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Samperuru, Maria A.
"PT XYZ sebagai salah satu organisasi air express yang lahir sejak tahun 1969 di Amerika Serikat dan telah tersebar di seluruh dunia bergerak sangat cepat dan sangat tergantung pada kondisi pasar secara global sehingga tidak jarang mereka menghadapi tantangan-tantangan yang belum pernah ditemui sebelumnya. Ia pun harus bersaing tidak hanya dengan sesama didalam satu negara melainkan juga dengan organisasi-organisasi lainnya dari seluruh dunia.
Strategi baru harus diciptakan yang akan menyebabkan tidak cocoknya budaya organisasi yang lama dengan strategi baru. Karena itu budaya perusahaan harus diarahkan pada terbentuknya learning culture, yang pada akhirnya akan membentuk learning organization yaitu organisasi global yang dapat memiliki kemampuan mengatur dan menguasai pasar global dengan segala ketidakpastian dan tantangannya.
Dengan PT XYZ sebagai learning organization, maka semua karyawan dapat mengembangkan dan mempersiapkan diri mereka secara terus menerus dalam menghadapi segala perubahan yang terjadi baik di dalam maupun di luar organisasi misalnya saja terjadi perubahan pemegang saham maupun persaingan yang semakin ketat."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"To keep us with dynamic environmental changes, modern organizations need to develop internal capabilities, especially those related to intelectual or intangible assets, to become learning organizations. Such organizations need to incorporate the so called Knowlegge Management (KM). As strategic innovation processes, the KM reconstruction in learning organizations refers to continuous directive organizational learning values. The KM reconstruction can thus be viewed as a continuous managerial process on learning empowerment in order to create knowledge through implicit knowledge sharing, concept creation, appropriate concept supports, prototype creation, and knowledge acquisition of organization."
TEMEN 3:2 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batubara, Faisal Hasbullah
"Perubahan lingkungan bisnis di abad 21 sangat dinamis dan sulit diprediksi baik dalam bidang ekonomi, sosial dan politik, menuntut organisasi untuk selalu rnenyesuaikan diri pada perubahan lingkungan, baik lingkungan internal maupun lingkungan eksternal. Untuk itu, sebuah organisasi harus lebih progresif, inovatif dan mampu melakukan integrasi secara terus-menerus. Penopang keunggulan bersaing sebuah organisasi adalah keunggulannya dalam belajar, yang merupakan proses yang mendasari dan melahirkan perubahan. Dengan demikian sebuah organisasi harus dikembangkan sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi organisasi pembelajar (learning organization). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan seberapa besar tingkat penerapan learning organization di Akaderni Pimpinan Perusahaan dan menjelaskan apakah Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan termasuk dalam kategori learning organization? kemudian mendeskripsikan upaya-upaya apa yang harus dilakukan oleh Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan agar menjadi learning organization? Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tingkat eksplanasi deskriptif, sedangkan metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah metode survey yang diperkuat dengan wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 147 orang dan teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling diperoleh sampel sebanyak 65 responden dengan kriteria yang ditentukan yaitu karyawan tetap Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan yang terdiri dari tenaga pengajar tetap baik yang memiliki jabatan struktural maupun tidak dan tenaga administratif, memiliki tugas yang erat keterkaitannya dengan dimensi-dimensi dari lima sub sistem, dan memiliki jenjang pendidikan SLTA ke atas. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah kuesioner learning organization profile yang diambil dari buku karangan Marquardt berjudul Building The Learning Organization; A System Approach to Quantum Improvement and Global Success". Kuesioner ini digunakan untuk mengukur variabel tingkat penerapan learning organization. Kuesioner disusun berdasarkan kisi-kisi instrumen penelitian, komponen yang diukur, sub komponen yang diukur dan nomor item instrumen dapat dengan jelas diurut keterkaitannya satu dengan lainnya dan hasil analisis data dan deskripsi data hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa tight penerapan learning organization di Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan adalah bernilai rata-rata 19,24 dan berada pada range result 16-23 = fair (cukup) 1 Nilai ini lebih rendah 2,76 dari tidak rata-rata learning organization 500 organisasi dunia hasil penelitian Marquardt. Untuk masing-masing sub sistem nilai rata-ratanya adalah sebagai berikut: pertama, Dinamika Pembelajaran 19.05, kedua, Transformasi Organisasi 20.11, ketiga, Pemberdayaan Manusia 19.98, ke-empat, Pengelolaan Pengetahuan 19.45, dan kelima, Pemberdayaan Teknologi 17.58. Secara keseluruhan tingkat penerapan learning organization, menurut penilaian responden berada pada tingkat diterapkan pada bagian tertentu (39.75%), dan belum/sedikit diterapkan (37:23%). Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai akhir maupun nilai masing-masing sub sistem learning organization di Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan lebih rendah dibandingkan nilai rata-rata yang dicapai oleh 500 organisasi di dunia hasil penelitian Marquardt, dan tingkat penerapannya baru pada tahap diterapkan pada bagian tertentu organisasi (skala 2) dan belum/masih sedikit diterapkan (skala 1), artinya tingkat penerapan learning organization di Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan belum cukup baik, sehingga Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan belum dapat disebut sebagai learning organization. Untuk dapat disebut sebagai learning organization menurut Marquardt, penerapan ke lima sub sistem learning organization harus berada pada skala 3 (diterapkan pada sebagian besar organisasi) dan skala 4 (diterapkan secara penuh/menyeluruh dalam organisasi). Upaya-upaya yang perlu dilakukan agar Akademi Pimpinan Perusahaan dapat meningkat ke tahap menjadi learning organization adalah membangun komitmen bersama antara pimpinan dan seluruh karyawan untuk menjadi organisasi pembelajar, dalam perekrutan pegawai dijaring dengan sister recruitment yang baik sehingga menghasilkan orang-orang yang berkualitas dan memiliki kemampuan dan kemauan untuk terus belajar, untuk membangun pembelajaran yang efektif semua anggota organisasi harus memiliki persamaan persepsi dan pandangan atas kegiatan, tujuan dan arah organisasi di masa depan melalui adanya visi yang jelas, budaya yang mendukung, dan strategi-strategi yang inovatif untuk mendorong terjadinya pembelajaran, mernberi kesempatan seluas-luasnya kepada karyawan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dengan pemberian beasiswa. Pimpinan harus bertindak sebagai instruktur dan mentor dalam aktivitas pembelajaran, pimpinan juga harus menjadi model dan asisten pembelajar. Menciptakan kesadaran bagi semua karyawan akan pentingnya mengumpulkan dan menyebarkan pengetahuan melalui workshop, simposium dan internal benchmarking. Dalam aplikasi teknologi APP perlu menyediakan dan membangun sistem informasi yang berbasis komputer, interne, sistem Online komputer, LAN, dan lain-lain.

The change of business environment in 2151 century which is very dynamic and difficult to be predicted in the field of economy, social and politic, makes the organization has to keep adjusting to the change of environment, both in internal environment and external environment. Therefore, an organization has to be more progressive, innovative, and be able to carry out the integration continuously. Support of the competition success of an organization is a superiority in learning which is a process that becomes the basis and produces the change. Thus, an organization has to be developed as could as possible to be able to become a learning organization. This research is aimed at describing of how is the learning organization applied at The Academy For Industrial Management, and explaining whether The Academy for Industrial Management is categorized as a learning organization, and then describing the efforts which have to be carried out by The Academy For Industrial Management to be able to become a learning organization.
The research design utilized is a research with descriptive explanation level, while the research method utilized is a survey method supported by interview and documentation study. Population in this research is as many as 147 persons and the sample method utilized is a purposive sampling which has 65 respondents with determined criteria namely, the permanent employees of The Academy For Industrial Management which consist of lecturers both those who have a structural position or not and the administration staffs, who have the duty closely related to the dimensions of the five learning organization sub-systems, and have educational background of Senior High School and upper level.
