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Ruth Sih Kinanti
"Representation of homosexuality constructed by heterosexuality through various discourses has placed homosexuals as the other and the outsider in social life. Heterosexuality (as the dominant) constructs homosexuality (as the subordinate) based on their sexual behavior that is considered abnormal, immoral and not human. Therefore, they belong to no sexual category in heterosexual society.
The above mentioned situation has moved homosexuals to make resistance by constructing alternative homosexuality representation in any field, including literature. Through literature, homosexuals in the United States of America struggle for their identity in any discourses in 1980s in articles in newspapers, journals published by gay or anti gay organizations. And later representation of homosexuality constructed by heterosexuality was internalized by three plays: As Is, Safe Sex and The Way We Live Now but then deconstructed by Angels in America.
Just as the other plays in 1980s, As Is, Safe Sex and The Way We Live Now arise empathy and sympathy of the readers or the audience since they show the suffering of homosexuals having AIDS disease and representation of homosexuality as the Other, the Sinner and the Polluting person. Whereas Angels in America which was written in the same decade as the three mentioned plays, differ in presenting life, attitude, and courage of homosexuals towards Queer Culture era, an era that was begun in 1990 when homosexuals wanted to show homosexuality as a sexual identity.
Angels in America tries to make a new representation of homosexuality by using religion and AIDS, as also used by heterosexuality, as a political means to deconstruct and show homosexuality as a sexual identity, a third sexual category, as the honored man and Savior.
Homosexuality in Angels in America is regarded as sexual identity, just like male or female. It is not considered as a dirty and dangerous sexual behavior even one of the characters, a homosexual with AIDS, is elected as a prophet after having sexual intercourse with an angel. Instead of polluting the social life with their sexual behavior, homosexuality, and AIDS, has an important role as a prophet to bring human being towards a better life.

Representasi homoseksualitas yang dibuat oleh heteroseksualitas melalui berbagai bentuk wacana menempatkan mereka pada tempat tersisih dan di luar kehidupan masyarakat. Heteroseksualitas (sebagai pihak yang menguasai) membuat konstruksi homoseksualitas (yang dikuasai) berdasarkan perilaku seksual yang tidak umum, tidak normal, berdosa, dan tidak masuk aka!. Oleh karena itu, mereka menempatkan homoseksual pada tempat tersisih dan tidak dapat digolongkan pada kategori seksual yang dibuat oleh masyarakat.
Keadaan tersebut telah mendorong para homoseksual untuk membuat resistensi dengan membuat representasi homoseksualitas tandingan, misalnya lewat bidang sastra. ltulah yang diperjuangkan oleh para homoseksual di Amerika Serikat. Perjuangan mereka muncul dalam wacana-wacana pada tahun 1980-an dalam artikel di surat kabar, di jurnal baik yang dikeluarkan oleh organisasi gay atau anti gay dan kemudian diinternalisasi oleh tiga drama pendek As 1s, Safe Sex, dan The Way We Live Now dan dibongkar oleh Angels in America.
Seperti drama-drama gay pada umumnya pada waktu itu, As 1s, Safe Sex dan The Way We Live Now menimbulkan empati dan simpati pembaca atau penontonnya karena menampilkan representasi homoseksual sebagai Yang Lain, Yang Berdosa dan yang Mencemari seperti yang dibuat oleh heteroseksualitas. Sedangkan drama Angels in America yang berada pada dekade yang sama dengan ketiga drama di atas, mempunyai perbedaan dalam menampilkan kehidupan, sikap, dan kemauan para homoseksual yang lebih berani menuju era Queer Culture, suatu era yang dimulai tahun 1990 ketika para homoseksual menampilkan homoseksualitas sebagai identitas seksual.
Sama seperti heteroseksualitas yang menggunakan agama dan AIDS sebagai alat politik untuk membuat representasi homoseksualitas, Angels in America membuat representasi homoseksualitas yang baru yaitu sebagai identitas seksual, Yang mulia dan Penyelamat.
