1; Green tea 20 group : 21,0.
(b) Mean from the ratio between the epithelial width and the whole width of the wound were : Free control group : 0,54; Solution control group : 0,78; Green tea 0,2 group ; 0,45; Green tea 2 group : 0,43; Green tea 20 group : 0,53.
Conclusion: Several concentrations of catechin in green tea beverage give significant different effect on the thickness of epithelial tissue at the edge of the wound (Hhit = Ha >Htab or 12,24 > 9,49 ), especially with the low and middle concentartion of GTB but not for the ratio between the epithelial width and the whole width of the wound (Hhit = Ha < Htab or 7,49 < 9,49 ).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Kurnia Putri
"Fitosom merupakan salah satu nanovesikel lipid yang dapat meningkatkan absorbi zat aktif. Ekstrak teh hijau diformulasikan menjadi fitosom. Tujuan untuk melihat kemampuan fitosom menghambat kenaikan berat badan. Tiga formula dengan hidrasi lapis tipis, selanjutkan dikarakterisasi pembentukan kompleks fitosom, morfologi, ukuran partikel, zeta potensial, indeks polidispersitas , dan uji efisiensi penjerapan. Fitosom dan ekstrak teh hijau diuji absorbsi secara in vitro. Sebanyak 25 ekor tikus dibagi menjadi lima kelompok uji, kelompok normal, plasebo, orlistat, ekstrak teh hijau dan fitosom. Selama 8 minggu diinduksi peroral menggunakan fruktosa 10% + kolesterol 2% dan perlakuan uji. Karakteristik terbaik FIII terbentuk kompleks, morfologi bentuk sferis, Dv90 782,67 ± 39,7 nm, polidispersitas indeks 56 ± 0,11, zeta potensial -70,83 ± 1,67 mV, dan efisiensi penjerapan 97,77 ± 2,66%. Hasil pengujian terhadap hewan uji pada minggu ke-8 persentase kenaikan berat badan pada perlakuan normal 46,47 ± 17,48 %, plasebo 101,17 ± 10,37%, orlistat 42,51 ±25,13 %, ekstrak teh hijau 92,73 ± 36,43 %, dan fitosom 45,09 ± 15,56 %. Fluks ekstrak teh hijau sebesar 2.316,2 ± 1309,8 µg/cm2/jam dan fitosom 3.125,3 ± 2071,8 µg/cm2/jam. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah fitosom dapat menghambat kenaikan berat badan dan lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan ekstrak teh hijau (p < 0,05).

Phytosomes are one of the lipid nanovesicles that can increase the absorption of active substances. Green tea extract is formulated into phytosomes. The goal is to see the ability of phytosomes to inhibit weight gain. Three formulas with thin layer hydration were further characterized by phytosome complex formation, morphology, particle size, zeta potential, polydispersity index, and entrapment efficiency. Phytosomes and green tea extracts were tested for absorption in vitro. A total of 25 rats were divided into five test groups, the normal group, placebo, orlistat, green tea extract and phytosomes. For 8 weeks orally induced using fructose 10% + 2% cholesterol and treatment. The best characteristics of FIII are complex, spherical morphology, Dv90 782.67 ± 39.7 nm, polydispersity index 56 ± 0.11, zeta potential -70.83 ± 1.67 mV, and entrapment effiiency 97.77 ± 2.66 %. Test results on test animals at 8 weeks percentage of weight gain in normal treatment 46.47 ± 17.48%, placebo 101.17 ± 10.37%, orlistat 42.51 ± 25.13%, green tea extract 92, 73 ± 36.43%, and fitosomes 45.09 ± 15.56%. Green tea extract flux was 2,316.2 ± 1309.8 µg/cm2/hour and phytosomes 3,125.3 ± 2071.8 μg/cm2/hour. The conclusion of this study is that phytosomes can inhibit weight gain and are better when compared to green tea extracts (p <0.05)."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Resmi Kartini Setiawan