Instrument utilized in carrying out this research is a questionnaire of learning organization profile quoted from the book written by Marquardt with the title " Building The Learning Organization: A System Approach to Quantum Improvement and Global Success." This questionnaire is used to measure the application level variable of the learning organization. The questionnaire is arranged based on the centers of the research instrument, measured components, measured sub-components, then the item number of instrument can be clearly traced relating to the each other relationship. From the results of data analysis and the description of research result data, it can be known that the application level of learning organization at The Academy For Industrial Management has an average point of 19,24 and it means that it is in 16-23 result range - fair. This point is lower 2,76 point of the average point of the learning organization from 500 world organizations based on Marquardt's research results. The average point of each sub-system is as follows: first. Learning Dynamic is 19,05 point. second. Organization Transformation is 20,11 point. third. People Empowerment is 19,98 point. fourth. Knowledge Management is 19,45 point. Fifty. Technology Application is 17,58 point. In overall, application level of learning organization according to the respondents is in a certain determined level (39,75%) and haven't been applied yet (37,23%). So, it can be concluded that the final point and the point of each sub-system of learning organization is tower than the average point reached by 500 world organizations based on the results of Marquardt's research, and the application level of learning organization at The Academy For Industrial Management has just been applied at a certain part of the organization (scale-2) and has not been applied yet or has just been little applied (scale-1), it means that the application level of learning organization at the Academy For Industrial Management has not well enough done, so that the Academy For Industrial Management hasn't been able yet to be categorized as the learning organization. To be able to be considered as a learning organization according to Marquardt, the application of the five sub-systems of learning organization has to be in scale-3 (applied at the most part of the organization) and scale-4 (fully/comprehensively applied in the organization). Efforts required to be carried out in order that the Academy For Industrial Management can be in the level to become a learning organization is, by making the commitment together between the leader/head and all employees. The employee recruitment is carried out by a good recruitment system so that it can have the quality people who has ability and will to continuously learn to form an effective learning. All members of the organization have to have the same perception and opinion upon the activities, objectives and organization's direction in the future through a clear vision, supporting culture, and innovative strategies to support the learning. to give the opportunity as wide as possible for the employees to continue their study to the upper level education by giving scholarship. The Leader has to act as an instructor, trainer and mentor in learning activity; the leader has also to become the model and assistant of the learning. The leader has to build the awareness to all employees about the importance of pursuing and wide spreading knowledge through the workshop, symposium, and internal benchmarking. In the technological application, The Academy For Industrial Management has to provide and establish an information system with the basis of computer, internet, computer on-line system, and others.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marasabessy, Resa Fiardi
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji peta organisasi pembelajar yang ada di PoldaMetro Jaya. Transformasi budaya birokrasi organisasi pada polda metro jaya sangat pentingdan diperlukan untuk lebih mampu menghadapi berbagai tantangan kejahatan yang makinkompleks untuk menciptakan keamanan dan ketertiban dalam mewujudkan kualitaskehidupan masyarakat. Pengambilan sampel penelitian ini diwakili oleh empat fungsi yangterdiri dari satreskrim, sabhara, intel dan biro sumber daya manusia yang terdiri dari anggotapamen, pama dan bintara. Kuesioner penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang telahdikembangkan oleh Marquardt 2002 yang terdiri dari 5 lima dimensi yang mencakup: 1 dinamika pembelajaran Learning Dynamics , 2 transformasi organisasi OrganizationTransformation , 3 pemberdayaan pegawai People Empowerment , 4 pengelolaanpengetahuan Knowledge Management , 5 penerapan teknologi Technology Application .Analisis data deskripsi statistik frukensi distribusi dan prosentase yang menjukkankapabilitas setiap masing-masing dimensi organisasi pembelajar seperti yang dikembangkanMarquardt. Kemudian digunakan analisis Korelasi Produk Momen yang digunakan untukmenguji sejauh mana korelasi setiap dimensi organisasi pembelajar.
Hasil uji diiterprestasikan bahwa hasil rata-rata setiap dimensi sangat baik dan dapat digunakan padaorganisasi. Dan berdasarkan penelitian ditemukan korelasi yang kuat diantara setiap dimensiorganisasi pembelajar r= 0.894; p< 0.01 . Organisasi memiliki kondisi yang potensial untukmenuju organisasi pembelajar. Sumberdaya manusia sangat penting bagi organisasipembelajar karena hanya sumberdaya manusia yang memiliki kapasitas untuk belajar.Sumberdaya manusia adalah nakoda yang dapat mengambil informasi danmentransformasikannya kedalam pengetahuan untuk digunakan bagi individu dan organisasi,

This research is to examine the learning organization at Regional Police OfficeJakarta. The organization transformation from bureaucratic culture type of organization tolearning organization is needed to enable the organization to encounter the complexity anddynamics of external environment. The sample was taken from four unit organization such ascriminal unit, sabhara, intelligent, and human resource division, which include middle seniorand lower police officer. This research used learning organization profile questionnaire tocollect the data that consist of five dimensions such as learning dynamics, organization transformation, people empowerment, knowledge management and technology application. The descriptive statistics was employed to analyse each dimension of learning organization profile based on range result by Marquadth model. And the correlation productmoment was also used to analyse the correlation among dimensions of learning organization.
The results indicated that average range results for each dimension was good meaning eachdimension mostly applicapable in organization. The finding also indicated there was strongcorrelation between dimensions learning dynamics, organization transformation, peopleempowerment, knowledge management and technology application to learning organization r 0.894 p 0.01 . The organization has potential environment to support the building oflearning organization. The human resource capacity become the strength of building thelearning organization, provided by the support with conducive and better atmosphere withinorganization.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitanggang, Wilson
"The Implementation of Learning Organization at Service Tax Office of Jakarta Kramat JatiIn this more competitive world, one of the keys for an efficient organization to stay firm and to be able to reach its aim is learning. Service Tax Office of Jakarta Kramat Jati, as part of the Directorate General of Tax has a vision: 'Becoming a society service model which is world class, trusted and prided upon society.