Homoseksualitas dalam Angels in America dipandang sebagai identitas seksual, sama seperti laki-laki atau perempuan dan tidak dipandang kotor bahkan diangkat menjadi nabi. Oleh karena itu, tidak mencemari kehidupan masyarakat dengan perilaku seksual dan AIDS, yang identik dengan homoseksual, tetapi menyelamatkan kehidupan manusia dengan menyadarkan mereka untuk segera bertindak untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herlin Putri Indah Destari
"Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana mimpi-mimpi tokoh Prior beserta konflik-konflik seksualitas internal yang terkait di dalamnya mencerminkan sebuah rekonseptualisasi identitas gay dalam drama Angels in America karya Tony Kushner. Dua pendekatan utama yang akan dipakai sebagai fondasi analisis, yakni Teori Interpretasi Mimpi dan dua konsep dasar dalam psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud, yakni konsep ketaksadaran dan struktur jiwa yang akan disilangkan dengan konsep identitas dan seksualitas dari Jeffrey Weeks. Fokus analisis terletak pada bagaimana identitas tokoh Prior Walter sebagai seorang gay dikonstruksi melalui interaksi antara dia dan empat tokoh yang _datang_ dalam mimpi-mimpinya. Tujuan analisis tidak hanya mencari ideologi apa yang bermain di balik interaksi tersebut, tetapi juga bagaimana ideologi ini beroperasi dan berdampak pada perubahan identitas tokoh Prior. Setiap pembahasan akan menunjukkan bentuk relasi kuasa, mekanisme regulasi dan kontrol yang digunakan, serta krisis identitas dalam diri tokoh Prior baik yang tercermin maupun yang dihasilkan dari dinamika bawah sadar tersebut. Resistensi tokoh Prior terhadap konflik ini akan dilihat sebagai perlawanannya untuk merekonstruksi identitas gay (untuk personal sekaligus kolektif). Kesimpulan dari analisis ini adalah bahwa mimpi-mimpi tokoh Prior bukanlah sekedar refleksi penemuan jati diri, melainkan sebuah proses pembentukan diri yang ia lalui sebagai upaya merekonseptualisasi gay sebagai identitas yang progresif, setara, dan berdaulat.

This study is an analysis of how Prior Walter?s dreams reflex a re-conceptualization
of gay identity in Tony Kushner?s two-part play Angels in America; Millennium Approaches and Perestroika. I use two basic concepts in Freud?s psychoanalysis?the
unconscious and the structures of the mind? and his theory of The Interpretation of
Dreams combined with Jeffrey Weeks? theoretical approaches to sexual identity to
support my work. I focus on how Prior Walter?s sexed identity is constructed through
interactions between him and four other characters who ?visited? on him in his dreams. The analysis aims not only to search for what ideology behind these interactions, but also on how the ideology operates and unsettles Prior?s identity. At each event, I examine the power relation, the various mechanisms of regulation and control presented, and the identity crisis within Prior himself both reflected and resulted from this psychic realm. Prior?s resistance to the conflicts will be the landmark of his struggle to re-construct gay identity (at personal and collective sense). In conclusion, I interpret Prior Walter?s dream is not a matter of self-discovery, but rather, a self-creation through which he re-conceptualize gay as the progressive, equal and sovereign identity.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harris, Steve
London: Headline, 1993
823.914 HAR a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joesana Tjahjani
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joesana Tjahjani
"Sexual revolution in France in the decade of the 1970s is characterized by social
openness toward sex. There is a change in the pattern of spousal living, including same-sex
relation. Homosexuals in France have the courage to declare their sexual orientation. Despite
pros and cons within the French society, PACS or the solidarity civil pact, since 1999, allowed
homosexual pairs to formalize their commitment outside marriage.
French songs with homosexual themes began to appear in the decade of the 1960s. Since
then, around 90 songs foreground homosexuality through various themes and perspectives.
In the first reading, the lyrics only foreground the emergence of consciousness or confession of
a homosexual. The theme of the orientation of homosexual behaviour can be found in most of
the songs. Other themes are related to other perspectives. Further discussion shows that these
songs are presented in terms of three negative perspectives: negative, positive and neutral.