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: Amiloid merupakan suatu substansi protein patologis. Amiloidosis pada manusia merupakan penyakit dengan kelainan klinik yang sangat bervariasi, maka penyelidikan amiloidosis pada hewan percobaan mempunyai arti yang penting. Dinding sel C. albicans mengandung mannan, yang diduga berperan dalam terjadinya amiloidosis; demikian pula kasein dikenal dapat menimbulkan amiloidosis pada hewan percobaan. Perjajanan penyakit atau proses terjadinya amiloidosis pada kedua cara induksi tersebut belum jelas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mempelajari proses terjadinya amiloidosis dengan membandingkan cara induksi antara C. albicans dan kasein, dengan menilai terjadinya amiloidosis pada lokalisasi tertentu yang merupakan tempat predisposisi pada hati dan Limpa mencit murni C3H. Digunakan 112 mencit betina dan jantan umur 10-12 minggu, dibagi dalam kelompok yang mendapat 1) C. albicans 100.000 sel/0,5 ml; 2) Larutan kasein 50 mg/0,5 ml; 3) larutan 0,85% NaCL/0,5 ml; 4) larutan 0,15 M NaHC0310,5 ml; 5) kelola tanpa perlakuan. Mencit dibunuh 2, 4, 6 dan 8 minggu setelah perlakuan; jaringan hati dan Limpa diambil untuk membuat sediaan mikroskopik dan dipu;as dengan hematoksilin eosin dan merah kongo. Deposit amiloid ditetapkan berdasarkan reaksi spesifik dengan cahaya polarisasi.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: C. aLbicans dosis 100.000 sel/0,5 ml mempunyai daya induksi amiloidosis pada mencit C3H Lebih tinggi daripada yang disebabkan kasein dosis 50 mg/0,5 ml. Pada amiloidosis limpa terdapat perbedaan sebesar 5,3% pada 2 minggu setelah perlakuan, 14,6% pada 4 minggu, dan 5,6% pada 6 dan 8 minggu setelah perlakuan. Pada amiLoidosis hati terdapat perbedaan 39% pada 4 minggu, dan 33% pada 6 dan 8 minggu setelah perlakuan. Hasil ini menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p<0,0005) Gambaran mikroskopik amiloidosis limpa dan hati yang disebabkan C. albicans berbeda bermakna (p<0,0005) dibanding dengan yang disebabkan kasein, bila dihubungkan dengan waktu perkembangannya.

Amyloid is a pathologic proteinaceous substance. amyloidosis could cause illness to human beings, with varied clinical signs; the study of amyloidosis on experimental animals was very useful. The cell wall of C. albicans contains mannan which was suspected of causing amyloidosis, and casein was also known to cause amyloidosis in experimental animals. The aim of this research is to study the process of amyloidosis and to compare the induction by C. albicans and casein by examining amyloidosis at the pre-disposing localization in the liver and spleen of C3H mice. The experiment used 112 mice (male and female) 10-12 weeks old; they were divided into groups given: 1) C. albicans 100,000 cells/0.5 ml, 2) casein 50 mg/ 0.5 ml, 3) 0.85% NaCL10.5 ml, 4) 0.15 M NaHC03/0.5 ml, 5) control without treatment. The mice were killed at the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th week after treatment finished, and the liver and spleen were taken out to make microscopic preparation and stained with hematoxylin eosin and Congored. Amyloid deposit was examined by specific reaction to polarized Light.
