"Masalah ISPA di Indonesia sekarang menyebabkan sekitar 36 % kematian bayi dan 13 % kematian anak balita. (SKRT 1992). Dan dari segi pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan, baru sekitar 64,5% balita ISPA yang memanfaatkan fasitas pelayanan kesehatan selebihnya ke dukun, diobati sendiri dan didiamkan (SDKI,1991), pada tahun 1994 proporsi tersebut turun menjadi 62,8% (SDKI, 1994).
Disain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional study dengan analisis case control data SDKI 1994. Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat hubungan keterpaparan media komunikasi ibu balita dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan keschatan untuk balita ISPA, dan yang mempengaruhi hubungan tersebut. Untuk mengetahui besarnya hubungan dilakukan perhitungan Odds ratio melalui analisis multivariat unconditional logistic regression.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemaparan media komunikasi berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan, OR = 1,28 (95 % CI= 0,931-1,701), umur ibu tidak berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan OR = 1,06 (umur 25-36 tahun) dan OR=0,84 untuk umur >36 tahun, pendidikan ibu ? SLIP, OR= 2,02 (95% C1;1,58-2,58), status kerja rutin ibu OR= 0,76 (95% CL 0,61-0,93), begitu juga jumlah anak E 3 orang OR = 0,71(95 % CI.0,57-0,88), status sosial ekonomi sedang OR =0,79 (95% CL0,69-0,93), sedangkan sosial ekonomi tinggi, OR = 1,76 (95% CI, 1,49-2,09). Dan faktor anak yang diteliti, umur anak 2-12 bulan OR= 1,16 (95 % Cl. 0,96-1,40), umur > 12 bulan , OR= 1,05 (95% CL4,88-1,26) dan adanya penyakit penyerta, OR =1. Jenis kelamin pria OR=1,30 (95% CI, 1,05-1,30), dan jumlah hari sakit > 3 hari OR = 1,65 (95% C1=I,33-2,05). Tipe daerah urban dengan OR= 1,84 (95% CI,1,41-2,39), wilayah Jawa Bali dengan OR-1,45 (95% CI,1,09-1,92), dan pendidikan suami ? SLIP OR=1,87 (95% CI, I,49-2,36),.
Kesimpulan, hubungan pemaparan media komundcasi ibu balita dengan pemanfaatan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan untuk balita ISPA, dengan analisis multivariat nilai OR murni = 1,2798 (95 % CL0,931-1,701), secara statistik menjadi borderline (hampir bermakna), dan ditemukan fariabel pendidikan ibu, jumlah hari saldt, jenis kelamin anak, dan sosial ekonomi ibu berperan terhadap hubungan keterpaparan media komunikasi dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan.
Saran penelitian ini adalah perlunya peningkatan upaya komunikasi informasi dan edukasi tentang manfaat pelayanan kesehatan untuk balita ISPA dalam rangka menekan angka kematian bayi dan balita, melalui media yang dapat dengan mudah dicerna (misalnya ; bahasa setempat) dan dapat dijangkau oleh masyarakat, serta meningkatkan penyuluhan lewat tatap muka khususnya ibu balita atau keluarga yang terhbat langsung dalam perawatan balita terutama di wllayah Luar Jawa-Bali.
Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) issue in Indonesia has caused of around 36 % of baby mortality and 13 % of children ( SKRT 1992). It is reviewed through medical service utilization , just around 64.5% of ARI in children being utilized a medical service facility, and the rest going to shaman, self treated and ignored (SDKI, 1991), in the year of 1994 such proportion has decreased of 62.8 % (SDKT,1994).This research design shall mean a cross sectional study through analysis of case control of secondary data of IOBS 1994. The purpose of this research is to observe the relation on exposure of communication media for mother of children through medical service utilization for ARI and the factors there to which may affect such relation. In order to acknowledge how far such relation may be taken into consideration of Odds Ratio through analysis of multivariat unconditional logistic regression.This research result shows that the exposure of communication media is related to the medical service utilization, OR = 1.28 (95 % CI = 0.931 - 1.701), age of mother is not related to medical service utilization OR = 1.06 ( age of 25 - 36 years), and OR 0.84 for age > 36 years, mother education ? SLIP , OR=2.02 (95 % CI; 1.58-2.58), mother's routine work status OR = 0.76 (95 % C1;0.61-0.93), and also amount of children < 3 person OR = 0.71, middle economic social status OR = 0.79, while high economic status , OR = 1.76 (95% CI; 1.49 - 2.09), pursuant to factor of children being observed, age of children 2 - 12 months OR = 1.16 (95 % CI; 1.96 - 1.40), age > 12 months, OR =1.05 and disease suffered , OR = 1, sex of male OR = 1.30 (95 % CI; 1.05 - 1.30) and amount of sick days OR = L65 (95 % CI; 1.33 - 2.05). Type of urban area OR = 1.84 (95 % CI; 1.41 - 2.39), Java Bale region , OR = 1.45 (95 % CI; 1.09 - 1.92), and husband education ? SLTP OR = 1.87 (95 % CI; 1.49 - 2.36).Conclusion, relation on exposure of communication media for mother of children under five through medical services utilization for ARI in children under five through analysis of multivariate 5nds OR adjust value = 1.2798 (95 % CI; 0.931 - 1.701), statistically being borderline (almost meaning), and then it is found that variable of mother education, amount of sick days, sex of children and mother social economy may affect to relation on exposure of communication media through medical service utilization.In this agreement, it is suggested that the improvement effort of communication, information and education concerning medical service utility for ARI in children in the framework of decreasing baby mortality, through media which is easy to understand are required (local language) and may be reached out by public, and also by providing information fare to face particularly with mother of children under five or family being directly involved in taking care of children particularly outside of Java- Bali."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1996