The negative perspective uses homosexuality as an object of joke, the second proposes defense
for the homosexual community, and the neutral perspective is completely descriptive and
generally portrays sexuality and sensuality among the homosexuals."
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Humanities, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Adihartono Reksodirdjo
"Since the sexual revolution began in Europe,the sexual discourse i.e.homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality and transexuality could be a scientific discourse and many scholars start doing research this area. The development of sexual revolution is also bring up the movement of homosexual revolution communities.Thia thesis describe and analize the same sex marriage policy in the Netherlands,Belgium and Spain from the interational perspective..The Netherlands is one of the European states which is having a free and liberal sexual tradition because the government could accomodate the sexual attitude into non-bias gender policy.The legalization of homosexuality in the Netherlands took by the French through "French Napoleonic code 1811. The code explained that the liberation and marriage of homosexuality itsguarantee by policy.This code is follow by the Dutch government and they make a non-bias gendewr policy such as same sex marriage policy and also Prostitution policy.From the democracyn theory ,it is visible that the Netherlands have a sexual social democracy because they give the tolerance for the another aspiration,expression,the difference and human right. The liberal democration in the Netherlands,it should be like a pioner for the other Europen countries.After dutch government legalize the same sex marriage policy in 2001, belgium is also legalize it in 2003.One of the European countries which is surprised all over the world is Spain.Spain is the country in the Mediterranian bay which have a strong catholic tradition,but the Spanish government could accoudate the homosexual communities with the same sex marriage policy in 2005"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Buyung Anggi Prabowo Kusumo
"Angels with dirty faces merupakan pendekatan dalam berarsitektur yang berorientasi pada masyarakat pengguna. Pemahaman Angels with dirty faces terkait dengan okupansi ruang-ruang ideal dalam arsitektur oleh hal lain yang muncul dalam realita kehidupan keseharian masyarakat. Pedagang kaki lima yang ada pada ruang-ruang kota urban merupakan representasi dari Angels with dirty faces. Mereka muncul pada saat dibutuhkan, bekerja atas event yang sedang berlangsung, kemudian menghilang setelahnya Skripsi ini membahas arsitektur temporer yang muncul sebagai respon atas event yang terjadi pada waktu-waktu tertendau. Dalam hal ini, waktu digunakan sebagai sudut pandang dalam arsitektur.

Angels with dirty faces are an architectural approach that oriented in the community-users. Understanding Angels with dirty faces associated with the occupancy of ideal space in architecture by the other things that appear in the reality of everyday life of the society. Street vendors that exist in the urbanized spaces are a representation of the Angels with dirty faces. They arise in time of need, working on events in progress, and then disappeared after it. This thesis discusses temporary architecture that emerges as a response to events occurs at certain times. In this case, time is used as a point of view in the architecture."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siahaan, Ruth Stephani
"Sastra anak adalah salah satu media untuk memperkenalkan nilai-nilai sosial-budaya dalam membangun perspektif kepada pembacanya khususnya anak-anak. Salah satu perspektif yang dapat dibangun melalui sastra anak adalah pemahaman tentang gender. Sejak dahulu, gender selalu dikaitkan melalui dominasi peran laki-laki dari perempuan. Laki-laki diharapkan menjadi makhluk yang kuat, rasional, dan mandiri. Sementara itu, perempuan dianggap sebagai makhluk yang emosional, lemah, dan tunduk. Laki-laki dianggap harus mendominasidi semua ranah kehidupan, termasuk pertemanan dan persahabatan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan bagaimana anak perempuan digambarkan melalui bacaan anak khususnya pada bacaan anak Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya (KKPK) yang terbit dalam kurun waktu 2008—2016. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan empat bacaan anak dari penulis perempuan yang karyanya diterbitkan dalam seri Kecil-Kecil Berkarya (KKPK) DAR! Mizan. Melalui analisis konsep gender berdasarkan pendekatan sosiologi gender, dalam penelitian ini, dihasilkan bahwa citra anak perempuan Indonesia dihasilkan melalui praktik gender sebagai konstruksi sosial dalam aspek sosial budaya, pendidikan, dan ekonomi sastra anak. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan gambaran kepada pembaca tentang citra anak perempuan Indonesia Indonesia dalam novel anak KKPK The Star Girls, The Seven Angels, The Popular Girls dan My Days in America. Citra anak perempuan tersebut dapat terlihat dari penyampaian secara langsung atau tidak langsung serta peran anak perempuan melalui orang tua, lingkungan, dan pertemanannya. Analisis tersebut diungkapkan melalui konsep gender dengan pendekatan sosiologi sastra. Citra anak perempuan Indonesia dianalasis melalui peran gender dalam sosialisasi dengan orang tua, masyarakat dan masalah sosial menunjukkan bahwa mereka memiliki dampak yang sangat kuat pada persepsi gender anak.