Findings and Conclusions: C. albicans 100,000 cells/0.5 ml showed higher effect in inducing amyloidosis in C3H mice compared to casein 50 mg/0.5 ml. There were 5.3% difference on the 2nd week of treatment in the spleen, 14.6% on the 4th week, and 5.6% on the 6th and 8th week. In the Liver amyloidosis process, there were 39% difference on the 4th week after treatment and. 33% on the 6th and 8th week. These differences were statistically significant (p<0.0005).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
RA Farradila RPI
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pasta gigi yang mengandung ekstrak teh hijau terhadap pH plak gigi. Subjek diberi pasta gigi tanpa dan dengan ekstrak teh hijau secara crossover. Pengukuran pH plak dilakukan sebelum dan 30 menit sesudah pemberian pasta gigi yang mengandung ekstrak teh hijau sampai dengan 15%. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pasta gigi yang mengandung ekstrak teh hijau 5, 10, atau 15% meningkatkan pH plak secara bermakna (p < 0,05), namun nilai ini tidak berbeda bermakna dibandingkan dengan hasil yang diperoleh dari pemberian pasta gigi tanpa ekstrak teh hijau. Disimpulkan bahwa pasta gigi mengandung ekstrak teh hijau 5% sudah dapat meningkatkan pH plak secara bermakna.

The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of toothpaste containing green tea extract on dental plaque pH. Subjects were given toothpastes without and with green tea extract using a crossover design. Plaque pH measurements were made before and 30 minutes after the application of toothpastes with green tea extract concentration up to 15%. Results showed that application of toothpaste containing 5, 10, or 15% green tea extract has increased plaque pH significantly (p < 0,05), however, the values were not significantly different compared to those after application of toothpaste without green tea extract. In conclusion, toothpaste with 5% green tea extract has already increased plaque pH, significantly."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratiwi Dyah Kusumo
"Berdasarkan beberapa hasil penelitian di Jepang ' teh hijau diketahui mempunyai efek anti kanker, oleh karenanya potensi tersebut perlu dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya hambat ekstrak air teh hijau {Camelia sinensis . Kuntze terhadap proliferasi sel tumor kelenjar susu mencit {Mus musculus L.) galur C3H. Bubur tumor kelenjar susu mencit donor ditransplantasikan pada mencit resipien dan setelah masa laten, mencit resipien dicekok ekstrak air teh hijau dengan dosis 250 mg/kg berat badan mencit, 500 mg/kg berat badan mencit dan 1000 mg/kg berat badan mencit setiap hari selama tiga minggu. Sebagai kontrol pelarut digunakan akuades. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari, meliputi perubahan besar volume tumor dan berat akhir tumor. Hasil analisis secara statistik menunjukkan adanya pengaruh bermakna daya hambat ekstrak air teh hijau terhadap proliferasi sel tumor kelenjar susu mencit {Mus musculus L. ) galur C3H pada = 0,05. Daya hambat ini dapat disimpulkan dari perbedaan persentasi pertambahan volume antara mencit kontrol positif dan kontrol pelarut dibandingkan dengan mencit yang diberikan perlakuan dosis 500 mg/kg berat badan mencit dan dosis 1000 mg/kg berat badan mencit. Daya hambat terbesar didapat pada mencit yang diberi perlakuan dosis 500 mg/kg berat badan mencit."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adeline Clarissa
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek obat kumur mengandung ekstrak daun teh hijau terhadap penyembuhan keradangan gingiva secara klinis. 60 penderita gingivitis dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Berkumur dilakukan dua kali sehari selama empat hari. Pengukuran Indeks Plak (PlI) dan Indeks Papilla-Bleeding (PBI) dilakukan pada hari nol dan hari lima. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Paired dan Independent T-Test. Terdapat penurunan PlI dan PBI yang bermakna (p<0,05) setelah berkumur pada kedua kelompok dan terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05) antara kelompok pada penurunan PlI dan PBI. Dengan demikian, obat kumur mengandung ekstrak daun teh hijau mampu menurunkan keradangan gingiva.