It is not easy to achieve that vision and to have a good quality of government organization. There are many requirements to be fulfill, one of them is how to create and to build organizational learning.
Learning organization might be happened if only individual learns even though individual learning doesn't guarantee the existence of organizational learning.
This research's aim is to explain and to know the level of the implementation of learning organization at Service Tax Office of Jakarta Kramat Jati.
A design that has been used in this research is explanation-descriptive level of research and methodology that has been used is case study by taking and object in the Service Tax Office of Jakarta Kramat Jati.
The population in this research is the entire officer at the Service Tax Office of Jakarta Kramat Jati. The sample is taken by census that all population reach to 102 respondents.
The instrument that has been used in this research is Learning Organization Profile (LOP) that is taken from the book Building The Learning Organization' written by Prof. Michael Marquardt. This instrument will be used to measure the variable level of implementation learning organization. Questioner is compiled based on the grille of a systematic instrument of research.
In this research, research variable, measured component, subcomponent, and instrument can be related among each other. From the result of data analyzing, we are able to know that the level of the implementation of learning organization in Service Tax Office of Jakarta Kramat Jati is fair to good (between fair and good) with average value 20,67 ( Compared with the range result that is introduced by Marquardt ).
In the dynamics learning, officer at The Service Tax Office of Jakarta Kramat Jati individually is already good enough but does not already have a methodology to accelerate the teaming. On the level of a team, it is also already good enough, but it needs training improvement on how to work and learn together.
In this transformation of organization, vision's transformation has already at good level, and so does the structure's transformation, however there is no culture to give appreciation to the individual who are willing to learn.
In the human power engineering, there is no planning or strategy to produce knowledge and skill, to give opportunity to taxpayer, tax consultant, special entrepreneur associations, and to entangle learning partner from education institute/university.
In management of knowledge, there is no innovation of service compared with other government organization. Implementation of technology is generally good.
The conclusion of this research is that the level of the implantation of learning organization at the service Tax Office of Jakarta Kramat Jati is between fair and good ( fair to good ) and still below the standard that has been tested by Marquardt. Dynamic subsystem of knowledge is still below the average result of Marquardt's research. In the subsystem the implementation of technology is above the average result of Marquardt's research.
From the description of the conclusion, leader and the officer of Service Tax Office of Jakarta Kramat Jati are suggested to improve a training on how to work and to learn together, to have a culture of giving appreciation to individual who is willing to learn to have planning/strategy to produce knowledge and skill, to give opportunity to taxpayer, tax consultant, special entrepreneur association, and to entangle learning partner from education institute/university, and the last is to innovate the service by comparing with other government organization."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Juli Andayanie
"Sekolah "X" sebagai suatu sekolah nasional plus berdiri sejak tahun 1995. Saat ini telah banyak berdiri sekolah-sekolah nasional plus di Indonesia. Dunia pendidikan juga telah mengalami perkembangan pesat, yang menuntut sekolah "X" harus selalu membuat perubahan yang sesuai dengan perkembangan pendidikan, perubahan yang bertujuan meningkatkan efektivitas sekolah. Perubahan yang terjadi tidak selalu ditanggapi dengan profesional oleh seluruh pihak sekolah maka dari itu sekolah harus mengubah budaya organisasi menjadi sebuah learning organization (organisasi pembelajaran). Dengan perubahan sekolah menjadi sebuah organisasi pembelajaran maka seluruh pihak di sekolah dapat mengembangkan dan mempersiapkan diri mereka secara terns menerus dalam menghadapi segala perubahan yang terjadi balk dari dalam maupun luar sekolah. Dengan membuat strategi yang mengubah sekolah menjadi organisasi belajar maka akan dengan mudah sekolah dapat meningkatkan efektivitasnya."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kirk, James J.
New York: McGraww-Hill, 1997
658.402 KIR t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marquardt, Michael J.
Burr Ridge, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, 1994
658.401 2 MAR g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gilley, Jerry W
Cambridge, UK: Perseus Books, 2000
658.402 Gil b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marquardt, Michael J.
"This Infoline defines action learning as a group effort that involves solving real world problems through the use of acquired learning and implementing systems-wide solutions. It discusses why this process works and the benefits to organizations that use this technique. It features brief case studies from Whirlpool, National Semiconductor, General Electric, and Cigna International Property and Casualty Corporation."
Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development Press, 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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