Children's literature is one of the media to introduce socio-cultural values in building perspectives for readers, especially children. One perspective that can be built through children's literature is an understanding of gender. Since ancient times, gender has always been associated with the dominance of the role of men over women. Men are expected to be strong, rational and independent beings. Meanwhile, women are seen as emotional, weak, and submissive creatures. Men are considered to have to dominate in all areas of life, including friendship and friendship. Based on this, the purpose of this research is to see how girls are described through children's literature, especially in the Little Children Have Works (KKPK) published in the period 2008-2016. This research was conducted using four children's literature from female authors whose works were published in the DAR! Mizan. Through an analysis of the concept of gender based on a gender sociology approach, in this study, it was found that the image of Indonesian girls was produced through gender practices as a social construction in the socio-cultural, educational and economic aspects of children's literature. The results of this study give readers an overview of the image of Indonesian Indonesian girls in the children's novels KKPK The Star Girls, The Seven Angels, The Popular Girls and My Days in America. The image of the daughter can be seen from the delivery directly or indirectly and the role of the daughter through her parents, environment and friendship. The analysis is expressed through the concept of gender with a sociology of literature approach. The image of Indonesian girls analyzed through gender roles in socialization with parents, society and social issues shows that they have a very strong impact on children's gender perceptions."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Widisanti Swetasurya
Tesis ini membahas keterkaitan hubungan kekuasaan dengan kekerasan terhadap homoseksual yang terjadi di lingkungan sekolah. Metode analisis penelitian ini adalah kajian atas strategi representasi dalam adegan dan dialog serial TV Glee dengan berlandaskan pada teori wacana dan seksualitas Foucault, serta konsep gender Connell. Bentuk kekerasan yang disinyalir kerap dialami oleh homoseksual adalah kekerasan berbasis orientasi seksual, sehingga homoseksual selalu berada pada posisi tertindas dan bercitra negatif. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa kekerasan yang dialami homoseksual tidak hanya kekerasan berbasis orientasi seksual, tetapi juga kekerasan karena karakter di luar normal pada diri homoseksual, khususnya homoseksual laki-laki (gay) yang memiliki karakter feminin. Kondisi ini menjelaskan bahwa homoseksual tetap berada pada posisi tertindas namun ketertindasan ini justru berujung pada pembentukan citra positif pada kaum homoseksual.

This thesis discusses the correlation between power relation and violence against homosexuals in school. The study of the strategies of representation is used as the analysis method in analyzing the TV series scenes and dialogues based on the theory of Foucault’s concept of discourse and sexuality, and Connell’s concept of gender. Homosexuals have always been oppressed and stigmatized, and the form of violence that is allegedly faced by homosexuals is sexual orientation based violence. The results of this research prove that not only do homosexuals suffer sexual orientation based violence, but also violence due to the homosexual character that is considered outside of the normal manner, particularly male homosexual (gay) with feminine character. These conditions explain that homosexuals remain oppressed, but still manage to build positive image."
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brown, Dan
London: Corgi Books, 2001
813 BRO a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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