The purpose of this research is to know the effect of mouthwash containing green tea leaves extract towards gingivitis healing clinically. 60 subjects suffering gingivitis were divided into two groups, the experimental group and control group. Rinsing was done twice a day for four days. Plaque Index (PlI) and Papilla-Bleeding Index (PBI) were measured on day zero and day fifth. Data were analyzed using Paired and Independent T-Test. There was a significant reduction (p<0,05) of PlI and PBI post-rinsing within both group and there was significant difference (p<0,05) between the groups on PlI and PBI reduction. Mouthwash containing green tea leaves extract is able to decrease gingival inflammation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kanker payudara adalah penyakit multifaktor yang mengakibatkan insiden kematian wanita tertinggi di dunia. Pengobatan kanker payudara berupa pembedahan, radioterapi, dan kemoterapi memiliki efek samping sehingga perlu pengobatan alternatif, salah satunya menggunakan bahan herbal. Daun sirsak (Annona muricata Linn) dilaporkan memiliki efek antitumor dan sitotoksik, tetapi penelitian in vivo terhadap kanker payudara masih sedikit, dibutuhkan penelitian lanjut mengenai efektivitas dan jalur penghambatan daun sirsak terhadap berbagai kanker. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya hambat dan dosis efektif ekstrak metanol daun sirsak (Annona muricata Linn) terhadap pertumbuhan tumor payudara mencit C3H secara in vivo. Sebanyak 30 ekor mencit galur C3H yang ditransplan dengan tumor payudara dari mencit C3H donor bertumor, dibagi dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kontrol negatif hanya diberi pelarut CMC 0,5%, kontrol positif diberi doksorubisin, kelompok pemberian ekstrak daun sirsak dosis 15, 30, dan 45 mg/kg BB. Setiap mencit dicekok ekstrak daun sirsak 0,2 cc per hari selama 21 hari, sedangkan kelompok kontrol positif diberikan doksorubisin secara intra vena 0,03 μg/20g BB seminggu sekali selama 21 hari. Panjang dan lebar tumor diukur di awal dan seminggu sekali selama perlakuan untuk mendapatkan data volume tumor. Pada akhir penelitian mencit dinekropsi, tumor mencit ditimbang dan dilakukan pewarnaan AgNOR untuk diukur aktivitas proliferasi sel. Hasil uji Anova menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna (p=0,007) antar perlakuan terhadap volume tumor akhir dan terhadap aktivitas proliferasi (p=0,001). Uji Kruskal Wallis terhadap berat tumor menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna antar perlakuan (p=0,03). Hasil uji korelasi Spearman secara bermakna (p=0,03) menunjukkan ada korelasi positif antara aktivitas proliferasi sel dengan pertumbuhan volume tumor dengan kekuatan korelasi yang lemah (r=0,39). Disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak metanol daun sirsak (Annona muricata Linn) dapat menghambat laju pertumbuhan volume tumor dan aktivitas proliferasi sel kanker payudara mencit C3H dan optimum penghambatan pada dosis 30 mg/kg

BB.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman?s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice?s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman?s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice?s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman?s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice?s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman?s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice?s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman’s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice’s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.;Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman’s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice’s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose., Breast cancer is a multifactor disease that has been a leading cause of woman’s mortality. Treatments for breast cancer such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy have their own side effects, so that alternative treatments such as herbal medicine are needed. Soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) has been reported to have antitumor and cytotoxic effects, but only few conducted in vivo, an advanced research is needed to find the effectiveness and the inhibition pathway of the soursop leaf. The purpose of this research is to find out the inhibition capacity and the effective dose of soursop leaf methanol extract (Annona muricata Linn) against the development of C3H mice’s breast cancer in vivo. There were thirty mice of C3H strain which were transplanted with breast tumor and they were divided into five groups consisting of negative control group which was given only solvent CMC 0.5%, a positive control group which was given doxorubicin, a dose group of 15 mg/kg BB, a dose group of 30 mg/kg BB, and a dose group of 45 mg/kg BB. Each mouse was given 0,2 cc soursop leaf extract every day for 21 days while the positive control group was given doxorubicin 0,03 μg/20 gram BB once a week for 21 days intravenously. The length and the width of the tumor were measured at the beginning and also measured once a week during the experiment process to gain the data of the tumor volume. At the end of the research, the tumor of the mice was lifted and weighed and it was stained by AgNOR to measure the proliferation activity of the cell. The Anova result showed that there was a significant difference (p=0,007) between treatment against the development of tumor which was marked by the decrease of the tumor volume and proliferation activity (p=0,001). The Kruskal Wallis result showed that there was no significant difference (p<0,33) in the tumor weight. Spearman correlation study significantly (p=0,03) indicated that there was a positive correlation between the cell proliferation activity and the growth of the tumor but in a weak correlation (r=0,39). Therefore, it could be concluded that the methanol extract of soursop leaf (Annona muricata Linn) can inhibit the growth rate of tumor volume as well as the proliferation activity of the breast cancer cell of C3H mice and it worked optimally at 30 mg/kg BB dose.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bing Djimantoro
"Nekrosis hati akibat karbon tetraklorida (CC1&) diperkeras oleh berbagai macam obat/zat kimia yang dimetabolisme di hati dan berperan sebagai 'inducer' sitokrom P-450 seperti misalnya fenobarbital dan DDT. Steroid depo-medroksiprogesteron asetat (DMPA) yang banyak dipakai sebagai obat pencegah kehamilan juga dimetabolisme di dalam hati, Penelitian ini untuk melihat pengaruh DMPA terhadap luas nekrosis hati akibat CC14. Digunakan 60 mencit betina C3H, tidak sedang bunting, umur 10-12 minggu yang sebagian diberi CC14, sebagian lagi diberi DMPA 10 atau 100x3 mg/kg BB 7 atau 14 hari sebelum pemberian CC14, dan sebagian lagi untuk kelola. Dua puluh empat jam setelah pemberian CC14 mencit dimatikan, dibuat sediaan mikroskopik hati dari lobus kiri dengan pulasan hematoksilin-eosin. Luas nekrosis sentral hati diukur dalam persentase pada setiap sediaau mikroskopik.
Hasil dan Kesimpulan: Didapatkan nekrosis sentrolobulus hati pada seluruh mencit kelompok CCIA dan kelompok DMPA + CC1h. Dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang mendapat CC1 , terlihat sedikit kenaikan luas nekrosis sentrolobulus pada kelompok mencit yang mendapat DMPA + CC1 (terutama pada kelompok yang mendapat DMPA 100x3 mgfkg BB, 7 hari sebelum pemberian CCIA. Namun demikian tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok-kelompok tersebut (tes Kruskal-Wallis dan Mann Whitney, u 52). Hal ini mungkin disebabkan karena rendahnya haik kadar medroksiprogesterqn asetat (MPA) di dalam darah maupun 'metabolism rate' MPA di dalam mikrosom sel hati, sehingga tidak cukup kuat berperan sebagai 'inducer' sitokrom P-450 yang akan menimbulkan perbedaan bermakna luas nekrosis sentrolobulus hati. Tentunya hal ini perlu penegasan dengan memeriksa sitokrom P-450 di dalam sel hati di bawah pengaruh DMPA.

Necrosis of the liver due to carbon tetrachloride (CCI4) are increased by various drugs / chemicals which are metabolized in the liver and acted as cytochrome P-450 inducer such as phenobarbital and DDT. Steroid depo-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) which is used as a birth control drug, is also metabolized in the liver. The objective of this study is to know the influence of DMPA on the width of centrolobular necrosis in the liver caused by CCl. Sixty non-pregnant female C3H mice, 10-12 weeks old, were divided into groups given CCl4, DMPA 10 or 100x3 mg/kg body weight 7 or 15 days prior to CCl& treatment and solvent as control group. Mice were killed 24 hours after CC1& administration and specimens were taken for microscopic slides from the left lobe of the liver and stained by haematoxylin-eosin. The width of the centrolobular necrosis was measured in percentage for each microscopic slide.
Findings and Conclusions: Centrolobular necrosis was found in all mice in the CClh and DMPA + CCl4 groups. Compared with the CCl4 group, there was a slight increase in the width of centrolobular necrosis in the DMPA + CCIA groups (especially those groups receiving DMPA 100x3 mg/kg, 7 days prior to CCl4 administration). But neither group of mice showed any significant difference in the ratio of the width of centrolobular necrosis (Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test, a 52). This might be caused by the low level of medroxyprogesteron acetate (MPA) in the blood and by a very slow metabolism rate of MPA by the liver microsome, so it is not strong enough to act as Cytochrome P-650 inducer to give significant difference in the width of the centrolobular necrosis. Further confirmation is necessary to determine the amount of cytochrome P-A50 in the liver under the influence of DMPA.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1986
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi hepatoprotektif madu PS (Pollen Substitute) terhadap gambaran histologis hati mencit (Mus musculus) jantan galur DDY. Dua puluh empat ekor mencit jantan dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol normal (KK1) yang diberikan akuades dan minyak kelapa; kelompok kontrol perlakuan (KK2) yang diberikan akuades dan CCl4; serta 2 kelompok perlakuan (KP1 dan KP2) yang diberikan madu PS dosis 0,04 ml/20 g bb dan 0,08 ml/20 g bb selama 14 hari berturut-turut, kemudian diinjeksikan CCl4 2 jam setelah pemberian madu PS terakhir. Organ hati diisolasi 24 jam setelah injeksi CCl4. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan tidak ada pengaruh pemberian madu PS terhadap berat basah organ hati (KK1 [1,57±0,34] gram, KK2 [1,92±0,21] gram, KP1[1,73±0,34] gram, KP2 [1,75±0,30] gram) dan diameter vena sentralis (KK1 [37,91±2,44] μm, KK2 [73,39±3,06] μm, KP1 [70,03±9,65] μm, KP2 [67,61±6,33] μm), serta terdapat pengaruh pemberian madu PS terhadap warna organ hati, persentase derajat kerusakan lobulus hati (derajat 0, 1, 2, dan 3 KK1 [55,70%; 40,00%; 4,33%; dan 0,00%], KK2 [4,56%; 29,00%; 18,67%; dan 47,78%], KP1 [14,22%; 43,11%; 15,22%; dan 27,44%], KP2 [6,34%; 41,33%; 24,67%; dan 27,67%]), dan gambaran histologis hati. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan pemberian madu PS dosis 0,04 ml/20 g bb memberikan efek hepatoprotektif yang lebih baik dibandingkan madu PS dosis 0,08 ml/20 g bb terhadap gambaran histologis hati.

The aim of this study was to know hepatoprotective potency of PS (Pollen Substitute) honey to liver histology of DDY strain male mice (Mus musculus). Twenty four male mice were divided into 4 groups, which were normal control group (KK1) which was given aquadest and palm oil, treatment control group (KK2) which was given aquadest and CCl4, as well as 2 treatment groups (KP1 and KP2) which were given PS honey dose 0,04 ml/20 g bb and 0,08 ml/20 g bb in 14 days. Then KP1 and KP2 were induced by CCl4 2 hours after the last administration of honey PS. The liver then was isolated 24 hours after CCl4 injection. The result of statistic test showed that there were no effects of PS honey administration to liver wet weight (KK1 [1,57±0,34] gram, KK2 [1,92±0,21]
gram, KP1[1,73±0,34] gram; KP2 [1,75±0,30] gram) and central vein diameter (KK1 [37,91±2,44] μm, KK2 [73,39±3,06] μm, KP1 [70,03±9,65] μm, KP2 [67,61±6,33] μm), and there were effects of PS honey admisnistration to liver color, percentage of liver lobulus damage level (level 0, 1, 2, and 3 of KK1 [55,70%; 40,00%; 4,33%; and 0,00%], KK2 [4,56%; 29,00%; 18,67%; and 47,78%], KP1 [14,22%; 43,11%; 15,22%; and 27,44%], KP2 [6,34%; 41,33%; 24,67%; and 27,67%]), and liver histology. The result of the observation showed that the hepatoprotective effect of administration of PS honey dose 0,04 ml/20 g bw was better than dose 0,08 ml/20 g to liver histology.;"
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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